Master of Great Calamity Chapter 875: The war is rising in the world

This is not the first time Fang Yuan has seen something in the stele erased.

When he was in the Qingyang Sect, what he saw was an incomplete dream, which is understandable. After all, what the Qingyang Sect left was only a slab, or a fragment of a stone tablet, because there was too much missing. So Fang Yuan can only guess what happened from the stone slab, but as to what should be recorded on the stone tablet, the creation of countless ascension passages and the location of contact with people are gone. It’s like someone deliberately smashed the stone tablet to cover up such a secret!

Now, he saw a broken stone tablet, which was missing the most important part!

If there is such a profound and mysterious Dao Qi, how can it be cultivated?

The most crucial part is gone.

Is it a coincidence, or something deliberately done by existence?



Fang Yuan was quietly in the cave, thinking for a long time, but there was always no answer.

There is so much content on the stele, and there is only so much he can see.

Many things cannot be deduced without a key piece.

He thought that he would be able to unlock all the secrets after seeing enough stone tablets, but he did not expect that these secrets are still a mystery today. He can deduce many possibilities from the contents of the stone tablets. But I don’t know which one might be true. More importantly, he didn’t find a solution from the stele that can really solve all these problems…

…or is that method non-existent?

Thousands of years ago, what did the group of people in Kunlun Mountain see in the stele, and then they have the subsequent deduction?

The Lord of Darkness, guessed something before he insisted on going that way?

Fang Yuan seems to have guessed it, but he would rather not guess it!



“Mr. Fang Yuan, it’s time!”

Outside the cave, there was an immature voice.

When Fang Yuan walked out of the cave, he saw that it was a child from Xiaoleitai who had come to call him.

He knew that Xianmeng had done all the preparations.

That’s the end of the matter, and perhaps the only thing to do is to take care of your eyes first and clean up the most urgent matters.

When Fang turned out to be on top of the stone platform at the core of Xiaolei Terrace, he saw the old man Lei, Tiankui saint, ancient Fang saint, Luchuan saint, and the Jingtian saint who had just arrived here. After waiting, beside them, a big drum was set up with some rough and ancient lines on it. I don’t know how many wars and years have gone through, it is dull and solemn.

“After reading the stele, what did you learn?”

Sage Tiankui cast his gaze at Fang Yuan, seemingly curious, and asked in a deep voice.

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “I guessed some, but I’m not sure, and I don’t have any clue!”

Sage Tiankui didn’t seem to be surprised, and said: “There were so many people on Kunlun Mountain before, and there were countless detailed information on hand. You should guess…”

Fang Yuan heard what he meant, but just nodded.

Today, I have just reached the level before the Kunlun Mountain group of people formally retreat thousands of years ago. I don’t know anything about what they have participated in after retreat and what truth they have found out. What we do is actually to share all the secrets, and then gather more people to come and understand together with oneself, just like that, isn’t it the old Kunlun Mountain road again?

What’s more, Kunlun Mountain failed a thousand years ago, and now I have even less hope of success.

Perhaps, Saint Tiankui, realized something too, so he sighed!

“Soldiers come to block, water comes and soil is flooded, what do you want to do so much?”

Master Lei’s voice is dull and thunderous, he smiled coldly, and said: “The problem is solved first!”

Fang Yuan knew what the immediate problem they were referring to. As early as in the Qingyang Sect, he thought of this thing, and after knowing the existence of the Demon Crossing Tribulation Puppet, the immortal alliance thought of this thing In other words, this is the only solution.

Fang Yuan’s decision to make peace with Xianmeng was something that Fang Yuan felt gratified.

But before deciding to do this, he still asked: “Seniors, we do this, right?”

Sage Tiankui turned his head to look at Fang Yuan, and said: “We can only do this!”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and said: “Some people think that we should not make decisions for the people of the world!”

Sage Tiankui looked at Fang Yuan for a long time before he suddenly laughed and said: “If you can say that, the old man feels a little relieved. In fact, I have been worried about it. I am worried that you have the name of a saint. He regards the world’s creatures as a humble dog. Now that you can have this worry, it may indicate that your mood is not a true saint, but it also shows that you are still alone!”

While speaking, he slowly stood up and said: “However, this idea will be cut off after all!”

“This world is indeed the world of the world, but the fate of the world cannot really be decided by the world, because the human heart is lacking, the more people decide something, the more troubles will occur. People This has always been the case. The more the number, the more stupid it is. If the number is too large, even for some obvious things, it will eventually lead to a wrong choice!”

He shook his head lightly, and said: “So, the world actually doesn’t have the ability to choose its own destiny!”

Fang Yuan listened carefully, what Tiankui saint said is that the human world has no ability to choose fate, not power!

