Master of Great Calamity Chapter 778: Unsatisfactory in the end

“Can’t you really stop him?”

Today’s world of Gods and Demons, outside the Gods and Demons Palace, inside the surging Styx, Fang Yuan and Sun Guanshi have also given up all their strengths, and they don’t know how to fight against Zhong Laosheng. The sounds of the great gods and demons are intertwined, constantly evoking endless vibrations in the void, with a little sword light in the middle, fighting against the weak water of Zhong Laosheng, which is extremely tragic…

But now, the two of them worked hard, but they still couldn’t help Zhong Laosheng.

After Fang Yuan refined the power of Jiulong Lihuo, he already had the power to hurt the realm of God Transformation. However, this can only hurt, just like a child holding a knife in his hand. This knife may I can hurt an adult, but when I have a face-to-face relationship with an adult, there is still no chance of hurting him. What’s more, the adult opposite, who also holds a knife in his hand, can also hurt him!

In the realm of transforming gods, that power is not something they can fight against.

Now the two of them are just struggling to support it. Fortunately, what Zhong Laosheng is doing now is just to protect the side of the celestial burial monument and to allow the passage to appear smoothly, so they often encounter Desperate, he rushed to that side of the burial monument, and had to force Zhong Laosheng to return to defense. It was precisely to protect the burial monument, so Zhong Laosheng did not dare to take Styx back.

He needs to use Styx cloth to guard his surroundings, so as not to be affected by the situation in this battlefield.

For a long while in the battle, Fang Yuan and Guan Sun both managed to survive. This is the reason.

Just, how about holding it down?

The large array of runes around the burial monument are still lighting up one after another.

Sixty-four runes, forty-eight have now been lighted up, and they haven’t even touched the funeral monument.

Especially, even in such a fierce battle, the great freedom around them suddenly changes in the palace of the gods and demons. I don’t know what is disturbed, and suddenly they are in the palace of the gods and demons. , The demon breath that came out suddenly became violent several times, and the speed at which the rune was lit up became fast. In a flash, it lights up fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six…

The surrounding burial monument has almost completely turned into a black hole tunnel.

It seems to open a gap in this world, and connect it with another dangerous world…

Fang Yuan can even hear that there is a faint demon howl in the depths of this gap!

“How could this be…”

At this moment, he was almost a little desperate in his heart: “Could it really be that they would really cause the catastrophe to come in advance?”

He knew that now Zhong Laosheng is more than just opening this gap.

The appearance of this gap will trigger a series of unstoppable reactions. Just like Luo Feiling back then, suppressing a gap, making the world more peaceful for twenty years. Zhong Laosheng opened this gap, Corresponding changes will occur everywhere in the gaps, and it will even affect Demon Abyss. All their previous plans will be abandoned because of this!

The catastrophe will come early!

Luo Feiling will stay in that place forever and never come back!

This is a moment that affects the survival of the world. The hateful thing is that only I and Guan Sun are fighting hard.

Outside, there are many people who are aware of the truth, but they are blocked by Styx and cannot enter.

More people, without even knowing what happened, are desperately trying to seize the magic weapon in the magic palace.

It’s like a person moving in the same line.

The old ancestor who moved the mountain was desperately sending his descendants in and asked them to ignore whatever happened. The Celestial League and the human race were rivals, and the people who moved the mountain line were pitted by them. It’s miserable, so we must seize the only little time left to get back all the good fortune that Da Zi is in the Palace of Gods and Demons. This will be the foundation of moving the mountain.

After all, the boss is dead, and the demon ancestor was invited to move, and the cost of moving the mountain was too great.

What if you don’t grab some good luck quickly?

Other monster veins also embraced this idea.

Some of them still possess the power of the demon ancestors, so they tried their best to seize the celestial monument, but they couldn’t make it through.

Some of them have given up on the burial monument and rushed into the Great Freedom Palace.

It’s okay to grab some ordinary magic treasures…

But what makes them dumbfounded is that Da Zizai’s Palace of Gods and Demons is already empty. In the front eight halls, all the magic treasures, ceremonies, weapons, are all swept away, almost no dust left. , It made them resent, and thumped their chest…

…Who is this!

…How did you grab it so clean, can you be more greedy?

While cursing the man who had taken all the magic treasures, they rushed to the Ninth Hall. There are also countless statues of gods and demons. They also know that these are not ordinary statues, but the last one. At the time of the Jie Yuan, the magic weapons refined by all the powers of the Demon Dao Collection, each is a complete demon god, possessing earth-shaking power, indescribable horror!

So, just take away these gods and demons weapons!

Any weapon of the gods and demons, when used well, its value will not lose to the demon ancestors worshipped for three thousand years.

