Master of Great Calamity Chapter 609: How dangerous is it?

According to what has been said before, after each of the three teams has obtained the measurement results, they need to converge in one place, and then through the deduction of these three results, find the location of the Sancun Lingshan and seal it. Now, although Fang Yuan’s team had some accidents, they still got the result before the agreed time. Although Fang Yuan still had doubts in his heart, he could only meet first.

Stepping on Tengyun, there is a speeding electric switch, and now there is only half a day left before the agreed time, time is tight, Fang Yuan naturally did not dare to neglect, and all the Xuanhuang Qi Jue was smashed, like a gust of wind As they accompanied, the practitioners followed in the gust of wind, just as if they were borrowing a boat, and the speed was 30% faster. Seeing Fang Yuan’s supernatural powers, even Zhong Taihe was a little surprised. For a while, he thought Fang Yuan had borrowed something. The foundations of the heavenly path made by these strange winds, but I don’t know Fang Yuan’s Xuanhuang Yiqi Art, which is all-encompassing.

Under this rapid and accelerated momentum, it was always before dark that I was able to reach the place agreed by the three teams in advance, but here is among the dragon trails, one that has been dilapidated for an unknown number of years. The ancient temple, this temple should have belonged to the ancestral hall of the dragon clan powers at the beginning. It is located in the center of the dragon trail. Only by choosing this place can you go as soon as possible no matter where the Sancun Lingshan is.

“Finally caught up!”

From a distance in the air, I saw a tall, magnificent, but somewhat dilapidated black building below, standing on a high mountain, and the practitioners were finally relieved.

The tasks in this dragon trail are so important that no one dares to delay the first half.

If the seven-day limit is not kept up, then it is considered that the task is completed, and the reward for the merit afterwards may have to be discounted.

“Who is coming from the air?”

At this time, some simple formations have been placed around the ruined ancient temple, which has both defensive power and perceptual effect. I think the people who set up the formations are also good. Fang Yuan and others just approached. In that big formation, only a few breaths inside became alert, someone standing in the big formation, a divine mind flew out far away.

“Xianmeng under the command of the third team, I am the current leader of the team!”

Fang Yuan drank in a low voice, and also a slap in the face of consciousness to teach the other party to verify the body.

In order to prevent the other party from being suspicious, he even said his current identity.


After listening to Fang Yuan’s words, there was a slight silence in the ancient temple, and then a large formation circulated, slowly opening a passage.

Fang Yuan and others pressed down the cloud head in front of the temple, looked around, and walked in.

I saw that the dilapidated Dragon Palace was extremely spacious. Inside was a long corridor, which looked dim and depressed. After walking through the corridor, I saw a spacious hall in front of me. At this time, the first team The two teams led by Shouqin Luanwu and the Saintess of the Second Team Shouxuan Tian Jiu Dao had arrived, and were resting in the hall. When they saw Fang Yuan and others, their eyes turned around.

“You guys are a bit late, and it was almost a moment!”

His eyes swept across the crowd, and finally fell on Fang Yuan’s face. The Saintess of the Nine Realms of Xuantian spoke lightly.

“We had some accidents!”

Fang Yuan didn’t say much, he just held the jade slip in his hand and said: “But finally got the corresponding result!”

Qin Luanwu, the leader of the first team, nodded, and someone around him came over, took the jade slip, and immediately drew out the contents of the jade slip. It seemed that he was recalculating and verifying something. Then Qin Luan Wu looked at Fang Yuan blankly, and said lightly: “Your third team has something unexpected, and we naturally all know that we are just waiting for you to come over and give us an explanation!”

“Do they already know?”

In the third team, Song Longzhu and others were all startled, their eyes looked at Fang Yuan with some worry.

Fang Yuan didn’t expect that as soon as he joined the other two teams, he ran into this problem. His brows wrinkled slightly, and he didn’t give much explanation. He just said, “There’s nothing to explain, I foresee There will be dangers along the route of the team. I explained to the team leader Wang Zhou, but he insisted on going his own way. I realized that he would have an impact on this mission, so I took the right to the leader of his team!”


As soon as he heard this, the people in the hall changed their expressions immediately.

Fang Yuan said it was an understatement, but in the hearts of all the cultivators, it was like a storm.

“Won the leader of the team?”

“What are you kidding about, this team’s top position is determined by the fairy league, and it can be taken at will?”

“You said there will be danger, then what kind of danger is it?”

Fang Yuan was silent, Qin Luanwu and the saints of the Nine Ways of Xuantian also frowned, did not speak randomly, and seemed to be waiting quietly. What, it didn’t take long for him to get the Jade Jane in Fang Yuan’s hands, and he walked over and said beside Qin Luanwu: “The result has been recalculated, there is no problem, I should not have moved my hands and feet!”

