Master of Great Calamity Chapter 619: The only way

This time has come, so naturally you can’t go.

Although Fang Yuan divided these four teams and appointing the four team leaders is really an explicit method of appointing each other, but after all, he had promised to do his own thing before. The nose recognizes it, and now that it is divided into four teams, it is not a big deal, the most important thing, naturally depends on how to do this task, and whether he really has a way…

Fang Yuan saw that all the cultivators had no objection, so he was so sure.

He has always been doing things like this. The more serious he wants to do something, the colder his face is. It is not intentional, but he always subconsciously puts all his energy into the thing itself. When you go to the face, you can’t take care of other things.

“How many people have come under the Lord of Darkness this time?”

After the four teams were divided and the four leaders were set, Fang Yuan asked intently.

Through that golden ring, Qin Luanwu gave Fang Yuan all the news he saw at that time and some of the information he deduced, but the news was actually not enough, and these people, from They escaped from the hall and were hunted down all the way. Perhaps they would learn more. For their current situation, of course, the more they have to master, the better.

“It should be four messengers, and there are at least 50 subordinates. Those subordinates are very strong. The high ones have the Nascent Soul realm. The weakest are also high-level Jindan existences, all with strange magic weapons. It’s very tricky, don’t underestimate them!”

Zhu Xiu glanced at each other, but it was Li Hongxiao, the leader of the first team, who was silent for a while, and then handed a bronze mirror to Fang Yuan, saying: “My brother Qin Chao gave us a chance at that time. Let us escape. When he left, he gave me this piece of copper together. I didn’t know what he meant at the time. I realized later that the role of this mirror…”

Speaking of this, Li Hongxiao was also silent for a while, and said: “Senior Brother Qin Luanwu has entangled the four ambassadors at least for a stick of incense, so that we have the opportunity to really escape, and in that column During the fragrance time, he left a lot of things…”

While speaking, he passed the bronze mirror.

Fang Yuan Shennian penetrated into the bronze mirror and saw the scenes of Qin Luanwu fighting the four ambassadors…

Unexplainable tragedy, unexplainable bravery.

The fairy light is endless, tearing the world apart!

That back figure supported Black Lotus and stopped the Four Ambassadors!



Fang Yuan’s face also became a little gloomy.

Unexpectedly, Qin Luanwu even considered these…

What he passed through the Golden Ring before was his speculation and description of the purpose and relationship of the Dark Messenger.

Now, what he left after passing through the Bronze Realm is the change in the other party’s supernatural powers he saw personally when he personally fought the four ambassadors. It was extremely detailed and extremely terrifying, but also very Useful, especially for Fang Yuan now…

He even said that he handed over these last relics of himself to Li Hongxiao. Does it mean something?

Is he worried that when the cultivators escaped, they would leave Li Hongxiao with a weaker cultivation base?

If the golden ring, jade jue, and bronze mirror are all in Li Hongxiao’s hands, all the cultivators will definitely protect Li Hongxiao.

Did this person think of so many things?

Fang Yuan thought silently.

I remembered that when I saw him for the first time, I still had some hostility towards him, and I felt a little regretful!

It’s time to have a good chat with this person!



Seeing Fang Yuan staring at the bronze mirror in a daze, Luo Feiling also leaned over.

But Fang Yuan was busy putting away the bronze mirror, and said: “You better not look at these!”

Luo Feiling guessed Fang Yuan’s intentions, his eyes were reddish, and he nodded.

Qin Luanwu has practiced on Wangqing Island in the South China Sea for many years. He and Luo Feiling are also childhood playmates, and their relationship is naturally good. In this bronze realm, Qin Luanwu tried his best to fight the scene of the four ambassadors. It was too bleak, if Luo Feiling watched it, let alone whether it would affect her mood, she would be emotionally unbearable, so Fang Yuan didn’t want her to see it.

Li Hongxiao heard Fang Yuan’s words and silently glanced at Fang Yuan without making a sound.



“The opponent’s strength is higher than ours, even far higher than ours now…”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and whispered: “Among the four ambassadors, two are Supreme Nascent Soul, and the other two, although not Supreme Nascent Soul, have unique talents and supernatural powers. The strength is tyrannical, coupled with the Wang family Daozi, is already their puppet, and the companions who stayed in the hall and did not escape, do not know how many of them will be refined into evil corpses. If so, their strength is no longer what we can face up to!”

Everyone in the room listened to it, and everyone was silent.

Actually, the foundation of the fairy alliance is naturally to be far greater than the Lord of Darkness. They have entered the Dragon Trail this time with so many masters. If they met these four ambassadors at the beginning, it is estimated that the other party is too strong. However, they were hit by the opponent’s tricks and almost wiped out the entire army. Although Qin Luanwu finally turned the tide and left some strength, the opponent also took the opportunity to grow.

The reason for this situation is really hard to explain!

Fang Yuan didn’t discuss these with them. He just narrated this fact and said: “And if we want to complete this task, we need to find Sancun Lingshan. Those three measurement results, my I still remember it in my heart, how about you?”

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and finally shook their heads.

The results of the measurement were extremely complicated and could not make any mistakes. At that time, they were all performing their duties before they completed the measurement of all the results and finally put them together in the hands of the team leader. The leaders of the second team have all fallen into the Dragon Clan Ancestral Hall, and the results of the measurement are naturally lost. After all, not everyone is like Fang Yuan who can record all the results.

