Master of Great Calamity Chapter 595: 3 team leader

An old man in a gray robe came to the side hall and hung a scroll on the wall. The junior masters all squeezed over to look, and saw that on the scroll, it was this time that he was about to enter the dragon trail. In the list of junior masters, there are hundreds of masters in the side hall, and only some of the best are on this list. Those who are on the list, feel proud and a little stressed for a while, but those who are not on the list are unavoidable to lose. Thinking of the danger in this mission, but also feel that it seems that it has not been selected, which is also a good thing!

Fang Yuan looked at his name and appeared on the third scroll. He was on the list with Xu Yuren, Song Longzhu, Wei Longjue, Luo Feiling and others. Li Hongxiao was not on this list, but on the list. On the first scroll, in addition to these acquaintances, there are several names on the list that I don’t know. I think it should be some family members, so I nodded lightly, and there was no wave of trouble in my heart.

Not to mention that Luo Feiling said at the beginning that she would do her best to do this, even if she did not say that this matter has such a huge impact on Tianyuan, she should do her own part. , This is a proper attitude…

He is a lazy person in his bones. He only likes to read and practice, but he does not like to be nosy. This kind of laziness can sometimes seem indifferent, but unlike true indifference, when he has to do his duty, then he I will do my responsibilities.

Seeing that the list has been set, all Xiu’s hearts are relieved. In the main hall, there are some people who have not spoken before and calmly said: “Since the number has been set, there should be someone who is astute and thorough. With a reliable person headed by a group of all forces, it is possible to overcome the danger of the dragon trail and make such a great merit. From the perspective of the old man, Zhongzhou Mengjiazi, a genius of heaven and a gentleman, has a gentle character and merits at a young age. There are countless people who can take on this important task, be the leader of the team, lead the children straight into the dragon trail, and end this matter!”

Someone beside him groaned: “Zhongzhou Wang Jiazi Wang Jun, has been famous for three hundred years and is one of the Four Saints and Eight Masters. He has been stationed at the edge of the devil for a hundred years. From the perspective of the old man, this son is also the leader of the team!”

“Hehe, the little sage of the Qin family, Qin Luanwu, was talented and veteran since he was a child. He was under the imperial clan of the immortal league. He was born and died. He went out and made it all. Now that this dragon trail is so dangerous, how can he be missing this person? Don’t say anything else, just push him as the leader of the team!”



As soon as the roster was set, someone spoke up to determine the top of the three teams.

The leader of this team is different from that list. It is too important, so there are a lot fewer people competing.

Too many people also feel that it’s okay to let their children into the dragon trails, but let them be the leader of the team and lead a team in, but it’s a bit reluctant. If it happens, it’s okay. As the leader of the team, it is natural to remember the first merit, the good fortune of the immortal alliance will not be able to run away, but if it fails, it will undoubtedly bear a great responsibility, if you want to dodge it, you can’t do it.

Therefore, for these three places, they either dare not grab them, but if they want to grab them, they are determined to win.

“Well, let’s come one by one!”

An old man from the Immortal League spoke in a low voice, holding a scroll, and said: “In the first team, the Qin family’s little sage is actually the highest, and he is in the middle of the Nascent Soul, and he was in the immortal The old man also knows his ability to play in the league, everyone in the same group will say, in this first team, is there anyone who is more suitable than this to be the leader of the first team and command the overall situation?”

The shaved faces looked at each other, and most of them did not speak.

Some people are unwilling, thinking about the gap between their own Daozi and that Qin Luanwu, and then forcibly swallowed it.

The old man from the Immortal League smiled, and on the first scroll, Qin Luanwu’s name was fixed, and then he picked up the second scroll and said: “This Among the members of the team, Meng Tianli and the little saint of Xuanzong’s Nine Dao have the highest cultivation level. In the intention of an old man, if you want to choose the leader of the team, you should be between these two. What do you think?”

The audience nodded after listening, and had no objection.

If you want to win the first place in this team, you must have a certain foundation.

If you are not qualified, but you have to take it hard, it is just a joke in everyone’s eyes.

However, as to which of these two should be the leader of the team, the cultivators have different opinions. Some people think that Meng Tianli Huaying was earlier and must be stronger. He should be the leader of the team, but others feel that , Meng Tianli was young, afraid that he would not be able to convince the crowd, while the little saint of the Nine Ways of Xuantian was known as Wen Yu.

After this discussion, two people stood up, one with big gray sleeves and white hair on the temples, who was the Patriarch of the Meng family, and the other with black robe and white face, full of beauty, but Xuanzong The Taoist masters of the Nine Dao, the two directly went out together and turned around outside the temple. When they came back, the two of them were already caressed. The Patriarch of the Meng family laughed and said: “The little saint of Xuanzong Nine Dao is still older after all. Let her take charge, or more securely, you don’t have to fight anymore, the old man will tell Li’er to let him give birth to the little saint!”

After hearing this, all the cultivators closed up and stopped talking.

