Master of Great Calamity Chapter 600: The Secret Realm of Dragon Race

After jumping into the vortex, it was originally downward, but it felt like it was slowly rising. Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling held their hands, feeling that they had been floating in the vortex for a long time, until the end At that time, suddenly the body was light, and without the terrible undersea pressure and turbulent undercurrents, it seemed to suddenly rise from the undersea world into the air.

When they opened their eyes, both of them felt that their eyes lit up. They were still on the bottom of the sea before, but at this time, they realized that they were jumping out of a huge lake, in mid-air. In a world of endless beauty.

This world is far away and endless. There are beautiful mountains and clear waters everywhere. It is like a vivid ink painting. You can see streams, white rocks, dangerous peaks, high altitude, floating wind, mountains and forests in the distance, the wind is clear and the sun is warm. , The leaves rattle.

“Here…is the real dragon trail?”

Fang Yuan was only refreshed and happy to watch, but he didn’t expect it to be such a beautiful scene, just like a dream.

He used to be in the Jin Family of Heavenly City, and also entered this secret realm. It is clearly similar to this place. It is a small world, but the two are far apart. The secret realm of the Jin family can be clearly felt The difference between the outside world is different, but now this dragon trail is completely the same as the outside world. You can even see the sun in the sky, but I don’t know if it is true or not.

“My dear, the Taigulong clan’s handwriting is too big. Does this create a new world?”

Behind them, in the white misty lake, Song Longzhu also jumped out, looking a little dumbfounded, then turned around and patted Hou Guier on the shoulder, and said: “Man, you are timid and hug me That’s all about his thigh, but can you let go now?”


Since jumping into the whirlpool, Hou Gui’er, who has been holding his thighs, honestly agreed, then turned his head and looked into the lake with great anticipation. Sure enough, the water splashed in the lake. The slender Xuantian Nine Dao Saints jumped out of the lake, her head slightly wet, and Guier’s eyes suddenly widened, and she swept down her body straightly.

Fang Yuan turned around and saw it accidentally, helplessly holding his forehead.

This is a saint of the Nine Realms of Xuantian, who is not inferior to the four little sages of Zhongzhou, this brother Hou Gui’er actually dare to watch?

Fortunately, the nine saints of Xuantian wore fairy robes. Although they came out of the lake, there was no water stains. Naturally, there was no turbulent scene that Hou Guier expected. Hou Guier couldn’t bear it. Zhu looked disappointed, but Fang Yuan was relieved for him.

Compared to the saints of Xuantian Nine Ways, it is better for him to continue to look at Xu Yuren…



The three teams, six continuations, all jumped out of the lake, and they were all looking at the surrounding environment, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

Before they came, they had already seen some classics, and knew that this real dragon trail was a secret realm in itself, and it was connected to the dragon palace outside. It was the cave house where the dragon powers cultivated in the ancient times. But, Ren It was because they had made enough psychological preparations. At this moment, they looked over and felt shocked. There was no other reason. The world was too vast and far-reaching.

Can a small world that is indistinguishable from the outside world be called a small world?

Someone got into this world and took a deep breath subconsciously, and immediately felt that the pores of his body were opened up, and the surrounding aura poured into the body vigorously, as if submerged in warm water, his face changed: “Hey, the aura here is too abundant, it is countless times stronger than our family’s top secret realm. If you practice here, then the cultivation level will not be able to go a long way?”

“There must be countless magical medicines and magical medicines in this secret realm. I just don’t know if we can meet them!”

“That’s right, there may be remnants of the dragon’s treasures, even if you can’t find the immortal treasures that can be used, but in the legend, the dragons love Jinbao the most. In this secret realm, they will definitely There is the Xianzang Mine that they moved in in ancient times!”



When everyone mentioned it, they were a little excited.

These people are the pride of the sky, and they are the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul. Naturally, their vision will not be bad, but the secret realm of the ancient dragon clan is too precious after all. Only with this abundant aura, I am sure that there must be infinite treasures here, and I am naturally a little excited. If I don’t know that I still have important tasks, I might go away to hunt for treasure at this time.

“Hehe, don’t think about such good things!”

Amidst a group of exclamations, there was a hard sneer. Everyone looked at it, but it was Wang Zhou. He glanced at the surrounding environment coldly and said: “Don’t forget what you are here for Yes, besides, this secret realm looks good, but it is murderous at every step. If you perceive it carefully, you should be able to feel the incomplete formation in all directions. If you are not paying attention, your life will be gone!”

The cultivators who were talking about this shuddered in their hearts. Someone developed their spiritual thoughts and felt them carefully, and their complexions immediately changed.

“Unexpectedly, the Primordial Dragon Clan had disappeared for so long, and the large formation that was laid back then still remains…”

“Everyone, be careful, these incomplete formations are very different from what we have learned now. If you don’t pay attention, you will ignore it!”



Fang Yuan also felt the residual force between the world and the earth amidst the discussions among the people.

It is conceivable that in the ancient times, this world must be inaccessible to idlers. The large array is full of the whole secret realm. Only the power of the dragon can lie down here safely, and even recuperate through this boundless array. Now, after all, too much time has passed. No matter how powerful the formation is, it is gradually destroyed without repairs. Therefore, at this time, there is only a sparse residual force.

However, even this residual force is enough to make them feel vigilant.

