Master of Great Calamity Chapter 88: It’s you

   Fangyuan felt that his robe was nothing. It was issued by the fairy gate. The quality is actually good. When worn by himself, it has a bit of flavor. The wooden kite is also good, although it squeaks when it flies. It sounded, but it was actually quite strong. At least he flew so many times and never fell from the sky once, but under the strong request of Xiao Qiao and Guan Sun, he was still a little helpless. The new robe, and then stepped onto Junior Sister Xiao Qiao’s flying sword, and came to the Hall of Merit through Yun Guoling!

  ”Brother Fang Yuan is here…”

   With a call, the immortal disciples who had been waiting here suddenly surged in front of the Xiaozhufeng Gongde Hall.

   In the sky, Junior Sister Xiao Qiao, who had sent Fang Yuan over, gently pushed on Fang Yuan when she approached the Hall of Merit. She was curled up like an immortal, floating above the flying sword. Then, Fang Yuan was left on the flying sword. He stepped on the flying sword, wearing a green robe, and flew down gently from the mid-air. The meaning of fine dust.

   “Congratulations to Brother Fang Yuan on his true name, and his success…”

   “Senior Brother Fang Yuan is so talented that he deserves his name after doing my Xiaozhufeng true biography…”

   All the immortal disciples around yelled, clustered around, looking at Fang Yuan with respect and awe.

  ”My brothers are polite…”

   Fang Yuan felt a little emotional in his heart. He didn’t expect that these colleagues would cheer for him like this.

   In fact, in the past few years I entered the fairy gate, I have not had a deep relationship with my colleagues, and some have even had grievances. But now, whether they really congratulate themselves in their hearts or just superficial skills, at least this atmosphere is It was enthusiastic, which made him feel an unprecedented sense of intimacy, gently arching his hands towards the four directions, thanking these fellow students for their congratulations!

  ”Is this the little Zhufeng Tianjiao who defeated Junior Brother Liu Mozhen?”

   In a congratulatory voice, someone smiled softly, and the joy around him suddenly disappeared.

   Fang Yuan turned his head to look and saw several red disciples sitting cross-legged on the left side of the Hall of Merit. Among them, there were males and females, and they didn’t look very old. Just now from the sky, Fang Yuan I have noticed a few of them. Whether it is the cultivation base aura or the indifferent expression on their bodies, they are not comparable to ordinary Xiaozhufeng disciples. Judging from the cloud pattern on their robes, they look like Shenxiaofeng people.

  ”Master Fang Yuan…Brother, I’m here to introduce you, this is Senior Brother Yan Jiyan of Shen Xiaofeng…”

  Beside the red-robed disciples, most of Xiaozhufeng disciples did not dare to approach them, but Li Jianghan and other disciples with extraordinary backgrounds, obviously knew them, smiled and said to Fang Yuan: “He can Become the chief of our Xiaozhufeng……”

   “I’ll talk about these for a while, I am quite interested in the other party’s former junior brother!”

   The man in the red robe surnamed Yan laughed: “Junior Brother Fang was doing foreplay on the porch with the crowd, and a sword crushed Xiaozhufeng’s fellow disciple from raising his head. I also heard about this, but unfortunately at that time It’s a pity that I didn’t come to watch the ceremony because of important matters, but afterwards, I saw the injuries on my Junior Brother Liu, Junior Brother Fang Yuan’s sword, but it was really cruel and poisonous…”

   “You are welcome!”

   Fang Yuan glanced at the red robe disciple, only to speak slightly.

   He also saw it at this time, Xiao Zhufeng’s preaching bell rang, calling all the disciples to come, surely not just to call his own true biography, I’m afraid the chief disciple of Xiao Zhufeng condemned from Shen Xiaofeng The name will also be determined at this time…

   Hearing the tone of the disciple surnamed Yan, he knew that this person was a little dissatisfied with him.

   But this incident was already expected. He was not surprised, so he was too lazy to say something, just responded lightly.

  ”Xiao Fangyuan, come into the hall!”

   The disciple in the red robe has to say that Elder Yun’s voice has already been heard in the Hall of Merit, and he can’t say it anymore.

   And Fang Yuan ignored him, took a deep breath, slowly lifted his steps, and walked into the hall.

   In the Hall of Merit, there was Elder Yun sitting at the moment, and the four deacons Baiwu Zhaohan were at the bottom. They all looked a little solemn. When Fang Yuan saluted the five, he sat cross-legged in front of them. When he came down, Elder Yun slowly laughed, and looked at Fang Yuan up and down, seeming to be very satisfied with him, and smiled: “Xiao Fang Yuan, are you ready to be our true disciple of Xiao Zhufeng?”

   Fangyuan nodded honestly.

Elder    Yun smiled and said: “You have already proved your strength before. Honestly speaking, even the old man is a little unexpected. When I was young, my skills may not be as strong as you. Be the true biography of our little bamboo peak. , You are more than enough, but…” He paused slightly, handed over a jade slip, and said: “Being a true disciple is not just to put on a name, but to enjoy the attention of the immortal gate. It is not only to practice well, but also to Follow the same door and show them their cultivation. Are you ready for these?”

