Master of Great Calamity Chapter 914: Worry-free days

   Holding an immortal edict, Fang Yuan left Taihuangtian.

  , in the midst of this celestial spirit, he rides on a Dharma boat. This boat is a heavenly immortal product. It is better than the one privately kept by the patriarch Ganqi, the survivor of the heaven, and it is covered with After Dao Wen, there are some magic circles. These magic formations were derived from Di Xu and others, and could emit some strange **** patterns, making a crowd of dark monsters turn a blind eye to the magic boat. With this ark, it is also possible to safely traverse some dangerous places shrouded in darkness and devil’s breath, without having to fight hard.

   Standing on the head of the boat, Fang Yuan’s big sleeves fluttered, facing the endless dark magic breath.

   Looking back, the Taihuang Tianxian Emperor Palace is still full of brilliance. Between the rolling, like endless darkness, it is like the only light and a pearl. , Exuding a sacred and soft light, tearing apart a space of darkness and devilish breath between the heaven and the earth, propped up a fairyland, which can give people a moment of leisure and rest.

   It’s just that this endless dark magic breath is too huge and too heavy.

   is like a candlelight, against the whole night.



   “Lie Hentian, Worry-Free Day, Forget Worry Day…”

   turned his head and looked forward, Fang Yuan’s heart slowly revealed everything he had mastered before setting off.

   The source of the Great Tribulation of the Heavenly Origin, the tripartite heaven and outer heaven!

  According to what Di Xu and others said to themselves, these three days of hatred, worry-free, and forgetfulness, are the ten parts of Diqu that year after endless battles and battles, and finally won, and brought The immortal treasure and the great formation left by the last immortal emperor left for 33 days, reopened the world outside the sky, led his own people, and achieved the heaven outside the sky 33 days away, far away from the land of calamity. .

  From their names, it seems that they can also tell their yearning.

   And this time, Fang Yuan was going to these three heavens and outer heavens to solve the problem of the great calamity of Tianyuan.

   The source of the Great Tribulation of the Heavenly Origin is in the hands of these three heavens.

   He has an immortal edict specially written to him by Emperor Xu, which means that he will be called as the heavenly emissary to visit the lord of the heavens, and discuss how to reverse the majesty and protect the heavenly origin. No one dared to say more about the immortal imperial edict on this side. After all, even Di Xu himself could not see the face of the Lord of Heaven, and the other party would not pay attention to his descendant of the Emperor.

   So, all of this is doomed to Fang Yuan’s bumpy journey, I don’t know what will happen.

   But what can be done?

  fang originally had to go, otherwise, under the great calamity of Tianyuan, it would be destroyed.

   So I must go, not only must go, but also solve this problem!



The Dharma boat on which Fangyuan was riding, exuding divine light, disappeared into the endless darkness, like fireflies being swallowed by the darkness, and behind him, the light shining brightly, supporting a piece of fairyland The dome of the imperial palace of the Emperor Tian, ​​with wide robe and large sleeves, the emperor’s eyebrows are like jade, standing on the top of the dome with positive and negative hands, quietly watching Fang Yuan’s method of leaving, without a word for a long time.

   “Your Majesty, Fang Xiaosheng knows that there is no hope for going there, why must he go?”

  Beside Di Xu, there was an old slave with a slender figure, and asked respectfully.

   Di Xu’s face showed a complex expression, and after a while, he said: “There is a lack of human heart!”

   The old slave bowed, waiting for him to continue.

  Emperor smirked, and said: “Because of the lack of people’s hearts, he will do so many weird things, either stupid, paranoid, or crazy. He comes from Tianyuan, from the world, even though his talent is amazing. , Comprehend the taboo, and stepped into immortality with half of the foot, but still cannot avoid this inherent problem, no matter how powerful, there will be a particularly fatal problem!”

   The old slave raised his head, a little expecting his answer.

Emperor    chuckled and said: “That is to bear the unnecessary responsibility!”

  ”Even though he is extremely clever and practice shortcuts, as long as he still has this problem, then everything he does can be expected. This is probably the biggest curse of lack of human heart. No matter how clever, he always It’s like an ant, with a pattern to follow!”



  ”The three days of Lihen, Wuyou, and Forgetfulness, each has its own strengths, each has its own reliance, Lihentian, masters the Taoist gods of rebirth, and Wuyoutian mastered the last immortal emperor of the year The magic weapon of Wangshoutian is in the abyss of bitter sea, while Wangshoutian is in control of the treasure tree of the early days, the three heavens and the outer heavens, and at the same time guarding the strongest ancient formation in the heavens, the six reincarnation formations, so as to shelter outside the sky…”

  ”Three directions of heaven and earth, protect each other from a distance, and move the whole body with one move!”

  ”With the strength and background of these three worlds, I’m afraid I can’t help them, not only me, even with the addition of Emperor Xu, plus all the creatures in the Immortal Emperor’s Palace today, and all the belongings of the old tribe of Tu Long It is also difficult for creatures to gain them. Therefore, if you want to do something, you can only take one step at a time. The most important point is to enter the tripartite space first!”