However, what attracted Fang Yuan’s attention was not these remnants

The threat of the formation is that he senses the direction of the remaining formations around him, and suddenly he has an extremely strange feeling in his heart, as if it is the trend of these residual formations, and it is a little familiar.

“Could it be… the scroll of souls?”

He quickly realized something in his heart.

Not long ago, he had obtained a roll of bamboo slips made of three-life bamboo in the belly of the tortoise. The record on it is the principle of the formation. He has not fully understood it yet, but he has also seen some, think about it. Isn’t the record on the spirit scroll the truth of the ancient formation?

If you say that, this dragon clan’s remnant formation makes yourself a little familiar, but it makes sense!



“Dear friends, time is running out, no more delays, let’s act separately!”

Seeing that everyone has entered the secret realm, a team of Qin Luanwu spoke in a deep voice, saying: “Before we came in, we had already assigned positions. We will go to the north. It’s going to the south. Brother Wang Zhou and Dao, let’s lead people to the east!”

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded in agreement, and rushed to all sides.

Fortunately, in this dragon clan secret realm, you can protect the clouds and swords, and you can drive quickly.

But flying in the air, leaning over and looking, it is even more visible that within this secret realm, the endless mountains and rivers, the green mountains and clear waters everywhere, are indescribably beautiful, but except for the occasional residual light flashing in the air, they make them In addition to being vigilant, in this secret realm, you can also see some huge bones scattered among the mountains, the color is like metal, which adds a bit of shadow to the world.

“Oh my god, those are all keel bones…”

Song Longzhu watched all the way, his eyes straightened. After all, he was a person who would not let the cat **** off. At this time, he couldn’t help but said: “The legendary keel can be used to make artifacts, right? Shao, also, look at that valley, where the wind gathers energy, the rivers gather together, in the void, purple hair looms, if I guess it is correct, there must be magical medicine growing…”

The others couldn’t help but looked over after hearing what he said.

Wang Zhou who flew in the front heard the words and couldn’t help frowning, turning his head and yelling: “Shut up, those keels, you dare to make up your mind. Once the sleeping dragon soul is disturbed, don’t say this time. Mission, all of us have no place to die!”

Song Longzhu was not convinced, but he didn’t dare to contradict him, just secretly slander.

But I only stayed honest for a while, and finally couldn’t stop talking, he leaned close to Fang Yuan again, and said in a low voice: “Fang Yuan Dao brother, the dragon clan in the ancient times, the clan has ascended into In the fairy world, why are there so many keels left behind?”

These words made people around me a little curious.

Before they entered this dragon trail, they had done their homework, and naturally there were doubts in their hearts at this time.

Fang Yuan didn’t know how to answer this question, so he smiled bitterly and said that he didn’t know.

Wang Chun suddenly said indifferently: “Most things in the world are based on false transmissions. It is the dragon traces collected by various families. There are also many people who have heard rumors. The dragon clan was also destroyed by the catastrophe, and this dragon trail was the place where the catastrophe came. It is precisely because of this that there are so many dragon souls and bones here. This dragon trail is very close to the source of the Great Tribulation, and there will be a key to delay the Great Tribulation here!”

People around me nodded secretly when they heard it, and felt that what he said made sense.

However, Song Longzhu gradually became unconvinced in his heart, and suddenly smiled, not knowing what to make, and cautiously asked: “Brother Wang Dao, are you telling me this as a team, or as the Wang family Daozi? Discuss with me?”

Such a sentence made Wang Zhou startled slightly and sneered: “What do you want to say, just say it!”

Song Longzhu clapped his palms and said with a smile: “If you discuss with me as the Wang Family Daozi, I will be relieved. After hearing what you said just now, I will only ask you. You only know that the catastrophe is delayed. The key point is here, can you know the principle of delaying the catastrophe?”

Wang Zhou paused after asking this question, and said: “As long as it is useful, who knows the truth?”

When I said that I was a little suspicious, and asked, “Do you know?”

Song Longzhu said: “I don’t know, just see if you know everything…”

Wang Zhou’s face changed slightly, and he glanced at Song Longzhu coldly, and the surrounding void seemed to darken.

Song Longzhu shrank his head in shock, and did not dare to speak any more.

Listening to the public, they felt a little helpless in their hearts, but they knew that what Wang Zhou said was the truth. First, the dragon trails were too mysterious, and the catastrophe a thousand years ago lost too much, and now there are many methods left in the world. , So that people only know what is happening, but don’t know why. For example, knowing that the three-inch spirit mountain in the dragon trail can be sealed, which can delay the catastrophe, but for some reason.

Of course, it’s also possible that these juniors don’t know it, Langya Pavilion or Yilou, someone might know.

All the way to the flew out for about 10,000 miles. There is still no end to this small world, but Wang Zhou has his own magic weapon to investigate, and he quickly selected a green mountain. After coming down, he gave an expressionless command: “This place is full of spiritual energy, and there must be spiritual veins gathering. Let’s start from here. Those who are good at formation can measure the spiritual veins, and those who are good at fighting the law can easily guard the surrounding…” /

Everyone followed and fell, Fang Yuan said: “What should I do, please arrange it!”

Wang Zhou was stunned by Song Longzhu just now. He was unhappy, and he subconsciously shouted: “You will do whatever you want…”

As soon as I said this, I regretted it.

Song Longzhu is a hob with a meaty temperament, who looks honest but has been waiting for opportunities. At this time, he suddenly heard the eyes and laughed at the right time, saying: “It’s a coincidence. , He knows everything…”


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