Master of Great Calamity Chapter 583: Mysterious stele

Since Luo Feiling wanted to help the old turtle stand up, Fang Yuan tried his best to do it.

It’s just that such an old tortoise is too big, beyond ordinary people’s imagination. Turning it over is no different from turning over a continent. The manpower is sometimes poor, so you can only rely on it. Fa helped it turn over.

According to Fang Yuan’s deduction, he was ready to set up several large formations around the tortoise’s body. This large formation may not be so mysterious, but the selection of the location of the formation must be accurate. Because this turtle is too big, it is impossible to rely solely on the power of the big formation. Therefore, this big formation needs to use the power of heaven and earth to slowly increase. Over time, until the accumulation is sufficient, it can exert its effect.

After almost half a month of work, Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling, together with a giant kun used to transport the formation materials back and forth, were finally on the slightly higher left side of this giant tortoise. Ten large formations were laid down. This formation was called “Qishan Formation”, which were set up at ten positions on the left side of the giant tortoise’s body. Hence the name suggests, its ability is to elicit the power of heaven and earth and slowly form a mountain.

As these ten mountains took shape, the tortoise’s left body became higher and higher, and finally helped the tortoise to successfully turn over.

Of course, this time may be far away.

The arrangement of such ten large formations, the precious materials spent, and the effort to derive the formation are simply indescribable. If it is really known to outsiders, I probably don’t understand how there are such two idlers. Do this if you are full.

However, Luo Fei was very happy, and Fang Yuan was also very happy, but that was enough.

After finishing the arrangement of the ten big formations, Fang Yuan thought about it again and again, and found that these ten big formations were not safe, in case the tortoise slowly slides to the other side as the ten big mountains grow. After all his work was in vain, he ran to the other side of the giant tortoise’s body and swam towards the extreme distance, hoping to find a strong enough mountain range or something to make a support for the giant tortoise.

However, this giant tortoise is big enough and heavy enough to support its physical body but it’s hard to find a bracket. The ordinary seabed is probably paper-like, even some common hills on the sea floor. Can’t support such a heavy force of its physical body.

Fang Yuan was on the other side of the giant tortoise’s body. He searched for several days, searched for thousands of miles, and found nothing. Until four or five days later, he finally swam to a huge trench and visited with spiritual power. , But unexpectedly discovered that the floating sand on the surface of the trench was incredibly hard and strong inside, as if it were a huge seabed quarry, surprisingly suitable.

Just what surprised Fang Yuan was: “Why is this quarry so smooth?”

With a thought in his heart, he activated his supernatural powers, and his divine consciousness spread far away, searching along the entire sea.

At this sight, I was taken aback, but saw that this is not a seabed quarry, but a huge and extremely flat stone, like a monument, on the surface of the monument. , Is inscribed with countless handwritings, simple and complicated.

If it weren’t for Fang Yuan’s cultivation to the Supreme Nascent Soul Realm now, with a strong sense of consciousness in a single thought, he would have seen this stele and could not see the words on it. The reason is that the stele is too big, like a piece How can the boundless mountain range be seen? For ordinary people, perhaps they can only see clearly if they hide from the nine heavens, stand outside the sky and look downward, and ensure that they are clear enough.

Fang Yuan was even more surprised that the handwriting on these tablets was full of ancient meaning, and they were all ancient seal scripts.

How many years ago was this monument?

“Look at the material of the stone tablet, is it…”

Fang Yuan moved slightly in his heart and thought of something, so he explored it with divine mind.

Then his whole face changed slightly. He used to enter a mysterious space through the Jin family’s secret realm when he was in the Jin Family in Tianlai City. Later, he borrowed the power of the white cat to get from that mysterious space. He walked out, and in that space, he once saw a stone tablet, and then in a dark room of the Qingyang Sect, he saw a stone slab of the same material, and later on the snowy field, the sword house built by Jianlun Among them, a stone stele left behind by the Third Sword Demon was also found, which was also made of this kind of material.

Now, it was discovered that this huge seabed monument is actually of this kind!

“Is it the same kind of stele?”

Fang Yuan was very surprised.

It was found that these steles and slabs, except for their different sizes, have the same lines and ancient seal scripts.

“Brother Fang Yuan, what are you doing?”

For a long while, I was thinking about expanding the content on the stele, so I heard a soft call from behind.

It was Luo Feiling who waited for a long time without seeing Fang Yuan go back, so he couldn’t help looking for it.

“Sister Luo…”

When Fang Yuan saw Luo Feiling, he remembered something, and said: “When you went to Qingyang Sect, were you looking for something?”


Luo Feiling shook his head strangely and said: “At the time, I heard that there is a precious stone slab in the Qingyang Sect. It might be useful. This task was originally done by Jiu Gu, but I was on the island at the time. I was bored, so I asked for it!”

Fang Yuan listened and smiled: “Did you not see it?”

Luo Feiling said: “I saw it, didn’t they hide in Uncle Gu Song’s cave?”

