Master of Great Calamity Chapter 618: Single power and leave others alone

In response to Fang Yuan’s anger, everyone in the valley fell silent with a look of embarrassment.

Naturally, they won’t forget the things in the hall!

Although in that situation, they felt that they were dealing with it correctly. In such a tight time, they did not even have the time to think carefully, and of course they would not believe what Fang Yuan said, but in any case, the facts proved that they At that time, he did make the wrong choice, so that Fang Yuan ventured to escape, and he was invaded by demons, causing heavy casualties…

So, Fang Yuan was angry at this time, and they couldn’t say anything.

In fact, most of the people who speak now are the group of people who were relatively silent in the hall. Those family members who were filled with outrage in the hall and accused Fang Yuan, but at this time all remained silent. Looks like it doesn’t matter to you.

Seeing that everyone didn’t respond, Fang Yuan just looked at them coldly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In the valley, the atmosphere seemed very depressing.

They are all the rest of their lives. When they meet together, they don’t seem to be happy.

“Brother Fang Yuan, maybe… at this time, we should abandon personal interests and discuss the matter of this mission…”

In the silence, someone hesitated to speak and gave Fang Yuan a fist.

Everyone in the valley was slightly relieved after hearing this.

Although the chaos in the hall is unpleasant, after all, everyone still has a common goal. You can’t hold on to it, right?

“No need to discuss!”

But Fang Yuan shook his head when he heard this, and in response to the surprised expressions of the people, he said lightly: “At the Red Sky Club, I saw your family elders discussing things. It was very noisy. It’s useless. In this dragon trail, the situation is so urgent that it’s just a waste of time if you want to carry on unnecessary discussions. Therefore, if you still want to complete the task, there is only one choice, which is to completely obey me. , Do things according to my order, until the task is completed or failed!”&1t;i>&1t;/i>


All the cultivators in the valley changed their faces after hearing this.

Actually, because they misunderstood Fang Yuan in the main hall, they felt a little ashamed. This time they saw each other again, they kept tolerating, even when Fang Yuan came up and scolded him, they also endured it. I didn’t speak, but after listening to Fang Yuan’s words, I still couldn’t help it. Looking at each other, there was a sense of injustice and even some irritation…

What is he going to do?

Isn’t it possible to treat many Daozi from aristocratic families as his subordinates?

Even before Qin Luanwu rescued them, there was a will to let Fang Yuan be the three teams, you shouldn’t be so overbearing!

Everyone in the field, is their cultivation base worse than yours, or is their status lower than yours?

Everyone respects you and can discuss things together, but what do you mean by not allowing everyone to participate in the discussion? &1t;i>&1t;/i>

“Fang Daoist friend, you took away the power of the Wang Family Daozi because of his self-sufficient use, but now you…”

Someone couldn’t help but said angrily: “…How is it different from what he did at the time?”

When everyone heard this, they felt that it was reasonable, and they all looked at Fang Yuan.

When Fang Yuan heard this, he only glanced at the person who spoke, and said: “I seized the power of the Wang Family Daozi only because he did not believe that the road ahead was dangerous at that time, not because of his way of doing things. There is a problem, in fact, I still agree!”

“This method is very useful, it just depends on who will use it!”

The speaker immediately couldn’t speak, but his face was angry.

Fang Yuan swept through the crowd and said coldly: “You also understand that in the present form, we have suffered heavy losses in the current form of the enemy. How difficult it is to complete the task, it is me. After a long deliberation, there is only one possibility. The method with very low sexuality, in this case, there is no room for accidents, so I want you to do it to me and make sure there is nothing wrong!”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

There was a slight silence, and then continued: “You can make a choice now!”



“Have you thought of a way?”

“What a trick, speak up quickly and listen…”

After hearing Fang Yuan’s words, everyone in the field immediately became a little excited, and the opposition from the other party was not so strong. There was a lot of discussion, and there was some excitement on his face. Some people could not bear it. She moved forward and urged Fang Yuan to speak out.

Even the people who didn’t speak were curious.

One thing they didn’t expect was that both friends and foes, they subconsciously believed Fang Yuan’s words.

He said there is a way, then there is a way!

After all, he is Liu Dao Kui…&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Fang Yuan didn’t rush to say it, just watched the practitioners quietly, and said, “Are you willing to take my order?”

The cultivators understood what he meant, their expressions were above, and they condensed slightly, and looked at each other left and right. Among the dozen people left, Song Longzhu and others were not injured, so naturally they won’t There is no doubt, but the people who have just escaped from the main hall are a little embarrassed on their faces. Some people secretly looked at the 6 young uncles, Meng Jiali and others, wanting to see their opinions.

However, this time was short, and someone made a choice.

“If you really still have a way to accomplish this task, why don’t we let you do it?”

“Yes, my brother Qin Luan, didn’t you also say that you are the third team now?”



