Master of Great Calamity Chapter 756: Moving mountain 1 vein

   After a few words, Young Master Bai Feng ordered Fang Yuan and others to go down the mountain, and they also gave many rewards.

   Now at the foot of Xiaojun Mountain, the grass head demon kings from all walks of life saw Fang Yuan and others who were personally sent down the mountain by servants of the Baifeng line. They rewarded many resources, and immediately gave birth to a lot of discussion and attention. Knowing that this time the young master of the Baifeng clan gave the name of a demon horoscope and many rewards, it means that the identities of these grass head kings have never been ordinary. He has been recognized by the Baifeng clan. Then there was the Grass Head Demon King, but a person with status in the Demon Realm, the destined one overlord in the future, with a stable position.

  No matter how chaotic the Demon Realm is, no one will be able to kill them secretly, otherwise they will be severely punished by the ten major veins of the Demon Realm.

   After all, there are laws in the Demon Realm, but the laws are only useful for people related to the Ten Demon Veins.

   The one who jumped to the sky with the great king of the wind is Hufeng Mountain and the newly-accepted dozens of demon king forces, whether it’s the Leopard Lord, or the old fox, everyone is ecstatic. , I can’t wait to go out to have a big sedan chair. They are the most intuitive to these changes in identity. People who used to be too lazy to look at themselves, now they don’t dare to look at themselves…

   The few little grass head kings that had been harvested before were also unwilling and reluctant.

   But after they saw Fang Yuan’s status change drastically and gained the appreciation of the young master of the Baifeng clan, they also knew the situation very well, and completely dormant, and honestly stayed in Fang Yuan’s hands. After a few times, I saw Fang Yuan, my identity has risen, I have tasted the sweetness, but I have worked harder and harder, and even began to give birth to a bit of real loyalty…



   For Fang Yuan, he was not interested in thinking about this. He saw that there were more and more demon soldiers gathered around Xiaojun Mountain in the demon domain. The momentum was fierce, and he couldn’t help but think about it. Is this demon domain true? Dare to resist the devil’s army?

   is not to look down upon the Demon Realm. Even if the Seven Great Demon Vessels have joined forces and gathered a million demon soldiers, if they fight against the Devil’s Border Immortal Army, they may be defeated at once. The Demon Realm has no real chance of winning at all. Say it’s not at all…

  If it is an ordinary monster, it may have a hot head and dare to confront the demon.

   But the seven monster veins are different, how can they be so mindless?

   Such a thing made Fang Yuan feel a little outrageous and weird the more he thought about it.

   And this is why he decided to stay.

   Just half a month later, things quickly turned around.

The old steward of the    Baifeng clan came down to the mountain and ordered Fang Yuan to temporarily hand over the military power to his subordinates to take care of him. He prepared himself, and after three days, went to the Rotten Rock Mountain in the east of the demon domain with the young master Baifeng. Ready to celebrate the birthday of the ancestors who moved the mountain ape!

   These things make Fang Yuan a little suspicious…

   Now it is the time when the army of the Demon Territory is gathering Xiaojunshan to fight against the Immortal Army of the Devil’s Edge. The young master of the white wind line actually wants to leave at this time to celebrate the birthday of the ancestors who moved the mountain line. No matter how you think about it, there are some strange things…

  Especially after seeing a few big monsters in the same industry, Fang Yuan felt that there was something tricky among them. These big monsters who were going to set off with Young Master Baifeng, including himself, were obviously from the Baifeng tribe. This piece of Yeluzi Demon King deliberately picked out, all have the same characteristics, one is not well-known, few people know, second, the strength is good, the mind is also very outstanding.

   Although all this is hidden in the depths of the lively appearance, outsiders may not be able to see it really, but Fang Yuan is in it, but it is clear, and he feels this matter more and more weird and decides to follow The young master of the Baifeng tribe went to find out together.

   The departure time was set three days later. Xiaojun’s area began a large-scale military training. There are millions of demon soldiers. They are terrible and horrible. They are approaching the west step by step. This fierce wind is terrible, even if this Among the millions of demon soldiers, most of them are just half demon, and their strength is far worse than that of the fairy army elites in the devil’s edge, but the number is placed here, and people also dare not underestimate them and wait for them.

   Among the army of the demon domain, Fang Yuan has even heard that several patriarchs in the seven great demon veins have already come to the west, and in the other three veins, they are recommended to the master of the demon vein. Next, began peace talks with the elders of the Fairy League…

   At this time, the young master of the Baifeng tribe, but with Fang Yuan and others, quietly left Xiaojun Mountain in the name of celebrating his birthday.

   went all the way east without much talk.

Along the way, Fang Yuan could see that there are more grass-headed demon kings calling for friends and rushing to the west. The situation is very terrible. There are probably a large number of monsters. In fact, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I just heard someone say that the Devil’s Edge Immortal Army is going to fight for a good time, but I don’t know why I want to fight and why I fight for…

   is too dull!

