Master of Great Calamity Chapter 843: Go alone on the avenue

? Although it seems that the only way left by the Lord of Darkness, Fang Yuan is still unwilling.

The Demon Crossing the Tribulation Puppets reincarnated from death, they are already another race. They were all heroes in the world before they were alive, and they have done great service to the world. The other kind of people, although many of the robbery demon puppets have inherited some memories from before their lives, they are no longer the people they used to be, and they have nothing to do with “people”.

Then a person has cultivated the dark demon breath, isn’t it reincarnated into another race?

Although the Lord of Darkness left a special case like Lu Xinyao on purpose, how can Fang Yuan believe that the so-called “immortals” who survived after reincarnation with the exercises deduced by him are still The original themselves?

The most critical thing is to ignore the life and death of most people in the world, and only live a few people…

…Through the catastrophe like this, can it really be considered as a success in the catastrophe?

All kinds of problems made Fang Yuan extremely distressed.

It seems as if countless voices tell him that there is only one way to go, and he is still unwilling.

Lu Xinyao looked at him coldly and suddenly said: “What are you going to do?”

“What else can I do?”

Fang Yuan’s eyebrows condensed into a knot, and after a long time, he whispered: “Fang is never arrogant, but he does not think that his shoulders are wide enough to carry the entire world. These existences are terrible. , This secret is too terrible. If these magic puppets are reincarnated successfully, the world will perish. It is also not what I want to follow the old path of the Lord of Darkness. I don’t understand why he keeps these secrets so deep, but this This is a stupid and selfish approach. It is a matter of the world, so it should be decided by the world!”

When he said these words, Fang Yuan really looked a little angry and looked terrifying.

The facts are obvious. What he saw in this Demon Breath Lake was too terrible and too serious. Whether he wanted to inherit the path of the Lord of Darkness or not, it would lead to extremely terrible consequences. One person is short-witted. The two are wise, of course, they must quickly notify the immortal alliance and the masters of the great sacred land of their discoveries here, and even gather another red sky conference to discuss the solution!

I just hope to gather the power of the world and think of a less desperate way!

But contrary to Fang Yuan’s horror, Lu Xinyao showed a sneer on his face when he heard what he said.

She still had a calm face, and slowly shook her head and said: “You shouldn’t do this!”

Fang Yuan looked at her coldly, not knowing why she said that.

Lu Xinyao suddenly smiled lightly and said: “Have you forgotten the Kunlun Mountain catastrophe thousands of years ago?”

Fang Yuan was startled slightly, not understanding what she was doing when she brought up the matter.

Lv Xinyao’s smile seemed to bring some ghostly spirit, and laughed in a low voice: “You plan to make all your secrets public and discuss with the people of the world, then do you know that the catastrophe of Kunlun Mountain is possible? Because this thought of you came for the second time…”

“Kunlun Mountain…”

Fang Yuan was stunned, his face particularly ugly.

The catastrophe of Kunlun Mountain thousands of years ago, no one knows, no one knows, and it is precisely because of that catastrophe that what should have been the strongest life of Tianyuan in history became the weakest. Regardless of the death of an expert, countless secrets are severed.

The catastrophe almost made the world lose hope of overcoming the catastrophe!

And why this catastrophe came about, and what has been erased, has always been one of the biggest problems in the world!

I don’t know how many people have been trying to solve this secret, but they have found nothing…

Now, Lu Xinyao suddenly said it.

“This is the second thing he asked me to tell you!”

Liu Xinyao looked at Fang Yuan’s expression with a sneer on his face, and said calmly: “You know these things, he also knows, you can think of persuading the people of the world to discuss together and find a way out, do you think he can’t think of it It’s just that, where is there such easy things in this world, there are so many secrets, it’s not that he wants to hide privately and don’t want to make it public…”

A sneer appeared on her face: “He doesn’t dare to make it public!”

Looking at her face, Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly felt an indescribable pressure



Fang Yuan’s face was already gloomy, but Lu Xinyao turned a blind eye, and even went on with some pride, saying: “He is the only person in the world who has survived the Kunlun Mountain catastrophe, so he is right Thousands of years ago, the catastrophe had his own opinions. He said that the catastrophe a thousand years ago occurred because the high-ranking people on Kunlun Mountain had realized something, so they touched some curses, and thus brought down the catastrophe. All the people who came into contact with that secret are erased!”

Fang Yuan’s heart shuddered when he heard it, and he slowly raised his head and looked at her.