The most important thing is that the demon ancestor can only be moved once in thousands of years.

But the magic weapon, it can be used many times!

It is precisely because there are too many people holding this idea, so in this great palace of gods and demons, almost every statue of gods and demons has been occupied by people, and all kinds of secret methods are being used, with the intention of bringing the gods The magic statue is sealed, then carry it or raise its head, and take it away!

Three of them are the young masters who moved the mountain and the wilderness. They are all the children and grandchildren of the mountain-moving ancestors. Their status and cultivation are naturally not as good as the mountain-moving apes, but they are not weak. It is the Nascent Soul Realm, the first one, the name Calling Flying Ape, ranking second, cruel and cruel, and notorious, but it is not as useful as moving the mountain and barren ape, has been suppressed by him, for thousands of years, my heart has long been suffocated. fire.

He came in now to make merit.

At this time, he looked at the countless statues of gods and demons in the ninth hall, and he became extremely anxious.

If you seize this weapon of the gods and demons, you have made great achievements. The boss is dead, and the master who will move the mountain in the future is himself!



In the other compartment, the red lotus karma in Guan Ao’s body was almost completely drawn out by Guan Xiaomei. His huge man seemed to have lost all his energy at this time, almost He collapsed, and the whole person was extremely weak, as if there was only a skeleton left. The breath of life was moving away, with only a trace of strength, looking up at Little Sister Guan.

There is still a little light in his eyes, but this light, like a candle, is about to burn out.

The opposite of her is Guan Xiaomei.

When Guan Ao got almost all of the red lotus karma, both her appearance and temperament were completely different. She was naturally small and taller, which made her skirts all short. A lot of it, revealing a white ankle.

On the center of her eyebrows, there was a mark of red lotus.

The cold temperament that had always been entangled in her body before was replaced by another temperament. The body seemed to be burning with a sacred fire, and it seemed that there was a volcano hidden under the still delicate and delicate appearance. She has never felt such a powerful appearance, and she has an unprecedented mood, as if for the first time in her life, she smiled contentedly…

“Brother, you are so kind!”

She looked at Guan Ao whose eyes slowly closed, smiled lightly, and said to Guan Ao.

“Sister, the first time I saw you smile so happily!”

Guan Ao heard a word in his heart, but he didn’t have enough energy to say it.

His eyes closed, and the only mark left was the appearance of Guan Xiaomei smiling happily.

This makes him very satisfied!

Then he heard a “poof” and a warm blood spilled on his face.

Guan Ao opened his eyes in horror.

At this time, he saw that a black gun tip appeared at the place of Guan Xiaomei’s heart, and behind her, stood a few middle-aged men with shameful expressions, the first one with a disdainful expression. Fierce, screamed: “The ancestors said that this great **** and golem statue and the funeral monument are all from the same line as we moved. What are you, dare to **** it with us?”

While speaking, he stepped on Guan Xiaomei’s body, pulled out the gun, and stepped her into Guan Ao’s arms.

Guan Ao’s pupils suddenly shrank.

At this time, he was still kneeling in front of the idol, with his head down.

Little Sister Guan, she lay on his knees, her face was extremely shocked, her face turned pale.

Even she did not expect that such a change would happen the first time she felt true satisfaction.

She then remembered that the blood formation that the Great Heaven Demon Sect Master had laid for herself long ago was torn to pieces by his aura when Guan Ao came to her, and she took what she wanted, but returned it. There is the last thread left. Because of this last thread, she has not closed her orifice, and has not really turned these powers into her own, so her body is still very fragile!

Only this line is missing, and then this line will never pass!


Guan Ao spoke hoarsely, but there was no sound.

He just felt that he was missing a piece in his heart at this time, and it was more painful than when the red lotus karma fire was drawn away.

Guan Xiaomei suddenly laughed as she watched his ugly face become distorted.

Laughing a bit miserable!



“How could this be?”

Just when the flying ape from the mountain pierced Guan Xiaomei’s back with a celestial burial monument was also suddenly changed. The celestial burial monument blessed by the infinite demon was opened quickly. With that gap, a series of runes were lit up, reaching as many as sixty-one, but at this moment, the magic breath that had flown out of the Great Freedom Palace of Gods and Demons was suddenly interrupted, without a trace. .

Zhong Laosheng was frightened and angry, and yelled loudly: “Magic envoy, lend me the devil’s breath quickly…”



“Brother, they asked me to give them the magic breath…”

Little sister Guan, who was lying in Guan Ao’s arms, her face had become extremely bleak. She wanted to reach out to touch Guan Ao’s ugly face, but she couldn’t even lift her hand up, so she could only say in a low voice, “But I’m going to die. Since I am dying, why should I give it to them?”

“What do they have to do with me?” Great Tribulation Lord

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