Master of Great Calamity Chapter 900: Forbidden Realm

Since Fang Yuan embarked on the path of heaven and **** transformation, his practice has become very difficult.

Because he has embarked on a brand new path, there is no previous experience to learn from, he needs to derive and try step by step, and this is the most dangerous, because he may face a wrong path or desperation at any time Imagine a road out of thin air, and try to succeed, it sounds like a fantasy. How many roads in the world are constantly explored by generations. Who can guarantee success, especially when he hasn’t been long. When the whole person is under pressure again, it is even more difficult.

However, fortunately, he also has two advantages that others do not possess.

The first is the technique of heavenly growth. With this technique, he can avoid many detours, his mind is clear to the extreme, he can see through countless imaginary things, and find so many truths from the possibility of a mess. Come and try based on it.

The second is that he has been walking.

For him, it is useless to read more books, because he can’t learn from experience, he can’t get inspiration from the wisdom of his predecessors, and he can’t sit in the cave and imagine out of thin air. If he has stayed in Tianyuan, then I am afraid that even if he sits withered for thousands of years and sits with his white head hanging down, he will not be able to find such a way, because no matter how much reason, it is impossible to be born out of thin air.

Because of this, Fang Yuan was a little lucky that he had come to the Great Immortal Realm.

Although he has not found the answer he is looking for, he has encountered the demon from the great immortal world, and from the fierce battle with the demon, he has realized the power of the law of breeding of the demon, and then thinks of his next path of practice. Should it be the same!

A long time ago, he actually had a foreboding of the way he was going.

To be a realm of its own, a world of its own, and to step into detachment by this.

It’s just that the self-contained domain is simple. When he stepped into the heavens and transformed into a god, he opened the possibility of self-contained domain, and later in the battle between the Qingyang Sect and the old man, and the battle between Youzhou and the reincarnated monster , Further deepening, the domain has been extended to the extreme long ago, so he has reached the time to go one step further and step into his own world, but this step is not so easy to take.

To become a self-contained world, it is necessary to transform the out-of-bounds mind, source of bounds, breeding rules, and governing rules on the basis of the self-contained realm, so that it will continue to grow and cycle endlessly. And he can now control the law, but he still lacks the ability to breed the law. Therefore, he decided to devour the heavenly demon and refine its origin as his own realm source, to breed laws and prop up his own world.

This approach seems feasible, but in fact it is a bit whimsical and particularly dangerous.

Fang Yuan deduced it several times, but he knew it was imperative.

It was arranged before, so I did the same.

After controlling the demon with his own thunder domain, Fang Yuan felt infinite pressure, and that demon was in his thunder domain, constantly breeding laws, constantly changing, and rushing If his field continues like this, it will be like when he dealt with the first demon before, he was consumed by the opponent’s infinite power, and he could win narrowly, and would also be seriously injured.

At this time, facing the two demon outside, then there is a dead end.

“You breed laws, then I also breed laws to fight against you…”

Fang Yuan gritted his teeth secretly, and the seal in his hand kept changing, forming a stream of light.

The source of the heavenly demon that was swallowed by the metal toad before, is now located in the center of his thunder domain. It is forcibly suppressed by the mysterious yellow aura, forcing him to give birth to the law of the Dao Dao, and the one in the middle of the thunder domain. The Heavenly Demon is opposed. In comparison between the two, the power of the Heavenly Demon is greatly weakened, and Fang Principle took the opportunity to run the endless divine thunder, stripping away the laws surrounding that day.

Speaking of late, fast then, everything is only in a flash.

The two celestial demons on the periphery are tearing up layers of large formations. The large formations that Fang Yuan carefully laid out are like paper in front of them. After all, they can completely change the law. How can they be just borrowed from heaven and earth? The big formation laid down by the law was trapped, so the big formation looked strong, but in fact it just barely blocked them. After only a few breaths, the big formation collapsed.

But at this time, Fang Yuan had already stripped away the laws of the heavenly demons in the middle of his minefield, and then suppressed it with a big hand, trapping the ray of blue energy in the air, waiting for him a long time ago. The impatient metallographic toad opened his mouth in a hurry.

