Master of Great Calamity Chapter 777: Meeting in fate

? “Junior Brother Fang Yuan, we can’t get in at all!”

In the world of gods and demons, outside the river of Styx, Guan Shi is also yelling in a hurry.

Beside him, Fang Yuan, with the same dignified face, stared at the Styx. It was this Styx that blocked them all outside and also protected Zhong Laosheng inside. Only by breaking this Styx could they really hurt Zhong Laosheng, but they couldn’t do it. This Styx was too terrifying, and the power of the cultivator was too strong.

Fang Yuan’s Jiulong Lihuo refining at the devil’s edge is already a force beyond the Nascent Soul Realm. It can hurt Zhong Laosheng, but it can’t break the water of the Styx River. Moreover, even if it is cut, the river water It will fill up immediately, but there is still no way to take Zhong Laosheng…

“Brother Cat!”

In this situation, Fang Yuan suddenly gritted his teeth and called out loudly.

I don’t know where in the next corner, the white cat jumped out. It can be seen that it also looked a little wilted at this time. It just went out from this world of gods and demons to help Fang Yuan call for help, and then returned with those rescuers. The world of gods and demons has really consumed a lot of its power, but at this time, it saw Fang Yuan’s eyes and immediately understood what he meant, and its pupils shrank.


It made a hoarse cry, and suddenly rushed out. At this time, it was Li Baihu who was battling the treasure hunting young master. The sword light was bitter, but it was Cut off a piece of the blood body of the demon ancestor behind the young master of the treasure hunt clan. If in normal times, a part of this blood body would immediately return to the blood of the demon ancestor, but the white cat picked it up and ran away.

While running, it swallowed the blood body with great effort.

After swallowing it, the spirit seemed to be better, so he got into the crowd again, rushed to Fang Yuan’s body, and then circled around him and Guan Sun. Fang Yuan’s face was solemn, It cried: “Brother Cat, can you bring more people in?”

The white cat glared at Fang Yuan fiercely. Fang Yuan immediately understood that this was its limit.


After three laps, Fang Yuan, Guanshi Sun, and White Cat all disappeared in the field. When they reappeared, they were already in the midair inside the Styx. Both he and Guanshi Sun directly used their magical powers, one Riding the Jiulong Lihuo, a man chanting the sound of the great **** and devil fiercely hit Laosheng Zhong who was standing on the funeral monument. They all knew the situation was critical, so they really didn’t dare to keep their hands…

While the white cat was in the air, he desperately chased his tail. After chasing for three laps, he ran out weirdly. Then he breathed a sigh of relief. Just go in for two, but don’t dare to stay inside and try hard.

“Hehe, although the two of you are good, you only have some power beyond the realm of Nascent Soul, not even a half-step transformation, but at this time, you want to stop me?” Zhong Laosheng, who was above the funeral monument, was slightly startled when he saw Fang Yuan and Sun Guanshi come in in such a strange way, but he didn’t pay much attention to them.

While speaking, he stretched his sleeves and patted them directly.

At the same time, countless water mists appeared around him, permeating the void, swallowing them both.

A real cultivator of the god-transition realm and two geniuses of the Nascent Soul realm fought a fierce battle before burying the monument!



In a chaotic world of gods and demons, there are slaying and fierce battles everywhere, and people who **** demons are everywhere.

But at this time, there were not many magic treasures to grab, and the things in the nine halls in front were all emptied by Fang Yuan.

So, those who come in behind can only rush to the demon statues.

Everyone is mad and crazy.

Only one person is different, Guan Ao, who is extremely tall, and some despair appeared in the Ninth Hall at this time. He was a little confused and a little frightened. He didn’t know what the voice calling him was. Relying on his instincts, he walked step by step, and walked to the end of the hall, and then he saw the statue of the mighty **** and golem that was a hundred feet high.

At the feet of the mighty **** and golem statue, there is a big **** formation, inside there is a petite girl who worships in front of the **** and golem statue.

Guan Ao remembered that he seemed to have seen this girl.

But he didn’t know why when he saw that girl at this time, he felt an extremely complicated feeling in his heart.

I don’t even know why I feel strangely familiar when I look at this statue of the mighty **** and golem.

“Brother, you are here…”

The little girl kneeling in front of the **** and golem did not look back, but she knew that Guan Ao had come behind her, her voice was very crisp: “That person said well, you will come, and destiny is destined you will be here. Appear by my side…”

Speaking slowly, she turned around and gently extended her little hand.

That hand is white and delicate.

Guan Ao subconsciously handed over his rough, dark, bronze palm.

