Master of Great Calamity Chapter 845: Drag 1 drag

? Donghuangshan Daozi said that he would help Fang Yuan to heal his injuries. He said naturally, as if he should.

Lv Xinyao and Jiaolong looked at them with weird eyes at this time, feeling somewhat weird. Even the guardian of the East Huangshan Mountain and the other three elders from the world also showed some complicated expressions, as if he didn’t know if he was true. He wanted to help Fang Yuan heal his injuries, or something else, but he didn’t expect that Fang Yuan nodded and agreed without hesitation.

“The human body and soul have reached their peak or limit at the time of the Nascent Soul Realm, and the transformation of the gods is to break this limit, control the laws of heaven and earth, and affect the operation of heaven and earth, like a house Leaving the mortal body and transforming into a deity, so it is called transforming into a god. After transforming into a god, not only the soul can affect the law, but the flesh can also be tempered by the law to transcend the mortal body. Therefore, a monk who is new to the transformation of God, It is the most important thing to raise your body, and your injury now has a big problem!”

Daozi from Donghuangshan ordered a delicate tray with a row of black iron black needles and a few pills in it. He used black black iron black needles to stimulate the large acupuncture points around Fang Yuan and reconcile the inner breath of Fang Yuan. At the same time, speak slowly: “If you don’t take this injury seriously, even if you recover it in the future, it will affect your future peak state of the divine body, but fortunately, I know a little bit about this and know how to help you. Hidden dangers, guarantee that you will develop a **** body without hindrance, but I am somewhat curious, with your current cultivation level…”

He frowned slightly, looked at Fang Yuan, and said, “Who else can hurt you to this level?”

When he said this question, he was indeed a little curious.

He could see that Fang Yuan’s injuries were not left by the guardians of the Eastern Emperor Mountain and the three old monsters who escaped the world, but with the strength of Fang Yuan’s Heavenly Taoist God, people in this world can hurt him. , I am afraid that there are only the Lords of the Holy Land and the saints of the Immortal League. They are all well-known and famous people, but Fang Yuan and them are irresistible, how can these people hurt him?

Fang Yuan hesitated slightly in response to Donghuangshan Daozi’s inquiry.

He raised his head to look at Daozi of Donghuang Mountain, and he could notice that his eyes were extremely clear, and he could see the bottom like a spring.

He couldn’t help but think of everything he knew in the Demon Breath Lake.

The secrets I saw and the things I experienced were all terrible things, like a sharp sword hanging above this world. At this time, of course, the secret was told, the more It is better for people to bear the burden, and more people to discuss together. After all, Fang Yuan was not confident enough to make decisions for the whole world, but when he thought about it, he remembered the terrible disaster of Kunlun Mountain back then!

The Lord of Darkness said that it originated from a mysterious and terrifying curse.

Is this true or not?

If it is true, then the consequences of telling all the secrets by myself will cause another catastrophe!

Even the matter of the magic puppet can cause endless variables!

The consequences are too serious, Fang Yuan dare not gamble…

Now he is like a ball of twine, with too many clues and not clear.

So, he finally shook his head slowly without answering.



Daozi of Donghuangshan was a little surprised, but he didn’t ask any more. After finishing the injection, he took out a pill and said, “This is the Donghuang Shenshen Pill. I am afraid there is no better pill in the world. Medicine is of great benefit to you and will stabilize your foundation!”


Seeing Donghuangshan Daozi not only really helped Fang Yuanhang with acupuncture, but also gave him Donghuang Shenshen Pill, Donghuangshan mountain guards and three old monsters, his face became a little unnatural, and he seemed to want to persuade him. Something, but in this case, it is not suitable to speak. Donghuangshan Daozi noticed their thoughts, smiled and said, “I and Fang Yuan are fighting over the main road. Even if there is a battle in the future, it is also for In my own way, if I am not honest enough now, then I don’t have enough respect for my own way!”

He didn’t know whether he was speaking to the guardian or Fang Yuan. It seemed very natural.

At this moment, Fang Yuan moved in his heart, and suddenly said: “But if…you and I are fighting, it’s just a trail?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room felt strange.

The two of them first competed for the name of the little sage, and then competed for the road. What could be bigger than this?

Fang Yuan actually said that he was only fighting for the trail?

Only Donghuangshan Daozi seriously thought about it and said: “That may be our state is not enough!”

Fang Yuan nodded and looked at the endgame of Donghuangshan Daozi playing against himself, and said: “Let’s play chess!”

Donghuangshan Daozi smiled and said: “Zhengchou has no opponents, please!”



Fang Yuan played chess with others and never lost.

He has a natural understanding of the principles of chess, and has a sensitivity and clarity that is hard to come by.

But this time playing chess with Donghuangshan Daozi is a little different.

When he pushed the chess pieces and unfolded the situation, he was very confident, but when it was the turn of Donghuangshan Daozi to place his son, the situation was a little different. Donghuangshan Daozi seemed to see through his chess path, with both hands. Crossed, resting his chin, quietly looking at the chess game in front of me, as if thinking about something…

Then in the eyes of the surrounding practitioners, an hour passed like this…

When even Fang Yuan felt helpless, Donghuangshan Daozi fell behind.

