Master of Great Calamity Chapter 580: Old sea stories

“This person is…”

The atmosphere in the arena was extremely solemn. Because of the appearance of this woman, it suddenly became stiff. I looked at the giant kunfish that was as big and small as this small island, and then looked at the pretty creature standing there. Everyone was shocked by the **** Kun’s back.

“Why did she come?”

The monks of every family are blank.

At first I thought I was wrong, but I looked at the giant kun, and then looked at the girl’s appearance and her clothes. How could I not recognize it? That surrounded the island. The monks who were ready to arouse their magic power all rushed to take back all of their murderous aura, looking very kind, for fear of being misunderstood that they were hostile to this girl.

And the three masters of Daozi level with extraordinary Qi machine at this time also exhaled deeply and put away the unpleasantness on their faces.

Look at your own mount, then look at the giant kun in the sea…

From the momentum, it seems a little weak!

The girl had her hands on her hips and looked very savage. She swept across the faces of the people in the field bitterly, and glared at the woman riding the crane, which made the woman a little unhappy. Withdrawing his gaze, he glared at the young man riding the bull, sighed in a low voice at the convenience, glared at the people who surrounded the small island in the air, and those people quietly retreated.

At the end of the stare, the girl’s eyes were a little sore, she reached out and rubbed it.

Then she raised her head again, looked at Fang Yuan, smiled like a flower, and shouted, “Brother Fang Yuan!”

When the girl appeared, Fang Yuan’s heart beat slightly.

He watched the girl emerge from the sea, watched her standing on the giant Kun’s back, watched her berating everyone, and saw that she looked the same, she seemed to have not changed from before, she was wearing Close to the water, Qiao Shengsheng looked slender, with wet hair, and a few strands still attached to his forehead. There were stars in his eyes, slightly shining, and a little smile when angry.

And when she turned her head and smiled at her true face, she was really clear.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he raised his sleeves, and said, “Sister Feiling!”



The surrounding cultivators saw this scene, and heard their conversation, their faces were as if they had seen a ghost.

What is going on here, why do they call themselves seniors?

One is a poor boy from Xiaoxianmen in Yunzhou, and the other is the proud girl of heaven standing on the back of a giant Kun. In any case, these two people have nothing to do with each other, but who would have thought , When they were ready to take action, it was actually this arrogant girl who came over to relieve him, and what was the strange atmosphere between these two people?

I was shocked for a while, and I couldn’t figure it out anyway.

I just think this scene is too bizarre, and it always makes people feel unreal.

The monk surnamed Lu was frightened, hesitated for a long time, and finally gathered up the courage to take a step forward.

He bowed his hand to the woman on the Kun’s back, and smiled: “Forget…”

“Stop talking!”

The woman on the Kun’s back, Luo Feiling, turned her head and glared at him, with an angry expression on her face, and swept over them severely, saying: “You bullied our Fang Yuan brother, I have already noted it, you wait Now, when I look back, I will sue you severely…”

The monk surnamed Lu’s face immediately became very ugly, and he was a little worried.

Luo Feiling looked at Fang Yuan again and smiled: “Senior Brother Fang Yuan, go to sea with me!”

Fang Yuan didn’t want to think about anything anymore, so he nodded and said: “Okay!”

Speaking gently, walking up into the air.

The giant kun saw Fang Yuan flew up, and seemed a little unhappy. It moved. Its body was too big. With such a movement, the whole island shook a bit. Like an earthquake, the whole island shook. The attendants and practitioners were shocked.

“Be honest with me, I haven’t settled your account for the wet hair accessories!”

Luo Feiling got angry and stepped on the giant kun’s foot again.

Ju Kun blinked, a little aggrieved, and let Fang Yuan stand on its back.

“Don’t sink to the bottom this time!”

Luo Feiling exhorted the giant Kun, and then shouted with a smile: “Go!”

The giant kun sneezed, slowly retreated, retreated into a large enough space, and then slowly turned around. The giant tail swayed in the sea, setting off a huge wave of hundreds of feet. His body is like a small moving island. It seems to be slow, but in fact it moves very quickly toward the depths of the southern sea. Luo Feiling and Fang Yuan on Kun’s back quickly become two small spots.

Looking at the giant Kun going far away, Zhu Xiu remained silent for a long time.

“Tell my ancestors about this!”

After a long time, the monk surnamed Lu broke the silence and said: “It looks like we have to change our attitude towards this!”



The boundless blue sea, fine waves rolling, sunny!

There are no islands, no people, only Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling.

The giant Kun lazily floats on the surface of the sea, like a real island, but occasionally there is a sound of breathing, and the ground rises and falls slightly. The two people sit on the giant Kun’s back, with the middle A small table was placed on it with a few fresh fruits, a hip flask, and two small wine glasses. Luo Feiling graciously poured Fang Yuan the wine, and then looked at him expectantly .

“How about it?”

As soon as Fang Yuan drank it, he couldn’t wait to ask.

Fang Yuan took a breath, then slowly vomited it out after a long time, saying: “Sour!”

Luo Feiling was a little surprised. He also poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and his sour face changed shape. After a while, he said: “It’s really sour, but I have already made Haizhou wine. The best masters were invited, and they were drunk every day to ask for the secret recipe, and then they picked the fruits of the Biwen fruit tree that only bears every three years, the dew that condensed from the Qingfang grass in the first morning, and the sandalwood on the bottom of the sea. , The flower essence of Tiannan, the snow chalcedony from the west… There are so many things that are made after more than a hundred times of steaming…”

Fang Yuan was a little helpless, thinking: “Is it a talent to use so many good things to make such a sour wine?”

Luo Feiling was a little helpless and wanted to put the flask away.

Fang Yuan picked up the pot and said, “No, it just happened that the pot was finished last time!”