When the two hands were held together, the world seemed to roar.

That one hundred feet high, fierce and ferocious, holding a black bottle in his arms, seems to be able to suppress everything in the world, flashing an indescribable weird spirit.

It was as if in this instant, the **** and golem opened its eyes and glanced at them.

There was a roar in Guan Ao’s mind, and there seemed to be endless fragments slowly emerging.

That was the memory of being taken away from the past scenes, and returned to his sea of ​​knowledge again.

This made Guan Ao very painful, with blue veins on his forehead exposed, and looking at the little girl in front of him, he was familiar and strange for a while.

But his body couldn’t stop, and he walked slowly forward. The blood formation laid by the former Great Sky Demon Sect Master couldn’t stop his figure at all. He was shocked to pieces by his power. I walked to the statue of God and Golem and looked at the little girl blankly.

“Brother, do you remember me?”

The little girl spoke softly and looked up at Guan Ao, her eyes calm and indifferent.


Guan Ao hesitated and called out a title he hadn’t called again for a long time.

This title is very strange to him.

But when these two words were called out completely, the memory in his mind suddenly surged.

Endless memories appeared in his sea of ​​knowledge completely, as if he had never forgotten him. The expression in his eyes became anxious, and suddenly he squatted down at a loss, anxious. Anxiously shouted: “You are my little sister!”

He stretched out his big hand, as if he wanted to hold the little girl in his arms, as he had done countless times before.

But his big hands are very clumsy at this moment.

Looking at the calm and delicate little girl, she couldn’t reach out.

“Yes, I am your little sister, you finally remember me!”

Guan Xiaomei looked at Guan Ao who was bewildered, nodded calmly, and softly said: “You and I were born in the same place. At that time we were crowded in a small place. You are very strong. You bullied me and took away. A lot of things that should belong to me, so you were born so strong, and I was born so weak, you never get sick, but I seem to be born to die!”

Guan Ao’s face showed a look of horror, and he awkwardly shook his hands: “No…I didn’t…I didn’t mean…”

“Is it intentional, and what is the difference?”

Little sister Guan looked at Guan Ao and said, “Brother, should you pay me back what you owe me?”

Looking at how she calmly said these words, Guan Ao couldn’t even speak, but was sad in his heart.

Guan Xiaomei looked at him and sighed softly, and said: “This is where we were born. I know we should be here. I have been mutilated for too long. If I don’t take you away I’ll never be complete when I take it back, so I exchanged with that person. I mobilized the magic breath here and helped him do one thing. The condition is that he leads me in so that I can meet you here. Go back to what you took away from me… Brother, are you willing to return it to me?”

When she was talking, she gently stretched out her hand and reached Guan Ao’s heart.

Guan Ao looked at her slender white hands, her chest was violently ups and downs, and her face was awkwardly painful. In this moment, he seemed to have gone through endless entanglements and choices, but slowly, his face turned But became calm, only tenderness in his eyes.

I don’t know if he really understood the meaning of Guan Xiaomei’s words, but he nodded.

Just like I did countless times before, I never refuse!

Guan Xiaomei’s palm paused, then she continued to lean forward.

When her palm touched Guan Ao’s chest, she stretched in without any hindrance.

A ray of red lotus fire was pulled out of Guan Ao’s chest by her slender hands.

As the ray of red lotus karma fire was pulled out, Guan Ao’s face showed infinite pain. Even if he was bitten on his arm by a monster, his brows didn’t wrinkle. Those who bite back, tremble with pain at this time.

But looking at Xiaomei Guan, he still has a gentle face.

Perhaps he has a gentle face, just a silly look in the eyes of others.

The red lotus industry fire was pulled out one by one~ got into Guan Xiaomei’s heart, which made her white porcelain-like face also showed a light flush on her forehead. , Delicate drops of sweat appeared, and the light on his face became more and more obvious.

It was also at this time that she and Guan Ao next to the statue of the mighty **** and demon suddenly rolled over like a dark cloud, rushing straight to the outside of the temple, quickly blessing on the burial fairy. On the stele, this also made the speed at which the runes of the buried immortal stele light up suddenly much faster. Sixty-four runes have now been lit forty-two, and they are still increasing rapidly!

“Thank you, brother!”

Sister Guan felt this change, her small face gradually became bright, she looked at Guan Ao’s eyes and spoke softly.

Guan Ao endured the pain and showed a silly smile.

He slowly raised his hand, carefully touched Guan Xiaomei’s hair, and said: “Little sister, you are my sister. I promised to take care of you all the time and never leave you behind, but I have forgotten you for so long, it is really bad for me!”

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