Master of Great Calamity Chapter 639: Hard a hard fight

Before fighting against several dark messengers, Fang Yuan knew them more or less.

For example, the formation flag of the hemp machine asking the machine, for example the blood gu of the mountain messenger on the hunchback, or the control of the puppets under Lu Xinyao’s opponent, because before that, Qin Luanwu fought desperately with them, how much more Shaodu deduced their certain details and conveyed it to Fang Yuan through the bronze mirror, but only this fat man with a golden body, Fang Yuan knew his horror, but did not understand his methods!

In the bronze mirror, he only saw the fat man taking action.

That is Qin Luanwu was trapped in a desperate situation, but when he was still struggling to support, the fat man suddenly made a move and deceived Qin Luanwu in one step, and his big hand suddenly covered Qin Luanwu’s head. , Crushed Qin Luanwu’s head alive!

On this one shot, the victory is set!

Fang Yuan knew almost nothing about his other magical powers and spells.

Thinking that this fat man with a golden body could kill the fourth squad alone, and even kill Meng Family Daozi, 6 Daozi, and Jiushengshan Daozi. Although Song Longzhu was lucky enough to survive, he deliberately left one to survive. , It can be seen that the strength of this golden fat man is by no means vain, and he is also different from several other dark messengers. Those dark messengers are equipped with sorcery and cannot be guarded against by means of surprise. However, this fat man is really true Positive, relying on one’s own ability, this is even more terrifying.

When encountering such an opponent, of course be careful!

However, Fang Yuan had no thoughts of being careful at all, instead he did not believe in this evil!

The more he saw this fat man’s invincible and invincible appearance, the more he had to challenge him.

You are strong and I am strong too, see who has the upper hand!

So he cut three swords!

These three swords did not break the defense of the golden fat man, but after all, they still cut him back a step.

So Fang Yuan let go.

It doesn’t matter whether the King Ming is immovable or the fat man with a golden body, it is not invincible after all!



“You are looking for death…”

After the golden fat man took a step back, he looked down at the chest where Fang Yuan had cut out a faint trace. When he raised his head, a strange smile appeared on his face, as if with a little sarcasm. Yi, also seemed to hide a hint of cold anger. When he said this, he slowly took a breath, straightened up, and then suddenly stepped out and punched him!


This fist was like a shock to the world, shaking the surrounding void, forming a vacuum.

Fang Yuan’s body shape suddenly spread out, and it was in line with the formation. It was able to hide this fist, only to see the fist rushing forward, and the one behind him had been cut off by the previous battle. Half of the mountain was directly hit by the surplus of this punch, and then from the place where the punch was dropped as the center, the whole mountain spread a kind of crack like a spider web, and finally burst into pieces.


Then before Fang Yuan could use his sword again, the golden fat man turned around and shot him down again.

Fang Yuan has heard Lu Xinyao and others mention that this fat man seems to be unable to fly into the clouds, and the slowest journey. It is precisely because of this that he met Song Longzhu and others who ambushed behind, but he did not expect that although he was remote The journey is slow, but in a small space, when he starts to move, he turns out to be like a tiger. Both the reaction and the speed of the shot are actually very fierce!


Fang Yuan stepped on Bahuang footwork again and escaped the punch, but the fat man with a golden body punched like rain and knocked it down again.

This time Fang Yuan finally couldn’t hide, so he had to put his sword in front of his chest and guard.

With a “bang”, that punch on the sword actually shook this evil sword humming, like countless mountains rushing towards him, Fang originally had a solid foundation. He stepped on the void, and his mana was like a root, deeply implanted in the void, even when the mountain was pressed, he might not move a bit, but at this moment, he couldn’t stop backing out.

After retreating for a hundred feet, he stopped, and the evil sword in his hand made the sound of a dragon’s roar, trembling constantly.

The golden fat man slowly closed his fists, looked at Fang Yuan from a distance, and gave a cold smile.

But the next moment, Fang Yuan exhaled, and his mana surged. The aura that had become a little exhausted by this punch suddenly raised hundreds of times. Then he rose into the sky, hunting in Qingpao, head Above, there were countless lightning entangled, and then dived straight down, the evil sword in his hand carried the boundless thunder, and slashed down one after another, cutting out hundreds of swords in an instant!

“Zheng”, “Zheng”, “Zheng” and “Zheng”

The sword light fell like a torrential rain on the golden fat man, and there was a sound of metal strikes.

Under this endless and violent sword force, this fat man with a golden body also turned gloomy. He waved his golden palms and grabbed Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan’s body method was so exquisite. If countless shadows were transformed, Mo Teng dodged, still cutting at him. After a few breaths, his footsteps were slightly loose, and he took a step back, and after a few breaths, he took a few steps back, and in the end, he had already taken a dozen steps back!

And his face is also hard to see the extreme at this time.

