Master of Great Calamity Chapter 915: Worry-free creatures

   The sky outside the sky is also the sky within the day.

   When Qianqian asked Di Xutian where Outer Heaven was, Di Xu told him such a sentence. At first it seemed a bit ambiguous, but now Fang Yuan saw the black door. Understand the truth that Di Xu said.

   The Dharma Boat floated slowly and flew into the door, as if it was floating, and entered the mouth of a giant beast. No matter how you look at it, it gives people a bad sign of throwing themselves into the net. But now Fang Yuan, who was standing at the head of the ark, had a firm expression, unwavering, letting the door deep with a black brilliance that looked like a dangerous sign, swallowing himself together with the ark.

   is like entering a teleportation array. First, there is darkness in front of them, and again, it is colorful and colorful. When all these illusions fade, they find that they are in a bright and warm place. Looking up at the world, at first glance, I thought I had returned to the world. Above my head, a round of scorching sun hung high, spreading light, shining all over the world, looking away from the west, a round of meniscus that was so light that there was almost no shadow sank in the west. , Will not fall, you can imagine its bright moon when night comes.

   Now Fang Yuan and others are in the blue sky. The sky behind them is like water ripples, and the wrinkles are slowly erased. Below them, looking down, you can see an endless stretch of Green mountains and clear waters, fertile fields, dense mountains and rivers, towns and countryside like stars dotted with each other, high mountains and peculiar peaks protruding from the earth from time to time, the fairy entanglement, the way is full.

   It’s too much like a human world here.

   But what is different from the human world is that it is rich in Taoism and immortality, which is extremely spiritual.

   If you have to compare, Fang Yuan can only say that this place is even more like an immortal world than Taihuangtian. Although Taihuangtian has reversed part of the grandiose and full of Taoism, it is a little more lonely and cold, unlike this one. Heaven and earth, there are green mountains and blue mountains, there are monks’ village children, there are rare birds and animals, and there are strange flowers and weeds. The whole world has a vibrant and spiritual charm.

   is really unimaginable, such a vibrant world was born in the dark magical breath that exterminated everything.

  ”Worryless Immortal Emperor, please take the time to see…”

   When he came to such a world, Fang Yuan did not act rashly. After his spiritual consciousness swept across the world, he straightened up, sighed low, stood on the head of the boat, and bowed to the sky. , And then quietly waiting for an answer.

It didn’t take long for   , the sky and the earth shook gently, and a voice came out: “Wait!”

   The voice said to wait, and Fang Yuan waited here.

  He seems to be very patient, not anxious at all, just sitting on the head of the ark, watching his nose and his heart.

   I don’t know how long I have been waiting, but I saw a purple fairy imperial in the sky ahead, floating around, wrapped in a cloud of rich fairy air, and behind the immortal imperial, followed by a number of white faces. The man with weird breath came to the front, and the scroll of immortal imperial edicts automatically opened, and the fairy spirit swayed inside, revealing a voice with an unspeakable majestic prestige:

  ”The Lord of Worry-free Xuan Tianyuan came, and the two sages of the East and the West saw it…”

   Hearing the sound, Fang Yuan raised his head and looked forward calmly.

   Among the men who came with the immortal edict, one of them led the crowd and looked up and down Fang Yuan, with some curiosity in his eyes, as if he was looking at an unknown life, but it seemed to cultivate Qi Gongfu Yes, just after seeing Fang Yuan a few glances, he withdrew his gaze with a smile, and whispered in a shrill voice: “Everyone has heard the words of the emperor, then follow us…”

  ”The creatures outside the sky…”

   When the men looked at him, Fang Yuan also glanced at them.

   But they only feel that these worry-free men look no different from the Tianyuan sentient beings, but they have more feminine meanings. This does not mean that they have become Yin servants, they are still complete people, but their temperaments are like this. No matter, and by observing their breath, you can roughly judge their cultivation base, and they belong to the same kind of cultivation path as Tianyuan. These people in front of them are all Yuanying cultivation bases.

   “Thank you to lead the way!”

   Fang Yuan was calm and polite, and spoke to him.

  Farzhou followed the clouds of these people and walked forward slowly.

   passing by, it was like stones thrown into the calm lake. Fang Yuan could feel countless light cast from all directions, spying secretly, some in the fairy mountains, some behind the clouds, and some repairs. Being low, he jumped directly into the air, and cast his gaze unscrupulously. The gaze contained both curiosity and surprise, and some with vague hostility.

   Fang Yuan ignored these gazes. He knew that to these people, he was a foreigner.

  ”I have no worries, there are four continents, seven seas, thousands of kingdoms, countless cultivating traditions, endless magical powers, prosperity and vitality, my fairy lord has something to say, since the old man of Tianyuan has come, he can do it well Have a taste and enjoy!”

   The feminine man led the way first, with a faint smile on his face, and said softly.

   Fangyuan is not commenting, no need for this person to say, he is also observing this world as much as possible.