In fact, many people don’t even believe that Fang Yuan can record so many measurements.

It’s just that Fang Yuan is now the leader of the team after all, so no one dares to refute him.

“Now it is the most difficult problem…”

Ban Feiyu smiled bitterly and sighed: “I really don’t know what to do. If we want to re-measure, it will be very tricky. When we were fully staffed, it took seven days, but now we only have So many people want to re-measure, but I don’t know how much effort it will take. In addition, the envoys under the Lord of Darkness are in this dragon trail. It will not be easy for us to complete!”

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “Actually it will!”

Zhu Xiu was slightly startled, looking at him a little puzzled.

Fang Yuandao: “They must have obtained the three measurement results in the Ancestral Hall. It is not difficult to derive the location of Sancun Lingshan, and they also know that we must find Sancun Lingshan. That’s why they didn’t try their best to follow us. For them, they only need to find the Sancun Lingshan, stay there, and then they can kill us!”

Speaking, there was a slight silence, and said: “Maybe, they also hope that we can find Sancun Lingshan as soon as possible!”

“Then…what can I do?”

Listening to Fang Yuan’s words, everyone was stunned.

In this situation, it is difficult to re-derive the location of Sancun Lingshan. What is even more desperate is that even if it is found, it is just a trap for the opponent. This is not People like yourself are in desperation?

They were a little desperate before, but now they are even more desperate after listening to Fang Yuan’s analysis.



“You…didn’t you say there was a way?”

I don’t know how long he was silent, Li Hongxiao suddenly raised his head and looked at Fang Yuan hesitantly.

All the Xiu’s hearts were also shocked, and at the same time they raised their heads and looked at Fang Yuan.

Before they, it was because Fang Yuan said that there was a way to complete the task, and that was why they were willing to appoint him as the leader of the third team, but now looking at the situation, it is a dead end. It is really unexpected, Fang Yuan What can be done?

In response to so many gazes, Fang Yuan said: “I do have a solution!”

The practitioners felt a commotion, straightened their backs subconsciously, held their breath and looked at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan didn’t say it right away, but looked at Ban Feiyuan.

Slightly frowned, and said: “If you are asked to seal the Sancun Lingshan, how long will it take?”

Ban Feiyu didn’t expect Fang Yuan to look towards him, she was startled, but he thought about it seriously, and said, “Will you come to help?”

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “I have something else to do, and this can only be handled by your first team!”

Ban Feiyuan’s face became serious, and the left hand under the corner of the robe was squeezing quickly. After a while, he said: “Before I came, I had already studied the seal of Sancun Lingshan. It was calculated at that time. It was three hours, but that was when twelve high-ranking masters shot at the same time, and there were many people helping each other, if we only depended on the four of us, it would probably be…three days!”

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “It’s been too long!”

Ban Feiyu’s face changed, she gritted her teeth, and said: “Just work harder, maybe it can be done in about two days!”

Fang Yuan said: “It’s still a long time!”

Ban Feiyu was silent for a long time, her face hard to change, as if she had made a resolute decision, raised her head, and said: “Seal Sancun Lingshan requires a lot of deduction. Even if it is fast, I am afraid it will take two days, but if this is not enough…I have a secret method that can be used at that time to control the time within one day!”

All Xiu heard what he said and realized that the secret method he was talking about was probably not simple.

Fang Yuan naturally heard it too, but he didn’t say much, he just focused on it and said: “Can you guarantee it?”

Ban Feiyu smiled miserably, but there was a sense of pride in her smile, saying: “Brother Fang Yuan, I did make a mistake before. You should look down on me, but I want to say, Ben The reputation of a certain Taoism is not caused by the wind!”

Fang Yuan nodded and said: “That’s good!”

After a pause, he still looked at Ban Feiyu, and said: “I asked you this question directly, so I didn’t mean to look down on you!”

Ban Feiyu’s complexion suddenly became better, she gave a light high-five, and said: “Then I won’t let you down!”

Fang Yuan nodded and said: “Then one day is the boundary!”

While speaking, he looked at the other team leaders and he pondered for a while before he said: “If I set a limit for you, you will keep it there. In any case, you must keep the next day. Can you do it?”

After hearing this, the faces of the other three teams were slightly bleak.

“We cannot guarantee that we will keep the time of the next day, but we can guarantee that we will keep it until the last moment!”

But at this moment, Meng Tianli, a Taoist son of the Meng family, suddenly spoke in a low voice.

All the cultivators looked at him seriously.

Song Longzhu smiled miserably: “Man, do you want to be so fierce?”

Meng Tianli glanced at Song Longzhu, smiled miserably, and whispered: “You really are a family member, are you a waste of no responsibility?”

There was no one to say anything in the, and his expression became serious.

“Now, the leader of the team can tell your method!”

After a lot of effort and responsibilities, the expressions of the cultivators became more calm and relaxed. Someone asked with a smile.

Fang Yuan nodded. After saying these words, he was no longer so depressed in his heart, and his mood was much more relaxed. When speaking, he naturally relaxed a lot, saying: “The most difficult part of this task now , Is to find the Sancun Lingshan and create an opportunity to seal it. People with the Lord of Darkness are there to guard it. It is almost impossible for us to do this, so…”

He smiled lightly and said: “Let’s not find Sancun Lingshan, let’s pull it here!”


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