Master of Great Calamity Chapter 761: The World of Gods and Demons

The blood sacrifice has been completed, and the water of the Styx has subsided. The demons and the four men in black stopped talking, and continued Tengyun flying over the dangerous cliff. Of course, the demons took the lead. Fortunately, now that I passed the dangerous cliff again, there was indeed no danger anymore, and I came to the opposite bank of the dangerous cliff safely, and saw the stone gate embedded on the rock wall, occupying a large mountain half of the wall.

“This is the Great Freedom Palace?”

The Young Master of the Demon Territory spoke, his expression agitated.

But after I moved the mountain and barren ape, he just snorted and said: “This is just the gateway to the Great Freedom Palace!”

While he was talking, he moved forward at the same time, and took out a shining treasure seal in his arms. This treasure seal seems to be made of some kind of profound iron, very mysterious, and it exudes a gloomy atmosphere. After moving the mountain and barren ape to look at it for a while, he placed the Fang Baoyin in a groove in the middle of the door, and everyone discovered that the Baoyin only occupies half of the groove.

“The original treasure seal has been taken away by the human child with the surname Fang, and has not been returned, so we had to rebuild it, but unfortunately we have not succeeded until the one who knew about it from nowhere. Someone sent me a new method from Rotten Stone Mountain, and then I succeeded in the practice again. However, he only sent half of the seal, and half, you…”

Turning his head to look at the four people in black robes, and said: “…should I bring them?”

The four men in black robes glanced at each other, as if they didn’t know who was carrying the other half of the treasure seal, but at this moment, the fat man in black leaned slightly to the others , And then stepped forward, with one stroke of both hands, the other side’s seal appeared in the palm of his palm, but this Fang’s seal was faintly bloody, emitting a faint shadow of blood.

He did the same, flew up and put the blood mark in the other half of the groove.

It wasn’t until this time that the two treasure seals worked together, and they were filled with grooves and fit tightly. When they fell to the ground, he and the mountain barren ape raised their hands at the same time, and they shot out with a magical force. They hit the two treasure seals and recited the mantra silently.

After a long while, the two treasure seals suddenly had silky brilliance flowing and exuding, flowing along the dim traces on this huge stone gate, and gradually filled, forming a huge spiritual vein. After the formation, when the spiritual energy circulated endlessly, the whole stone gate exuded an invisible demon aura at this time, and then thundered and slowly opened a gap.

“Really opened…”

The young masters of the demon veins were all excited, and hurriedly stepped forward, using their magic power to push the stone gate.

“Kaka” several times, the heavy stone gate was slowly pushed open by them, but suddenly some light flowed out of it.

This scene is very weird. It was dark outside, but when the stone gate was pushed out, it seemed to usher in daylight suddenly.

The young masters of the demon veins at the door retreated subconsciously and found that they were not dangerous. Then they felt a little more peaceful, and after a glance at each other, they all rushed into the stone gate, a little bit scrambling. Fang Yuan followed, seeing that most of the people had entered, and then stepped into it, and then silently looked in all directions behind the stone gate in the crowd.

“Here… is the other world?”

At first glance, I was surprised.

But after seeing this stone gate, it’s not just a cave like the outside world, but another world.

The sky hangs high, with the sun and the moon on it. From a distance, the area is tens of thousands of miles. It can be seen that there are continuous mountains and rivers, and more spiritual auras are coming. Maybe the majestic expansion is just between the sky and the earth. It was full of blood, and the darkness was disturbing.

Of course, if this is in another place, it will make people feel strange, but after all, this place is a big and comfortable palace of gods and demons. With these blood, it will only make people feel that it is taken for granted. The young masters of the demon veins rushed over. Just look at the magic treasure.


But they just stepped forward. They were looking at the empty world, and suddenly the blood became richer several times. Before they could stand firmly, they heard the roar of magic in their ears, and suddenly there was nothing. Countless translucent monsters appeared in it.

These monsters, some of them are kings with mace, some are gods of snakes, and some are like iron towers, each of them is mutilated, exuding extremely terrible magical breath, and suddenly they surrounded them, vicious Extremely, holding all kinds of magic weapons, he slammed them over.

The abrupt appearance of those demon gods is even more terrifying. When this fight is about to come down, I don’t know how many demon hous surrounded outside will be beaten into a mass of flesh and blood. The demon immediately seemed a little wild and chaotic when they were unable to prepare. .


But at this moment, among the four dark shadows, someone suddenly made a sword. The sword light turned into three and three thousand, forming a huge silver waterfall in an instant, protecting all of them. Between the sword circles, the dignified sword intent overflowed, beheading four or five fierce demon gods, and the other demon gods were also forced by the sword intent, and roared out.

“Quick Sacrifice Magic Banner!”

In the low voice of this person, the barren ape moved the mountain without urgency, holding up a blood-stained black flag, and spread it over the heads of the demons. The flag was hunting and spreading out in the air. The devil’s aura fell down, covering everyone in it.

