Master of Great Calamity Chapter 591: The meeting in the hall

Song Longzhu said this time, and the Zhongzhou Daozi who sat in front said that they were red-faced and gritted their teeth. If it weren’t for the serious occasion in this fairy hall, I am afraid that it would be a fight if it weren’t for it. But by the way, even if it is regenerating in my heart, I don’t know how to defend it, because although this man is irritating, the key point is…I have indeed been beaten by a fool!

It was Song Longzhu and others who said such a few words, and they felt refreshed for a while. The anger that I had accumulated when I was forced to sit back just now was finally thrown out at this moment. I miss the giant spirit **** Guan Ao who fisted back then!

Fang Yuan felt quite moved when he heard what Guan Ao did before.

Being able to block a group of aristocratic patriots in the valley and beat him up, it seems that Guan Ao’s strength has improved a lot now!

“Since you are all here, let’s just start the discussion. If you are close, you might as well talk about it at the time of the fairy banquet!”

When the voice in this side hall fell slightly, a deep voice rang from the main hall far away: “After pushing for so long, the southern sky still has blood clouds. The omen has already appeared, and you all know what this omen indicates. No need to say more. This calamity may be difficult to overcome. Please take a look at the intelligence collected by Xianmeng from various parts of the world and express your opinion!”

In the partial hall, everyone heard this and immediately pricked their ears for fear of missing a word.

Even Fang Yuan rallied and stopped thinking about it.

Major events in the world are always more important than the matter of marrying a wife.

“Xianmeng Yuxia Wenfengtang has a report…”

Next, there was a clear and steady voice in the main hall. It seemed that the immortal alliance was the person who specializes in the management of the world’s intelligence, reporting in a loud voice: “The Great Calamity Calendar Ten Yuan, Three Thousand and Ten In the autumn of the year, that is, last year, the Devil’s Edge changed, and the number of dark monsters was several times greater, and even the Dark Demon Generals were born. The 19th Devil’s Sovereign Department dispatched a thousand celestial army to drive back the dark monsters and slay the Dark Demon generals. However, nearly 70% of the casualties were also injured. In the past three thousand years, when talking about the fierce power of monsters, this service should be the most prosperous…”

“Xianmengdong Mingtang reported, Tongxuan Tianjian gave birth to warning signs. Since the devil’s edge, the dark demon aura has been rich several times, the seven counties of the devil’s edge, the valley spring of the demon domain, the Fengyu Kingdom of Youzhou, and Haizhou In Mengtang County and Domination Lijiang County, there is an abnormal movement in the Demon Breath Lake. The dark monsters that have been bound in one place for three thousand years will rush out to eat the people, destroy countless houses, infect the earth, and breed countless monsters!”

“Xianmeng Tongxitang has a report. There are ten veins in the demon domain, and there are seven veins that refuse to share information with the immortal alliance. It seems to be a secret song with the dark lord!”

“Before March, the fairy alliance condemned the envoy to the demon realm and was ambushed by someone, suspected of being done by the Baifeng clan!”

“On September 17, the suspected dark demon set up a blood altar on the North Dangming Mountain in the demon realm, sacrificed the heaven and the earth, made magic songs, revealed visions, and conquered the dark monsters. After three days, the immortal alliance condemned the envoys Dang Mingshan, the three envoys under the Dark Demon Lord’s condemnation seat attacked Demon’s Edge, trapped and killed 300 soldiers of Demon’s Edge, and robbed countless supplies. As a result, there were huge loopholes in the demon’s frontier defense line and the dark monsters crossed the line!”

“It seems that a dark fetus was born in the demon domain, and it is suspected to be captured by the dark demon…”

“The Great Elder of the Bahuang City inspected the devil’s edge and was surrounded by countless dark monsters, fighting for three days and died…”



A message, a major event, was announced in the hall, short and powerful, shocking.

In the main hall, all the overhaulers just listened quietly and deliberated.

In the partial hall, hundreds of young monks including Fang Yuan, but their hearts are like turbulent waves, wave after wave, every time they hear a news, their face becomes more solemn. , They have not yet grown up, they are all focused on personal cultivation, or under the protection of Kunlun Mountains, or under the protection of their families, they only feel that the world is still stable and stable, as before, but I heard this Usually only the news that the big people know will know that the situation in the world is already so dangerous.

Darkness is surging, boundless monsters breed, the forces of all sides are not in harmony, and the Lord of Darkness is happening…

If any of these things spread to the world, I’m afraid it will cause chaos.

But now, they have heard countless things in a short time.

The sudden pressure is so heavy that people can’t speak.

And this report, in the main hall, has been carried out for several hours, and at the end, it only talked about major events, no more words, the specific information is in the jade slip, divided among everyone The hand, as it was read by himself, in the side hall where Fang Yuan was located, an expressionless gray-robed old man also walked in and hung a jade slip at the head of the hall, allowing these young juniors to look at it.

The jade slip was quickly taken by the person sitting in the front to take a closer look. Song Longzhu and others were very angry, but Fang Yuan didn’t care too much. He would know the news in those jade slips sooner or later. Moreover, there are so many major events in the world, how can they be considered? Since participating in this meeting, of course, he still cares about the general situation. Now this mess, he is more concerned about how to deal with those big people!

“As the situation is like today, how about you fellow minds?”

After a dignified silence passed, an old and majestic voice rang in the hall.