The face of the third team member changed upon hearing this.

Only then did I know that Qin Luanwu got this result, and the first time he found someone to re-test, because he was worried that someone would do tricks.

What do you think of people like yourself?

“As long as the result is correct, then everything is easy to say!”

Qin Luanwu nodded, his gaze was slightly cold, and he looked towards Fang Yuan and said sensibly: “Brother Fang Dao, this task has gone smoothly. Our two teams were all done a day ago. I got the result and waited for you here. Now even though you came before the deadline and got the result, you took the opportunity to make trouble. If you miss a major event, what will be the consequences?”

Hearing the condemnation in his words, Fang Yuan just remained silent.

Song Longzhu and the others are even more worried, but at this moment, they don’t know what to say.

As for Ban Feiyu and others, when they heard that the result was correct, they let go of their hearts. At this time, they all stood by and watched the show.

Luo Feiling heard this, but he was anxious. He stood directly in front of Fang Yuan and shouted: “Qin Luanwu, don’t talk nonsense. We all know that Brother Fang Yuan is trying to avoid This is the only way out of danger. Why do you say that he took the opportunity to make trouble?”


Qin Luanwu glanced at Luo Feiling, his gaze slowly turned, falling on Fang Yuan’s face.

I took a look at him, and then slowly said: “You said it was to avoid danger, but let’s talk about it, what is the danger?”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while after hearing this, and shook his head: “I don’t know either!”


As soon as this statement came out, there was a sudden chaos in the hall.

I don’t know how many people have a sneer on their faces, and they shouted: “That is to say, if there is any danger, it depends on your mouth?”

“Hehe, what is the danger, and then took the opportunity to push the Wang Family Daozi off the horse, and took the first place in the team, to ensure that when the four secret realms are opened, do you have your own chance? Your calculations Not bad, but treat us all as fools?”

“During such important tasks, I dare to use this careful thought. It is simply unforgivable…”



Fang Yuan was silent amidst this uproar. He felt dangerous at the time. Now it is really hard to explain, let alone explain it in front of the cultivators at this time, and meet the anger of the cultivators. , Song Longzhu, Xu Yuren, and Wei Longjue, although their hearts were toward Fang Yuan, at this time, they couldn’t help either, they just sighed secretly, and many worries arose in their hearts.

When Luo Feiling heard so many accusations, his face turned red, and he was about to curse back one by one with his hips akimbo, but Fang Yuan was behind her, holding her hand, slowly He shook his head, indicating that she didn’t have to say anything for herself at this time.

Luo Feiling bit his lip and nodded, but his eyes were a little red, and he couldn’t stand aggrieved.

“This is the end of the matter, and I don’t want to say anything. I did find some clues at the time. I knew that if I continued to move forward, I would encounter terrible variables. Not to mention the completion of the task. Perhaps the entire army would be destroyed. Only then did things like that, but for a while, I couldn’t explain it to you. You either believe me or don’t believe it, Fang has no choice but to finish the task first!”

When the surrounding sounds fell, Fang Yuan spoke indifferently and whispered.

“Hehe, you dare to do such evil things without knowing the dangers ahead?”

But in the crowd, Lu Shaobo, a Taoist son of the Lu Family, opened his mouth coldly, and his eyes were mocking.

Fang Yuan listened, but shook his head, too lazy to explain.

“Let me tell you what the danger is!”

But at this moment, a sharp voice suddenly rang. In the third team, all the cultivators were shocked. Following the voice, they saw one limping deep in the hall. The figure slowly walked out, with a suppressed anger on his body. It was actually Wang Zhou who had escaped under Fang Yuan’s hands before. He looked at Fang Yuan at this time, his eyes filled with uncontrollable killing intent.

“At that time, you used to excuse the dangers of the road ahead and attacked me. After I escaped, I didn’t believe in your evil. The remnant that was only seriously injured was slapped to death by the palm of my hand. After drinking its blood to heal the wound, nothing happened at all. Could it be that this is the danger you told me?”

Speaking, a scroll was hurled in front of Fang Yuan, and he shouted: “This is the spiritual pulse measurement there, you can see for yourself!”


The scroll fell to the ground and slowly opened, all of which contained divination data.

The members of the third are all startled, looking at the results on the scroll with wide eyes.

Sometimes my back feels cold!

No one thought that after Wang Zhou was seriously injured and escaped, he did not immediately come to meet the other two teams, but ran to the area they abandoned, and completed the measurement of that area alone. Hurry back again…

In this way, isn’t it a complete confirmation that the danger Fang Yuan said does not exist?

For a time, countless lights fell on Fang Yuan’s face, some worried, some ridiculed, some gloating…

Even the people on the team who believed Fang Yuan before, looked at him suspiciously at this time.


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