Master of Great Calamity Chapter 628: Ferocious and powerful

“Brother God Horn, Brother Jiao Sha…”

As soon as the last person saw it, the goat demon and python demon were both miserable, frightened and angry, sad and painful.

In a sudden change, it turned into a rat the size of a tiger, with its steel teeth shining and grabbed it hard.

At this time, it saw Fang Yuan defending the back road, and Luo Feiling forced them to a dead end. Under the sharp sword, he really had no chance to escape, instead of fighting to the death, so at this time, it was actually I moved desperately, but, faced with Luo Feiling, who usually got rid of the two big demons, whether he could seize a chance, it was hard to say!

But what even it didn’t expect was that Luo Feiling was shocked when he rushed over.

As soon as his face changed, he subconsciously took two steps back. When he reached Fang Yuan’s side, his face looked extremely pale.

“What’s wrong?”

Fang Yuan was also shocked, and turned around to support her.

Luo Feiling’s expression was a little horrified and said: “I’m afraid of mice…especially such a big one…”

“It’s just a mouse sperm…”

Fang Yuan smiled helplessly, and said, “But since you are afraid, I will kill the mouse first!”

As soon as the green robe swayed, the whole person rushed forward. Compared with the ordinary people who are good at supernatural powers, Fang Yuan is a little different. Although he has supernatural powers, he prefers close combat. It is because of him. Responsive, the martial arts are equally amazing. They are not afraid to attack the opponent head-on, but because they are close to the opponent, they can wield their supernatural powers more powerfully.

“You two…”

At this moment, more people around reacted, especially the two maid questioning machine envoy and the hunchback mountain envoy. They reacted extremely quickly, and found Fang Yuan and Luo Fei in this maze. The figure of the spirit saw that they were killing them, so they immediately rescued them, but he didn’t expect that Fang Yuan would cut off the rescue, and they would kill many demons!

These monsters are not ordinary monsters. They are all old monsters. In the monster domain, they are all big people with a big face. For the Lord of Darkness, these are also rare combat powers. The two of them cut melons and vegetables. Who can stand it?

The two were frightened, and shouted at the same time: “Death!”

The hunchback carrying the mountain envoy waved the wooden crutch in his hand, and there was a scarlet snake flying out of his crutch, wandering in the air, spraying out blood mist, like a sea of ​​blood , Tumbling, rushing straight towards Fang Yuan…

Faced with this blow, Luo Feiling did not have the magical ability of Fang Yuan to close the door and stop everything, but she naturally had her own moves, and hurriedly solved the one tied to her right hand. The platinum chain was thrown into the air.

Seeing that the chain became bigger in the wind, it directly entangled the Scarlet Snake, and I didn’t know where to take it along!

“Where is my blood treasure?”

Humping on the mountain makes his eyes straight, and I don’t know what happened.


Fortunately, at this moment, Mai asked the machine to wave the folding fan, and slammed forward.

The strong wind whistled, tearing the surrounding dense fog to shreds. There seemed to be countless demons hidden in the wind, riding on the wind to kill the living.

Luo Feiling didn’t dare to neglect, he hurriedly untied a small red bead on his left hand and threw it out.

The little bead arrived in the air, and immediately turned into a monstrous flame, facing the wind, instead of swaying along with the wind, it burned along with the gust of wind. The gust of wind stopped at that moment, and in the raging flames of the wind, a film sounded The shrill and terrifying cry…

“My Wind Demon…”

Mai Wenji made her eyes straight, and her feet jumped with heartache.




Through this effort, Fang Principle unfolded the Eight Desolate Body Techniques, and in an instant he arrived in front of the tiger-sized rat demon, raising his hand to a palm, like a big seal, mixed with drums and drums. Qingqi, heavy as a mountain, patted the mouse on the top of the head fiercely.

“I am the toothless ancestor of Lake Island, how dare you be so disrespectful to me?”

The mouse spirit listened to Fang Yuan’s conversation with Luo Feiling just now, and saw that he really attacked him. He was also furious and screamed. The mouse hair flew off and turned into steel needles. Each one was ten times thinner than silk, and when it flew out, it was like a gray mist, with the viciousness of being touched and dead, and followed the violent wind and rolled towards Fang Yuan.

“Why do children dare to be fierce?

Someone screamed and rushed out of the dark clouds, but it was a fierce tiger about ten feet high. The roar of the roar shook the wind of hundreds of meters, and there were more than a thousand ghosts around, whistling in the wind, like A dark cloud also rushed towards Fang Yuan.

“Kill him!”

A majestic bull spirit wielded a huge trident, rumbling out into the void.

“Exterminate this little bastard…”

In the other compartment, a toad’s head was born, and only the monster in the Jindan realm also jumped and cursed.

