Master of Great Calamity Chapter 632: Sword intent like snow

“Not good!”

Seeing that sword light hit, Mai asked the machine and the hunchback mountain envoy were all shocked and screamed.

They couldn’t figure out how Fang Yuan, who had been forcibly killed under their noses, appeared above their heads, but now it’s not important anymore. What’s more important is that they understand. It turned out that everything just now was an illusion. When these people joined forces to suppress Fang Yuan, the real him was calmly guarding in midair, waiting for the opportunity.

And now he has shot…

The sword intent is like heavy snow, spreading out quickly, and it has enveloped them in an instant!

In panic, they hurriedly wanted to summon the strongest power to defend, but found that the sword came too quickly and too abruptly, and their power was all due to the defense of Fang Yuan just now. Below, it’s too late to summon it back!

“Armored Wind Demon…”

Mai Wenji screamed in horror, and could only sacrifice the folding fan in her hand.

Above the folding fan, the ferocious beast shook abruptly, rushed out of the fan, and plunged into the sword light in the sky.

At the same time, Mai asked the machine to think about it without thinking about it. With a horrified face, she desperately took off her outer robe and raised it towards the surroundings, only to see the lining of this linen robe. The pattern was full of Dao patterns, but it was the last formation flag on his body and the last defense method he wrapped around his body. Once he untied it, it immediately twisted into layers of ripples.

A remnant dragon array flies around the body, like a translucent dragon shadow, guarding him inside, turning around and fleeing.

“Bitter Sea and Blood Fiend…”

The hump-backed mountain envoy also yelled in horror. The hunchback behind him exploded with a bang, and a **** monster emerged from it. He opened his big mouth and sprayed out a foul smell of blood. A misty blood mist filled the void.

As for himself, he took the opportunity to escape into the void, his figure disappeared, and he quickly fleeed.

After all, they are also the people who came out of the **** mountain and corpses. They are not ordinary people. Even in this unexpected situation, they responded in time, each played a defensive method, and then waited for the opportunity to move towards the sky. Fled away.

Among all the people, only Lu Xinyao chose differently.

After all, she still knew the other party very well, and was the first to notice the difference in the situation, so she was half a beat ahead of the other two messengers, and was the first to make the correct countermeasures. No, she turned around and fled. She also had a lot of defensive skills at the bottom of the box, but at this time, she had no intention of using it to resist. She just wanted to escape!

Don’t think about resisting things at all, just seize every opportunity to escape!

Too insidious, that person is too cunning!

Who would have thought that under such fierce battles, he could still use this kind of suspended animation strategy, and who would have thought that this kid seemed to be attacking this and that again, but he was The goal is no one, but to attack three people at the same time?

She didn’t know how Fang Yuan was going to do this, but she knew that since Fang Yuan did it, he was sure.

I’m not stupid, and of course I won’t try his assurance in person!

And the facts really confirmed her idea…

Fang Yuan’s sword intent is like snow, spreading out, evil spirits are everywhere, like dark clouds, indescribable weird and violent.


The sword light was dazzling, and it was cut to the front of Mai Interrogator. The evil beast summoned from the fan by Mai Interrogator was attached to the sword before the sword light was blocked. The fierce beast spirits were entangled, there was no time to block the sword light, and I could only watch the sword light flying behind Wen Jishi like a meteor, and severely cut it down.

For the existence of this evil beast, Fang Yuan seemed to have expected it in advance.

Wenji frightened his soul and could only run away in fright, with the linen rags around him, and the strength of the remaining line was guarding him.

“Qin Luanwu’s bronze mirror mentioned that the sackcloth on your body is your last defensive weapon. How would I know it?”

But Fang Yuan let out a cold drink, and with a left hand, dozens of three-life bamboo slips flew beside him.

With a clatter, the bamboo slips moved, and he had something in his heart.

At the same time, the sword light in front of him trembled like the sound of a piano, and every time it quivered, it changed. Through these countless changes, Mai made the dragon trails in front of him. In the end, the sword light went in search of a gap, and the remnant formation was cut through in an instant, and then the edge was endless, and it was cut straight to the questioning machine with a bitter murderous intent…

“Child, do you dare…”

And the hunchback mountain envoy Ben also wanted to escape with the blood mist, but he didn’t expect that the sword light from Fang Yuan was actually impartial, and directly slashed in the direction of his sneaking and fleeing. It was also shocked. The cold sweat suddenly slapped his chest, a mouthful of blood spurted out, turned into seven blood arrows, flying in all directions, but he did not even hide, seemed to be ready to take the sword.