With a sound of “swish”, it was like swallowing jelly beans. He swallowed that strand of the origin of the heavenly demon directly.

In an instant, the minefields around Fang Yuan began to change.

It was originally an illusory minefield, but at this time, it started to stack layer by layer.

Endless laws have spawned from the center of this minefield, flooding and supporting this world.

The more laws appear, the more solid the world becomes.

It is like a barrier, which is constantly thickening.

At this moment, the two heavenly demons had completely torn the large array from the original square to pieces, and rushed to him fiercely. One seemed to have turned into a huge monster, and opened its mouth. , Swallowing the heavens and the earth are general, to swallow Fang Yuan.

The other one became a long knife across the sky, cutting Fang Yuan’s realm in half horizontally.


In an instant, that long sword slashed on the area around Fang Yuan’s body.

In the past, if Fang Yuan was completely unprepared, this knife could definitely cut Fang Yuan’s domain in half, but now, within Fang Yuan’s domain, the power of the law has become his domain. Part of, unexpectedly took the knife, only to be slashed by him, and it smashed and splashed around, but it stopped when it was halfway through, and instead ejected the heavenly devil.

In the other compartment, facing the big mouth that turned into a giant beast, Fang Yuan was also cold.

Suddenly the tactics changed, and the minefield around him also changed. With the appearance of the metallographic toad in the center of this minefield, the entire field turned into a huge toad, squatting On the ground, he put his head on the sky, his huge mouth suddenly opened, and instead he swallowed the demon that wanted to swallow him, and made a loud hiccup.

“I’m a good boy, and a god-swallowing monster?”

Jiaolong looked at this scene, terrified and trembling.

The white cat turned his head and glanced at him, seeming to dislike him for being so unseen.

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Between the thunder fields, there was an endless thunder waterfall.

Zhu Xiu looked at it from a distance, and saw Fang Yuan’s body in the center of the thunder field, his figure suspended, and the surrounding endless gods thunder skyrocketed, transformed into everything, propped up a piece of sky, and at the bottom, There are three strands of heavenly demon origin, chasing after mating, turning faster and faster, until the end, the three strands of heavenly demon origin, like a vague phantom, like a huge whirlpool.

The whirlpool originally swallowed everything, but this whirlpool is the opposite. From the inside, the rules of the road are constantly growing and filling into the minefield where Fang Yuan is located, turning this minefield from nothingness to nothingness. , And gradually began to break the boundaries between reality and nothingness!

Boom! boom! boom!

During this process, the last demon was slashing towards Fang Yuan.

At this moment, Fang Yuan didn’t care about him at all, and took all his attacks abruptly.

It’s just that every slash of this demon will cause him great damage, but within Fang Yuan’s thunder domain, new laws have emerged all the time, which makes the injury worse than life. After the onslaught of this last demon.


When did the last demon experience this kind of anger, even if he is not spiritual, but he still has vague memories. After his actions, he tears a piece and strangles everything, how can he encounter such a hard stubble? It made it furious, and subconsciously condensed all its laws into one place, turning it into the strongest creature it has ever encountered. It was a black divine residence with its feet on the clouds and holding a halberd. With a purple crown on his head and electric eyebrows, the halberd in his hand struck across the galaxy and fell straight towards Fang Yuan.

“Is it finally?”

At this moment, Fang Principle ignored him, just feeling it quietly.

The world source that the three demon turned into has bred out the power of the ultimate law and turned it into his thunder domain, which also made his thunder domain finally truly break through the reality and turned into The small world around him circulates endlessly, and this small world, in the end, becomes blurred, like a looming star yarn, wrapped around his blue robe.

He felt the change, overjoyed.

“Be careful…”

He didn’t seem to see the halberd that came from the back of his head, but those who watched the battle from a distance were horrified and shouted.

Fang Yuan didn’t care, just turned around slowly.

It looks very slow, but it is because he has affected the time and space around him, which makes his figure appear blurred, falling in the eyes of people, as if he turned extremely fast, and then slowly reached out to the void. Tan, a part of that piece of star yarn flew into his hand and turned into a long sword. He held the long sword, facing the halberd, without dodge or dodge, and directly cut it out.

