Master of Great Calamity Chapter 925: 1 piece of loyalty

   The words of Qingyou Sect Master Qu Changbai instantly caused endless panic in the Wuxian Old Association.

   In fact, some of the things he said, how can the elders in the Immortal Association not realize it and think about it?

   It’s just that no one will take the initiative to say these things, because this is just a guess after all, this matter is still very far away, this time the Fairy Fair will still be held safely, and after that, there will be three thousand years of peace. They always feel that they still have enough time to consider this matter. In other words, even if they don’t think about these things, there will be the elders and second elders of the Xianlaohui, or God himself to consider, Why bother about this, wait until then to say it!

   But Qingyou Sect Master suddenly removed the fig leaf.

   He detonated the seed of fear hidden deep in everyone’s hearts.

   If this incident really spreads outside and is heard by the people of the world, what should it be done?

   All the elders fell silent for a while, subconsciously wanting to reprimand Qingyou Sect Master, but they were shocked by the profound meaning of his words. The reprimands were too late to speak, but could not help but follow his words. I thought about the past…

   Most of Wuyoutian’s subjects do not know the existence of Tianyuan.

   But the old immortal club knows it.

   They could also imagine that Tian Yuan was suffering, so they couldn’t help panic in their hearts.

   If one day, Tian Yuan’s destiny falls to Wu Youtian, what should it be?

  This plan finally shocked the Worry-Free God.

   Just when the entire Xianlaohui was a little confused about what to do with Qingyou’s remarks and himself, suddenly on the sacred mountain, the emperor descended from the sky, and the emissaries who served the Lord came near, so that it was convenient for the temple to criticize Qingyou. Sovereign: “The demon words confuse the crowd, the alarming words are terrifying, and cause anxiety, immediately take away the cultivation base, expel the immortal old association, and order it to the hidden mountain gate, within three hundred years, will not be born!”

   Hearing the reprimand of God himself, all the elders of the Immortal Church were relieved.

   It seems that what Sect Master Qingyou said is really just crazy talk.

  God is in control of everything, so he will be punished so severely.

   But unexpectedly, in the face of God’s reprimand, Qingyou Sect Master Qu Changbai did not bow down and apologize like others, but with a look of grief and indignation. He suddenly strode out of the fairy hall and came to the immortal platform in front of the mountain. It is the one of the Xiandai where Wuyou Tianzhongxiu first received Fang Yuan. He knelt down on the ground, facing the sacred mountain, and shouted in grief and indignation: “I was born in Wuyoutian, grew up in Wuyoutian, and was loyal to heaven and earth, loyal to God, and worry-free. If there is danger, can I be regarded as missing? Today I am deeply worried about the dangers of the world and express my heart. Since God is dissatisfied, and I do not want to see me again, then why should I hide in the mountains, keep this high body in hiding, and return the world Come on!”

   He raised his hand, and a flame came out of his palm and burned to his flesh.

  ’s voice roared in grief and indignation in the flames: “If one of my deaths can be exchanged for God’s thoughts, there will be no regrets forever!”

   The elders of the entire Immortal Presbyterian Church rushed out, looking at the flames with horror.

   The immortal envoy who came with the immortal emperor’s imperial edict was also surprised, looking at the flame.

   No one thought that Sect Master Qingyou was so strong, willing to destroy himself in order to move the world.

   And his voice before dying, like a reverberant sound, wrapped around the hearts of all the practitioners.

   Even someone who didn’t take what he said too seriously before, at this time, couldn’t help but think deeply.

   had many gazes, and at this moment subconsciously looked at the top of the mountain.

   The Worry-Free God on the sacred mountain has been calmly watching Sect Master Qingyou burn his body and soul. When Sect Master Qingyou’s soul is shattered under the flames, his eyes are slightly cold, seemingly unbearable, but after all Silent, without a word.

  Drilling the camp cunningly, the Qingyou Sect Master Qu Changbai, who relied on his reputation to enter the Immortal Association, just died.

  No one in the world thought he would die so quickly, and rumors arose suddenly.

   Some people say that he is so talented and shallow, that he has taken great taboo, and died fearing sin.

   Some people also said that he lost his vigor, so he deserved it when he died.

   The world did not hear a word of what Qingyou Sect Master Qu Changbai said at the Immortal Elders’ Association, because the immortal elders would know the importance of those words and dare not let the world hear them, but they themselves seem to be forever. Those words will never be forgotten, and will never be forgotten what Qu Changbai said when he was on the top of Sendai and his body was burning. This made them, more or less, Qu Changbai gave birth to a lot of guilt. They chased the old man Qu Changbai. To a certain extent, this is to confirm his identity.

  Because he didn’t accept God’s will before he died, he was still the elder of the Immortal Association until his death.

   And God, did not say much about it, and acquiesced in this matter.

   After that, many people who openly ridiculed Qu Changbai were rectified by the Xian Lao Hui, and the world finally learned to shut up.

