Master of Great Calamity Chapter 585: Old tortoise teaching method

You said I’m not learning or skillful?

Fang Yuan couldn’t say a word after hearing it.

After studying hard for so many years, I think I’m not an old school, but I’m not a idiot. I didn’t expect this old tortoise to become “unlearned and inexperienced” in front of him. He had no choice but to smile. After a cry, he said: “These ancient seal scripts should be the oldest scripts in the world. According to legend, they were taught by the heavenly man. They are both called celestial scripts and immortal scripts. They are very different from the current scripts, and because of the passage of time, More than the two of us, there are probably not many people who know the ancient seal script in the world today!”

Old tortoise said: “What do you say these do, anyway you are illiterate!”

Fang Yuan was dumb and felt that what he said was very reasonable.

Luo Feiling was angry when he heard it, and said: “Say we don’t understand, don’t you understand?”

“Hehe, my old man has no other skills, so he lives longer than others!”

Old tortoise Shen Shen smiled, and said: “If you live longer, you will know more!”

Fang Yuan was surprised when he heard this: “Can seniors teach me ancient seal script?”

The old tortoise was silent for a long time and said: “If you want to learn, my old man can teach you!”

Fang Yuan didn’t even think about it, and said: “Wish to learn!”

Old tortoise heard what he promised so refreshingly, but he was silent for a while, and said: “Little baby man, you can think clearly, text is not only text, but also a kind of inheritance, and sometimes it is also a curse. , Especially for such celestial scriptures, those who understand will naturally understand, and those who do not understand, if they can’t learn it, it’s fine, if they learn, some kind of cause and effect will come to you…”

It paused for a while, and then said: “So, now my old man can give you two paths, one is that I have read the bamboo book, and then I will teach you the content on it, and the second is me Directly teach you to know these immortal texts, and you can read by yourself!”

“Words are inheritance and curse…”

Fang Yuan sank slightly when he heard what the old tortoise said.

The feeling is very strange, it’s like stepping into a certain field with a foot, touching a new insight, and this insight, as if in the depths of his sea of ​​knowledge, showed him a certain The impact made him feel a little uneasy, even fearful.

But he just hesitated for a few breaths, but the agitation in his heart faintly rose.

It’s a kind of restlessness when I see a good book but don’t read it, and my heart is itchy, unwilling and unwilling.

So, he was in a daze, strengthened his mind, and said: “I choose the second way!”

Luo Feiling widened his eyes, looked at the direction of the old tortoise’s head in the distance, and looked at Fang Yuan. He secretly pulled Fang Yuan’s sleeve, and said, “Senior Brother Fang Yuan, you can imagine, this I don’t understand what the old Wudian said, but it makes sense…”

Fang Yuan smiled bitterly: “I have this feeling too, but if I don’t learn…”

He shook his head and said: “It can’t be done!”

Luo Feiling thought for a while and said: “Then learn, let’s learn together!”

Fang Yuan glanced at her, suddenly feeling a little cheerful, and said: “Okay!”

“Hehe, people who do this kind of thing always seem not so likable…”

The old tortoise’s divine consciousness rang again, with a sneer: “Stop talking nonsense, if you really want to learn, be prepared. My old man is different from you. It’s too annoying to concentrate on this feeling. I have spoken to you for a while, and I have used up all the energy that I have accumulated for thousands of years. Now I am tired, I have quickly taught you, and I can sleep well!”

Fang Yuan listened, and he could feel the old tortoise’s divine mind from high to low, gathering and dispersing.

He understands that no matter what kind of creature it is, it requires a high degree of concentration to transmit sound with divine thoughts. For practitioners, this is the most basic homework, but the demons and beasts in the world Classes are based on nature, some are very good, some are obviously not so good, of course, there is another kind, like a white cat, which seems to be totally impossible…

“Participate in the study of the book of heaven, which is in line with the way of heaven. The book of heaven is different from the common literature. Every word is a kind of truth. My old man does not have the kung fu to teach you one by one, and teaches you that way. It is easy to lead to a certain stage The problem, I can’t bear it now, so what I can do is to give you two a divine mind separately. How much can be digested depends on your ability!”

When the old tortoise said this, his mind sank slightly: “Of course, the consequences are your own responsibility!”

Hearing this, Fang Yuan looked at Luo Feiling and said: “Sister Luo, you…”

He was hesitant in his heart. This text was something he wanted to learn, and it seemed that Luo Feiling should not be involved.

But Luo Feiling laughed directly and said: “Come on, give it to me first!”

Turning his head and blinking at Fang Yuan, he said, “Brother Fang Yuan protects the law for me, don’t let the old turtle pit me!”

Fang Yuan sank slightly, then nodded.

“Haha, pit you?”

The old turtle naturally heard Luo Feiling’s words, and muttered disdainfully: “Do you still need me to pit?”

Not waiting for Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling to react, they heard it and shouted: “Here, two children sit cross-legged, teach the law!”

