Master of Great Calamity Chapter 762: Starting from you start to kill

Before arriving at the Da Zi Zai Palace of Gods and Demons, Mo Shan Barren Ape had a solemn face, and he knelt down without hesitation, and worshipped the main entrance of Da Zi Zai Palace of Gods and Demons. When the young master saw this, he was all nervous, and hurriedly followed his example, and bowed to the front door, but the other monsters didn’t know it. At this time, standing at the door, he couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed.

“Moving the mountain and a line of wild apes, I was ordered by the ancestors to take the magic palace for good, and I would like to be a magician, walk the magic way, and enter the magic palace…”

After moving the mountain and barren ape to worship, he took another black edict in his hand, held it in both hands, and carefully recited a section of sacrificial text, which was mixed with many strange syllables, which seemed magical. This paragraph was over after a full talk of tea time, and then moved the mountain and barren ape and placed the black edict on the ground again, running the mana, forcing the blood from the body, and dripping it on the black edict.

The other elders of the demon veins all acted in the same way, and even the four black-robed men did the same.

Until then, the mountain and barren ape was holding the black edict and sent it upwards. The edict flew to a few meters high, and was suddenly engulfed by a black flame, and slowly burned. After a long time, the black edict was completely burned out, but at this moment, the black gate of the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon Palace suddenly heard a dull “creak”, and then slowly opened.

Moving the mountain barren ape so violently stood up, excitedly shouted: “It’s done!”

The young masters of the demon veins, as well as the demon halls behind them, were also very excited, but with the experience when they first entered this world of gods and demons, they did not dare to break in again at this time, but did not expect Yes, when the door was opened less than halfway, the mountain and barren ape suddenly stepped in. His body was swift, and he rushed directly into the depths of the hall with an indescribable urgency.

“Go in!”

The young masters of the demon veins were taken aback, and rushed to enter.

Fang Yuan watched them rushing into the hall in file, holding a sword in his hand, and thinking seriously: “Where should I start?”

Before the thought was over, he suddenly heard a voice of divine thoughts: “Huifeng Yaohou, my Baifeng clan has long known that this great free **** and devil palace before and after several halls are all magic treasures. The main thing is to take a step first, go in and grab the high-level magic treasure, and the outside matters will be left to you. Remember, no matter what means, you must grab more magic treasures in your hands and go back to remember your great achievements…”

Fang Yuan was startled, this young master Baifeng didn’t forget to give himself an order?

I stepped into the demon palace with one step, sweeping away my eyes, but my heart moved slightly, but I saw the outermost hall of this great free **** and demon palace. It was extremely vast. I swept all over my eyes and displayed all kinds of things everywhere. This kind of magic weapon shone with a faint cold light, such as soul-refining flags, demon shields, beast-expelling whips, etc., and so on. You can’t see it for a while, you can only feel the mystery and magic.

The young masters of the demon veins are not stupid. At this time, they don’t even look at the magic treasures in the hall outside, but rush straight into the depths of the hall. Obviously, they all know the best demon. Baodu is inside, even the four black-robed men.

“Brother Zhuifeng, we have all received the orders from the young master, what do you think?”

Four monsters appeared in front of Fang Yuan, all of them cast questioning eyes at Fang Yuan, but it was Feng Fang Yuan.

It was also at this time that the surrounding demon lords were all eagerly discussing.

Some people even looked at those magic treasures and were ready to move, but one person took the lead and wanted to rush towards those magic treasures.

“Everyone, listen to me!”

At this critical moment, a low drink suddenly sounded.

All the cultivators looked at it, but saw that it was the human demon Hou Cuichang who moved from the mountain to the mountain.

He wears a blue robe, with his hands behind him, he drinks with a deep voice, his big sleeves are fluttering, his aura is strong, but he looks like a grandmaster, his eyes slowly sweeping towards the demon lords and the four black robe men. The subordinates, Shen shouted: “Cui also knows that everyone is very anxious, but please remember that before you came in, your esteemed sirs had already had an agreement, and now to get the treasure, you still have to follow the agreement!”

His cultivation base is not weak, and with this loud shout, all the demons around are slightly condensed.

But soon someone sneered coldly and said: “We don’t know what appointments are made…”

“Yes, so many magic treasures are in front of you, don’t you let us grab them?”

“It means that the Lord has life, that is not here either…”



A group of demon lords, or the seven great demon veins selected from the grass head demon king, or the demon veins secretly cultivated, have not seen the light yet, after all, the immortal alliance is powerful, with many eyes and ears, and only useful These people were able to avoid the almost omnipresent eyes and ears of the Immortal League, and would not be secretly mobilized by their existing people, and then the existence of this great free God and Demon Palace would appear.

Although this is reasonable, it has also led to the fact that these demon lords from wild roads often do not abide by the rules very much. The seven major demon vein young masters are in front of them on weekdays, and they can be somewhat restrained, but now the young masters Everyone ran away, who would care for him?

Therefore, there was a rant, and there was a faint chaos.


But at this moment, suddenly the sword spirit in front of them skyrocketed, and a deep knife mark cut across them.

It was a young man with a pale face and an arrogant expression. Now he drew a scimitar in each of his hands. He stood in front of Cui Chang with dreadful aura.

It was another human demon Hou Xinbao, who came along this way and listened to the discussion of the demons. Fang Yuan had already known their identity. He was a human genius who was now taken away by the demon. Made a righteous son.

He shoots out the sword like this, Yuan stops the mountain, and his breath is condensed. It is very terrible. The eight monsters who move the mountain line are also lined up in a row, standing behind him, each taking weapons, and waiting for it. , This kind of fierce wind and power shocked the demons for a while.

“Master has set the rules, he must abide by the rules!”

Cui Chang saw this scene, smiled coldly, and said: “Brother Daoists, if you don’t want to, then we have to exercise the rules on behalf of the elder, although you all came from a rash, but you must have heard of it. I have passed the name of Yaodaoxinbao!”

When these words were spoken, the demon hous were really heartbroken.

The lord of the Southern Wilderness moved to the mountain and took the seat of his son, the golden core is invincible and the demon sword is very famous.

This person has a pair of demon knives, invincible vertically and horizontally. I don’t know how many rebels have been killed for the Southern Desolate City Lord.

Although the Yaozu is, facing the murderous aura of the pair of swords, it does not dare to act rashly.

“That’s right!”

Cui Chang saw that Yaodao Xinbao stunned the demons, and smiled on his face.

I was about to retell the rules laid down by the master of the move, but heard a sneer from the crowd.

He frowned and looked at it, and he found that the sneer was a demon brought by the young master of the Baifeng clan. This person was dressed in a green robe and had a handsome face. He looked completely demon-free, but he was just approaching. When Da Zi was in the Palace of Gods and Demons, he was agitated for a while, but he revealed his true identity. All the demons saw it. It was a toad in the demon realm. It was the lowest bloodline.



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