   These monsters, although they are learning human race and have given birth to spirituality, they are not enlightened.

   If no one is enlightened, they will become more foolish and absurd.

   formed this situation, it seems that the top ten monster veins are most happy to comment…

   It’s no wonder that Xianmeng has such a headache facing the problem of the monster domain.

   These monsters are really an extremely powerful force, but they are not easy to control.

   Where to go, Fang Yuan now has no choice.



   rushed this way, the speed was very fast, only half a month or so, the group has reached the west of the demon realm, this place is already part of the territory of the moving mountain ape family, west to Damingchuan, north to Qing The river valley, south to the southern desert city, east to Yinshanling, and adjacent to Yunzhou in Kyushu, is a vast territory of this ancient mountain-moving ape.

   Fang Yuan is no stranger to this line of moving mountains, even familiar.

   The first person who had a grudge with Fang Yuanren was Nanhuangcheng.

   And the lord of the southern desert city is actually the eldest son of the ancestor who moved the mountain.

   In other words, when Fang Yuan was in Taiyue City, the demon elder son Fang Yuan killed was actually the grandson of the old ancestor who moved to the mountain, and counting, the demon territory invaded Yunzhou. , Burning, killing, looting, doing no evil, taking away a large number of resources and slaves, is also the pioneer of moving the mountain, the blood feud between the two sides, that is thousands of years ago, has already begun to entangle.

   And this line of moving mountain apes has always been one of the ten lines of the demon realm, one of the strongest in strength and foundation, especially after the invasion of Yunzhou a thousand years ago, it also captured a lot of resources, making Moving a line of mountains and monkeys, there is even the momentum of aspiring to the monster domain.

  Moshan Ape’s line is not only vast in territory, but also rich in background. In terms of strength, it is also counted in the ten lines of the demon realm. The ancestor of the mountain moved, I don’t know how long he has lived. Its realm and strength have always been a demon realm. One of the strongest old monsters, and under his seat, he gave birth to seven sons, each of whom is capable of reaching the sky, especially the Southern Desolate City Lord Desolate Ape is the most famous.

   Of course, the Moshan Ape family is so powerful, and it is also related to the previous Yinshan Sect. The Yinshan Sect was located between Yunzhou and the Demon Realm, and it was very close to the Moshan Ape family. Over the millennium, there has been a steady stream of moving Mountains generally transport resources and exchange some things they need, which makes the mountain apes have a continuous accumulation process, which is very impressive after thousands of years.

   But for the attitude of the Immortal League, the mountain ape family is very ambiguous. The ten veins of the demon realm have long been divided into two factions. One faction is the seven veins gathered near Xiaojun Mountain. They are almost already It is clear that the chariots and horses are to be enemies of the immortal alliance, and the other faction is the Qingqiu line and the sun-driving line, moving the mountain line, their ostensible attitude is to support the alliance.

   Of course, these three channels should be two and a half channels.

The attitude of the    moving mountain family has always been very vague. They have been making friends with the immortal alliance before. This is also the reason why the youngest son of the old ape who moved the mountain would ask Daoshan to watch the ceremony when he was in the Sixth Dao Test of the State. However, the result of that ceremony was that the youngest son of the old ape who moved the mountain was found to be a blood messenger under the Lord of Darkness, and was eventually beheaded…

   From that time on, I moved the mountain and ape line, and my relationship with Xianmeng was very cold.

   And these unclear events made Fang Yuan a little more suspicious, what on earth did Young Master Bai Fengfang come for?

   Do you want to win over and move the mountain line and let them fight against the devil’s fairy army together, or do you have another purpose?



  ” young master of the Baifeng tribe is coming here, moving the mountain in the same vein, it is highly respected!”

   When I got to the sacred place Rotten Rock Mountain, I saw a huge mountain area, which was extremely guarded. There were demon soldiers gathering in the southeast and northwest, and the entire Rotten Rock Mountain was faintly illuminated by a large array of lights. Covered, this formation is extremely clever, and it is the great mountain protection formation of many human races, and it is not necessarily comparable to this place. Fang Yuan vindicated its style and understood it, and sighed in a low voice.

   is another good thing done by the Yinshan Sect!

   There are a few monsters who know the way of formation. Maybe the great formation of the mountain protector was specially invited by the Yinshan Sect to arrange it.

  Besides the gate of the rotten rock mountain, there was already a middle-aged man with an elegant appearance and great looks waiting here. As soon as he saw that the young master Baifeng had dropped the law, he immediately greeted him with a smile. Yan, looks very polite.

   Fang Yuan gave him a surprised look, and found that this person was actually a human race with extremely pure blood.

  ”Haha, Guan Shi is too polite, where is the ancestor, take me to the meeting…”

   Young Master Baifeng saw this person and greeted him very politely.

   Fang Yuan was watching, but suddenly thought of the person’s identity.

   is not another one, this is a human slave who moved to the mountain and raised it, and it seems that he is still a very high-ranking one.


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