Master of Great Calamity Chapter 850: Evolve all methods

? Li Taiyi’s words made Fang Yuan feel somewhat upset.

The fate of people is indeed strange.

Maybe at some point, he will regain his senses and usher in a change in his destiny.

Just like Li Taiyi. After the defeat of Mobian, Fang originally thought that he would become a useless person, because Fang Yuan could not think of such a fragile Taoist heart to the extreme, and what else can someone who has been abandoned by the Nine Heavens do? It was also the reason why he didn’t take it seriously when he heard that Li Taiyi was coming to challenge Daozi of Donghuangshan. He really didn’t think Li Taiyi had this qualification!

Of course, the result of this battle is surprising. Although Li Taiyi lost, he is clearly qualified.

What is the reason?

Fang Yuan didn’t know until he heard Li Taiyi say such an attack!

It turns out that this person has also found his way.

He has lived for the throne of the Nine Heavens for the past thousand and five hundred years. He is so good at being a top arrogant of the year. He has become a step-by-step daring not to make mistakes. He claims to be unparalleled in strategy, but is always The jokes of people playing with Yuguzhang…

Then after that great change, he lost his position as a prince.

Without everything, he realized it.

Understanding that I am not a person who should sit on the throne and dominate the country, I am a cultivator.

His obsession with the **** of transformation was too great before, but now it is even bigger.

After turning the gods, he realized that he couldn’t compete with Donghuangshan Daozi in the realm, so he realized the change of magical powers.

After all, if the road of earth has changed today, only the natural eucharist like Donghuangshan Daozi can perceive the laws, and have not seen the laws of heaven at all. People who are misled can accurately use the laws of heaven and earth, and other people can understand the laws of heaven and earth. In his eyes, there are more or less flaws in the laws that have been displayed. That’s why he said that comparing the realm with anyone is not the best way to win.

He also has a great advantage when it comes to competing with supernatural powers.

Donghuangshan Dian borrows infinitely, and Donghuangshan Daozi is born with Eucharist, and all kinds of supernatural powers change, and come at his fingertips.

But under this situation, Taiyi Li was able to be creative and compete with Daozi of Donghuangshan, and lost a move, and by the opportunity of discussing with Daozi of Donghuangshan, he found all his problems and corrected his own. Road, this is rare.

If he waits to get his name right.

Among the Daozi of the Seven Holy Lands in the current world, Wangqingdao Daozifang had the greatest original reputation, Donghuangshan Daozi was the most vigorous, and Yao Feiqin, the big disciple under the White Robe Battle Xianzuo in Bahuang City, was the most mysterious. So far, he has not formally walked in the world. The Taoist Bai Youran of Langya Pavilion hasn’t grown up yet and can’t count, and Yi Lou has no Taoist at all.

Under this situation, although Li Taiyi was the prince for 1,500 years and was finally abandoned by Jiuzhongtian, it was the most sad thing, but now he has challenged Donghuangshan Daozi three times before and after, but he has proved to the world , He is not that weak.

He is the craziest among the seven holy places, and he wants to win the title of number one supernatural power!



“Fang Yuan, my fellow Daoist, my Highness Taiyi, under the pressure of the other party, extended many new magical skills. Now they are all included here. Please also Fang Yuan View, if there is any guidance, both of us will be grateful!”

Daozi of Donghuangshan naturally poured a cup of tea for Fang Yuan, and then took a pair of jade slips from the people around him.

Fang Yuan took it and looked around. Inside the jade slip, there were a pair of newly entered magical techniques. From this point of view, Donghuangshan deserves to be the leader of the world. Donghuangshan Daozi knew that Li Taiyi challenged him. , Will inevitably lose, so at the beginning I was avoiding him, but when I had to fight, I only discussed magical powers with him, so as to sharpen the magical powers, record them into a book, and then return to the world.

And people all over the world come to watch the battle, knowing that there will be many subtle supernatural powers in their battle.

Perhaps for people in their realm, these subtle supernatural powers do not greatly improve their cultivation strength, but they can be greatly improved by passing them to junior masters. This This kind of promotion is not on the realm, but the promotion within the same realm. For Tian Yuan, who is lacking in strength today, it is itself a great event of great merit…

“Hehe, Mr. Fang Yuan is respected by the people of the world as a little saint. I also read the nameless book deduced in the Langya Pavilion. There are really some ways in it, especially because of lack of practice. Xianyuan, relying on his own practice to step into the method of transforming the gods into the heavens, it does have some meaning, but the threshold is too high to help the world, but the magical powers derived from Daozi Wushan and His Highness Li Taiyi of the nine layers can make People all over the world practice arbitrarily, if Mr. Fang Yuan is interested, you might as well give me some advice!”

The guardian of Donghuang Mountain has a smile on his face, but there is really no smile in his voice.

For Fang Yuan, his hatred is deeper than that of Donghuangshan Daozi. After all, the road that Donghuangshan Daozi walked was arranged by him. He thought it was foolproof, but he did not expect it, but it seemed to have become The name of helping Fang’s original saint is also similar.

This made him even feel a sense of guilt towards the ancient mountain owners of Donghuang Mountain!

So whenever I met Fang Yuan, there was always a faint hostility.