“The situation is so urgent, this time the Red Sky Club is already a little late. For today, the world’s masters, elite soldiers, rushed to the devil’s edge, the past tribulations, although Tianyuan , There will be some small riots, but the big catastrophe will still come from the devil’s side. I think there is one thing that is beyond doubt. We must do our best to stop the big catastrophe in the devil’s side!” /

Someone spoke in a deep voice, looking steady.

“The situation in the Demon’s Edge is self-defeating, but this time is different from the previous one. The Demon Realm has lost our heart. Our elite soldiers and strong generals have condemned the Demon’s Edge. If there is any change in the Demon Realm, it will grow straight and disrupt our Kyushu. It will be even more uncomfortable to be attacked by the enemy on the belly and back. According to the old man’s opinion, it is time to start the demon realm, behead the generations who deceive the people, gather one heart, and then rush to the demon’s edge with the army of the demon realm!”

Some people are indignant and seem to be extremely angry with the demon domain.

“Nonsense, now the catastrophe is approaching, but you are going to send troops to my demon domain?”

Another person got up and got angry, like a big demon in the demon domain.

“Hehe, what is the rush of Daoist Qingqiu, sending troops to the Demon Realm, not sending troops to Qinghu Mountain, we only want to fight those who are now under the danger of the great catastrophe, and do not want to resist the great catastrophe, but to fight with the Lord of Darkness Just get rid of the frowning people. With these people, it is not only the cold behind us, but also you Qinghushan. It is also uncomfortable. Isn’t the old man’s proposal bad?”

“Hehe, if you really send troops, how can the situation be as you said, when Yuanben is weak today, but because of a bit of grievances thousands of years ago, you always do not forget to be embarrassed with my monster domain. Dao Master, if you dare to come to the Demon Realm, I will be the first to stop you from Qinghu Mountain!”

“Qingqiu Taoist, you should speak carefully, the demon realm is chaotic, you don’t want to resist the catastrophe, don’t talk about anything else, look at this red sky event, among the ten major monster veins, you are the only ones who are Qingqiu and Heishi The three tribes of Biwu and Biwu came to participate in the discussion. Others were concealing evil intentions, and they didn’t know what they were thinking. The old man only raised this discussion because he was worried that they had done something bad. Am I wrong?”

The person who had spoken before shouted angrily: “Besides, even if you take a step back and talk about things thousands of years ago, you are the first to take action. The old man is only for this world, so you don’t mention it. Just mention when it becomes. Disturb your demon domain?”



Seeing that at the beginning, the two of them were about to pinch, and everyone around hurriedly persuaded them.

Another person said: “Sending soldiers in the Demon Territory is unwise. Whether you win or lose, it will be detrimental to the forces of Tianyuan. It is easier to chill the heart of the monks in the world, and treat the symptoms but not the root cause. The source is those veins. The fellow monsters do not want to participate in the Red Sky Conference because they are deceived by the Lord of Darkness. As far as I can see, this talent is a real Tianyuan disaster. The most urgent task now is to assemble masters and be sure to kill him. He is cut off from the foundation of Tianyuan, otherwise, he will jump up and down, always restless!”

The person next to him listened and said in a puzzled way: “Isn’t the fairy alliance chasing him all the time? It has been unsuccessful?”

A member of the Immortal Alliance said with shame: “The Lord of Darkness is out of ghosts, and there are many evil talents under his followers. Not to mention his magical powers, but he is also very tricky. We have sent countless masters to find him before and after. After several confrontations, he always slipped away!”

Someone said in a cold voice: “It’s more than just slipping away. If the old man’s hearing is not bad, your fairy league should have suffered a big loss under his hands. Alas, seven souls, a hundred golden pills, All were ambushed by that person, they were all fallen, and even a guardian was killed. It is a shameful and shameful insult. Your fairy league has been confessed for so many years. Why can’t you even do this little thing?”

As soon as this statement came out, all the people of the fairy league in the temple, and even some young people trained by the fairy league in the temple, showed an angry look on their faces, very affronted and angry, but some others, Looking at the people of the Immortal League, a sneer appeared on their faces.

After a long time, one person sighed deeply and said: “This matter is indeed a bad thing for my fairy league, and I have my own punishment!”

The previous person sneered and said: “Do you punish yourself? Who knows if you are incapable, or do not work hard?”

There is no sound in the hall, and the atmosphere is depressed.

After a long time, there was an old voice saying: “So what if it is the head of the Lu?”

The person who spoke before was silent for a while, and seemed to be discussing with others. After a while, he sneered and said, “For three thousand has always been responsible for monitoring the world, but in my opinion, I’m afraid your fairy league should also be monitored!”

Someone became furious upon hearing this: “The catastrophe is approaching, don’t you forget to seize power?”

The person who spoke is also tit-for-tat: “I am thinking about the world’s creatures, how dare you insult me ​​with this statement?”



In the main hall, there is a great chaos, and all the cultivators come and go, shouting loudly, so intense.

In the Partial Hall, the young juniors looked at each other after listening to these words, with complex expressions, and seemed to have endless words to say in their hearts, but after all, they were juniors, and they only had to listen to them. , But there is no comment.

Fang Yuan quietly listened to the discussion in the main hall, and his heart sank slightly.

Some helplessness in my heart, such a mess, how to resist the catastrophe? 2k reading network

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