Master of Great Calamity Chapter 791: 3 Great Demon Kings

? Millions of demon soldiers are in hand, invincible across the demon domain.

Fang Yuan killed the demon commander from the Xiaojun Mountain area and gained power, and then sent his troops to the sacred mountain of the Baifeng tribe. He naturally encountered a lot of resistance during this period, but as long as there is no old monster in the demon domain, the Baifeng tribe takes it seriously. No one is his opponent. What’s more, there are countless masters hiding beside him. As early as when they killed Xiaojun Mountain, many powerful elders had already been assassinated on Xiaojun Mountain.

So, the chaos and flies, millions of demon soldiers invaded Xiaojun Mountain, seeing the endless treasury, they were dumbfounded.

After they gave birth to spirituality and turned into a demon, all the demon soldiers have been taught that the good things under the world have been taken by the human race. The demon territory is born to be difficult because of the human race. Because of their resources and mountains, as long as they don’t slaughter the human race in one day and retake Kyushu and those resources, the monster race will suffer a day’s poverty, but never thought that there are monsters who are not poor…

The resources of Xiaojun Mountain are so unimaginable that Fang Yuan can hardly imagine.

This made the demon soldiers go crazy, all of them red eyes, vying for grabs, and desperately grabbing them. Only then could it be seen that they are indeed a group of reckless demon, who have seen countless sacred mines and magic weapons. They are all carried on the shoulders, but I didn’t expect to use the Qiankun bag…

…In other words, this is also because not many monsters have seen Qiankun Bag.

After occupying Xiaojun Mountain, the monsters’ confidence also increased greatly. They discovered that the ten legendary monster veins were not so strong. Wouldn’t Xiaojun Mountain be easily attacked?

So when Fang Yuan asked them to continue to attack the nearest treasure hunting sacred mountain, they did not hesitate to agree, and the mighty demon soldiers killed the treasure hunting.

On this road, new demon soldiers joined in from time to time, some were domestic slaves of the sacred mountains that were breached, and some were the grass head demon king who had just arrived at Xiaojun Mountain and was going to fight with the demon’s fairy army. , When I heard that the big army didn’t go to the demon’s side, they didn’t think much about the trouble of looking for the ten major demon veins, and they went to the trouble of the ten major demon veins together, and didn’t feel anything wrong.

Under the situation of Fangyuan’s command, countless masters lurking in the dark, and the young masters of the major demon veins as hostages, and inquiring about information, this one is getting bigger and bigger, and finally the huge monster with more than 3 million The army, in the demon realm, is simply invincible.

So the treasure hunt was broken.

The pulse of pounding medicine was broken.

The Zuri clan was broken.

The Tengyun clan was also broken…



When the chaos is together, there is no control, and it is everywhere.

Before this general trend, the ten major monster veins that are deeply ingrained in the demon realm and seem to be able to dominate forever are actually vulnerable.

Finally in this general trend, when it seemed that the entire demon domain was about to be swept away, Fang Yuan stopped. He saw that on a low mountain not far away, there was a man with a green robe and The old man of Jin Yu stood there, looking at him from a distance, the Qi machine was like an invisible mountain, and the void was a little solidified, making people breathless.

The two people bowed to Fang Yuan from a distance.

Fang Yuan walked down from the demon commander’s chair, walked slowly to the low mountain, and paid back to them.

It was the first time he saw these two people, but he knew who they were.

The demon realm has two veins, Qingqiu and Sunzhan. They have not been deceived by the Lord of Darkness. They are close to the human race. From the perspective of the cultivation and realm of these two people, it is not difficult to guess that they It is the lord of Qingqiu, and the ancestors who follow the sun.

Now they finally showed up and came to stop themselves.

“Moving the mountain line does not exist in this world anymore. In the other lines, the ancestors were all beheaded, and the holy mountain was destroyed by you. From then on, it will no longer be a climate. The past ten The big demon vein pattern will never reappear, Fang Xiaoyou, or Fang Daozi…Should you also raise your hand and leave me some hope in the demon domain, don’t ruin it all?”

The Lord of Qingqiu spoke indifferently, with no joy or anger on his face.

They Qingqiu and Zhuriri have always been at odds with the other veins, but when those veins are destroyed, they don’t seem to be very happy.

“The younger generation does not intend to destroy the demon domain, they just want to survive the catastrophe!”

Fang Yuan replied openly: “This may be reckless, but it is also a helpless move. I hope the two seniors will forgive me!”

The Lord of Qingqiu looked at each other with Ancestor Zhuri, and Ancestor Zhuri said helplessly: “Your so-called recklessness has destroyed most of my demon domain, and many ancient veins have been uprooted. The sacred mountain is destroyed, and now the demon realm is in chaos. If the two of us don’t show up to see you, I’m afraid that even our Qingqiu and the sacred mountain of the two lines of the sun will not be able to keep it. This is still helpless?”

“The ten great monster veins hide this chaos, and naturally will be destroyed by this chaos!”

Fang Yuan’s answer was very simple, saying: “Moreover, the timing of the appearance of the two seniors is also very good. Now that you have appeared, I naturally cannot do anything more. The pattern of the demon domain is destined to change, but This chaos can also end at this time!”

The two lords of Qingqiu and Patriarch of the Sun looked at each other, their expressions darkened.

