Master of Great Calamity Chapter 615: Go to Fang Yuan

  ”Lord of Darkness?

   At this time, there are still a few dozen people struggling to support it.

   was only suppressed by the big formation, surrounded by blood gu, but it was extremely dangerous, and only used his mana to fight this weird blood gu.

   But after hearing the other party’s claim, I was shocked for a while, and even ignored the power of the surrounding formation and the strange blood worm. They all raised their heads in astonishment, and their eyes turned toward them in disbelief. The few people who had passed them looked over.

  The four words Lord of Darkness, in today’s spiritual world, especially high-level practitioners, can be said to be unknown.

  Even on occasions like the Red Sky Club, this person was constantly being mentioned, which shows that he has had a deep influence on Tian Yuan.

   And the facts are exactly the same, including the Mystery Realm of Heavenly City that Fang Yuan has experienced, and the six major exams. The Lord of Darkness did not know how many things were contrary to the strategy of the Immortal Alliance, nor did he know whether he succeeded or succeeded. How many times the plan of the Immortal League was unsuccessfully destroyed, so as soon as these people reported their origins, the cultivators in the temple knew about it, and there was no doubt that they made another move.

   just make people wonder, here is a dragon trail…

   came in once, a difficult dragon trail. People like me have gone through thousands of choices and hard work. It can be said that the mission this time is absolutely secret, and this is precisely because of their previous No matter how he thinks, he is unwilling to believe the reason why Wang Zhou is controlled by others. Therefore, in the dragon trail, there can be no wise creatures to survive, and outsiders cannot enter at all.

   But the law protectors under the Lord of Darkness still came in.

   And looking at them like this, you know what they are doing.

  Because they were in the dark and kept peeping, they were able to set a trap against the third team first, and after Fang Yuan saw that trap, after hiding it, they immediately used Wang Chong who took the initiative to send it to the door. , Laid a second trap, and finally took advantage of the confluence of all the cultivators in this hall, causing civil strife, and then violently shot, and directly swept everyone out!

   sent so many people in and allowed them to grasp the trends of these three teams. Who did it?

   There are no fools in the hall, and soon someone realized the terrible problem.

   Could it be that there are also people from the Lord of Darkness in the fairy league?



   “You guys want to see Tianjiao Daozi, maybe you will be disappointed. There are no Tianjiao Daozi in the temple today. There are only a group of self-wise, self-interested, exploited and ignorant fools, and finally let people easily kill them!”

  Qin Luanwu heard the other party’s self-reported identity, but also gave a wry smile, and replied somewhat self-deprecating.

   “Haha, I can’t blame you for this!”

   The other party’s white-faced young man in linen was happy when he heard the words, laughed, and said: “Our unintentional means is the only one in the world…” said Xiang Na A beautiful woman looked at it and sighed: “If it weren’t for me, I would sometimes have the idea of ​​killing you. I would have to wonder if I like you so much, did you use your methods!”

   That charming woman, she just sneered when she heard that, her face was indifferent, and she didn’t speak randomly.

   The Luoguo man next to    sneered: “What to do with so much nonsense with them, to fulfill the Lord’s orders is the most important, first kill these people one by one, or refine them into evil corpses, and then go to Wuxin The fiancé’s husband and son-in-law will come here and talk about it!”

   Hearing this, the charming lady’s face suddenly became slightly angry, and she glanced at the Luo Guo coldly.

  Even the white-faced young man looked unhappy and said: “Don’t talk nonsense, that’s uncountable!”

   The Luoguo man is in a very good mood, ignoring the white-faced youth, just looking at the Wuxinzhe Senran with a smile: “Don’t look at me like this, and I won’t give you a chance to use evil methods, as long as you are close to me. Within, then I will definitely kill you!”

   While they were speaking, Qin Luanwu just listened carefully, like a polite bystander.

   Until they clamored, he smiled slightly and looked at the unintentional emissary: ​​”This fairy seems to be young, but he has such seamless means. Qin really admires it. I have seen fantasy in my life. There are countless ways, and I have encountered many opponents who are good at illusion, but when it comes to the essence, beauty, and concealment of illusion, it is really respected by a fairy, and Qin has to say it is wonderful!”

  The four guardians all looked at each other after hearing this.

   Qin Luanwu paused, and then smiled: “It’s just that Qin is a little curious. Everyone has entered the Dragon Trail. Apart from weighing our weight and fighting skills, is there any other purpose? This is the end, can I say it?”

   “Hehe, would you like to inquire more about it at this time?”

   The Luoguo man sneered, his voice hoarse, and said, “You are that chaotic little saint, right? This attitude is not bad, but it’s a pity, the four saints and eight masters of Zhongzhou, the reputation is loud enough, but it’s a pity All of them are rubbish. I thought that I should compete with you head-to-head. It would be better to take your heart and liver. I didn’t expect you to be manipulated so easily and fell into despair. It really made me feel a little disappointed. Fortunately, there are still two little saints at the devil’s edge. Sooner or later, there will be a chance for this seat to fulfill this wish!

   said, his gaze swept coldly, and he shouted: “Do you want to see more of your proud work? Ye Changmeng, since everyone has already been taken, kill them all, and get those few out sooner or later Only after the lost ones are taken, can you sit back and relax!”