In the side hall, Fang Yuan and others immediately looked at a blue-robed man at the front of the side hall. There was a flower deer lying beside him, his energy was calm, and it was just quiet at this time. Sitting without talking, it seemed that he didn’t feel the eyes of everyone.

When the team leader of the second team was determined, one person in the hall laughed and said: “The leader of the third team is the simplest. Most of this team is Kunlun Mountain, which has just been transformed into babies. Descendants, they still need more training now. Apart from them, in terms of merit, cultivation, and even the ability of one body, who else can compare to Wang Zhou, the Taoist son of the Wang family?”

After hearing this, Zhong Xiu was silent.

The person who spoke earlier frowned and said: “Do you have any opinions?”

At this moment, someone opened his mouth and said: “Wang family Daozi’s reputation is not small. He is ranked among the four little sages in Zhongzhou, and he must have strength. However, if I remember well, he was in the devil’s side. A trivial matter, he was the one who lashed out the three immortal soldiers to death. If he really entered the dragon trail, are you sure he can take these young men to complete the task?”

The person who had spoken before heard the words, immediately furious, and shouted: “The first important thing in the army is to order and prohibit. At the beginning, the Wang family Daozi was famous for being brave and good at fighting. At that time, he Someone in that army was lazy, greedy for life and fear of death, and almost missed the military opportunity. He killed chickens and punished the monkeys and punished heavily. What was wrong? You just need to talk about it, but don’t you forget that it was his army, Yong Winning the three armies, fighting to death, and finally making the greatest contribution in those demonic tides?”

The person who spoke before, hesitated and said no more.

But inside the hall, there is still an unspecified atmosphere, and there is obviously some dissatisfaction.

The face of the person who spoke for the Wang Family Daozi also sank. After a while, he coldly shouted, “Isn’t it to complete the task when I entered the dragon trail? The more dangerous things are, the more you need to have the wrist and courage. People take on important tasks. Let’s not say anything else. Look at the juniors in this third team. The identity of the Saintess of Wangqing Island is naturally enough. It’s just that the age is still young, and the Xianjimen True Legend Ban Feiyuan is good at formation and not good at fighting hard. , And among other people, in terms of cultivation base and character, is there any more suitable than Wang Clan Daozi?”

After a word was said, inside the hall, it still seemed a little quiet, and an uneasy atmosphere was circulating.

The old man who spoke for the Wang family was hitting the iron while it was hot, and suddenly heard a human voice: “That Fang’s surname is Junior, isn’t he in the third team?”

As soon as I said this, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little heavy.

There was even a low sneer among the monks.

In the side hall, the person sitting in the front suddenly turned his head and glanced at Fang Yuan.

Song Longzhu and the others were slightly happy, and they all turned to look at Fang Yuan.

“The child surnamed Fang, since he has the name of the six leaders, he must know a lot, but after all he has just given birth. How can he be able to lead a team of people and let him enter the dragon trail together? Just do something well!”

Enough for a long while before someone smiled and spoke in a low voice.

“Not bad…”

In the Fairy League, there was also a man with a thin voice who smiled softly and said: “I actually appreciate this child with the surname Fang. He is a good seedling worth cultivating, but unfortunately he is still a little too immature. It is more than courageous, but not safe enough. This time, things are still too important after all. Wang Jiazi has practiced in the devil’s edge, so it should be more appropriate!”

The cultivators in the temple saw that the old man of the immortal alliance opened their mouths, and saw a lot of orthodox attitudes firm, so they stopped talking.

After all, Fang Yuan’s reputation is not small if he talks about generals, but in terms of qualifications, it seems that he is indeed worse than Wang’s Daozi. There are some people who have a heart toward Fang Yuan, and it is inconvenient to talk more at this time, otherwise It will be an endless quarrel.

“In that case, Wang Jiazi will be the leader of the third team!”

The elder of the Immortal League heard this and stopped talking, and hooked on Wang Zhou’s name.

The leader of the three teams has been determined.

Song Longzhu and others who sat next to Fang They all sighed in their hearts, seeming a little regretful, even in the front of this temple, but several people turned their heads and turned towards Fang Yuan smiled, and Luo Feiling glared back.

Luo Feiling said: “Brother Fang Yuan, should I ask the ancestor again?”

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: “No need, that’s it!”

He also understands in his heart that, whether it is the ancestor of Wangqing Island in the South China Sea, or Madam Bai of Langya Pavilion, etc., he also thinks that the Taoist Wang is more suitable than himself, otherwise he would have spoken a long time ago, and the matter has reached this point. , I don’t want anything else, as long as I can enter the Dragon Trail, not to mention I’m still in a team with Luo Feiling, and they can take care of each other…

…As for other things, he also knows it!

Does PS still remember the anime that I chased in those years?

Recommend a copy of Dragon Ball doujin——The Dragon God of Saiyan, ISBN: 1012854582

The genius remembers this site address in one second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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