The two looked at each other, and Luo Feiling sat down cross-legged.

From the direction of Lao Guiwu’s head, there will soon be a fuzzy light flying over. The light is very strange, like purple light, and there are strands of golden artistic conception in it. It seems that there are many glyphs that change from time to time. The meaning of the word was concealed in it, with a breath of grandeur, Fang Yuan looked at the light, suddenly felt as if he had known each other, as if he had seen it somewhere…

Soon, he remembered that it was in the Qingyang Sect.

At that time, he first came into contact with the original scriptures of Dao Yuan Zhen Jie, and his heart moved, and he was exposed to this light. Although not exactly the same, it was very similar. It was also after that experience. He has gained the skill of Heavenly Spreading Technique…

I didn’t dare to relax in my heart, and seriously sensed the light, helping Luo Feiling to protect the law.

In this moment, he has exhausted what he has learned, distinguished from all angles, and confirmed that there is no invisible restriction, no hidden danger, and even the old tortoise’s personal consciousness here, just a Tuan nodded to Luo Feiling with pure memory and spirit.

Luo Feiling saw it, and opened the sea of ​​consciousness with confidence.

In an instant, this group of light turned into a very thin silk thread, slowly drifting into Luo Feiling’s sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, Luo Feiling’s face looked a little strange.

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but mention it, and suddenly he heard Luo Feiling say: “It’s so complicated…”

Fang Yuan couldn’t help feeling curiosity in his heart.

The beam of light, like Xu Shi anxious, poured into Luo Feiling’s sea of ​​knowledge. Luo Feiling was confused for a while, as if he was sleepy while studying. After a while, he shook his head. , Woke up, smiled at Fang Yuan, and said: “It feels… very funny, it’s like having a lot of dreams in a flash, the memory in the dream is very clear… and not so clear…” /

Fang Yuan put his heart down after hearing this, and sat down cross-legged.

“My child, are you ready?”

The old tortoise’s divine consciousness appeared more radiant, and it seemed to inherit this divine mind. For him, it was more tiring than talking to Fang Yuan with the divine mind and Luo Feiling. At this time, he clearly had some When confused, it is like a very sleepy person who insists on not speaking.

Fang Yuan didn’t say much, but was ready to take over everything.

Soon, another group of brilliance flew over. Fang Yuan just learned something and introduced this group of radiance into the sea of ​​knowledge. In such a moment, he felt that there was something in the sea of ​​knowledge. The thunder rumbling, a group of golden light in the purple, suspended in the sea of ​​consciousness, with various thoughts in it, looming, and containing an incomparably pure breath of divine consciousness.

Fang Yuan knew that this is the old tortoise’s divine consciousness cloud. This is the divine accumulation that it has cultivated for an unknown number of years. Now it has been given to himself after removing all of its consciousness. It is a good fortune in itself. It is conceivable that if you can refine this group of knowledge clouds, not only will you master the contents of these knowledge clouds, even Yuan Ying will grow to an unimaginable degree.

Fang Yuan had a desire for that group of knowledge clouds, and wanted to refine it immediately and turn it into his own knowledge.

But he also knows that this is impossible. He can only restore his mind first and stand up.

“Haha, with this inheritance, you…cannot regret it…”

The old tortoise seemed to be smiling, but he looked even more tired, and his consciousness was somewhat non-condensed.

Fang Yuan said sternly: “Thank you, seniors, for giving me this!”

“Thank me for what I did… don’t forget… hurry up… lay out the big array…”

The old tortoise seemed to be drowsy, so he forced his energy and confessed again.

Fang Yuan said: “Senior don’t worry, juniors will never break their promise!”

“It will be done in at least a hundred years…”

The old tortoise’s spirit is still fluctuating slightly, and he warns uneasy.

“A hundred years?”

Fang Yuan was startled when he heard it, thinking that the concepts of “a hundred years” and “hurry up” seem to be different.

But think about the old tortoise’s birthday, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

He said sincerely: “A word is promised, and you will never die!”

“I…I love to listen…”

The old tortoise’s spirit wave sank, as if he was asleep.

Fang Yuan’s heart is Turning his head and looking at Luo Feiling, before he could speak, he suddenly heard the old tortoise’s voice rang again and said, “Don’t take where I am Tell too many people that my old man is old and likes quiet…”

Fang Yuan frowned and cast a questioning look at Luo Feiling.

Luo Feiling said: “Okay, don’t tell others!”

The old tortoise fell asleep again.

Fang Yuan was planning to discuss the next plan with Luo Feiling. Suddenly the surrounding sea vibrated, and the old tortoise’s spirit rang again: “That stone monument… don’t let people move… It doesn’t seem to be anything…Forget it, don’t move…”

Fang Yuan felt a little helpless, and said: “The juniors have all written down, do you want to rest?”

The old tortoise was silent for a long time, and said: “Today I teach the Fa, it hurts my mind… I seem to have insomnia…”

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