   The white-faced man sneered, and didn’t answer him, just smiled at Wuxinshi.

   and that Wuxinshi’s face was indifferent, his eyes swept across the room, more like he was too lazy to say something.

   is the big fat man with a golden-bronze complexion and a mountain-like figure. He nodded coldly and said, “That’s it!”

   This fat man spoke very little, but when he spoke, others stopped speaking immediately.

   Black lotus Jiji, it seems to move slightly, as if shrinking its petals.

   As the petals shrank like this, the void in the hall seemed to be squeezed, and it seemed a lot more solemn.

   In the main hall, a group of monks who were suppressed by both formation force and blood gu, suddenly changed their expressions. In terms of strength, they are not weak, and they usually encounter these envoys, and it may not be without a battle. Power, but the other party’s strategy is too vicious, but they are trapped in such a dangerous situation, their power is greatly weakened, even if the other party does not take action, it is extremely difficult, let alone other?

  , one by one, they were desperate and aggrieved, with the sorrow of dying before being born.

  ”Silver Needle Empowerment, Disperse the Nascent Soul, and prepare to refine the corpse!”

   The golden-skinned big fat man was expressionless and screamed. At once, dozens of men in black robes walked in around him, holding special silver needles more than a foot long, sharp. Incomparably, the weird pattern on it was clearly a magic weapon. Seeing that they were prepared so well, they clearly had a plan. They didn’t immediately kill all the people in the temple. It was useful.

  ”The sword is approaching, can you just wait and die?”

   “Spelled them…”



   When seeing this scene, someone was angry and screamed.

   But with anger in my heart, how can I resist this heavy pressure?

  The large array surrounded by hands and feet is one layer, and the tidal-like blood gu is one layer, standing in the field, at this time it seems to become a puppet-like Wang Zhu, and the four messengers are one layer. The black lotus outside also looks strange…

  Under these circumstances, they really have nowhere to go…

   are all dignified Zhongzhou Tianjiao, aristocratic Daozi, at this time, it looks like a fish to be slaughtered!

  At this moment, Qin Luanwu suddenly sighed.

   The envoys dare not put Qin Luanwu in their eyes anyway, and they all looked at him coldly.

   “Little saint chaotic, what else can you say?”

   Qin Luanwu at this time also looked extremely miserable. He had five distraction nails on his body, making him look sluggish, like an old man, with blood pouring around, even more so. A large area of ​​erythema was corroded on his body, and it seemed that even the flesh had been ruined. Although he still barely maintained his grace and calm, everyone could tell that he was the most injured.

   He didn’t even have to make up a needle from the Dark Messenger, just let it go and it would be dead sooner or later.

   But at this time, his face looked calmest.

   “There is still a sentence!”

   He raised his head, looked at the four four envoys, and spoke calmly.

   “Hehe, what are you talking about?”

   The white-faced Mai Yi raised his brows and asked with interest.

   Qin Luanwu’s face looked unusually calm, and he whispered: “I am a monk from Zhongzhou, a family brother, maybe sometimes I am stupid…”

  He paused, then continued: “…but after all, it’s not a waste!”


   Hearing what he said, all the people who repaired in the room were suddenly surprised.

   At this moment, Qin Luanwu’s eyes condensed suddenly, and the whole body mana rose up with a bang.

   was also at this moment. On his forehead, there were three vertical lines, and suddenly they all opened at this moment. They looked like three vertical eyes, one red, one blue, and one gold, three different lines. The color of his was shot from the vertical eyes in his forehead, and as his three vertical eyes opened, the mana around his body suddenly skyrocketed. With each eye opened, the mana increased by a few moments. Times…

   “嗤” “嗤” “嗤”

   The five distraction nails nailed to his body were bounced out at the same time at the same time, shot into the surrounding stone wall, and shattered.

   “No, this guy still has a hand…”

  The four ambassadors from the Lord of Darkness were all taken aback and rushed forward.

   And Qin Luanwu seemed unusually calm at this moment, forced out five distraction nails, and took a deep breath. This breath is like a long whale sucking water, endless. The vicious blood gu in the surrounding halls actually looked like a cloud of red mist. They were all inhaled by him, and then in an instant, he was swallowed into his body.

   His physical body, as this piece of blood enters, it begins to rot even more.

   But above his physical body, a red light began to glow, which vigorously suppressed the terrible blood gu.

   “Looking for death!”

   The complexion of the four ambassadors changed drastically, and they bombarded him in four directions, and their force seemed to crush him to pieces.

   But Qin Luanwu didn’t care~ figure stood up suddenly, with blue light flowing around him.

   The blue light is like water, extremely resilient.

  The power of the four ambassadors struck, and the blue light only shrank inward, and then pushed it out.

   actually made the power of the four ambassadors unable to get close to Qin Luanwu for a while.

   And taking advantage of this rare moment, Qin Luanwu’s mana turned into a giant golden palm.

   Boom! boom! boom!

   This golden giant palm slapped Gao Tian fiercely.

   just heard a squeak, and even the big formation inside the hall and the black lotus outside the hall were shaken by his palm. The big formation burst and turbulent flow was everywhere. Shattered by the shock, the large array has completely lost its effect.

   And this palm, still holding the boundless force, shoots straight out of the array.


   The power is indescribable. It is the black lotus flower outside, which has been shot out by his palm.

   “Let’s go!”

   After doing all this, Qin Luanwu rushed straight to the four guardians, turning his back to the practitioners, without looking back.

  ”Go to Fang Yuan, now he is the leader of the third team!”


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