Master of Great Calamity Chapter 617: Why are you not dead

Continue to finish the task…

After listening to Fang Yuan’s words, all the repairs in the room were silent for a while.

Even Song Longzhu, the most optimistic, couldn’t speak briskly at this time.

They naturally know that it is time to continue to complete the task. After all, they came in this time to do this thing, and they also know the importance of this thing to the whole Tianyuan, but the key is, knowing, but Now this situation is so desperate, the difficulty of completing the task is too small to be estimated, how can he still say this so easily?

But Fang Yuan didn’t explain too much. He just said what he was thinking in his heart, so he sat cross-legged in the valley, sitting still, not talking, or preparing to do something. What, just sit cross-legged, concentrating on it.

People around him didn’t know whether to disturb him or not, and they were frightened and silent for a while.

In the empty valley, the atmosphere is very depressed.

“Let’s, do you want to find out the news over there?”

After a long time, Song Longzhu couldn’t help but opened his mouth carefully.

Fang Yuan shook his head, but remained silent.

Song Longzhu stopped talking.

After a while, I couldn’t help but said again: “Would you like to discuss the next step?”

Fang Yuan shook his head, still not speaking.

Song Longzhu had to shut his mouth again.

After a while, Song Longzhu sighed: “You said the Lord of Darkness…”

Everyone around him glared at him.

Song Longzhu scratched his head helplessly, and had to shut his mouth again without speaking, and looked back at Hou Guier, shaking his head and sighing.

At this moment, suddenly the golden ring in Fang Yuan’s palm trembled slightly again, and there was a flash of aura.

All the cultivators were shocked immediately and turned their heads to look over.

Then I heard a divine mind in the golden ring, trembling in the void, and heard a girl’s panting voice: “Fang Yuan, Brother Qin Luanwu stopped the four ambassadors , Let us escape. He gave me the golden ring and asked me to borrow it to find you. Now many of us are injured, and there are dark angels chasing us and chasing us…”

I can hear that this voice is Li Hongxiao’s.

The audience was naturally surprised and delighted after listening.

Although he knew that the Saintess of Xuanzong was dead, Wang Zhou was controlled by evil law, and Qin Luanwu was even more unlucky. This time, the three leaders who entered the Longji team were absolutely extinct, but naturally there were still more people left. One who survives counts as one, and one more is more power.

“Should we…Should we meet them?”

Song Longzhu was nervous when he heard it, jumped up and shouted in a low voice.

Fang Yuan held the golden ring, injected a mana, and held the golden ring in his hand, and he faintly felt a if there was no sense reaching Fang Yuan, he could sense another golden ring through this golden ring At the location, he can also sense that the other party is moving in a hurry, but in response to the anxious gazes of the people around, he finally shook his head, did not speak, and did not move.

He just put down the golden ring and continued to meditate.

It seems to be pondering something, and it seems to be sitting there in a daze.

Song Longzhu and others immediately didn’t know what to say.

At this time, those people escaped. I don’t know how many people are still alive. I don’t know how many people are chasing them. It is a dangerous time. If they go to meet them, maybe they can save more every time they pass earlier. There is a person, but why Fang Yuan just sits here and doesn’t move, letting time be consumed? Don’t you worry about the loss of those who finally escaped?

It was Luo Feiling. After griefing for a while, he wiped the tears from his face, got up from the ground, sat next to Fang Yuan, and asked something quietly, after getting Fang Yuan’s answer, There was a resolute look on his face.

Then…she just sat there in a daze with Fang Yuan!

Song Longzhu anxiously strangled Hou Guier’s neck, but he still couldn’t stop him from looking at Xu Yuren.

As time passed by, Fang Yuan still did not move.

There have been several divine thoughts in the golden ring, but Fang Yuan didn’t even probe the contents.

Until most of the day passed, Hou Gui’er almost died, Fang Yuan stood up suddenly, Song Longzhu and others thought he was going to do something, but Fang Yuan just left the golden ring. On the spot, he took them to the top of the valley, an open place, and then still covered the valley with Xuan Huang, continued to sit down, and continued to deduce.

Song Longzhu and others were desperate, so they could only look at each other helplessly, and wait patiently.

I just don’t understand: “Lao Fang looks good at ordinary times. Why is he so cold-hearted at this time?”



Almost another day has passed. In the dragon trails, another deep night has ushered in, and suddenly a piece of aura is hurriedly circling from the north, Song Longzhu and others immediately started fighting. Spiritually, I looked down and saw that in the night, more than a dozen figures hurried over, stopped around the valley, and hurriedly shouted: “Where are people? What about others?”