Those fierce demon gods all seemed to have a little panic when they saw it, and slowly receded, but they were obviously unwilling to withdraw, and their eyes were just staring at them greedily.

“These…what the **** are these?”

Only then did the Young Master of the Demon Vessel shout angrily: “I only brought five demon princes in total, and I folded two when I came in!”

“These are all demons!”

Moving the mountain and barren ape said coldly at this time: “The magic way of the year used to try to refine the demon **** as a weapon, but it failed a lot. Now this world is full of such failed demon gods. They have all become the guards of the Great Freedom Palace of Gods and Demons. Many of the talented freaks in the world today are most likely to have escaped from these incomplete demons and reborn…”

I sneered and said: “Of course, those who can escape are also powerful demons!”

After hearing his words, the young masters of the demon veins sank slightly, and after a while, someone said quietly: “So many demon gods…”

“The Demon Sect back then was really terrifying, and there was such a big deal!”

Some people are even slightly excited, saying: “If you can conquer all these incomplete demons…”

Moving the mountains and barren apes took a cold look at the greed on the faces of those people, and said, “If you don’t think too much, you should go in quickly. My big demon banner is just the eternal night blood demon of the year. The remaining battle flag, now that most of the magic power on the top has been lost, even if we move the mountain and clan for thousands of years, we still cannot restore the magic power on it, and it may not be able to shock all the incomplete demons!”

The demon heard, and their hearts were stunned. This is to remind them to be psychologically prepared.

“Brother Tengyun, it’s time to ask you to do it!”

Moving the mountain barren ape turned his head to the young man with double horns on his head and whispered.

The Young Master Tengyun, it was a flower deer who became a spirit. He nodded when he heard the words. He secretly transferred his mana, vomited a red cloud, gave birth to a radius of tens of meters, and then all the cultivators stepped on it, Fang Yuan I also know that Hualu is good at running, and after they have become a demon, they are also good at flying. The demon cloud refined by them will become a demon once they are driven, and it will be far behind…

…… Birds become demon, because they are born to fly, but after becoming a demon, they often slack off and don’t want to make progress.

“This journey is extremely dangerous, everyone is ready!”

Moving the mountain and barren ape was a rare reminder, and then the Young Master Tengyun destroyed Hongyun.

As soon as the red light appeared, it crossed the sky and the earth, and the surrounding scenery quickly receded, swept forward like electricity.

This road is really dangerous.

In this area, it seems that there are countless incomplete demon gods. Although most of them are stunned by the blood demon flag, there are still some powerful ones. They are not afraid of the aura of this flag and go straight to the clouds. The demon swallows, but on this cloud, there are all masters from all walks of life. Now that they are prepared, they will not be too scared. Someone will take action at any time to defeat these incomplete gods and demons…

Along the way, Fang Yuan looked at it secretly, and found that the slender man who drew his sword at the beginning was extremely powerful in his swordsmanship. With every sword cut, a demon **** must fall. , Like an evil sword walking all the way…

He was a little curious about the identity of this person.

In addition to the incomplete Demon God who rushed from time to time, many other dangers were encountered along the way. Suddenly it was densely covered in mid-air, and then a weird cloud of pouring rain came down. The rain was actually finger-sized. The babies were born ferociously, one by one, and fell down, no matter what they touched, they immediately showed their teeth to bite, like a bee ant.

Sometimes, you will suddenly see that the mountain you encountered during the flight suddenly turned into a giant, with a hand of several hundred feet, and directly struck the monsters on the cloud. , With the momentum of hitting the sky and the earth, it was extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, the people who moved to the mountain seemed to be fully prepared.

No matter what dangers are encountered, there are corresponding countermeasures to face them, and one level after another is passed.

Come here on the road, except for the three unlucky ghosts, there is not much damage.

After flying for a long time, all the cultivators went dark in front of them, and suddenly felt that they had entered a very gloomy area. When they looked up, they couldn’t help but be shocked. They saw that they rose from the ground in front of them. The huge magic palace, can’t describe the height and majesty of the magic palace, almost connected to the sky, quietly squatting on the ground, itself like a fierce demon…

With such a magic palace, the surrounding world is affected and turned into a dark red that is nearly black.

Fang Yuan noticed that after moving the mountain and barren ape quietly, he sighed, and then suddenly raised his voice, coldly said: “Please remember, after entering the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon Palace, there is no danger. You can rely on yourself, and you can enter this palace, please follow the rules and follow our previous agreement, who belongs to who it is, don’t take what you shouldn’t take…”

He said The monsters around heard this, and were anxious, so they had to answer: “Yes, yes!”

Fang Yuan got here, raised his head and looked at the Haoran Demon Palace, he also had a very strange feeling…

At this moment, in the phantom behind him, under the induction of Qi, a phantom of a toad appeared faintly!

This toad is like him, looking up at the magic palace with a calm expression.

The demons around realized that they couldn’t help but glance at him, thinking: “This kid is so anxious, he sacrificed everything…”

Young Master Baifeng is very satisfied with Yuan Yuan’s performance.


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