Master of Great Calamity Chapter 769: Catch big fish

? “I don’t want to deal with these people either…”

Fang Yuan thought helplessly: “But who made himself so unlucky, just happened to meet?”

He didn’t regret drawing his sword, so he quickly forgot those unnecessary emotions, instead he condensed all his mind and planned quickly in his heart. He didn’t know the Lord of Darkness before him. , The cultivation level has reached a certain level, but in any case, he has to hold on for a longer time. It is not necessary to die. It is most important to leave him for a while and a half!

Forms, kendo, supernatural powers…

Various thoughts are in my mind, forming a countermeasure.

“It seems that you are not just thinking about dying under my hand to show your attitude…”

This little thought seems to be seen through by the Lord of Darkness at a glance. He laughed, unable to see his face clearly, but he could feel some smiles in his two clear eyes:” You still want to postpone it for a while. When those people arrive, you must have already thought of a lot of back-ups in your heart when you draw the sword, but I think this should be of little use…”

While speaking, he took a step forward and smiled: “Let me see what you can do!”

After a word is spoken, he will point him!

That is a finger that can directly severely injure the demon ancestor who moved the mountain line, or even kill it directly.

Fang Yuan faced the seemingly ordinary finger, and he felt like he was overwhelmed!

Endless blood, endless mana, all in this instant, surging crazily.

The thought in the sea has never moved so fast like this time!


He drew a sword horizontally in front of him, marking a sword fence.

This was the first sword he started to practice, and it was also the sword with the deepest brand in the soul.

The iron lock Yokogawa!

Under the impulse of the Wuque Sword Sutra, this sword crossed the chest, as if blocking a world!

He didn’t use the Mind Sword, because the Mind Sword is the main attack, and every time he uses it, it consumes too much of his mind. With Fang Yuan’s current cultivation base, he is not sure whether he can hurt if he fully uses the Mind Sword. To the Lord of Darkness, I can be sure that after casting this sword, I am afraid that I will not be able to focus on the center in a short time, and I can only let the Lord of Darkness cut it.

So he takes this sword on the defensive!

At the next moment, Fang Yuan’s mana was smashed, and nine white fire dragons suddenly appeared beside him. These fire dragons swept across the sky, flooding between the sky and the earth, circling and flying, and twisted straight towards the Lord of Darkness. It was him. The power of Lihuo refined in the devil’s edge!

At the next moment, one hundred and eight blue bamboo chips flew around Fang Yuan, and the cloth layers formed a force.

That’s not to mention, Fang Yuan’s thunder surging around him, dark clouds gathered above his head, a huge green carp jumped into the air, summoning layers of water curtains, swimming in front of him, the fiercest Suzaku Lei Ling, soaring into the sky, carried thousands of miles of golden fire, and the immortal willow behind him was instantly destroyed to the extreme, always preparing to pour the endless life force into Fang Yuan’s body!

And the majestic golden toad jumped and jumped to Fang Yuan’s body!



Exercise all your skills, if you can drag it longer, then drag it longer!

Fang Yuan thought clearly. He drew his sword not to die, but to delay time!


Just as Fang Yuanbu went down the road, a finger of the Lord of Darkness also clicked.

The finger came extremely quickly, and with a light slaughter, Fang Yuan’s sword was surrounded and broken.

It’s not that Fang Yuan’s sword is not strong enough, but that one finger is beyond imagination. Even if Fang Yuan’s sword really separates the world, it will be pierced instantly by this finger… …

As soon as he pointed to break the sword encirclement, Fang Yuan just displayed nine Lilong Fire.

Faced with that violent and boundless power away from the fire, he was the Lord of Darkness, and he didn’t dare to directly use his body to harden him, so his figure swayed. It looks simple, but it implies the beauty of heaven and earth, simple and simple Shan, then came from the gap of Jiutiao Lilong’s Fire.

With one finger, he continued to click forward.

At this moment, Fang Yuan was just about to destroy one hundred and eight bamboo chips, laying down layers of force, but the force on that finger was too strong, and the force was not yet formed, so it was already four points. At five falls, one hundred and eight bamboo chips shook and flew in all directions without a trace.

After that, Fang Yuanzheng was using the five thunders of Tiangang. All his supernatural powers were one after another. Under the ravages of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, he used the magical power to move his mind. Xian, he was already much faster than others, but now he is still slower than the Lord of Darkness, Qingli Suzaku and Immortal Liudu have just revealed their traces, and his finger came to the front.

Pointed straight to Fang Yuan’s eyebrows!