Among these people, a woman in red came out, rushed into the valley, looking for a long while, but she saw Fang Yuan’s golden ring left on the large blue stone, her face instantly changed Somewhat sadly, he turned and looked at those people in silence.

“He… he is not here?”

The voices of the cultivators who arrived immediately became a little nervous.

The energy of this group of people is extremely low. It can be seen that most of them have injuries on their bodies, and some even lack arms and legs. The injuries have been so severe that they have been so bad that they have been all the way. It is not easy to escape the chase and kill, and looking at the direction they are coming from, they are coming around from the north, it can be seen that they are also worried that someone will be behind and deliberately go around far.

But I came here hard just to find Fang Yuan, but now I only see Jin Huan, no people, I can imagine the loss in my heart.

“That person…is he too timid, he left Golden Ring here and escaped…”

“Damn, Qin Luanwu Dao brother wants us to listen to him…”



For a while, some people who were anxious and angry couldn’t help but yell.

But at this time, Li Hongxiao remained calm, and said coldly: “This valley is still secret, let’s heal first!”

The surrounding cultivators glanced at her, and they could only shut their mouths angrily. When it comes to cultivation, many of them may be higher than Li Hongxiao, but when it comes to status and status, even if they are Taoists, they must I have to give Li Hongxiao some respect, plus, when Qin Luanwu created a chance for them to escape, he gave Li Hongxiao everything in his hands. To some extent, it represented trust.

In this chaos, they know what to say and how to do.

At this time, even though my heart was burning with anger and the lingering palpitations were not exhausted, I had to sit down first and swallow pills to heal his injuries.

And on the top of the mountain not far away, Song Longzhu and others looked at Fang Yuan one by one, and they stopped talking. They didn’t expect that Fang Yuan really stood up and didn’t go. Responding to these people, it was because they found them on their own. Even after they found them, they didn’t mean to show up to meet them. Instead, they stayed on the top of the mountain.

Just when I was anxious, I saw Fang Yuan stand up.

They were agitated, but saw Fang Yuan make a silent gesture to them, and then stretched out their green robe, and swept straight towards the east and far away. Under Xuanhuang’s envelopment, his aura was almost It completely disappeared between the sky and the earth, and the speed was so fast that it was astonishing, like lightning, disappearing into the far sky, about half an hour later, but it came back from the west.

Song Longzhu and the others realized it, he must have gone around to check if there is no one behind them.

Looking at the time of this investigation, maybe he has already checked thousands of miles around him.

“The man ran away and didn’t dare to show up. We are a group of remnants and defeated soldiers. How should we do that task again?”

“Could it… just retreat like this, and abandon the task in desperation?”

“Why nonsense, we are still panting, and we have hands and feet. How can we abandon the task?”

“The most critical question you haven’t thought of yet?”

Someone laughed bitterly: “One of the three leaders of the team gave Princess Hongji by Brother Qin Luanwu, one was in the hands of the six leaders, and the other was lost in the hall. After being taken by the dark messenger, we just want to go, but we can’t go, unless the time has passed for too long and people outside guess that something has happened to us, it is possible to open the secret from the outside…”

“Oh my God, I can’t go, and I can’t do the task. The Dark Angel must also be looking for us. Are we…”

“…you can only wait to die here?”



When they were talking in a low voice and desperate in their hearts, Fang Yuan stood up suddenly, waved away the black and yellow energy that was spreading on the top of this mountain, and then lifted up a cloud of blue, slowly towards The valley below fell.

“Who is it?”

The all repairers were already shocked, and when they saw the clouds floating, they were all shocked and jumped up and shouted.

Soon, they saw Fang Yuan’s face clearly, and their expressions relaxed for a while, and some even showed excitement, but also soon, some people became angry and shouted in a low voice: “We I have been looking for you for a long time, why are you showing up now?”

“We were chased and killed all the way, with heavy casualties, you…why didn’t you respond?”

“You…If you respond a little bit, Brother Su and Dao Mo, they don’t have to stay willingly to stop chasing soldiers…”



Fang Yuan’s expression remained unchanged in response to this scene, either in or in mourning.

He just looked slowly over the faces of all the Xiu in this valley, saw Ban Feiyu who had lost his arm, and saw Shaobo Lu, who was covered in blood, and saw **** red spots all over his body. When Yuan Xiao was lying on a boulder, his life and death uncertain, and seeing Meng Tianli with a gloomy face, hiding behind the crowd without speaking, his face gradually turned cold.

“I will not respond, because if you don’t have the ability to escape from their pursuit, you are not qualified to do this task again!”

It took a long time before he said Shen Shen, and then his eyes glanced over these people, especially those from the family. There seemed to be some killing intent on their faces, and he said slightly: “So many people died, why Are you still alive?”


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