Master of Great Calamity Chapter 927: One point is not difficult

   An evil fire appeared quietly in Wuyoutian, and when it was burning secretly, Fang Yuan was sitting in the void for thirty-three days. Above his head, he opened up a world like a handle. The big umbrella, on both sides there are endless laws hanging down, like a wicker. Under this world, he is floating around with a thick collection of Taoism, and there are a hundred and zero at hand. The eight-dao three-sheng bamboo slips occasionally flutter up, marking out the traces of Taoism and mysteriousness, and the whole body is lingering, exuding purple light.

   From a distance, he looked like a faint candle in the thirty-three days of darkness.

   Not far from him, the white cat lay on the ark, obviously old and dozing off all the time. Only occasionally, would he open his eyes and take a look at Fang Yuan before he fell asleep again. In the past, Jiaolong had been stunned on the ark, only to feel that the dimness in the sea of ​​knowledge was actually touched during Fang Yuan’s cultivation process, which made it troubled, but he was also looking forward to it.

   Luo Feiling only takes care of Fang Yuan and the white cat. She looks like everything is normal, but occasionally, she will sit cross-legged, looking inwardly, and afterwards her face is a little sad, but it is also very fast. Then it will return to normal, still smiling.

   The other party originally said that Luo Feiling was the only existence in this broken and desperate world that could relieve the soul.

   He was able to hold his mind, borrowed the white cat’s immortal seal, deduce the 33-day rule change little by little, and understood his own way of the world because of the existence of Luo Feiling. Whenever you are tired and sleepy, you only need to say a few words with Luo Feiling, you can cheer up again, patiently wait for the signal from the sky, help Lu Xinyao play chess, and then deduce her own practice!

   Heaven and Earth Avenue, it’s really too difficult.

   Even the broken 33 days, there is an indescribable Taoism.

   Fortunately, Fang had the art of Tianyan, and he could use this method to deduce the avenue. Otherwise, even with the immortal seal, he would not be able to deduce the number of interweaving laws of those laws. After all, he is not just He wanted to use these laws, but to calculate the source of the laws clearly, even out of thin air. At this level, his magical powers are no longer magical powers, but two other words.


  yu is a deduction, Fang Yuanyu feels that the emperor who had been refined for 33 days was really too strong!

   Now, it has been three years since he apprehended the Master Tiandi and deduced the principles of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. In these three years, he has read countless immortal exercises left in the small world of Suzaku and understands the great immortal world. Inheritance, and then refining one of his own worlds to be larger and more real, like a bird, weaving a nest the size of a world with a rattan.

  As usual, he has practiced very fast.

   But now, he feels extremely slow.

  The realm of immortality is too high, and the gap between him and him is too big, unable to forge ahead, always seems very slow.

   He was afraid that when Lu Xinyao heard the news, he didn’t have enough power to mix it up, but he couldn’t help but hope that she would do it soon, because Tian Yuan didn’t have much time to do it. Now, Tianyuan can’t afford to wait…



   “Three gods, they can sit still!”

   And in a worry-free day, now there is a little girl sitting on the jade steps in front of the sect, with her little hand resting on her cheek, and seriously thinking about this question: “Obviously, I have already thought about it. Can’t bear it, do you want to wait after the Three Heavens Fair?”

   “It’s a pity, there are some things you can’t help yourself…”

  Worry-free Tian Center, on the sacred mountain of rebirth, the God of Worry-free is sitting in the cave, showing less and less appearances. The people of the Immortal Club used to visit him once every more than a month, but now it has been cancelled. This practice, for a whole year, no one saw the face of Worry-Free God, only the elders of the Immortal Association knew about it. This is because God is preparing to do something important…

   is about the existence and extinction of hundreds of millions of creatures in Worry-Free Heaven, so a series of deductions, one link after another, must not be half-divided.

  The Great Elder of the Old Immortal Hall knew the inside story, and he took on the heavy responsibility, and handled all matters, big and small, properly. Some secret plans were also started, and they didn’t bother and worry-free God. Until another half year passed, when the Great Elder of the Immortal Palace was in the quiet room, he suddenly had a whim and thought of something, so he slowly walked out of the quiet room and came into the fairy hall.

   took some quotes, and he came straight to the mountain with a solemn expression, asking the immortal servant to report to the Worry-Free God.

In   Dongfu, the Worry-Free God is sitting in front of a chessboard, holding the black ball in his hand, and looking up at the Great Elder.

   He also knows that if it is not a major event, the elder will not disturb himself at this time.

   “God, something is wrong!”

  The Great Elder sat cross-legged in front of God, and put the allusions in his hands on the case.

   I saw those in the classics, all recorded are the records of the worry-free sky stargazing. The outer sky is built on the six reincarnations. The so-called stargazing is actually observing the operation of the six reincarnations. Observe from time to time to avoid certain changes.