   Along the way, Fang Yuan scrutinized and pondered a lot.

   Regarding the things he was thinking about, Luo Feiling, Lu Xinyao, White Cat, Jiaolong, etc., no one could intervene. When the Immortal Emperor Palace, they all listened to Di Xu’s recounting of the past, but no matter From any angle, it seems to be desperate…

  ”Have you decided to go to Tianwaitian?”

   “You must go!”

  ”But we don’t know what Tianwaitian’s attitude and situation is!”

   Facing Fang Yuan’s decision, they said anxiously: “We don’t even know whether Tai Huang is true or not…”

   This is the problem they face now.

   The pressure on the top of the head is like a mountain, but there is endless mist in front of me, and there is danger around me.

   Facing this question, Fang Yuan could only calmly answer: “Don’t be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, because of this, your heart never moves!”

   also after hearing Fang Yuan’s words, no one said anything to him again.

   The left, right, front, back and forth are not like roads, so you can only go on intuitively.

   I’m not afraid of too much falsehood, I’m afraid I will lose the courage to go on!



   Dixu and others, have barely reversed and repaired, only the heaven and earth around the Emperor Palace of Emperor Tai Huang Tian, ​​even the great Tai Huang Tian, ​​there is still most of it shrouded in darkness, not to mention it. There are other worlds. Fortunately, Fang Yuan and others have this immortal boat, but they don’t have to endure too much danger. They slowly walked through the endless night, breaking through a piece of heaven and earth, and set off toward the outer sky specified by Di Xu and others. , After traveling for more than a month, traversing many worlds, before finally reaching a world…

   Here is also a day of 33 days, but the broken ones are more severe than the surrounding sky. Here, people feel cold and lonely at first glance, like the end of the universe, even the monsters are invisible. How much, there is only endless magic breath.

  Here, not to mention the traces of the sky, and there is not even a trace of living beings.

   But Fang Yuan knows that the three places of hatred, worry-free, and forgotten sorrow, since they are called the heaven outside the sky, it is because they are different from other heavens and earth, to some extent, they have already left this Fang Tiandi has become another form of existence.

   The thirty-three days that were once too strong, so even if a cataclysm occurs, it still has too many secrets, forming countless taboo places among the population of the old tribe of Tulong, and these three heavens are These are the three strongest taboos in this broken world!

   So at this moment, he stood up, his eyes lightened, and he swept four times.

  Beside him, one hundred and eight three-life bamboo chips flew up, smashed, and calculated some kind of complicated trajectory.

   Then, he looked at one place, holding an immortal imperial edict, and said loudly: “The emperor, the emperor, condemn the envoy, visit the Worry-Free God!”

  His voice contains mana, trembling, scattered in the cold void.

   The scattered stars and mortal stones around, were all shaken by his spiritual thoughts, and many smoke and dust floated away.

   But after Fang Yuan asked, he only heard the world quietly. For a long time, no one answered his question.

   Fangyuan was silent for a while, then asked again.

   After another tea time, I asked again.

   asked three times in a row, the surrounding white cat, dragon, Luo Feiling and so on, all looked at him silently.

   and Di Xu and others estimated that Tian Wai Tian did not want to respond at all. According to Di Xu, he had condemned him several times before, and wanted to talk to the Lord of Tian Wai Tian, ​​but Tian Wai Tian The Lord of God doesn’t want to see them at all…

   No matter how many thoughts are in my mind, but I can’t even see anyone, how can I do it?


   Tian Wai Tian is called Tian Wai Tian because they are no longer in this world, and they can’t break through.

   Fang Yuan was at the head of the ark. He sat quietly for a while, then stood up again. He stood on the head of the his eyes swept across the cultivators on the ark and put away the emperor. , Once again said: “The emissary from the Dragon Slaying Department is here to visit my old colleagues and hope to see you!”

   Patriarch Gan Qi and others looked a little weird when they heard this, and looked at Fang Yuan puzzled.

   and Fang principle just looked at the darkest part of the emptiness and waited quietly.

   There is still no sound there.

   Fangyuan asked three times, but there was still no movement.

  ”Is this outside sky fake?”

   Even the Jiaolong was a little surprised at this moment, and couldn’t help muttering.

   Fang Yuan took a deep breath and endured the unhappiness in his heart. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally made up his mind slowly, his figure fluttering, stepping out of the magic boat, facing the void in front of him. Chu Yi saluted, saying: “Tianyuan creatures have suffered many catastrophes, and their lives have been burnt. They have a lot of lives, and today there are more people. They come with the souls of the Tianyuan generations to visit the Lord of the sky and hope to solve their doubts…”

  His voice remained stable, but in people’s hearts, he seemed to have endless sadness.

   This time, I didn’t wait too long.

   The endless darkness in front of my eyes suddenly surged and turned into a black door.

   Inside the gate, an indifferent voice slowly sounded: “Come in!”


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