Master of Great Calamity Chapter 817: Lord of Darkness

? Fang Yuan looked at him seriously when the young man with amazing talent and knowledge said that he was about to die.

After deducing with this person for several days, he is already very familiar with this person, just like a close friend, but at this time, he is looking at him with a completely unfamiliar eyes. This person seems to be only about 30 years old, but the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes and the gray between his hair betray his true age. Like Fang Yuan, he only wears a simple robe and no extra accessories on top and bottom, but he has one. He stood there and smiled quietly, his face looked a little pale, and the black air in the depths of his eyebrows was faintly visible.

Fang Yuandao: “Should I call you the Lord of the Langya Pavilion or the Lord of Darkness?”

The young man smiled and said: “It’s all the same!”



Ms. Bai outside the temple, like the last string of the string broken, lost her strength.

Bai Youran’s eyes widened even more, looking a little confused.

Even Fang Yuan in the temple, even if he has recognized the identity of this person, is untrue for a moment.

It’s just that, the more you think about it, it seems like it should have been.

It’s no wonder that the Lord of Darkness can be a man alone, converging and messing up the world, because he already knows the countless secrets and secrets in the world, so he can naturally target and screen carefully.

No wonder people fought him several times before and after, but he still couldn’t guess his identity from his magical powers, because he was the person who mastered the most secrets of all kinds of magical powers in the world.

It’s no wonder that Zhong Laosheng, a spy from the Fairy League, can transform his spirit with weak water…

No wonder he said he owed himself a favor…

No wonder people in the world doubt come and doubt, and never doubt Langya Pavilion, because many people have seen with their own eyes that the Lord Langya Pavilion once strayed into the Demon Abyss after being drunk and was swept away by the dark demon breath. People who have lost…

More importantly, with the talent of Langya Pavilion, how could his pavilion master take out such an uncultured name as Lord of Darkness?



Thinking about those things, Fang Yuan remained silent. After a long time, he said softly: “I knew that the Lord of Darkness was by no means an ordinary person, but I never thought it would be you. You are the most impressive person in the world. The envious person is of noble origin, unparalleled talent, strong husband and wife, and intelligent young son. You have got the most kind life in this world, but you have been thinking about destroying this world…”

Outside the temple at this time, both Bai Youran and Madam Bai had tears on their faces.

Bai Youran gritted her teeth and wanted to push the door in, but Mrs. Bai grabbed him and shook her head.

“It’s not good, Donghuangshan has led the masses to thousands of miles away…”

At this time, a few powerful cultivators of the gods came from far away. It was Mr. Wu Mu and others. They wanted to tell Madam Bai that the army led by Donghuangshan had come, but When she saw Madam Bai’s expression, she was speechless.



“I said before, I don’t want to destroy the world, I want to cure this world’s disease!”

Langya Pavilion’s master laughed and said: “The Great Tribulation cannot be overcome, and it will never end. It will only be stronger once, so I want this world to jump out of the cycle of extinction once in three thousand years. Only let this world get a new life!”

Fang Yuan listened carefully to what he said, but found that he still didn’t understand.

He had to frown: “You keep saying that the world is sick, but what is the disease in this world?”

Pavilion Lord Langya smiled and said: “It’s very simple. Since the world knows that the Great Tribulation is coming, and they know that only the consensus of the people can survive the Great Tribulation, why is there always someone doing the opposite? At the moment, there are still people hiding outside the world, watching coldly. Why is the Great Tribulation stronger than before and the world is weaker than before, yet there are still people desperately consuming their own strength?”

He smiled with some helpless calmness: “The simplest thing is like you, whether it’s Nanhai, Devil’s Edge, or Demon Land, plus Yilou, you stand After so many contributions, why didn’t I get a ray of fairy source?”

Fang Yuan made a solemn face and did not answer.

“Because the human heart is like this!”

Pavilion Master Langya didn’t need him to answer, and smiled: “The avenue is perfect, and people’s hearts are lacking, so people can never truly fit the avenue. It’s not that Donghuangshan doesn’t know your credit, nor that there are two small people The saint master is far more advantageous than a little saint master, but, in order to win the world, they will inevitably stop your way first. I have seen that Donghuangshan little saint master, he is actually a very simple person. In terms of personality, you should have become friends, but in fact, when you have never seen each other, you have become an enemy who must meet life and death. You can only live one. You said, this is not sickness. What?”

Suddenly Fang Yuan understood a little bit about what the Lord Langya meant by “illness in the world”.

Along my way, I have encountered such disappointing, angry, and even desperate things countless times.

On several occasions, even Daoxin almost collapsed, but he managed to survive.

Therefore, he can only answer: “Human hearts are like this!”

