Master of Great Calamity Chapter 831: It’s time to pay it back

? “Don’t fight anymore?”

The killing intent was overwhelming, and it was on the verge of breaking out, but I didn’t expect the reaction of the little sage master of Donghuangshan was unexpected. After he and Fang Yuan briefly said a word, everyone in the room felt a strange emotion. It seems that the murderous aura on my body is very superfluous. No matter how stunned I am, I can only slowly retract. The people pressed by the two sides are also retreating a little later. The mixed thoughts in my heart are all put away, and my reason is gradually restored. Full of curiosity, I looked at the two people who were looking at each other in the sky.

“If I am not confident enough in the path I am taking, I am not worthy to walk this path!”

The little sage master of Donghuangshan put his hands behind his back, looked at Fang Yuan with a smile but not a smile, and said: “It is a wonderful thing to refine with the lack, and refine the existence with the lack, Fang Yuan Taoist friend, only this step , You are destined to stay in history, you have walked out of a road that does not require the immortal source to transform the gods, a brand-new road, they all feel that you may take a different path from mine, and make the road I walk useless !”

“Not only me, but all the old guys are meaningless!”

When he said this, he smiled, with a little disdain in his smile, and said: “That’s why they want to kill you. It’s like killing you. They will once again find their Dao Xin and become stable again. My status is as good as my respect…”

“It can only be said that today’s Tianyuan monk, the Taoist heart is too unstable!”



Listening to the words of the little sage master of Donghuangshan, countless people’s faces changed drastically.

Even the people on Fang Yuan’s side, many of them changed their faces, and they seemed to be taken in by the little sage master.

When Fang Yuan heard this, his heart moved slightly, and he raised his head and said: “What about you?”

“I am different, I believe in my own way!”

The little sage master of Donghuangshan shook his head, his face was a little solemn, and said: “Although your path is good, practice is practice. Naturally, there are his laws. You can understand the way through the law. You can’t avoid this path. Open, so you will still walk on the same road as me sooner or later. I will still be one step ahead of you in understanding the avenue. You may not be able to ruin my avenue…”

Speaking of this, he paused slightly and said: “On the contrary, you will help me to achieve the great road!”


There was an uproar around, and countless people were whispering.

In fact, this truth is very obvious.

The path of spiritual practice has always been such a law.

Understanding the law and mastering the law, can we see the great road and master it.

Fang Yuan did not use Xianyuan to become a god, but he is also a god, after all, he still has not completed the road of comprehension, so he is a step slower than the little sage master of Donghuangshan. Many people have been walked by Fang Yuan before. The road was frightened, just thinking that since his road can become a **** of transformation without the help of the immortal source, is it possible to become a great road without the help of heaven? Did it overthrow all the paths of practice?

However, the little sage master of Donghuangshan saw through the real thing at a glance and determined that Fang Yuan could not escape this law.

Therefore, the number of lights looked towards Fang Yuan.

At this time, Fang Yuan was also looking at Donghuangshan Little Sage very seriously.

It didn’t seem that he would say that, but he thought he should have been.

“It is true!”

After a while, he nodded slowly, and said to the little sage master of Donghuangshan: “I have only improved the practice method, rather than overthrowing the original practice method, so we are still on the same road, this road , It’s hard to say who goes further!”

“I will walk farther than you!”

The little sage master of Donghuangshan nodded and answered naturally, then looked at Fang Yuan, and said, “I will not attack you today. I will leave you enough time to evolve your own way, until one day. , If you really can go to the same height as me before I achieve Mahayana, let us fight again, as for now, I can’t give up this hope for the world!”

I heard the words of the little sage master of Donghuangshan, and I also felt the arrogance in his words.

But Fang Yuan didn’t feel too much disgust. He just smiled at him and expressed his agreement with him.

Seeing this scene, everyone was inexplicably relieved.

Even the person who just thought about beheading Fang Yuan, felt relieved at this moment.

That is a very strange feeling.

How abruptly the murder in my heart just now came, and how natural it was to receive at this time.

Above the nine heavens, among the clouds, the flowing clouds formed by layers of killing air disappeared in an instant, and there was a big day in the sky, shining on the mountains and rivers, bright as before, and all the practitioners stood quietly In the void, the expressions are extremely clear.

In the remote and secret place, some eyes seemed to be disappointed, gradually covering up the energy, leaving no trace.



In the Langya Pavilion, the Lord Langya watched the intention of killing and killing in the air faded away, his face was slightly stunned, but there was no disappointment, but his eyes became clearer. The appearance of this result made him feel When it came to the accident, it also made him feel some relief, gently holding Mrs. Bai’s hand, he suddenly laughed, a little lost, and more happy.