   At the ceremony of Qu Changbai, many elders of the Xianlaohui sent paper pythons, and the second elder of the Xianlaohui came here in person and watched kneeling in front of the spirit, wearing Bai Xiao, Yingying The tearful daughter of Qu Changbai, he felt pity and sighed secretly…

   “Daddy said, he doesn’t regret it!”

   The delicate and poor little girl suddenly turned around and said to the second elder.

  The second elder trembled in his heart: “He already knew?”

   The daughter of Qu Changbai nodded vigorously, wiped away the tears on her face, and said: “Before Dad went to the Fairy Club, he had told Yan’er that it was good for him to sell his fame or to seek promotion. He doesn’t care. He says he is useless and people speak lightly. But after all, he is the person of Wuyoutian. He can’t watch Wuyoutian fall in danger and be indifferent, so he will use his own method to speak to God. He said that there are all knowledgeable people in the Immortal Association. Although he is dead, he will be more useful to Wuyoutian…”

   The second elder listened and was silent for a long time, touched the little girl’s head, and left sadly.

   What he didn’t know was that after he left, the tearful little girl suddenly laughed in a low voice.

   Three months later, the second elder left the leader Wuyou Tianxian old congregation envoy and rushed to Lihentian to discuss the preparations for the three-day immortal meeting. When talking about the issue of resource exchange, the second elder suddenly changed his words and said that he was powerful. Hope to increase the ratio of exchange resources…

   The other two messengers were a little surprised, and smiled and relieved.

   But I didn’t expect it to look like the second elder who casually said this proposal. Seeing that the other two messengers refused to agree to their proposal, their attitude became more and more determined, and they insisted on using the same death stone. , Exchanging more water of all creatures and original crystals, when speaking of anger, even patted the table in front of the other two messengers, angry like a lion.

   “Tingyuan, I’m an old acquaintance, how can you be stubborn at this time?”

   those who hate angels helplessly persuade: “For the sake of stability for three days, you can’t let it go one step further?”

   The second elder Muting Tingyuan sternly shouted: “Then why can’t you let both of you take one step for three days’ stability?”

  His firm attitude also made the other two angels dissatisfied.

   Under the mutual heart and mind, they all returned to normal. They joined hands and negotiated with Wuyoutian. Not only did they not drop, but increased the number of dead stones. Seeing the time is approaching, the second elders will be alone in despair. He simply shot the case: “Since you are both in the world, the hearts of the people are insufficient, and the greedy is very greedy, that’s all, that’s all, just follow your set ratio!”

   “To you, to you!”

   So the final exchange ratio was set.

   This time, Wuyoutian actually exchanged the most deceased stones for the least amount of water and original crystals in history…

   When they returned to Wuyoutian, the second elder Mu Tingyuan carried a heavy feeling of grief and indignation.

   “Changbai’s words are true. We treat people with sincerity, but they are planning early. I have tried my best!”



  This time the resource exchange was unexpected to everyone in Wuyoutian.

  Worry-free celestial elders will rush to discuss and decide that this should not be tolerated, and the envoy will ask for more resources.

   Regarding this exchange of resources, no one knows if the Worry-Free God has seen it.

   But after returning from the second elder Muting Tingyuan to Wuyou Tianxian Laohui, he was furious and condemned to go to the process of reclaiming resources for two days from hatred and forgetfulness. He never said a word, just like An outsider watched the whole process and didn’t make any move.

  Worry-free angels rushed to leave hate and forget sorrow for two days, and the pain was so severe that they asked for another two days to replenish the resources.

   But in the other two days, I saw the Wuyou Tianxian aggressively, but it has returned to normal, and my attitude has become Since the ratio has been set, then we should follow the routine. You Tian wants to exchange more resources, or follow the old rules. It’s easy. Let’s talk about it in the Fairy Society after three thousand years. I only hope that when you arrive, you will send a more talking elder over!

  The conversation got more and more urgent, so that the envoys of both sides moved their hands!

   Seeing that things have reached such a stalemate, the Tripartite Tianwai Tianxian Laohui can’t ignore it, and discusses again in an attempt to clarify the misunderstanding. But at this meeting, Wuyou Tianxian led a group of people led by the second elder Mu Tingyuan. Resolutely, we must revise the old rules in exchange for more resources. The other two celestial elders will not allow it. They were talking about a peace situation, but in the end they got the swords and soldiers.

   In a contest, the elders of the Immortal Society were either injured or ran away.

  In this chaos, three gods suddenly appeared, the town frightened all the cultivation, and then suddenly took the second elder Mu Tingyuan.

  ”If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The tripartite world, if the exchange of resources for many years, has always been in peace, how can it be at this time, a lot of incidents have occurred, this old behavior is strange, very different from the usual, it must be different. Let’s search for the gods and souls and watch their heart!”

   Li Hate God yelled violently and tried to do it.

   Even the Worry-Free God frowned at this moment, did not stop, and seemed to be suspicious.

  All the repairs were unexpected, and they watched this scene dumbfounded.


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