Fang Yuan faced the demon changes, but his face was slightly cold, and he pressed his left palm blankly, and a Suzaku wrapped in thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air, rushing straight toward the gray mist, and so on. The fire-spirited thing happened to restrain the supernatural power of the rat essence, and the gray hairs all over the sky were burned clean without leaving a trace, and behind him, a huge willow tree grew out.

“咻” “咻” “咻”

The willow tree swept around and forced the Tiger Demon and Bull Demon outside, and the more frightened Toad Demon didn’t dare to shout loudly.

Fang Yuan himself, with the same posture and degree, rushed straight to the rat demon, still slapped down.

“You are looking for a dead end…”

The rat demon saw that Fang Yuan was just staring at him. He was also shocked and angry. In a scream, with sharp teeth, like a magic soldier, he bit into Fang Yuan’s palm. , That pair of sharp teeth, it has cultivated for more than a thousand years, and I don’t know how many geniuses, gods and mines, they have been grinded hard. The sharpness is indescribable.

It is a high-level magic weapon. He can also destroy one of his fangs by grinding his upper and lower fangs.

All monsters are physical and tyrannical, and are good at close combat. Human monks and monsters fight melee, that is a big mistake.

And it is the most adept at close attack among the monsters. Fang Yuan’s close attack is even more wrong…

“Oh, it’s disgusting…”

Luo Feiling was watching, the sharp steel teeth of the mouse, the hideous face, the scarlet eyes, and the black saliva that appeared to corrode everything, which was disgustingly small. His face was pale, and he cried out.

“If you don’t kill you, wouldn’t it be troublesome to scare Junior Sister Luo?”

Fang Yuan faced the rat’s open mouth, his palms were slightly bent, and he gently pinched a seal. Beside him, the blue energy suddenly changed, and there were many phantoms of mountains, even though they were just Phantom, but Xuanhuang is all-encompassing, it can be unchanged or ever-changing. It contains the magical powers of the earth. A mountain shadow has the weight of a mountain.


This palm carried a dozen mountain shadows directly into the mouse sperm’s mouth.

Then I heard a sour sound. The sharp steel teeth of the mouse were biting into Fang Yuan’s hand, but before it showed its pride, the sound was crisp, those two The row of steel teeth was suddenly shattered by Fang Yuan’s palm, blood surged, followed by a series of mountain shadows smashed down, Fang Yuan directly pierced its mouth, knocking it down from midair.


The mouse sperm didn’t even make a scream, and when it fell on the ground, it became a puddle of flesh.

“Mouse is a mouse!”

Fang Yuan took out a handkerchief, wiped his hands, and threw it down in midair.

The handkerchief flew down, gently covering the mouse’s staring eyes.



For a while, the void was silent, and the atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

The appearance of the tragic death of the ancestors of Lake Island is so impactful that some of them are in danger for a while!

Whether it was the negative mountain envoy, the inquiring agent who had just tried to stop, or the unintentional envoy Lu Xinyao who had never found a chance to take action, her expression became very ugly at this time, and they did not expect it at all. It was a must-win game with all the advantages, but as soon as they played against each other, they were beheaded by seven or eight generals, and both of them were innocent.

Are these people like yourself really regarded as hunting targets by them?

“The mouse has been killed!”

After Fang Yuan killed the rat demon, he walked back with both sleeves, standing with Luo Feiling, his face was indifferent, as if he had done a trivial thing, his eyes looked very calm around him Sweeping around: “Who will kill next?”

“Really let him be so rampant?”

For a while, the violence has started. Lu Xinyao and Negative Mountain Envoy both have deep expressions. Mai asked the machine’s eyes with sharp eyes, and exclaimed: “This fellow is clearly delaying time and strangling our subordinates. Let others seal it, how can there be such a good thing?”

It is Lu Xinyao and the negative mountain envoy, and their faces have become very ugly after hearing this.

“Child, let you taste the power of my **** corpse…”

The Negative Mountain Envoy laughed loudly, rubbing his palms hard, and there were ten corpses behind his back, thumping and Lu Xinyao lightly smeared rouge on her lips, and Wang Huang beside her suddenly He raised his head, murderously, and strode forward.

The last one was the white-faced ambassador. He first glanced behind him and frowned slightly. It seemed a little surprised that the people behind hadn’t arrived yet. In the end, his heart shook, his arms shook, and he was around seventy or eighty. The flags of the Dao Array flew up and looked at Fang Yuan coldly, as if jealous, and sneered: “Wuxinshi, you old lover, should you be arrogant enough?”

For a moment, he was murderous, and came whizzing like dark clouds.

Luo Feiling glanced at Fang Yuan and said: “Brother Fang Yuan, they are really moving…”

Fang Yuan strode up to greet him, and said in a deep voice, “Same kill!”


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