After retreating more than ten steps, he suddenly let out a deep cry, and took a pause with his right foot, and he seemed to be connected to the ground, making his body stable and stable, and then his hands were suddenly closed, his voice low. He drank fiercely: “I don’t move like a mountain, everything goes to hiding!”

Around him, the golden light suddenly flourished, and within hundreds of feet of surroundings, everything was drawn by him, including Fang Yuan, was also pulled by an invisible force, and his figure could not be displayed. , Couldn’t help but flew straight towards the fat golden man, and the fat golden man with a cold expression face, facing Fang Yuan, grabbed Fang Yuan’s head with a severe palm.

Looking at this fat fan-like hand, Fang Yuan pressed his left palm empty.

In the green air floating, suddenly a toad jumped out and swallowed him in one bite. The golden fat man pulled Fang Yuan in front of him, but he didn’t expect that it was a toad with brows. He wrinkled immediately and smashed his fist.


The toad screamed in pain when he hit it, and flew out far away.

Just when he flew up in the air, his body was chubby as if he was about to explode, and he turned around and opened his mouth to the golden fat man.


A white glow was quick and indescribable, and it was nailed straight to the golden fat man’s forehead.

The golden fat man shook his head, then lowered his head. On his forehead, a blood stain appeared. The golden flesh rolled over, revealing the white skull inside, with traces of bright red blood running along his copper-colored The cheeks dripped slowly.

Fang Yuan showed up at this time, reached out and touched Toad’s head, and put it away.

In a moment, when they intersect and combine, no one actually takes advantage, and of course no one suffers.

His eyes met the fat man with a golden body, and both of them looked calm.

In the depths of the calm, there is a surge of fighting spirit.



“You are great!”

The golden fat man gently wiped the blood that was dripping from his forehead, looked at it, and whispered, when he spoke, the wound on his forehead flashed golden light and recovered as before, but he lifted it up After turning his head, he looked at Fang Yuan with a serious look in his eyes, and calmly said: “I thought you were no different from those arrogances. It was my fault. You should not be underestimated!”

Fang Yuan said: “I realized that you are no different from other monsters, and you will bleed too!”

The golden body fat man said: “But I won’t underestimate you anymore!”

While speaking, he put his hands together and quickly pinched several seals.

Fang Yuan’s eyes condensed slightly, his nerves tightened immediately.


In any case, this fat man with a golden body had pinched several sacred seals, and suddenly his aura changed drastically, his body was full of golden light, and on him, a faint dragon-shaped black shadow flew out, and the world In the meantime, it also seemed that infinite power had condensed on this dragon shadow, flipping and swimming in the air, shaped like a real dragon, staring at Fang Yuan from a distance, with a fierce light in his eyes.

And this fat man with a golden body jumped onto the dragon’s back, and grabbed his right hand into the void.

The infinite golden light condensed and turned into a golden magic pestle as thick as a human waist, covered with sacred Dao patterns.

“You all go to Sancun Lingshan!”

He didn’t rush to shoot, but raised his head, and said to the surrounding: “These people will just leave it to me!”

“Fudo Myoji…”

Whether it was Lu Xinyao, the hunchback and the mountain angel, or the only three demon generals, they turned their heads in astonishment at this time and saw the golden fat man sitting on the dragon’s back, holding The appearance of Jiang Mochu showed horror one by one.


Almost without hesitation, they agreed, and regardless of the situation in front of them, they rushed towards the Sancun Lingshan.

Looking at it, it seems to be running for life.

Especially Lu Xinyao, before escaping, he glanced at Fang Yuan.

Frightened: “What did you do to force him out of this appearance…”

“Demons, demons and ghosts, play mystery…”

Wang Zhou had cracks on his body at this time, but he was ferocious. At first glance, he saw the appearance of this golden fat man, and his opponents didn’t care about it. With a violent cry, he had to slash him with a black long knife. , But Fang Yuan stepped in the air and stopped in front of him: “Brother Wang Dao, we all have our own responsibilities. Give me this fat man. You are still responsible for killing those people!”

Wang Zhou gave Fang Yuan a cold look and said, “Can you do it?”

Fang Yuan said: “After the battle, I will know if I can do it!”

Wang Chun looked at him with strange eyes, sneered after a long while, and said: “A person like you is suitable for the devil’s edge!”

While speaking, really stopped talking, turned around and rushed towards the dark messengers.

Luo Feiling carried a big red knife on his shoulders, looked at Fang Yuan with some worry, he stopped talking, and Fang Principle never looked back, saying: “Wang Huang is going to be unable to hold it anymore, go help him In any case, those people can no longer disturb the situation around Sancunling Mountain!”

Luo Feiling nodded, and hurriedly followed.

Fang Principle gritted his teeth, shook his sword, and looked at the golden fat man.

Shen Sheng said in a low voice: “At this time, there are still thinking about other things, are you too confident?”

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