  In my heart, a lot of emotions gradually emerged.

   I only saw this place. There are not only practitioners, but also many ordinary people, either farming in the fields or working in the city. There are urchins running around, laughing and playing, and there are people sitting in the practice. By the side of the mountain spring, ping Ming playing chess, countless pictures, countless satisfying and fulfilling expressions on human faces, all imprinted in the bottom of Fang Yuan’s heart, making him feel an extremely complex emotion.

   With the help of the immortal edict, the Dharma boat traveled extremely fast, and soon passed tens of thousands of miles of territory, and came to this land from the sky to the north, but seeing this place, there is a high mountain, say no At the height of this mountain, you can only see the sky on this high mountain, which seems to be higher than the sky. With the naked eye, you can’t see where the end of this mountain is. It is like a pillar of heaven, supporting the sky, and on the mountain, There are also palaces and pavilions everywhere, Sendai floating in the air, old pine trees vigorously, and immortal energy brewing.

  Today’s mountain front, in the middle of the sky, a Sendai has been erected. Looking up to Sendai, you can see that there are a lot of people gathered here, both men and women, with gorgeous robes and clothes. Now they are waiting on Sendai. Look When Fang Yuan Fazhou came over, they all stood up.

   “Is this a foreigner?”

  ”The temperament is really extraordinary…”

   “Hehe, visitors from afar, please sit down and have a glass of water and wine!”

   These people were very enthusiastic and walked down to meet Fang Yuan. They all smiled and were very kind.

   Fang Yuan started from Weiwei, and he could see the minds of others. What surprised him was that these people treat each other sincerely. It can be seen that their kindness and etiquette are not concealed, but from the heart , As if worried that their curiosity would make Fang Yuan feel uncomfortable, so he tried his best to put away the thought of careful observation, as if Fang Yuan was really an old friend.

   “You are welcome!”

   The other party treats each other with courtesy, and Fang Yuan also treats each other with courtesy.

  The immortals on Sendai hurriedly followed to return the gifts, all smiled and said: “Guests don’t have to be more gifts, just do it yourself!”

   talking, someone offered the elixir of spirit fruit, rich wine, filled with a pile, Fang Yuan casually took a spirit fruit in his hand, carefully observed, you know that it is not ordinary, look again All of those medicines were refined with clever techniques, and they were of great value. It was possible to see that on this Xiantai, the eternal youth looked at these spirit fruits and medicines, and secretly swallowed a mouthful of water.

   Fang Yuan got the fairy fruit in his hand, didn’t eat it right away, and handed it to a little girl next to him. The girl was born with crystal clear ice and snow, and she was really cute, and she didn’t know who brought it here. Zheng Wang Looking at that spiritual fruit, his eyes were a little greedy.

   “I’ll eat it for you!”


   The little girl looked at the Lingguo that Fang Yuan had handed over, with a happy smile on her small face, but she did not accept it. Instead, she shook her two small hands hard, and said with a smile: “Daddy said it, guest Coming from afar is the most difficult, so you should ask the guests to use it first!”

   Listening to her crisp words, in the crowd, a middle-aged man showed a relieved smile on his face.

   Fangyuan touched the little girl’s head and put the spirit fruit in the plate.

  ”God is in retreat, please enjoy some fairy fruits at the foot of the mountain and then go up the mountain!”

   The feminine man looked at Fang Yuan and explained with a smile: “These people are all my worry-free nobles, or they are full of learning, or talented and suspicious, just to accompany the guests to chat for a few words, or to pass away For some time, I just hope that guests don’t think they are scornful!”

   “Thank you!”

   Fang Yuan has entered Wuyoutian, and he does not put on any airs.

   The guests on the surrounding Sendai also all smiled and spoke with Fang Yuan.

   Go to to get rid of the ignorance in the beginning~ These people are really worry-free and knowledgeable people. They talked with Fang Yuan about the law, exhausted the world, talked about chess and argued, and they were ingenious. At first, Fang Yuan was still thinking about asking these people to talk to himself, whether he wanted to give himself a bit of prestige, but he soon discovered that his idea was superfluous. These people didn’t have the slightest domineering air, instead they were modest and cautious. When it comes to what they don’t understand, they explain carefully, know everything, and have a sincere attitude.

   When they met something they didn’t understand, they asked for advice humbly, without any shame.

   After talking about it, Fang Yuan felt complacent.

  He is in Tianyuan, and he rarely meets such a group of modest and upright people, and he rarely talks so much.

   But when it comes to speaking, some sadness gradually grew in his heart…

   These are indeed a good group of people!

   But today’s Tianyuan is the time when the demon puppet reincarnated, and battles were raging for the world.

   Today’s Tianyuan is when hundreds of millions of creatures are panicked and precarious.

   And the reason why this happens is because of the existence of this heaven.

   But it looks so peaceful and peaceful…

  Worry-free God allows himself to enjoy himself, is he trying to hint himself or tell himself something?


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