Speaking of this, the sage Tiankui looked at Fang Yuan earnestly and said: “So, only let us make decisions on behalf of the world. If we win, then we will be the wise ancestors and will be forever. The world will recite us for thousands of years…”

“If we lose, we will be very sinful careerists, and the world will hate us for thousands of years!”

“However, whether we win or lose, we should always make a decision…”

“…It is also one of our responsibilities to be in the dark!”



The words of Saint Tiankui solved a problem in Fang Yuan’s mind.

It also made him finally make up his mind.

He raised his head, his expression was calm, and said: “I’m ready!”

This is the first time that he has not called himself a “junior” in front of these big-time figures, but called “me”!

Sage Tiankui laughed and said: “Everyone is ready!”

At this moment, Mr. Lei suddenly turned a strange look and said: “That road…”

Fang Yuan said: “I have arrangements!”

Elder Lei nodded and didn’t say more, he just carried a black box on his back.

Fang Yuan glanced at Saint Tiankui, looked at the drum, and said: “I’ll beat it!”

Sage Tiankui smiled and said: “If you knock, the responsibility will be great!”

Fang Yuandao: “I am younger after all. You have been famous for thousands of years. Shouldn’t the opportunity to show your face be given to juniors?”

Sage Tiankui laughed and said: “Go!”

Fang Yuan walked to the big drum, took a deep breath, lifted two drumsticks, and then hit them vigorously. He is not good at music. The only drum that can be played is the Snare Drum of Magic Edge. The sound oscillated, and the sound spread for more than ten miles, and even the scope of the small thunder platform did not spread out, but this was originally a strange treasure, but the drum sound went far away, reaching some people who should hear the drum sound. .

Strong bosom, solemn voice, the world changes!

Tiankui sage, Jingtian sage, Luchuan sage, ancient Fang sage, Lei old man, etc., are quietly listening to the drums, the smile on their faces gradually converges, and it is replaced by unrelenting peace. And the murderous intent in secret!

Sage Tiankui swung his sleeves, and a huge ghost hammer appeared in his hand and carried it on his shoulder.

“Let’s go!”

He said in a deep voice, with purple clouds rising under his feet, supporting him soaring into the air.

At the same time, Fang Yuan also threw the drumsticks, and set foot on the journey together with several other saints and Elder Lei for nine days.


The air machine struck the seats, the avenue shook, steepened and streamed, and swept in one direction.

In Xiaoleitai, countless Leizhou’s disciples, or the inspectors and elders of the Immortal League, at this moment, all leaned over and bowed their heads together, toward the streamer, respectful The body bowed, and the voice was low: “Send a few saints to exorcize demons!”



Far away in the north, among the ice and snow, the sword head of the sword washing pond sitting quietly on the top of a snow-capped mountain, facing the seven young people in front of him, after finishing the last experience, he heard the faint drum sound. He sighed lightly and stood up slowly. There was a Tong’er beside him holding a sword in his hands. He took the sword and laughed in a low voice: “It’s time to do business…”

The figure turned into sword light and disappeared into the void in an instant. The seven swordsmen behind them all bowed their bodies.

Huangzhou Jiuzhongtian, the Emperor Jiuzhongtian entangled in the back mountain alone for a long time, but when the drums finally came, he just sighed softly and said “time is not waiting”, and then he didn’t care about seeing the prince and grandson outside. Flying away from time to time, the emperor’s prestige is full.

“I should do business!”

In the Devil’s Edge Eight Desolate City, the white robe war fairy Ren Longdan **** a shabby black armor and lifted his spear.

In the face of the dark clouds, he screamed and rose into the sky.

The dark clouds are torn apart when the body is over, revealing the brilliant sun behind the clouds!

“My ancestors, I should do this!”

On Wangqing Island in the South China Sea, Empress Baishi held her hands in front of the ancestor who was leaning on the lead.

“You are not qualified yet, I can only go to this battle!”

The ancestors of Wangqingdao directly unplugged the Baishi Empress and strode into the air, there is no such thing as oldness, emptiness and silence, only an old man’s background, and a sentence Words: “White Stone, from today, you are the master of Wangqing Island!”



On Donghuang Mountain, Donghuang Mountain Daozi with a long robe and sleeves stood on the top of the mountain.

“You can’t go!”

In front of him, the guardian of Donghuang Mountain looked cold, as if giving orders instead of persuading.

“I also know that Donghuangshan cannot be absent from this battle!”

The guardian of Donghuang Mountain has never had a moment, just like this time. “So, I will replace Donghuang Mountain. You have to stay here, continue to live, and deduce a complete road to lead the future. The world! As I said to you before, I’ll do the culprit, your fame will be yours, and the death will be yours, and the world will be yours!”

“This is the responsibility of my mountain guard!”

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