At this moment, Fang Yuan could even see the smile on the face of the Lord of Darkness.

The smile was telling him that no matter what he was thinking or preparing, it was useless.

He means to take his own life!

Originally, the sword was not for death, but now it doesn’t make a big difference…

Fang Yuan felt a little helpless, facing the arrival of that finger, his heart was not peaceful!

At this moment, he felt a bit hatred!

This kind of evildoer is in the world, but the fairy alliance has been unable to help him, what is the meaning of existence?



“The Lord…”

Just when the finger of the Lord of Darkness was about to hit Fang Yuan’s eyebrows, suddenly behind the Lord of Darkness, the lanky messenger of darkness, he seemed to have suddenly realized something, and screamed When he got up, his voice was so anxious that the Lord of Darkness was also slightly startled. He turned around and looked at him, with a slight questioning expression on his face.


But before he could ask anything, suddenly there was a loud bang above his head.

There was a sword light that directly tore the sky.

At this moment in the world of gods and demons, someone cut out a huge hole with a sword from the outside.


The sword light fell straight from the nine days, even if it was only the remaining power after cutting through the world of gods and demons, it still seemed very incomparable. It fell down diagonally, and cut off the corner of the great free gods and demons. It fell into the ground again, cutting out a deep gully.

In the world of gods and demons, suddenly there is light and aura.

And then walking in through that gap was a middle-aged man wearing a blue sword robe, a purple crown and a long jade body, holding a bronze cloud in his hand. With a sword tattoo, he walked slowly, his gaze was like a sword, and when he swept across the world, he landed on the Lord of Darkness. Suddenly there was a smile on his face, saying, “I finally found you!”

Fang Yuan looked at the figure, and suddenly he was slightly startled: “Washing the sword in the pool?”



Without a thought, there was a loud bang in the sky on the other side, and fragments of the sky collapsed and flew, and a big hole was punched out by life. Then there was a man wearing a purple robe with a golden crown and a face like white jade. The man walked into this world of gods and demons with his hands on his back. As soon as he appeared here, he seemed to be aloft, looking down on sentient beings, all creatures and creatures were just ants under him.

Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor!


Appeared almost at the same time as the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor. It was in the western sky. A complete circle appeared in the sky, like a dark portal. From that portal, slowly walked in a man riding a pony. The old man wearing a white robe and holding a long spear in his hand, his face was fortitude and taciturn, he was covered with a scent of iron and blood, and his eyes were cold and murderous.

The white robe war fairy of the city lord of the Bahuang City!

“No matter how slippery the loach is, there will be a day when I get into a hole!”

Finally is the southern sky, the sky is torn apart, and there is a huge fish swimming in the air, but it seems to be swimming in the water, and on the back of the fish, there stands an old woman who is squatting, but she Although his back was not straight, his aura was extremely violent. He was leaning on a crutch with a dragon head in his hand, and his sullen eyes swept over, staring at the Lord of Darkness, with murderous intent floating in his eyes.

Fang Yuan was speechless at this moment.

He never thought that these people would suddenly appear here at this time!

No matter how amazing the white cat is, it is impossible for these people to come here so quickly!

The only explanation is…

“Dark Lord, you hide in the dark, stir the wind and the rain. My fairy lord used the Great Freedom Palace as the bait to set up such a situation, and finally draw you out. This time, in your heart It’s time to talk to us about what you think…”

The last voice that rang was three old men with profound energy.

That are the three saints of the fairy league.

There was a sudden change in form between the scenes, and the appearance of the Lord of the Four Holy Lands made the world seem to freeze.

This is the truth. When they reach their level of cultivation, they really want to tear this world apart, and then tear this world apart. If you want this world to solidify, you only need to stand in the void, naturally, All the laws are suppressed, and time seems to stop.

Fang Yuan suddenly realized that he was wrong! He was still thinking that the Lord of the Demon Domain and the Darkness, secretly seeking great freedom in the Palace of Gods and Demons, what kind of handwriting and ambition, watching this endless magic treasure, he will be taken away , The devil’s army and the elders of the immortal alliance are still waiting for peace talks with them at Xiaojun Mountain, and being led by their noses is so absurd. Until now, I realized that all this is not absurd…

They came faster than they thought, because they didn’t get the message from the white cat!

Mantis catches cicada, oriole is behind!

The Lord of Darkness used the Demon Realm to conquer the statues of the mighty gods and gods and the monument to the immortal burial. I don’t know, but use this great comfort **** and demon palace as bait to catch a big fish!

For this, they are fully prepared.

Not only three saints came, but four holy land masters were invited!

This is really moving!

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