Master of Great Calamity Chapter 847: The Secret of the Stone Tablet

? Regarding the inscriptions on these Heavenly Falling Stone Tablets, Fang Yuan has already untied three of them, and now he saw the fourth one in Donghuang Mountain. It’s just that the inscriptions on the first three stone steles just made him feel a little confused, or even absurd, because what was written on them were all trivial things that took its own course for various reasons. In his opinion, only I think those people are stupid, but he didn’t expect that what he saw on the stone stele of Donghuangshan now was completely different from the previous stone…

The defender in this stele is loyal to his homeland, and has resisted the reckless army for ten years with an isolated city on the border. It can be seen that whether it is personal cultivation, or knowledge, or Taoism, strategy, they are all the best choices. , Such a person, if Fang Yuan had heard of it, he would have respected him from the bottom of his heart, but who would have thought that he would be listed as a stupid person alongside the people on the stone tablets before?

Why do you say that such a person is guilty?

Inexplicably, Fang Yuan saw a sense of sarcasm from this inscription…

…This caused endless anger in his heart.

Who is the person who erected this stele and why did they leave such mocking inscriptions?

If even the lonely guardian’s affairs are sins in the world, then what is not sin in the world?

Even Fang Yuan saw his own shadow from the lone city guard. The guard, unwilling to accept the surrender, used a small lone city to fight the barbarians for ten years. Isn’t it different from himself at this time? ? I haven’t seen a dead end in the world, but still because of certain obsessions in my heart, he refuses to inherit the path left by the Lord of Darkness, but wants to find another way out of the dead end?

If this continues, I may be the same person as the guard!

The crime of the guard was due to his perseverance alone, which exhausted the people all over the city.

What about yourself?

Will the whole world be extinct because of his unwillingness to inherit that path, and there is no more hope?



Fang Yuan sat quietly in the ancient temple for a long time, looking at the inscription over and over again.

Under Donghuang Mountain at this time, there is a mighty magical light that shakes the earth and the earth, as if the earth is trembling faintly. It can be seen how the battle of Donghuangshan Daozi Jiuzhongtian prince Li Taiyi has shaken the world, presumably, now under Donghuang Mountain , Has gathered countless people, and they are shaking for the excitement of this battle, and they are sighed and admired by the five bodies, and they are convinced.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, the names of Donghuangshan Daozi and Jiuzhongtian prince will spread all over the world.

They will once become legends in this world.

Regardless of victory or defeat, this is a good story, the glory that the world seeks.

Fang Yuan should also be this type of person. He started in Youwei, so even if he is weak in nature, he still has some preferences. First, he is very strong. He always wants to master more knowledge and strength to ensure that he will not Going back to the embarrassment of the poor cowherd. The second is a good name. He did not show that he paid too much attention to fame and fortune, so he did not scrutinize any means to pursue it, but when various fame was blessed on him, he did not refuse, because this kind of attention and recognition of the world has been his I have never had it.

So he also wanted to be one of the two people outside.

But now, he can only sit in the Tibetan scripture hall, looking at the content of the inscription, silently in a daze.


There was a cat cry next to him, and the white cat came out from nowhere, with a red pill in his mouth. It is estimated that this may have been refined and taken by the guardian of Donghuang Mountain, because Fang Yuan From the pill, you can see the same magic pattern as the robe on the Donghuang Mountain guards. It must be a white cat walking on the mountain. Now that you see it, you can enjoy it with great care.

The Jiaolong was at the gate of the Tibetan Scripture Hall. He held a handful of pill in his paws, and delivered them one by one into his mouth. It was the same as the pill held in the mouth of a white cat. It must be this ticket. It was the two of them who did it in partnership. While filling their mouths, they could still hear it muttering: “My life is bitter, I was locked up for three thousand years when I came out, and it was finally released. Well, the whole world will be over. ……”

And Lu Xinyao, beside a bookshelf not far away, casually followed a scripture, flipping through it slowly.

Mind returned to the world and circled around, Fang Yuan decided to calm down.

He found that he was really overshadowed by Dao Xin now, and he was distracted.

But now it’s not time to wander, and there’s no time to wander. Since I want to look at the inscription on this stele, and Daozi of Donghuangshan also generously showed this inscription to himself, then I should take care of myself. Cherish this opportunity…

There is no end to the sky, there should still be a chance to survive the catastrophe.

Now the most important thing is to study clearly where this catastrophe came from!



He forced himself to restrain his distracting thoughts and looked at the stele seriously.

He had seen a lot of inscriptions before, but the inscriptions seemed to have deep meaning, but they did not fully express the meaning. So Fang Yuan guessed that the inscriptions were only superficial. There are other secrets, like in the Qingyang Sect, his fellow Lu Qingguan, with the help of a fragment of a stone stele, sleepwalked in the Great Immortal Realm, and got a certain brand.