Between heaven and earth, there is a ray of silence.

Quietly, nothing happened.

The next time, the creature that was transformed by the heavenly demon, holding a black halberd, suddenly shattered.

The decomposition of inch by inch, turned into strands of dark magical breath, disappeared in this world.

The last thing left is a ray of origin of the demon from that day, rushing in the void, and then wanting to escape from the sky.

Fang Yuan’s eyebrows were slightly cold, and he wanted to catch up, but he was suddenly startled.

He suddenly raised his head and looked away!

All the energy in the body suddenly swelled, and the surrounding star yarn turned into a real world within a single thought, supporting him, all the laws, all the powers, all swelling , Gushing between heaven and earth, spreading outward.

“What happened?”

The Jiaolong and others were all looking up, and seeing this scene, they couldn’t help being surprised.

They didn’t know why Fang Yuan didn’t chase and kill the escaping demon, but suddenly stayed in place, as if he was approaching the enemy.

But it can be seen that Fang Yuan seemed very nervous at this moment.

However, after waiting for a long while, nothing happened. The soaring robe around Fang Yuan slowly fell.

Fang Yuan was swaying, and Fang Yuan slowly fell to the ground. There were countless dark monsters pouring around, like a tide, but when the tide gathered in his center and was about to drown him, his figure was The extreme disappearance made a group of monsters lose their way.

“What state are you now?”

Looking at Fang Yuan falling in front of him, Jiaolong’s eyes were suspicious, as if he wanted to touch it.

“God’s upper realm!”

Fang Yuan thought for a while before answering Jiaolong.

Jiaolong was a little surprised at that moment: “Not Mahayana yet?”

Fang Yuan actually didn’t know how to answer, or said he couldn’t explain it clearly.

If he had to talk about Mahayana, he now feels that he is no less than Mahayana. At least when the realm he has stepped into is stable, he believes that even in Tianyuan, perhaps no Mahayana can easily defeat him, but in On the normal path of cultivation, Mahayana is already at its peak, an invincible existence, but it feels like it is far from the end of its own path.

So he just smiled in the end and said: “It’s not my Mahayana yet!”

Listening to his words, Jiaolong was thoughtful, but after thinking for a long time, he shook his head and didn’t want to understand.

“In any case, there is always some capital on the road…”

Fang Yuan raised his head and glanced towards Jiu Xiao.

Can’t tell whether his eyes are doubtful, provocative, or deeply worried.

Just now, when he refined the origin of the heavenly demon and refined the thunder domain from nothingness to reality, he could feel an astonishing change. It was like a gaze, looking at it from above the nine heavens, unable to describe it. He looked at his feelings, like indifference and jealousy, which made him feel a strong sense of crisis and indescribable fighting spirit…

He knew where that gaze came from.

As early as Tianyuan was exploring the secrets of the stele, he had that feeling faintly.

Later in Youzhou, Qingyang Jian idiotically realized a forbidden sword, cut through the world, and then cursed!

The Qingyang sword idiot was erased.

But at that time, Fang Yuan also felt a certain will behind the extinguishing light.

That kind of look!

This time, just as he stepped into the upper realm of the transformation, he once again felt the terrifying gaze, unprecedented clarity, so that at a certain moment, he thought that the kind of dying The power is about to come and fall on yourself!

Is it because I also touched a taboo just now?

Fang Yuan could barely figure out the reason why he looked at but did not understand.

Because the last ray of dying light did not really fall.

Since the unknowable existence has destroyed the Kunlun Mountain where a certain secret was derived, and also destroyed the Qingyang sword mad after realizing the forbidden sword, then why did you feel jealous for yourself? Later, but didn’t the same drop of strength to destroy yourself?

All these things made Fang Yuan feel confused.

After being confused, it made his Dao heart firmer.

He came to the Great Immortal Realm this time to find the unknown existence and see what was going on.

At first, I thought I was in the wrong place.

This time, the gaze looked at him, but it proved to him one thing.

You are right!

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