Mrs. Bai turned her head to look at him, her eyes reddening: “Do you have any other arrangements?”

Pavilion Master Langya shook his head lightly, and said: “It’s really not this time!”

He paused, then glanced into the distance, and smiled: “I just felt softer and did something that didn’t fit my avenue. I never knew whether it was right or wrong. Now, these two juniors have given me the answer…”

Mrs. Bai nodded, her eyes sparkling.

“Don’t cry!”

Pavilion Lord Langya smiled and said: “Since I am leaving, this is the best farewell gift!”

Speaking, he summoned the young master of Langya Pavilion, Bai Youran, who had been not far behind him, and smiled: “It’s time for you to send me out!”



“Since Daozi will not attack you for the sake of the world, neither will we!”

Outside the Langya Pavilion at this time, I saw that the little sage master of Donghuang Mountain had agreed with Fang Yuan for a future battle, and now he naturally couldn’t take action anymore. The guardians of Donghuang Mountain guessed what he had in his heart, and could only He made the decision himself, thinking for a while, he looked at Fang Yuan and shouted in a low voice: “It’s just that, even if you develop a general trend and make great contributions, you still can’t protect the Lord of Darkness, nor can you protect it. Langya Pavilion of the Lord of Darkness, you can’t stop us, for this world, ask Langya Pavilion to explain!”

There were many anxious gazes around and nodded at the same time.

They still seem to be reluctant to bear this last straw.

At this time, the little sage master of Donghuangshan was too lazy to speak, just watched quietly.

“The Lord of Darkness was raised by Langya Pavilion?”

On the other hand, everyone around me was shocked and stunned when they heard this sentence.

They all know that the Lord of Darkness is related to Langya Pavilion, and this time they came with the purpose of destroying Langya Pavilion, but when they heard the words of the mountain guard, they still felt very surprised because they thought of it There are a lot of surprises.

Especially some people with higher identities, they have directly determined something from this sentence.

Before this, Donghuangshan has not disclosed who the Lord of Darkness is. This is just to gain the initiative, and we must deliberately let the world develop a habit of omniscient and omnipotent for the little sage of Donghuangshan. Only in this way, these talents will be truly used by the little sage master of Donghuangshan. When dealing with other holy places in the future, these talents will ask less and act directly on orders.

But now, it’s different.

Fang Yuan stopped the Donghuangshan army and even took away countless hearts.

So the guardian of Donghuang Mountain can no longer follow the previous ideas and directly point out some problems.

“Pavilion Master Langya, you set foot in the darkness and once destroyed the world. Now, shouldn’t you give me an explanation?”

Seeing all the cultivators around, they were very suspicious. The guardian of Donghuang Mountain simply stepped forward and started to drink coldly.

And this sentence immediately set off endless waves.

“The Lord of Darkness, is the Lord of Pavilion Langya?”

“How is it possible, isn’t the Lord Langya… hasn’t he been killed for a long time?”

“It is because of his suspended animation that he may be the Lord of Darkness…”

“How about Donghuangshan, how can you talk nonsense like this?”



Endless suspicion abruptly, and countless people’s faces changed drastically. After a lot of discussions, everyone’s faces gradually changed, their eyes were terrified, and they looked at Langya Pavilion fiercely. There was shock in their eyes. , More fear and anger, killing intent.

Endless anger rose, and gradually the voice of discussion disappeared, replaced by dead silence.

And in this dead silence, there was anger and dark anger. After a long time, in the silent crowd, who was unknown, suddenly took the lead and shouted: “The Lord of Darkness is actually the Lord of Langya, such a holy land, What is he doing with such a misfortune?”

A loud drink rang out, and then countless drinks followed.

“Take the Langya Pavilion and see what they are doing!”

“Catch everyone in the Langya Pavilion for a strict trial and see how many troubles the Lord of Darkness has left behind…”



Fang Yuan also seemed helpless in this piece of The anger of people in this world is reasonable, and it is determined by the previous actions of the Lord of Darkness.

Even if he could stop the little sage master of Donghuangshan, he might not be able to stop the anger of the people of this world.

He revealed his own path and regained the general trend that was previously cut off by Donghuang Mountain. It is foreseeable that this world will bless him with the great fame, but, fame belongs to fame, he can do many things with this fame. But this does not include the Lord of Darkness. He cannot protect the Lord of Darkness in front of all anger. Moreover, he does not intend to protect him. If he does something wrong, he will always pay a price.

Think about it, now is the time.

Fang Yuan sighed in a low voice, turned and looked at the Langya Pavilion.

“The Lord of Darkness Fu Zhu, the first level is here, apologize for the world…”

At this moment, there was a long and sorrowful cry from the Langya Pavilion.

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