But when Fang Yuan saw the seven blood arrows, his expression was cold, and the sword light swept over him like a whirlpool. He actually wrapped the seven blood arrows in it, as if he had been prepared. Immediately, the hunchback and the mountain made his face show a desperate look. He didn’t understand at all. He hadn’t revealed these secret methods before, so how could he calculate it in advance?



At this moment, only Fang Yuan’s face was deepened to the extreme, and his mind was also solidified to the extreme. He deliberately used the Xuanhuang clone to lead away the strongest means of those people, hiding behind the dark clouds, and seizing such a rare opportunity , Is for this sword.

The premise of using this sword is Qin Luanwu.

Before he rushed here, he had already seen the bronze mirror Qin Luanwu asked Li Hongxiao to give him.

In that bronze mirror, there is a picture of Qin Luanwu alone resisting these four dark messengers, as well as his correspondence and speculations about the four dark forces and various methods, and he does not hesitate to suffer more The purpose of leaving this bronze mirror is so that I can understand in advance the magical methods of these three dark messengers, so that when he confronts the dark messenger, he will not be too rushed!

Fang Yuan has carefully read the things left in the bronze mirror, and has also written down!

He never showed up in previous battles before, just to create such an opportunity!

Maximize the effect of this sword…

The only one who was somewhat out of his control was Lu Xinyao. She was the first to react, and was also the first to give up the idea of ​​resisting, just to escape. Her body was like a blue smoke in Fang Yuan. When the sword intent was spreading, she had already escaped a thousand feet away. At this time, only a faint shadow could be seen, but Fang Yuan still gritted his teeth and chased away with a sword light!

As for Luo Feiling, she seemed to understand Fang Yuan’s thoughts from the beginning. As early as when Fang Yuan’s figure disappeared, she deliberately rushed down, just to attract the attention of the three dark emissaries. When Fang Yuan took the sword, she sacrificed countless magic weapons, grabbed the flag in the air, dragged ten corpses, and even slashed at Wang Zhou!

She seems to understand Fang Yuan’s intentions a long time ago, and at this time she is doing her best to create better opportunities for Fang Yuan.




Mai asked the machine to make a scream, wrapped around him, and the Ma Yi formation flag, which was rapidly rotating with the remnants of the dragon, was already broken by that sword light, and it followed, that sharp and endless sword light. He slashed his head, so half of his head flew directly, blood splattered, and even one of his Yuan Ying was frightened at this time, and he looked up blankly.

What he saw was Fang Yuan’s expressionless face in the air!

The next moment, the sword intent eroded, and even his Yuan Ying was also crushed and turned into clear smoke.

The expressionless face was the last picture he saw.


At the same time, the hunchback was carried by the mountain envoy, and the sword light had already wrapped the seven blood arrows that he spewed back around, as if a cloud of cold light had wrapped him in it, and the next moment, he A head flew away from the body and jumped into the air.


In addition to the two of them, there is Lu Xinyao.

Rao was the fastest she escaped, but the sword intent came behind her in the blink of an eye.

The sword intent was like snow, immersed in her body, making the body stiff and slowing down.

What’s even more terrifying is Her speed slowed down, but the sword light did not slow down, but hurriedly chased her.

Aware of the terrible killing intent coming from behind, Lu Xinyao showed a look of horror on her face, but she did not dare to turn her head and dodge left and right, for fear that such an action would slow down her escape. That sharp and terrifying sword intent is wrapped in it!

At this moment, she could only resist with a violent rush of mana, but she still felt that the cool sword light penetrated into her back, and then penetrated into her internal organs, like a cold hand, to directly Her heart was frightened, which made her fear to the extreme, and the bitter water was about to vomit out of her mouth, but she didn’t know what to do except escape her life!

“How come…”

The bitterness in her heart is about to turn out: “How come you have fallen to this point?”


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