“If you really want to help the world, Donghuangshan has countless resources, why not give more to the world?”

Fang Yuan turned the jade slip in his hand and said without raising his head.

The guardian of Donghuang Mountain immediately turned pale, and he couldn’t say a word that he choked.

“Your magical powers are not bad, but they are not subtle enough!”

Fang Yuan glanced at the magical powers in the jade slip, then spoke slowly.

The complexion of the people around them all changed, looking at Fang Yuan rather unkindly. These supernatural powers all represent the wisdom of Donghuangshan Daozi and Prince Jiuzhongtian, and when they were entered, they received several other transformations. The recognition of the **** monks and the deletion of certain flaws can be described as perfect. Fang Yuan’s sentence is not subtle enough, and it really prevents everyone in the field from coming to the stage…

“Hehe, if Mr. Fang Yuan thinks it is not subtle enough…”

The guardian of Donghuang Mountain sneered even more, and he wanted to speak.

Fang Yuan interrupted him directly and said: “Bring paper and pen!”

The guardian of Donghuangshan was slightly startled, while Daozi of Donghuangshan gently gestured to the boy next to him.

A Tong’er gave Fang Yuan a pen and paper, and Fang Yuan took it casually and said: “I also have some experience, I would like to invite everyone to take a look!”

Speaking in the mouth, he wrote line by line.

The guardian of Donghuang Mountain saw Fang Yuan’s words, and he curled his lips, but his eyes lit up quickly and he looked at it intently.

Donghuangshan Daozi and Li Taiyi couldn’t help but be attracted by what Fang Yuan wrote. They looked at them with a little surprise. Fang Yuan wrote about their participation in this battle. The improvement of the changes in magical powers that they have realized, their magical powers are all very mysterious, but Fang Yuan’s writing, unbelievable, has actually cut the shortcomings of their magical powers.

In just a few strokes, they have improved the first magical powers they have realized, almost raising a realm.

Fang Yuan didn’t stop after writing one, and continued to write the second one.

The people in the gazebo were all attracted, and a group of heads leaned forward.

“Fetch paper again!”

Fang Yuan pushed away the head of an old Xiu who was too close to him, and said without raising his head.

Ms Li went with him, took away the rice paper in front of Fang Yuan, put a new pile on it, and pressed it with a paperweight.

Fang Yuandao: “Research ink!”

Daozi of Donghuangshan raised his sleeves and studied ink for him.

Fang Yuandao: “Pour the tea!”

The guardian saw that everyone around him reached out to the teapot beside him, glared at them, took the pot and poured tea by himself.

So Fang Yuan became an uncle. Under the wait of a group of top figures in the world, he wrote page by page. There seemed to be countless fantastic ideas in his mind. Whenever he saw the jade slip The recorded magical powers were deleted and modified at will, making the changes more subtle and simple, as if facing a piece of rough embryos, using a brush to outline their magical content.

Except for some basic spells with ancient roots, most of the magical powers in this world are created by the collision of magical powers when the strong are fighting for the front. Therefore, whenever the troubled times come, there will be one. In the era when magical powers were brilliant, Donghuangshan Daozi and Li Taiyi were like this. They used each other’s pressure to sharpen their magical channels and create new changes.

But they only fought back and forth three times, and the killing intent was not strong, and they were not forced to the end.

However, Fang Yuan has watched an era of endless wars, where there are countless arrogant talents fighting for their lives, and they are wonderful.

Although most of those inheritances are imprinted in Fang Yuan’s magical powers and cannot be fully grasped by him, Fang Yuan experienced such a dream, and his vision was high enough to make these people marvel at it. People feel panic…

“Just write and improve so many supernatural power changes, is this still a human?”

“Does his understanding of supernatural powers exceed so many monks in the same realm?”

I don’t know how many people are stunned the more they look, and they look at Fang Yuan inexplicably.

In their eyes, Fang was supposed to be a similar person to Donghuangshan Daozi, Prince Li Taiyi of the Nineth Heaven. He really wanted one aspect to be prominent, and it shouldn’t be so much higher, but he wrote The things that came down really made everyone feel that his realm and vision had already surpassed them. He was an old monster who had lived for thousands of years, and they all felt that he was a monster.

With eloquence, Fang Yuan wrote a thick pile of paper, and he almost used all the magical powers in the jade book before putting down his pen.

At this time, no one around was talking, they were all holding pages of paper, watching attentively.

Including Donghuangshan Daozi and Li Taiyi too. One face was calm, but with some respect, the other was obviously unconvinced, but this one was unconvinced and was forced down. It was unwilling, but Also admitted to the opponent’s strong expression.

If the magical powers that they two realized at the can only be regarded as an enlightening or touching note, then now, after Fang Yuan’s polishing, this note is already It can be a mysterious code…

With this code alone, there are already a few more rules in this world.

“This code…you plan to take it for yourself?”

The guardian of Donghuang Mountain watched for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Fang Yuan and said.

Fang Yuandao: “This is the result of a collision between the two of them. I just added a little bit. How can I be greedy for merit?”

Shoushan Humanity of Donghuang Mountain: “Then what conditions do you want to offer?”

Fang Yuan said: “No!”

There was silence for a while, and the guardian of Donghuangshan said: “Or you should mention one!”

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