Master of Great Calamity Chapter 633: Fudo Mingwang

   Even if Lu Xinyao was the first to see through Fang Yuan’s plan, and also the first to make the most correct choice, she still didn’t understand how this situation occurred?

  Obviously, the three of them have the advantage, and the power they have here is almost ten times greater than Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling combined. Obviously, the three of them have not underestimated the enemy. When they find something is wrong, they will immediately. He struck Fang Yuan with all his strength, just thinking about strangling him as much as possible. How did he fall to this point in the end?

   Sword intent eroded into her body, and she felt a sensation of cold to the bone.

   seems to have endless snowflakes, blended into her own body, making her whole body cold, and her spirits seem frozen.

  How about my own magical skills, Wushuang, I have mastered four powerful puppets, and even a Zhongzhou Xiaosheng who is a supreme Yuan Ying, but what’s the use? They are all below, and they can’t quench their thirst. , Can’t save myself…

   “After all, let this poor boy give…”

   In her heart, a desperate thought came out of her horror.




   Just when Lu Xinyao was wrapped in this desperate mood, a sneer suddenly sounded in front of him.

   A fat golden man, seemingly slow but urgent, walked out slowly from the forest in front of him. It seemed that he was walking very slowly, but the speed of the aura flying around was compared with his speed. It would be slow to bloom like a flower, and in his hand, still carrying a blood-stained man, as if dragging a stump upside down, slowly appeared in front of Lu Xinyao.

   slowly raised his head, and he saw a mess in the field.

   Then he sighed lowly and cursed softly: “Trash!”

   In his eyes, Lu Xinyao was being cut into his body by a very shining sword light at this time, and the vitality of his body was also rushing in this rapid flow, so he frowned and threw away his hand. The man carrying inside stepped forward.

  ”Could it be…”

   Lu Xinyao noticed the golden light from the corner of her eyes, and her heart suddenly became ecstatic.

   Before she raised her head to see the person, she felt a big hand came out, grabbed her neck, pulled her back, and threw her behind her, and then the person greeted her directly He went out and stood in front of her.


   At this moment, Fang Yuan’s sword light from a distance hit just exactly.


   The sword of light slashed on the golden fat man’s chest, and a faint blood stain was drawn. It seemed that a faint blood oozes out, but it just seemed to be there, and it quickly recovered. , As for the sword intent between the sky and the earth, it had no effect on him. He just looked down at his chest, sneered and shook his head, and then looked forward.

   From this look, I naturally saw Fang Yuan in the mid-air, as well as Mai Wen Jizhi and the hunchback mountain ambassador with broken flesh.

   “Stop as a mountain, everything goes into hiding!”

   He frowned slightly, put his hands together, and pinched a seal.

   As he shouted, his body suddenly brightened up. In the void, everything seemed to be drawn by him, and everything flew towards him, where the sackcloth questioned the broken body, and The head that flew in the air with the hunchback carrying the mountain, seemed to have two invisible big hands, caught in an instant, and then suddenly pulled him in front of him.


   followed, Fang Yuan’s sword intent that filled most of the sky, like a tide, rolling in.

   This boundless sword intent was created by Fang Yuan’s ten years of hard training in the snowy field. How terrifying, this rush came and turned everything he encountered into powder, but it rushed to him. At that time, he did not move, but stood still.


   is like a sword hitting a bronze bell, and the clear and clear sound is endless.

   After a few breaths, the sound gradually subsided.

   Fang Yuan in the air slowly retracted his sword, his face was solemn, and he slowly looked at the man.

   The tall, golden fat man is waving his palm, sweeping away the frost on his body.

  He is all golden and bronze, and even exudes an indescribable light, just like a body made of gold, like a high wall standing in the void, Lu Xinyao is blocked by him, Mai Asking Jishi’s body was grasped by him in his left palm, while the head of the hunchback Shanshi was lifted by him on his right hand. The clothes on his body had been cut and torn by his sword intent.

   But under his tattered clothes, his body is as smooth as copper, without any scars.

   The fourth dark messenger has finally arrived!

   Looking at his seemingly harmless golden body, Fang Yuan’s eyes also slowly condensed at this time.