Fang Yuan stayed for a while, feeling a little helpless.

I thought that the elders of the Qingyang Sect at that time regarded the stone slab so seriously, as a treasure, and would never show it to others. At that time, he only guessed that Luo Feiling might have gone for the stone slab, so he was careful for a while. It was not until Luo Feiling left the Qingyang Sect that he breathed a sigh of relief. He had a lingering fear in his heart. How could he have thought that Luo Feiling had already sneaked in and saw the slate…

After thinking about it, he asked: “Is it useful?”

Luo Feiling shook his head and said: “It’s not very useful. The slab of Qingyangzong is just a fragment, not much!”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while and said: “Then what do you think of this one?”

Turning around and pointing.

Luo Feiling understood Fang Yuan’s meaning, his brows were also slightly frowned, a red light burst out, and quickly swept forward, before disappearing in the field of vision after a while, seeming to be moving around that piece. After investigating the stone stele buried in the ground, his face became more and more solemn. It took enough tea time to recover the red light, and said in astonishment: “There is also a stone tablet here?”

Fang Yuan nodded.

This stone monument is so big, it’s actually very easy to find. It’s just that, it’s a very deep sea area, and few people come here. Second, there is a giant tortoise here. The giant tortoise drew attention. Three years later, this monument has been buried in the ground for a long time. If he hadn’t explored the underground mountains to help the giant tortoise stand up, I am afraid that this monument would not exist.

“Oh, this should be the sixth piece. I have to tell my ancestors later…”

Luo Feiling’s little face also showed a rare seriousness.

“The sixth block?”

Fang Yuan’s face condensed slightly, and he hurriedly asked Luo Feiling.

Luo Feiling nodded and said: “Yes, this stone stele is very mysterious. I don’t know when it appeared in the world. Someone has seen one in Kunlun Mountain. It is said that there is one in Donghuang Mountain, one of the seven holy places. , Nine Heavens also seems to have one piece. The Immortal League has one piece. There are some fragments of suspected stone steles scattered around the world. Now add this piece, but it is the sixth piece…”

Fang Yuan frowned and said: “What’s the meaning of the content on this monument?”

Luo Feiling was silent for a while, and shook: “I don’t know this. The writing on the tablet is ancient seal writing. Some people call it Xianwen, but not many people know it, so some people say it. It is a celestial book, and such a monument is called a celestial book monument. Some people have realized the power of heaven through this monument, and some people died because of the monument. In short, it is very strange and belongs to one of the mysteries of the world!”

“Is there a mystery in the world?”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and couldn’t figure it out for a while.

Thousands of years ago, a catastrophe in Kunlun Mountain actually destroyed many secrets and became a mystery.

“In any case, write down the contents of this stone tablet before you talk…”

Fang Yuan made a decision.

Luo Feiling said that six of these stone tablets have appeared in the world, but he has also seen a few. The strange space entered through the Jin Family of Heavenly City is considered to be one piece, and even one in the snowy field. , In this way, there are already eight stone tablets.

So, are there any other steles?

And do these steles represent something?

Thinking about this in my heart, I had to use my spiritual knowledge to write down the content on the stone tablet. Suddenly the surrounding sea was surging and the sand was blowing. Both he and Luo Feiling hurriedly turned their heads, and they saw it. In the distance, two turbid eyes seemed to look over.

At the same time, I remembered an extremely old voice: “You…”

The voice was extremely deep, extremely slow, and extremely old, as if it had been passed down from hundreds of years ago.

Luo Feiling was impatient and exclaimed excitedly: “Grandpa Turtle, are you awake?”

“The giant tortoise is awake?”

Fang Yuan was also shocked in his heart. He hurriedly looked up. He used his divine consciousness to instantly break through countless obstacles and dust on the seabed. When he saw nearly a thousand miles away, he saw the place where the old tortoise’s head was. Inside that big mountain, mud and dust fell down, exposing two huge eyes. If it were not so far away now, it would be impossible to see the whole picture of this turtle’s head.

“It turned out to be…”

The tortoise’s voice sounded again after a while, as if he noticed Luo Feiling’s location.

“It’s me, it’s me!”

Luo Feiling nodded excitedly, pointing to Fang Yuan and said: “I brought a powerful guy over this time to help you turn over…”


The old tortoise listened to slowly speaking.

Luo Feiling smiled and said: “Don’t worry, my senior brother Fang Yuan is very reliable, and I can definitely help you stand up!”

The old tortoise continued speaking slowly: “…laying…”

Luo Feiling said: “Is it tired after lying down for so long?”

The old tortoise continued: “…good…”

Luo Feiling was happier immediately: “Since you also agreed, it’s okay!”

After several times, the old tortoise seemed to be relieved at last, and his voice sank.

Luo Feiling glanced at Fang Yuan proudly, like a little girl who did a good job to show off.

But at this moment, the old tortoise’s voice rang again, but this time, it was divinely transmitted, and said angrily: “Two bastards, my old man lay down well, with Will you help me stand up?” 2k reading net

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