And listening to what they said, Jiaolong looked a little horrified, and quietly wanted to retreat, not listening to this secret.

The woman’s voice still got in her ears.

“The Kunlun Mountain catastrophe can happen the first time, and it can happen the second time!”

Lu Xinyao said coldly: “I don’t know what the secret is, but whether it’s him or you, you are all very close to the secret. If you disclose all these things, call Gao People discuss it together. Naturally, it is easier to relax, but it is possible to repeat the mistakes of Kunlun Mountain at any time. At that time, how many Mahayana, so many masters, and precious treasures on Kunlun Mountain were under that curse, quietly To die silently, let alone the current Tianyuan monk?”

When Fang Yuan heard these words, his face was extremely cold.

Lv Xinyao slowly raised her head, looked towards the sky, and said quietly: “Perhaps, there is some kind of existence staring at this world in the sky today. If you expose all the secrets to the public, then you and all the people involved , There is only one end…”



Fang Yuan was startled by these words, unable to answer for a while, and his heart was upset.

After a long time, he suddenly said: “Then what does he mean?”

Lu Xinyao smiled coldly, and said: “What else can it be? Don’t try to share these things with others until you understand what the catastrophe of Kunlun Mountain is. What is the curse aimed at? , And under what kind of contract will be touched, no one knows, but if you want not to disturb the curse, there is only one way, just like what he did, alone to bear the cause and effect, so Once you come, even if you touch the curse, you will only destroy yourself!”

Speaking of this, she was relieved and smiled: “Of course, you can also distrust me, maybe there is no curse!”

Fang Yuan didn’t answer, he just looked at Lu Xinyao coldly.

Even every slight change in the vitality of this woman, every subtle expression is not let go.

Then he was sure that this woman was telling the truth!

This made his heart silent.

If this is true, or as long as you are not sure that it is false, then you cannot take the risk.

He doesn’t know if there is such an existence and such a curse in Tianwai today, but he just can’t afford to gamble, and the entire Tianyuan can’t afford to gamble. If the Kunlun Mountain catastrophe comes again, then the whole world can prepare Going to die!

Just, these things can only be borne by yourself?

If this is a cause and effect, then this cause and effect is too heavy.

He had always made a decision, but this time, he really didn’t dare to make a decision easily.




Before Fang Yuan wanted to understand this, suddenly there was an extremely heavy voice change around him.

The dark monsters around suddenly became agitated, a little frightened, and a little excited, and rushed to all directions.

Even Fang Yuan noticed some changes at this time. He looked at it coldly and saw the large formation around the entire Demon Breath Lake, which seemed to be invaded by a huge force, and was crumbling. After a long while, The rumbling was shattered, and a gap appeared, and then the endless dark magic breath, like a tide, rumbling, rushing towards the gap, smashing a bigger gap.

Like a volcanic eruption, all the dark magic auras rolled and rushed in all directions.

“This piece of Demon Breath Lake is going to disperse!”

Fang Yuan looked up slightly in shock, and then realized that the magic puppet in the Demon Breath Lake had been cut by himself, and the entire Demon Breath Lake had lost its stator. The large outer formations could not trap these demons. The interest is like a volcano about to erupt and cannot be stopped.

He had encountered this kind of thing as early as in the Yue Kingdom Demon Breath Lake, and he knew how powerful it was.

“Let’s go!”

For a moment, without thinking about it, he flew up suddenly.

The figure walked through the endless void and came to the temple where the Lord of Darkness left behind. Fang Yuan pressed the palm of his hand and summoned the toad thunder spirit, opened his huge mouth, towards the small temple Swallowed it, leaving only a mess in place.

He knows that this small temple is a legacy left by the Lord of Darkness.

There are some secrets he has deduced here, and there are some secrets he has. Any of these secrets will be spread will cause chaos in the world, which is not good for the tragedy. Prior to this, he only wanted to destroy these things, one hundred, but now, he can only put all these things away, and can’t let them be destroyed in this magic breath lake…

Although he has not yet decided whether to take the dark road, he has not dared to take the risk.

He is not sure, when it comes to despair, whether there is the only way here!

“Did you think of all this when you asked me to see your legacy?”

Before the entire Demon Breath Lake completely collapsed, Fang Yuan glanced back, sighed low, and escaped into the sky.

As soon as he left, the entire Demon Breath Lake suddenly scattered like fireworks on the land of Youzhou.

The sound spread three hundred miles, and the world was shocked.

Fang Yuan sighed and looked up at the void, his eyes a little heavy and confused.

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