  Worry-free God’s gaze slowly swept across the scroll, and said lightly: “What’s the matter?”

The elder    took out the latest scroll and the oldest scroll, and compared the two, and said in a deep voice: “I have been deducing the astronomical changes of the six reincarnation formations and making some preparations, but Unintentionally, I found a problem!” Pointing to a part of the scroll, said: “The Big Dipper moves, and the East Dou is out of balance. Although it is extremely subtle, one thing can be calculated…”

   The pupils of Worry-Free God suddenly shrank.

   The Great Elder said in a low voice, and said slowly: “There is only one reason for this phenomenon. Wangchoutian is slowly approaching Li Hentian at a speed that is difficult to detect. If both of them are When the distance reaches the number of one day…”

   He didn’t say the rest, just looked at the Worry-Free God.

  Worry-free God naturally understands what will happen at that time.

   At that time, Wangchoutian and Lihentian became horns, and Wuyoutian was in the middle.

   If these two sides of heaven and earth, if they attack Wuyoutian, it will immediately become a kind of encirclement.

  In the worried gaze of the Great Elder, the Worry-Free God was silent for a long time, and slowly nodded and said: “Go, I know!”

  The Great Elder slowly withdrew from the cave, leaving only the scroll on the case of Wuyou God.

  As he walked slowly down the mountain, he was also thinking about a problem. For a long time, he said to himself: “When you continue to stop, you can suffer from the chaos, because if this thing is done, it will break the world. The pattern since the formation of the sky, so God can’t be cruel? Alas, after staying in the sky for so long, God’s heart of such talents has also been consumed. Perhaps, I should help him…”

   When they came to the foot of the mountain, the elder already had a count.

   Time passed so slowly, the Great Elder would send a new Star Dou Shushu number to the sacred mountain every day to let the Lord pass his eyes. Three months later, worry-free God, he still hasn’t ordered it. The elder made a decision in his heart!

   Li Hengtian, Forgetfulness, and Worry-free Heaven and Earth, one of the six reincarnation formations in each place, is divided into three places. Unless the permission of the three places is allowed, it is almost impossible for outsiders to break through the barriers of heaven and earth and enter the outer heavens Come, and between the three worlds, each has a channel that can communicate with each other. This channel is set in the realm of nothingness and has a special monk to check it regularly.

  On this day, when the Wuyoutian monk was inspecting this passage, a big change suddenly occurred out of thin air. A huge flame burned from the passage, and there was a loud bang, almost alarming the entire world, endless The perish stones have fallen from the sky one after another!

   “What happened?”

  Worry-free Tian, ​​the clever monks all felt intimidated, and flew into the air to check.

   Even the Worry-Free God flew up to the sacred mountain at the moment this change appeared.

   After a while, a panicked monk flew from the sky and bowed to the Lord: “Worshiping God, the big thing is not good, the outer passage to Lihengtian suddenly changed and collapsed. The specific reasons are still being checked…”

   The eyes of the worry-free God are slightly cold.

  ”Don’t panic, check carefully and report again!”

   He was still calm and gave orders slowly.

  The people from all sides in the Old Immortal Hall all sent out to condemn them, and even the Worry-Free God had a ray of divine thoughts and went to the passage to check.

   But the tunnel collapsed so badly that it was difficult to repair, let alone find out the specific cause.

   Worry-free God waited quietly, not in a hurry.

   Two days later, Li Hate Angels and Forgotten Angels came together. Li Hate Angels also discovered the abnormal changes in the passage. They are investigating carefully, and use the path of forgetfulness to report: “The Lord of Li Heng is waiting for me to report to Wu You Tian~ I only say that the channel can be repaired, don’t panic, just ask the Lord of Wu You to prepare some reborn gods, and go to Li Heng Tian to discuss! “

   “Okay, I get it!”

  Worry-free God ordered the two messengers to retreat, and slowly walked into his cave.

   After a while, he came out again, fully clothed.

  , facing the elder of the Immortal Hall, who knelt at the entrance of the cave mansion with a silent face, he said solemnly: “Are you all ready?”

  The Great Elder whispered: “Yes!”

  Worry-free God said lightly: “Then go!”



   Under the circumstances that no one thought of, Wuyoutian suddenly had a group of immortal soldiers and generals flying into the air, straddling the heavenly horses, wearing armor, murderously, and went straight to the Wangchoutian channel to kill and stand. Looking from the ground to the sky, it rushed into the sky like a meteor.

   Most of the worry-free natural creatures don’t know what’s going on, so they look up dumbfounded.

  Only in Qingyouzong, there is a gentle and lovely little girl sitting on the white jade steps with her chin supported.

   She looked up and saw the meteor in the sky, smiled, and said: “It’s not difficult!”


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