Everyone spoke one by one, and nodded solemnly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

By nodding their heads, it is equivalent to handing over their lives to Fang Yuan. Among the remaining people, there are only four or five aristocratic Daozi, all of whom are in the same line as 6 Shao Bo and others. When everyone agreed, their silence seemed very abrupt.

Fang Yuan turned his head and looked at them quietly.

Uncle 6 and others suddenly felt a great pressure in their hearts: “This Liu Dao Kui is forcing us to bow our heads?”

I faintly guessed Fang Yuan’s intentions, but if I didn’t agree, wouldn’t it mean that people like myself didn’t take the task to heart? But if he agrees, who knows if this Liu Dao Kui would hold a grudge and frame himself secretly?

Seeing that more than a dozen people around were looking at them coldly, and they felt helpless in their hearts.

They are good at suppressing people with the general trend, but the mud legs are actually so slippery when used…&1t;i>&1t;/i>

“In order to complete the task, we are also willing to recognize your name as the third team!”

In silence, Meng Tianli, Taoist son of the Meng family, still sighed in a low voice, then spoke in a deep voice.

This has also been calculated.

Although they have now agreed to Feng Fang Yuan’s order, their faces are hindered, and they may be worn some small shoes, but because of their identity, Fang Yuan dare not do too presumptuous. After all, they Outside of Longji, there are still clans with deep roots, and Fang Yuan must also take these into consideration. The advantage is that they recognize Fang Yuan’s leadership status, and this responsibility is less.

Since he has boasted about Haikou, if the mission fails, he will also recite the black disaster.

When Meng Tian left the mouth, several other family members nodded their heads.

Now that everyone in the valley has recognized Fang Yuan’s position as the third team, they have also agreed to follow his order. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Fang Yuan didn’t have any special expressions on his face. He just calmly scanned the faces of Young Uncle 6, Meng Tianli and others, and said lightly: “It’s good if you agree. In this case, if you are performing the task If I don’t try my best, I have a reason to kill you!”


6 Young Uncle and others’ complexions changed drastically, and Qi Sue looked at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan gave no other explanation, as if he had made a joke, and then immediately led the crowd, left this valley, and found a new hidden valley three thousand miles away. , Personally placed the forbidden formation, and then gathered in this valley, counted the number of people, and confirmed the minor or severe injuries suffered by the people, and then began his own arrangements and arrangements.

“Today we have seventeen people still alive. The two seriously injured people are no longer able to fight. No, it’s not counted. Hou Guier is not good at fighting, not count. So there are only 14 people. , Due to uncertain injuries, it needs to be re-arranged. Apart from me and Junior Sister Fei Ling, there are twelve people left, so these fourteen people are divided into four teams, and each team will be named by me. !”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

When all the practitioners heard Fang Yuan’s words, they just nodded, naturally they would not offend him because of such trivial matters.

Yu Fangyuan arranged in a low voice, one by one.

“The first team is Ban Feiyu, Li Hongxiao, Mo Yan, and Qing Dao Ren who are good at battle. Li Hongxiao is the team!”

“The second team is the Rams who are good at martial arts, Cheng Xianhe, Zhao Taidao, Wei Long Jue four people, Wei Long Jue is the team!”

“The third team is Meng Qi, Fei Ling’er, Xu Yuren, Fengliang Guixiu who are good at supernatural powers, and Xu Yuren is the team!”

“The fourth team…”

He said that, he was silent for a moment, and his eyes swept across the faces of all the practitioners. The practitioners knew who he was about to talk about. At this time, they couldn’t help but tighten their minds, and then listened to him: “For the cultivation base The taller people have to shoulder heavy responsibilities, so they are composed of 6 Daozi 6 Young Uncles, Meng Tianli Daozi, Jiushengtang Daozi Cangjizi, San Xiu Song Longzhu, and San Xiu Song Longzhu as the team…”

After hearing this, there was a faint commotion around.

Song Longzhu was about to cry, and said with a sad face: “Lao Fang, are you really cheating me?”

All the practitioners around are also a little puzzled. Looking at Fang Now that the four teams are divided, you can see Fang Yuan’s behavioral style.

Although there is no problem with the squad, when the life of the squad is promoted, it is completely nonsense. Regardless of the prestige and status of everyone, the people in each team are familiar with them, especially The fourth team, with the 6 Daozi and the Meng Daozi, actually put a Song Longzhu who is inferior to them and whose cultivation base is not as good as theirs…

Thinking about what Fang Yuan said before, it can be seen that he has just made these three teams, and he has made all the mistakes of “arbitrary” and “allowing others to act as a team” over and over again. Such an attitude , Do you really want to complete the task?

Fang Yuan was aware of the thoughts of the people, and the answer was very simple: “If you are not convinced, you can leave!” 2k reading net


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