Master of Great Calamity Chapter 835: 3 Ring Ruler

“The Great Fairy World?”

Fang Yuan listened to the words of the six youth officials, concentrating slightly, and remained silent for a long time.

The 6th youth official is very honest and didn’t try to conceal anything. Fang Yuan could also tell if he concealed anything, but that’s the only thing he could tell himself. For those who used the stone slab of Qingyang Sect to understand In fact, he couldn’t say clearly about those things. It was like a big dream. He saw a lot of scenes, but after waking up, he couldn’t keep all those dream scenes in the sea of ​​knowledge, only the dream was left. The immortal’s imprint when he preached, and this imprint made his cultivation of supernatural powers soar.

After listening to all this, Fang Yuan couldn’t comment. He could only ponder over it carefully and said to the sixth youth: “Junior Brother 6, your opportunity is very mysterious, and I can’t figure it out. The truth is that, I will tell you bluntly that there are some things that scare me in your vitality. I don’t know if it is good or bad, but for you, it’s better to learn more about Taoism and comprehend. The truth is that such a path of practice will be safe, and you must not be immersed in the ancient monument, but lose the root!”

Six Youth Officials were slightly startled when he heard this, and nodded: “I will remember the words of Brother Fang Yuan!”

Fang Yuan knew that he had a stable temperament, so he didn’t say more, and the two of them made a bow and separated outside the hall.

Now these people who came to greet him to leave the customs have already greeted him, and after doing his best, he also thought about the slate alone and walked down the mountain. Yun Zhou had already received his order. He was waiting in the mountainside early. When he saw Fang Yuan, he came forward and told him that he was ready. Fang Yuan nodded to him, took a paper python, and went to Langya Pavilion alone. Come in condolences.

Wen Dao Mountain today is, after all, a fairy banquet, with a cheerful atmosphere, but Langya Pavilion is full of sadness.

Langya Pavilion’s main body was ruined, and his body was violently killed. After watching the Dark Lord’s level and the remains, the sage of the Celestial League Tiankui didn’t say much, and quietly returned his level to Langya Pavilion. Langya Pavilion naturally wanted Let it be safe.

Originally, the death of the lord of the holy land was a major event. I am afraid that the entire world of cultivation will be alarmed and the heavens will be sent off, but because of this pavilion Lord Langya, he has done something that the world cannot tolerate. As a result, the entire Langya Pavilion was almost accompanied by the funeral, so Langya Pavilion was unable to organize the funeral for him with great fanfare, and did not even speak out to the outside world, but closed the gate and carried out it quietly.

There are a few deceased people, and they can only come quietly to see each other off.

This kind of thing sounds sad, but if you think about it, who can blame it?

It is already a blessing that Langya Pavilion can keep his own tradition after the Lord of Darkness.

Tengyun reached the gate of Deshan, Fang Yuan pressed the head of the cloud, and saw that Mr. Wu Mu was already waiting here, and he was led into Langya Pavilion, and he saw the small building in the depths of Langya Pavilion. In a small mourning hall, Madam Bai and Bai Youran, as well as Bai Youran’s newly married wife, were kneeling on the side of the mourning hall to see them off. There were a few white lanterns hanging outside, and the world was dark.

In order to prevent the funeral from becoming too quiet and arousing criticism from outsiders, the servants and generals in the Langya Pavilion did not wear filial piety, only their family members were dressed in hemp, let alone holy land, even if It’s not so shabby in the ordinary world.

“In any case, I respect your knowledge and come and smell the incense!”

Fang Yuan put down the paper python, took a stick of incense from Mr. Wu Mu’s hand, and put it in the incense burner.

Here, you can see a few four and five incense sticks, which must be respected by the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor and Wangqingdao ancestor.

At this time, they are the only ones who can send off the deceased regardless of the world’s criticism.


Bai Youran has been silently kneeling on the side, sullenly saluting the people who offer incense, until Fang Yuan came to offer incense, he suddenly raised his head, tears on his face, crying Said: “Sir, I got together with my father not long ago, but I can feel that he is not a bad person, but he was forced to death by the people of the world, and they forced me to go out and offered my father’s grade with my own hands. I felt very painful. , I have a lot of hatred, I don’t know what I should do, I…I want to avenge my father!”

Fang Yuan suddenly turned around and looked at Bai Youran coldly.

Bai Youran struck her neck, her eyes filled with pain and hatred, and endless confusion.

Ms. Bai saw his appearance, her heart was worried, but she didn’t know how to persuade her.

Fang Yuan looked at him for a long while before he solemnly shouted: “Yunzhou, take the ruler!”

The Yunzhou behind Fang Yuan shook his head slightly, and had no choice but to ran into the bamboo forest nearby, cut the bamboo as a ruler, and handed it to Fang Yuan’s hand. Fang Yuan held a three-foot bamboo board and looked at Bai Youran seriously. “Your father once saw me in Da Zi Zai Palace of Gods and Demons. We are different in humanity. He should have killed me mercilessly, but he said he owed me a favor, so he said a lot!”

“This favor is because I taught you before!”

Fang Yuan was silent for a moment, and said: “He is your father, he should have taught you, but he is far away from you for his own way, so it is me who teaches you. Since your father has inherited my favor , It means that he also recognizes my teaching to you!”