   Fang Yuan nodded, just scan the contents of the jade slip, and he knew it, it was indeed about Xiaozhufeng’s upcoming independence and becoming the fifth peak of Qingyangzong, and during the ascension meeting, Xiaozhu The disciples of the peak will form a single team to participate in the trial of the Demon’s Breath Lake. Elder Yun said that he is undoubtedly asking for his true biography, and he needs to do his best at that time.

   This was also expected, and he nodded and said: “Since I have been in this position, this is the responsibility of the disciple. I will do my best…”

Elder    Yun nodded with a smile, and said: “The establishment of Xiaozhufeng is also something that Xianmen decided before the cancellation of the Xianmen exam. For so many years, Qingyangzong has accepted a group of disciples every three years. Although among these disciples, after three years of cultivation, only a few people can stay, but after so many years, some people have long been overwhelmed. If there are more disciples, it is inevitable that the four peaks will turn into five peaks, but this is only involved. It took so long to compete for chance during the trial of the Demon Breath Lake!”

  ” Some time ago, the old man and Elder Gu Mo went to the four immortal gates to discuss this matter. Although the four immortal gates were not very satisfied, they agreed to come down anyway. This little Zhufeng worked as a team and entered The opportunity to try the Demon Breath Lake is also very rare. The fairy gate is very valued, and many people are eagerly waiting for this opportunity, but there is a joke in the middle…”

   Hearing Elder Yun’s words, Deacon Wu also gave a wry smile and said: “After all, you have not cultivated for a long time, and your cultivation level has not reached the top. Therefore, the immortal gate has transferred a true disciple from Shenxiao Peak to prepare to At that time, he took you into the trial of the Demon Breath Lake. I didn’t expect that this person would be nailed to the stone wall of merit with a sword before he came. All the arrangements were messed up!”

  ”The disciples were also for a while…”

   Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed at once, he wanted to explain a sentence or two, but couldn’t say anything.

   Deacon Bai said solemnly at this time: “Fang Yuan, in fact, I have discussed with Elder Yun before waiting. If you don’t want to take risks, then the fairy gate can allow you to avoid this trial. After all, you cultivate It’s the Xuanhuang Yiqi Art. The key is to cultivate this art to great success. Even if you don’t participate in the trial of the Demon Breath Lake, the fairy gate will try its best to provide you with enough resources to cultivate to the foundation-building realm!”

   Fangyuan heard Deacon Bai’s suggestion, but was silent for a while, then raised his head and said, “Why not go?”

  He paused, and said with a smile: “The disciple’s path of cultivation is to go to a higher place and take a look. Naturally, you can’t miss the scenery along the way. If it is provided by the immortal gate, That is to raise to a high place, and it is not in line with the disciple’s Taoism!”


   When the deacons heard this, they all laughed.

   “In that case, I will give you the name of the true master disciple!”

   Elder Yun laughed, then lifted the Zhubi, and lightly tapped on Fang Yuan’s forehead.

   The cinnabar talisman disappears at the touch of a touch, and it looks like a red mole on Fang Yuan’s forehead.

   “Thank you elder…”

   Fang Yuan laughed, and subconsciously wanted to thank the elders.

   But when the words were about to be spoken, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, and stupidly raised my head: “What did you say?”

  ”Be my true disciple of Xiaozhufeng?”

Elder    Yun looked at him with a smile: “Didn’t I tell you just now?”

   Fang Yuan stayed for a while: This real and the real disciple are different, but they are absolutely different…

  ”Isn’t that a disciple should be transferred from Shenxiaofeng to be my chief true biography of Xiaozhufeng?”

   After a while, he asked this sentence, only to feel surprised.

   “The person they transferred was not defeated by you?”

Elder    Yun smiled slightly: “Since you have defeated him, it means that you are also qualified to become a true disciple!”

   “But outside…”

   Fang Yuan subconsciously turned his head and looked outside the hall.

   “Hehe, you said they…”

Elder    Yun laughed, shook his head, and said: “I said before, Xiaozhufeng is a rare opportunity, but many people covet it. Originally, the old man thought that you might not be strong enough, so he agreed with them. Request, but I didn’t expect that you imitated the ancient immortal foreplay, and let the old man discover that you underestimated your strength. Those who were defeated in your hands naturally didn’t have to come. Those people wanted to send a few more. Hao Miaozi, let me see if there is any suitable, but the old man feels that it is unnecessary…”

Elder    Yun said, gently pressing his palm on Fang Yuan’s shoulder, and said: “You are my true disciple of Xiao Zhufeng!”

   “That…the Trial of the Demon Breath Lake…”

   Fang Yuan stayed for a while before he asked with difficulty.

  ”Naturally, you also took the juniors and sisters over…”

Elder    Yun replied, “Not only will we go, but we must also bring them back!”

   Ps has been in the book for a while, officially publicize the book friends group of “The Great Tribulation Lord”, group number: 516135071, welcome everyone to come and discuss the plot, if necessary, I can also teach you how to find women My friend…

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