They naturally heard what Fang Yuan said, and knew that their intentions had not been hidden from the young man.

The two channels of Qingqiu and the Sun-Daily are not stupid. Otherwise, why didn’t the two of them appear early or late, so they reappear after Fang Yuan has destroyed the other veins?

The previous demon domain was dominated by the ten major demon veins. No one can do anything about it. But now that the chaos has passed, the eight demon veins have been destroyed in the ten major demon veins. In the future, it will be their Qingqiu and The world is under the sun…

The Lord of Qingqiu bowed his hand to Fang Yuan and said: “Did you finish what Xiaoyou Fang has to do?”

Fang Yuan smiled and said: “The younger generation has no intention of coveting the power of the Demon Realm, and will not stay in the Demon Realm. This time, I just want the Demon Realm to sign an agreement with the Immortal League. If this matter is over, the younger generation will leave. It’s just that, for these three million demon soldiers, I think the two seniors shouldn’t make up their minds. They will stay here and let this demon domain maintain a three-point world situation for now!”

The face of the ancestor changed every day, and said: “What does Fang Xiaoyou mean by this?”

Fang Yuan said: “I’m afraid that you will divide up this demon soldier, and within ten years, you will fight for the master of the demon domain!”

The faces of the lord of Qingqiu and the ancestor of the sun are slightly sinking, but surprisingly, there is no rebuttal.

And judging from Fang Yuan’s words, they also understood that Fang Yuan would not easily give them the demon world.

“That’s it!”

Fang Yuan smiled and folded his hands, and said: “Two seniors, it is time to sign an agreement with Xianmeng on behalf of Demon Domain!”

The lord of Qingqiu and the ancestor of the sun looked at each other, feeling helpless in their eyes.

There is no problem for the two of them to sign an agreement. After all, their two lines originally supported and resisted the catastrophe. There used to be other lines that opposed it, but now those lines are dead, broken, and broken. There will be no more twists and turns in resisting the catastrophe, but what makes them feel a little helpless is that the fairy league is starting to become so tough now?

Those who don’t want to sign an agreement are cut off and destroyed, leaving only those who are willing to sign an agreement to do it…

The other feeling in my heart is even stranger.

The Lord of Qingqiu said helplessly: “Little friend Fang, have you discovered that now you seem to represent the demon race better than us?”

“Found it!”

Fang Yuan smiled and said: “So if the two of you don’t want to, then I will sign an agreement on behalf of Demon Domain, it’s the same!”

The ancestor of the sun said in a bad mood: “Then let’s get together!”



The 300,000 immortal army of the demon’s edge is now in the west of the demon domain, facing the demon domain’s millions of demon soldiers across Xiaojun Mountain.

As the relationship between Immortal League and Demon Territory became tense, this confrontation almost led to a real battle.

But in the end, this battle was still not able to be fought. With the movement of the mountain, the three sages of the fairy alliance and the four masters of the holy land were jointly destroyed, and the Demon Domain set off an unprecedented chaos. The voices in the Demon Region that were hostile to the Immortal League and the Human Race finally weakened. The Demon Region agreed to another peace talk, but the original negotiating object, the Lord of the Seven Demon Veins, became the Three Great Demon Kings.

The seven major demon veins, even though there are still some remaining people, they are unable to represent the demon domain anymore.

The three demon kings are the current Qingqiu Fox Demon King, the Sun Chasing Crow Demon King, and the newly emerged Sky Swallowing Demon King.

This name is a new one. The Demon King of Wind Herd has three million demon soldiers in his hands. He is powerful and powerful, but when he was officially named the king, he still went through some discussions. The old fox, his adviser I heard it, saying that the Demon King of Wind Chaser once revealed his true identity, swallowed three thousand Demon King in one bite, and his reputation was forgiven, and his reputation spread far. There is no need to follow the name of the former King of Wind.

The most important thing is that the name of the Demon King of Wind Herd cannot match his dominance in the Demon Realm.

There must be another king’s name awarded to dominate the demon realm and deter all the clans.

Fang Yuan nodded his head so his demon number was called the “Sky-Swallowing Demon King”, and the camp was located in Xiaojun Mountain.

When Fang Yuan, or the Demon King of Swallowing the Sky, followed the Fox King of Qingqiu and King of Golden Crow, rushed to the Yujing Mountain to the west of Xiaojun Mountain, representing the demon domain and the fairy alliance signing a joint defense and joint resistance The scene became very lively when the Jie’s agreement was over.

The one side of the fairy alliance is the sage of Luchuan. Watching Fang Yuan followed by a group of monsters, his face is very strange when the imposing representative of the monster domain enters the hall, especially after the two sides have discussed it. , Watching Fang Yuan solemnly place the new engraved “Sky-Swallowing Demon King” seal on the covenant, he even pulled several beards on his chin.

Not only him, all the people who watched the ceremony, including the Lord of the Holy Land Bahuang City Lord Baipao Zhanxian, Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor, Xijianchi Sword Head, Wangqingdao Old Ancestor and others, as well as Li Baihu, Jiang Jiaqi My son, Princess Hongji, and countless devil soldiers who knew Fang Yuan’s appearance, their expressions were endlessly weird.

At this moment of profound significance and incomparable silence, it was very hard to hold back a smile.

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