As he said, Ming Bai Youran raised his palm.

Bai Youran is already at the Nascent Soul’s cultivation base, and he is also an adult. At this time, he was painful and confused, but facing Fang Yuan’s gaze, he still raised his palm subconsciously, just like when he was very young. It’s just that there is still a lot of unconvinced in his eyes. When he was young, he was very unconvinced by Fang Yuan’s beating, but now, this unconvincing is even more different from when he was young.

“Just a few days ago, your father appeared in the partial hall. He helped me to derive the Taoist book. He was amazing and brilliant. I admired it very much. Without him, my Taoist book would be deduced. It’s so smooth, so whether it’s looking at him or the friendship between our mentors and apprentices before, I will teach you a good lesson, and in front of your father, let him leave the world with confidence…”

While speaking, Fang Yuan raised the paddle ruler and took a heavy shot.


Bai Youran’s palm immediately turned red, and her whole body shuddered, but she could not move.

Fang Yuan was going to hit him with a ruler. He didn’t dare to use mana to resist. More importantly, when Fang Yuan hit this foot, he ran some kind of magical law and hit him directly. Because of his cultivation base, it is difficult to bear this kind of pain.

“This foot is to teach you to recognize the truth!”

Fang Yuan sternly said: “I don’t know exactly what kind of person your father is, but what he did so far has indeed killed a lot of people. He apologizes for himself. I mean, there is nothing wrong with the people of the world who want to confess. You hate the world because of your father’s death, and even want revenge on the people of the world. This is wrong, so I will beat you!”

Bai Youran bit her lip, her palm still stretched straight.

Fang Yuan lifted the paddle ruler, and struck it down hard for the second time. A redness and swelling appeared in Bai Youran’s palm.

Hearing the loud sound, Mrs. Bai couldn’t help turning her head, tears all over her face.

Bai Youran’s newlywed wife was quite unbearable, as if she wanted to jump up and stop, but thinking of what her father-in-law said before his death, and knowing it shouldn’t be, she had to bow her head and warned herself over and over again. Hate Fang Yuan, to understand him.

“This foot is to teach you right and wrong!”

Fang Yuan said to Bai leisurely: “Your father’s path is not as simple as the outsiders say, but it’s still not clear whether it’s good or bad. You don’t know what the path he’s walking is. , You are going to inherit his path. It is a fool in itself. Don’t think about this matter in the future. I will take a look at his path. If it is an evil path, I will directly destroy it!”

Bai Youran’s lips have bitten out blood, but her palms are still straight.

He endured the pain that touched the soul, hoarsely said: “Sir, what if my father’s road is right?”

Fang Yuan said, “Then I will inherit directly, it is not your turn!”

Bai Youran was suddenly stunned and raised his head, looking at Fang Yuan with a complicated expression, as if he didn’t know what to say.

“But that wouldn’t be right!”

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “It is wrong to destroy the world’s thoughts at any time!”

After talking, he hit the third foot heavily.

Bai Youran was faltering, but still forcibly kneeled straight, just looking at Fang Yuan’s eyes, tears were already streaming out.

“The third ruler is to teach you to be responsible!”

Fang Yuan sighed after he finished hitting him, and threw the ruler aside. He seemed to be a little tired. He sat on the bluestone next to him and looked at Bai Youran and said: “Your mother, your newly married wife, And this huge Langya Pavilion is your responsibility. Now that your father has gone, you are the new Langya Pavilion What you should think about is how to protect them, not just talk harshly! “

The tears streaming down Bai Youran’s face, she lowered her head and said nothing.

The newlywed wife next to her hurriedly came forward and took his hand to give him medicine, and her grievances suddenly disappeared.

“Invite Mr. Fang Yuan to sit in the side hall and have a cup of tea!”

Mrs. Bai glanced at Bai Youran, sighed in a low voice, stood up, and asked Fang Yuan to sit down in the Partial Hall. She personally served tea and put it beside Fang Yuan. It took a long time to sigh , Said: “Mr. Fang Yuan, this time my Langya Pavilion is facing a disaster, and it depends on you to take care of me, especially Baier after this great change, Dao Xin has a shadow, thanks to your gentleman who can teach him!”

“One drink and one peck, is it pre-determined, madam, don’t need to thank me, you didn’t dislike my vulgar birth and ruined my future, but still willing to give me the opportunity to study in Langya Pavilion, you have been doomed to this cause and effect. , I just paid back this old favor!”

Fang Yuan’s words were very calm, and there was nothing to hide.

Mrs. White nodded, sadly: “My husband…who can think of it?”

“Perhaps, what the pavilion master did is not as simple as the world sees!”

Fang Yuan pondered for a moment, and said, “Actually, I have one more question here. Langya Pavilion Collection is unparalleled. It contains all the treasures of the world and exhausts the current world, but I don’t know my wife. I have heard of some things about the stone monument of Heavenly Fall. Rumor?”

Mrs. Bai was startled slightly and said: “Yes, there are some rubbings in my Langya Pavilion!”

As she said, she hesitated a little, and said: “Mr. Nothing, my husband’s temperament has changed a lot, and it started from seeing the inscription!”

Fang Yuan’s heart was startled when he heard it, and after a while, he said, “Take me to see!”


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