   The golden fat man, or the Fudo Ming emissary among the four dark emissaries, also looked gloomy at this time.

   He lifted the Mai interrogator in his left hand and looked at it. He saw that his head was cracked and the Nascent Infant was crushed. Now he has no vitality. He is completely lost and his face is even more ugly. Throw it aside, anyway, it can’t be saved.

   Then he looked at the head of the hunch-backed mountain ambassador in his left hand, raised his hand, and a ray of red light flew out of that head, turning into the hunch-backed mountain ambassador in the air. , Trembling, full of horror, sometimes broken.

  ”Your body was cut off, and the Nascent Soul was injured. Not to mention promotion, your cultivation level can’t be kept!”

   The golden body fat bullet shot out a golden light and injected it into the spirit of the hump-backed mountain angel, making his spirit become solidified, and then said lightly: “This battle still needs you. As for the future, Find a way to cultivate into a ghost infant, and you can live for a few years!”

   “I hate… I hate…”

   The hump-backed mountain envoy wailed endlessly, and it was so desperate that it made my heart palpitate.

   was originally a high-ranking **** infant, even with the help of the Lord of Darkness, it is possible to touch the threshold of the **** of transformation…

  … But now, you can only live as a ghost infant?

  No one can understand the despair, anger, and fear in his heart at this time unless he has experienced it!

   The fat man with a golden body didn’t know if he could understand it, he just did what he was supposed to do, and then turned around and took a look at Lu Xinyao.

   She was also seriously injured, her internal organs were all hit by the sword intent, and her injuries were terrible, but after all, she was in the realm of Nascent Soul. For them, this kind of injury will be raised slowly, and there is still hope that they can be cured. It will be affected, but her martial arts is not good at all.

   Thinking of this section, his expression finally softened.

   looked up at Fang Yuan, his face showed some admiration: “How did you hurt them like this?”

   Fang Yuan’s face slowly returned to calm, did not answer, but looked at him.

   He naturally saw the **** man thrown aside by him. His eyes moved slightly, but he was forcibly suppressed, his voice remained calm, and his voice whispered: “Those people What about them?”

   The golden fat man raised his head, with a faint smile on his face: “Why don’t you ask him?”

   was thrown by him, the man covered in blood, he used a lot of strength, and then raised his head. He had a beard and a blind eye, and his bones were broken. After how long, when I looked up at Fang Yuan, he laughed bitterly, his voice was weak, and said bitterly: “Lao Fang, Lao Fang, you are really…but you really arranged a good task for us…”

When    was speaking, he vomited a mouthful of blood and coughed violently for a long time before continuing, his voice was very low: “All dead, all dead, Meng Family Daozi, Lu Family Daozi… …I was pinched to death by this fat man…”

   “I don’t know why he left me here…”

   This person who survived is naturally Song Longzhu. He has no usual smiley face at all. Instead, he appears endlessly tired, with a sense of depression: “We… did what you said. The thing, the people who stayed behind were all killed… But who would have thought, who would have thought that this fat man would fall in the back and hit head-on…”

   “My old Song misread them…”

   “Those family members are also very kind~ none of them escaped, they all went…”

  ”They set up a trap and used the magical powers of the family to behead the thirty-six demon gangs that had fallen behind. They didn’t let any of them survive and do what you said. It was all resolved until this fat man appeared…We couldn’t fight him, but none of those family members were afraid of him, even if they were seriously injured at the time, they still rushed up…”

   Song Longzhu said in a sad voice, a violent cough, and suddenly some crying in his voice: “But I also have a kind of old Song, I am not missing, you killed them all, why bother Keep me, what do you keep my life for?”

  ”This is my habit…”

   The fat man with a golden body just smiled faintly at this time, and said: “I usually kill people, so I have to keep alive, because only if I leave alive, someone tells others about my murder. See Let me not do it for no reason!”

   “Witness… Witness…”

   Song Longzhu cried and laughed, desperately trying to get up.

   But he still failed. At this time, his injuries were indescribable, and his whole person was almost destroyed.

   And Fang Yuan was silent at this time.


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