Fang Yuan quickly followed a son, and then Donghuangshan Daozi put his chin on his hand again and watched the chess game quietly.

Two more hours have passed…

The guards of Donghuang Mountain don’t want to stay here anymore, looking for a reason, they walked away, the white cat was already lying on Fang Yuan’s lap and screaming, Lu Xinyao sat down and thought about things, while Jiaolong was Leaning on the railing in front of the hall, watching the maid passing by below whistle, only Fang Yuan, who has been sitting on the edge of the chessboard, waiting for the son of Donghuangshan to fall, his face turned a little green.

The whole night passed, Donghuangshan Daozi only lost four sons, and it was getting slower and slower.

When the Eastern Rising Sun first rose, Fang Yuan finally couldn’t help it, and said: “Or…Is it a tie?”

Donghuangshan Daozi nodded and said: “Good too!”

Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling helpless the first time he played chess.

After playing chess before, the opponent felt relaxed.

“Fang Yuan Daoist Heavenly Transformation is really extraordinary. It’s just a day and night. The hidden dangers are gone and the peak is restored. Now that you are not playing chess, it is not convenient to tell me about your injury. Where are you going?”

Donghuangshan Daozi cleaned up the game and asked Fang Yuan with a smile.

Fang Yuan was going to play chess. He wanted to take the opportunity to try his thoughts, but now that one night passed, the thoughts are still not smooth. The eastern sun shines the sun all over the world, but when it shines on him, it also lets He couldn’t feel the slightest warmth, but the pressure in his heart became heavier and heavier, as if the world had become much smaller, turned into endless pressure, and pressed on him alone.

He pondered for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and said to Donghuangshan Daozi: “I have one thing, I want to ask Dao brother!”

Donghuangshan Daozi nodded and said: “But there is no defense!”

Fang Yuan said: “I have heard people say that there is a stone monument falling from the sky in Donghuang Mountain, it is very mysterious, I don’t know whether it is true or not?”

Donghuangshan Daozi nodded and said: “Yes!”

Fang Yuan pondered slightly and said, “I want to take a look at the monument!”

Daozi of Donghuangshan suddenly raised his head and looked at Fang Yuandao: “I have a long tradition in Donghuangshan, with countless verses, high-level verses, and not lost to Langya Pavilion. And my Donghuang Mountain itself is a treasure of the cave, located at the source of the spiritual veins in the world, and it breeds countless good things, so there are many people who come to ask for resources; and I was born close to the road, and I was called the sacred body. Reason, so many people come to Donghuangshan to beg me to preach, but the stone stele…”

He looked into Fang Yuan’s eyes and slowly said: “There was only one person who came to Donghuang Mountain to see the inscription, and that was the Lord Langya, the later Lord of Darkness…”

His face seemed a little solemn, and he asked Fang Yuan, “Now, do you want to watch it too?”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, nodded, and said: “I want to see!”

Daozi of Donghuangshan slowly got up and said: “Then you will come back to Donghuangshan with me, I will let you see it!”

Lu Xinyao, Jiaolong, etc. couldn’t help but feel a little frightened.

Donghuang Mountain is the number one holy place in the world, and it is also the most mysterious holy place. There are a few people in the world who are eligible to enter Donghuang Mountain, not to mention that Fang Yuan and Donghuang Mountain Daozi are now rivals. Honor, go to Donghuang Mountain?

Only seeing that the two of them have made an agreement, it is difficult for anyone to say anything at this time.

Daozi from Donghuangshan was also convinced, so he immediately ordered the guards of Donghuangshan to pack up and go back to Donghuangshan.

Seeing Fang Yuan walking with them, although the guardian and others were a little surprised, they didn’t know what to say.

During this period of time, they have also found out about the affairs of Youzhou, knowing that someone who is suspected of being a descendant of the Lord of Darkness has appeared, and when they think of meeting the injured Fang Yuan here, they can’t help but feel a little suspicious. , It’s just that even they didn’t think too deeply. After all, Fang Yuan’s reputation in the world today even surpasses Donghuangshan Daozi. These people almost represent the brightness of Tianyuan and are worshipped by countless people. Existence, the halo of the little saint, is almost substantial, how can it be related to the Lord of Darkness?

For Fang, he can no longer think about so many things.

He used the time healed to play chess to give himself time to think about these issues, but after all he didn’t want to go that way.

He doesn’t believe it either. If he doesn’t believe it, there is only one way left in this world!

Even if there is really only one way left in this world, he will have to delay making a decision!

He thought of the Kunlun Mountain Great Tribulation back then, also thought of Dao Yuan Zhenjie, and thought of the Heavenly Falling Stele!

There are still many mysteries in this world!

Perhaps, there are some solutions hidden in these mysteries!

So, he has to find a solution before the situation is completely out of control when possible!

Whether it is to find the last ray of life, or to convince yourself…

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