The steles themselves should also be extremely mysterious!

There are many legends about them in the world. Some say that there is some kind of inheritance, some say that some history is recorded, and some say that it records the secret of the Great Tribulation. Fang Yuan does not care about inheritance or good luck. He only hopes that it can Really found some secrets from it!

Holding this thought, Fang Yuan gently lifted his finger and clicked on the stone tablet.

The tentacles are cold, which seems to be a strange kind of black iron stone, the material is not clear, and there is no mysteriousness.

Then, nothing changes!

Fang Yuan was not discouraged, and injected another mana into the stele.

But the mana did not cause any changes to the stele.

Fang Yuan patiently tried other methods again and again.

He led the battle and tried to draw out the mysterious power in the stone tablet. He analyzed the stone tablet based on the laws of heaven, and wanted to see through the mystery hidden in the stone tablet. He made the stele culture as a symbol and wrapped it on the stone tablet, even with Strike it with lightning, burn it with fire!

…But the result is still the same.

Fang Yuan was really helpless.

As early as when he was in the Qingyang School, he knew that the magic on these steles can only be solved by those who are predestined, just like he was in the Qingyang School, his cultivation is among his peers, and he is already top , But after studying for a few days, he still didn’t solve the secret on the stone slab, but later he solved it with Lu Qingguan, who was inferior to his own realm cultivation base, with his mind and eyes.

Fang Yuan has asked Lu Qingguan for advice on that magical power. As far as Fang Yuan’s cultivation is concerned, it is not difficult for him to cultivate that magical power. In fact, Fang Yuan only needs to move his mind. Show the eyes of that magical power.

But it’s still useless.

Lu Qingguan can use that magical power to see through the mystery of the stele, but Fang Yuan can’t.

“There are so many secrets clearly recorded, what kind of method can be used to see it…”

Fang Yuan’s heart has gradually become anxious.

Now that time is so anxious, how can we put time on this broken stone monument?

Especially, he has tried almost all the secret methods in the world, but still can’t understand the secrets in this stone tablet, so he can’t help but make him angry even more. He is so unwelcome to see the stone tablet. , That secret, can’t you touch it?

“Since Lu Qingguan used a stone tablet fragment to sleep in the Great Immortal Realm, two things can be determined!”

Fang Yuan calmed down and thought to himself: “First, there is indeed a certain mystery hidden in this stele!”


Fang Yuan’s pupils shrink slightly: “Even if the stone tablet is broken, it will still be effective…”



When thinking of this question, Fang Yuan sighed.

He sat cross-legged in front of the stele for a long time, and when he had no distractions, he suddenly raised his head.

Beside him, the void trembled, and then a sword light slowly condensed.

Fang Yuan has really no move, and decided to slash at this stone monument!

“The secrets on the stele, I must understand!”

“The reason why the Lord Langya became the Lord of Darkness, his transformation must not only be determined by reading a few inscriptions, he must have seen more secrets, but he might be afraid to provoke it. The curse of Kunlun Mountain, so I dare not tell me this secret directly, and if so, then I must come to understand these secrets myself and understand these secrets…”

“Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, you can’t follow the old path of the Lord of Darkness!”

“After all, the reincarnated world is no longer the world!”

“After all, if you go that way, what is the sacrifice of Junior Sister Luo?”



Holding countless thoughts, Fang Yuan concentrated unprecedented energy to gather the sword of heart.

Inside and outside the Tibetan scripture hall, the white cat, the dragon, and Lu Xinyao noticed his movements, but they were all startled, thinking that he could not find out the secrets in the research, so they became angry and wanted to directly take this mysterious The stone stele was destroyed, and the pill in the Jiaolong’s claws all fell to the murmured: “It’s over, run to the temple of the Buddhist scriptures and destroy the stone stele. This is nothing short of finding fault. Ah, I thought I would be able to get together for a few years and enjoy the blessings. Looking at it now, I might have to be beaten to death after a while…”

Just when it was silly for a while, Fang Yuan’s sword light cut into the stone tablet.

Under Donghuang Mountain today, the battle between Donghuangshan Daozi and Jiuzhongtian prince Li Tai is coming to an end. Every move has caused countless people to worry about it, but at this time, there was a sword on Donghuang Mountain. Light, fleeting…

The sword light was too bright, and even he and Taiyi Li couldn’t help being slightly distracted.

The audience around me was immediately drawn away, wondering what happened on the mountain.

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s sword light had been cut into the stele and disappeared.

His own face gradually became serious!

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