Pavilion Lord Langya smiled and said: “This is the case, it doesn’t mean it should be like this!”

Fang Yuan fell silent, and it took a long time to ask a question that he had always puzzled: “Do you really understand the “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”?”

“Of course I can understand “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”!”

The owner of Langya Pavilion laughed and said: “One of the authors of “The True Explanation of Dao Yuan” is me!”

Fang Yuan was stunned, staring at him intently.

The owner of Langya Pavilion smiled and said: “When the world’s cultivators gathered in Kunlun Mountains to defer a solution to the catastrophe forever, I was there too, but I was still too young at the time, so I was just watching it as a junior. Therefore, it is unknown on the spectrum and no one knows. I heard the truth about the Great Tribulation they discussed, and saw their despair. I saw that they wanted to re-evolve the Great Dao, and wanted to cut off Tianyuan and the Great Tribulation world forever Relationship, it’s a pity that the power of the Dao is ultimately stronger than they thought…”

“When the power of the avenue backlash destroyed the entire Kunlun Mountain, I was outside Kunlun Mountain and escaped the catastrophe, but I know the truth of the catastrophe, and I also understand the truth of the catastrophe. , So from then on, I am very confused!”

“I have been confused for a thousand years, indulging in the days, drinking and greedy, but I finally want to understand that this can’t be avoided!”

He smiled and said: “So I started to seriously think, how can I really solve the catastrophe?”

“After thinking for a long time, I finally thought of some methods!”

“This method may not be perfect, but it is useful, and it will definitely be useful. It’s a pity that this method was mentioned to anyone, and it was strongly opposed, even my wife, looking at her fearful expression, I I know that the world will never agree to walk on my way. I would rather go further and further on the road of death until I can’t turn back. There is no way, I have to do it myself!



Fang Yuan frowned, trying to understand the content of his words.

He has done too many things as the Lord of Darkness, too many to explain clearly in one sentence or two, so Fang Yuan can only digest all the information in this sentence, and then ask The problem that I most urgently want to know came up.

He solemnly said, “What is written in “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”?”

“It’s actually just some very simple things!”

Pavilion Lord Langya smiled, and Yisong replied: “But if you want to understand these things, you must first know why the catastrophe came…”

As he spoke, he spread a piece of jade pendant on his palm and handed it to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan looked at the jade pendant and did not reach out to pick it up.

Langya Pavilion Master said: “The time is too short now, I don’t have time to explain such complicated things to you one by one, but fortunately, I have made sufficient preparations in advance. I will take all the truth and my plan. All stayed in one place, you can go there to see the truth with this piece of jade pendant. Perhaps, after seeing the truth, you will also embark on the path I want to take…”

Fang Yuan looked at him, suddenly feeling heavy.

Pavilion Master Langya smiled more relaxedly, saying: “Everyone thinks that my last back hand is to ask the little underground palace next to Daoshan. In fact, it is just a place for me to try something. The real successor is actually you!”

Fang Yuan’s heart shuddered slightly, and he looked up at Pavilion Master Langya.

Pavilion Lord Langya smiled calmly, looking at Fang Yuan’s eyes, as if he had insight into everything, and said: “Actually, I am not as supernatural and omnipotent as others have said. The things I have done in the past few years, I have almost exhausted my energy, all kinds of things, too tired, especially after Da Zi is in the Palace of Gods and Demons, the only friend who understands me and supports me is also dead…”

He said that, he was a little sad, and after a moment of silence, he continued, saying: “From then on, my way is more difficult to walk. After Da Zi escaped in the Palace of Gods and Demons, Ben I wanted to hide and heal my wounds, and make some plans, but the **** of Donghuangshan found me again…”

He shook his head before continuing: “His ability is really great. After the Kunlun Mountain catastrophe, the world was a dead end, but he still walked out a glimmer of hope, even I had to admire He, this person is really capable, and it was at that time that I knew that my journey was I’m looking for a successor!”

Fang Yuan has been frowning while listening to what he said. At this moment, he suddenly said: “If you are desperate because the road between heaven and earth is dead, then since he has already walked out of a way, why bother? Do you want to stick to your own way?”

“The one from Donghuang Mountain?”

Pavilion Lord Langya raised his head and glanced at Fang Yuan, then smiled: “He is just a kid!”

Speaking and shook his head, and said: “I said he has the ability, I mean he is not bad, can walk out of his own path of spiritual practice, but what is the use of this world and this world? It is the way forward As expected by Donghuangshan, it can succeed in saving the world, but it only makes this world step into another cycle, unable to break the knot, it is still a joke in the end!”

“This catastrophe will not end!”

He paused, looked at Fang Yuan earnestly, and said: “Only one step at a time, the world will be driven to death!”

“So, I need a heir. This heir is you!”

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