Luo Feiling said in astonishment: “It’s been twenty years before I finished drinking?”

Fang Yuan was a little surprised: “Has it been twenty years?”

Luo Feiling said: “Nineteen years have passed for many months, almost twenty years have passed!”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and said: “It’s been so long, how are you doing well?”

Luo Feiling sighed and counted with his fingers: “There is nothing good or bad, but it’s boring!”

“In addition to practicing every day, I just study how to make wine. Jiu Gu said that you like reading books so much. Then I have to follow you to learn better, so I force myself to read books for half an hour every day for several months. What…”

“Later, I still felt boring. After I had an idea for cultivation, I went to play in the southern seas. There was a demon dragon that was hung in the abyss by a golden hook. I spent two years finally teaching it to use clouds. Talking in the local dialect, and on the western seabed, there is a big, big tortoise, which has been leaning on all fours for many years. I have tried so hard to turn it back…”

As soon as she said it, she was very happy and beaming.

Fang Yuan just drank sour wine next to her, listening to her quietly, frowning from time to time because the wine was sour.

“But after a few days of being happy, I felt very bored. My ancestors said that I should practice hard, but practice always feels meaningless. It’s too simple. At that time, I heard that you were above the six major exams. Six leaders…”

Fang Yuan interrupted her and said: “Four, two of them are just for fun!”

Luo Feiling shook his head and said: “There are obviously six!”

Fang Yuan smiled helplessly, and then stopped interrupting her. Six would be six.

Luo Feiling laughed and said: “I know that after the exam, you will definitely go back to Qingyang Sect. I also want to sneak over to look for you, but my aunt said that since I have come back, I can’t look for you anymore. I have to wait for you to come to me, but I don’t want to. I still want to look for you. Later I heard that you were punished by the Fairy League and couldn’t enter Kunlun Mountains. So I stole a volume of Heavenly Gong from my house. , I secretly ran to find you, but before I got to Baxiazhou, I was caught by my aunt…”

“Stealing Heavenly Gong, ran to me…”

Fang Yuan was dumbfounded when he heard it. He didn’t expect that he would almost get this good fortune.

Luo Feiling seemed to be a little angry while talking, and said: “This time my aunt caught me back, I was very angry, so I worked hard to cultivate, and finally became the Supreme Infant, thinking she would never again I was caught. I heard that you were on the snowy field at the time, so you sneaked out again, but before you even went to Haizhou, you were caught by your ancestor yourself…”

Fang Yuan was really helpless when he heard it, and couldn’t help but laugh.

Luo Feiling immediately looked at him dissatisfied: “I have been in confinement for several months, are you still laughing?”

Fang Yuan smiled and said: “It’s a good thing to be caught back. The snow on the snowy field is terrible, you can’t stand it!”

“I’m not afraid…”

When Luo Feiling said this, he looked at Fang Yuan with some curiosity, and said: “What about you, how did you come here these years?”

Speaking, he paused slightly and said in a low voice: “Have you suffered a lot?”

Fang Yuan smiled. He could see the worry hidden in her eyes, and said with a smile: “I’m okay, luck has been pretty good. I was guided by Jiu Gu and went to Ba Xiazhou to find a book of magic. Later, I went to the Jin Family of Tianlai City, Baxiazhou, and completed the Thunder Method and formed a purple pill. After that, I went to ask Daoshan to take the six major exams. Although I encountered some accidents, there were many People helped me and solved it smoothly. After that, because I forcibly killed a wicked person, I couldn’t enter Kunlun. But with the help of Langya Pavilion, I still found a way and walked to the snowy plain again, and finally it went smoothly. After returning, I successfully cultivated the Supreme Yuan Ying!”

What he said is very simple and plain, as if the things he has encountered over the years are indeed so plain.

Luo Feiling put his chin on his palm and listened quietly, very absorbed.

“Also, what about that big brother, he is very nice…”

Fang Yuan spoke fast and finished in a few sentences, but Luo Feiling was still inexplicable and kept asking.

Fang Yuan smiled and said: “You mean Senior Brother Guan Ao, we have been together for a long time, but later he had a better chance, I let him worship a master, and now he can be regarded as It’s a descendant of Kunlun Mountain, but I don’t know if I’m doing well now!”

“I knew he was great at the time!”

Luo Feiling’s smiling eyes were bent into crescent shapes: “What else, Brother Sun, who is very funny talking, where has he gone?”

Fang Yuan smiled helplessly, and said: “I met him during the Six Dao Exam, and now he has found a Taoist companion who is the young treasurer of the Lianfeng. It is said to be very fierce, but Guan Shi I was very happy when I got up, but after entering the snowy field, I don’t know where he went. He told me before that he was going to do a big thing, and I don’t know if it has been done now…”

“Don’t worry, he is quite capable!”

Luo Feiling smiled and asked, “You went back to Qingyang Sect before, is it okay there now?”

Fang Yuan then told her about the current Qingyang Sect. It can be seen that Luo Feiling really likes to listen. Perhaps she has been holding back here for too long and heard anything outside. Things will feel very fresh and interesting.

“By the about that white cat?”

However, at the end, she suddenly remembered something again, her expression seemed a bit bitter, and wrinkled her nose and said: “It’s the fat and lazy white cat, I still remember it. Well, it was in the Demon Breath Lake, and it bit me…”

“White Cat…”

Speaking of this question, Fang Yuan looked a little embarrassed: “I lost my run…”



It was also when Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling were talking and laughing on the back of the giant Kun. At this time, west of the boundless sea, on an island about a thousand miles away, there was also a beautifully decorated bamboo building. A woman dressed as a Taoist looks at the water mirror in front of her. Next to her, there are four or five women in different costumes waiting anxiously. You push me and ask: “What’s the matter?”

The woman dressed up as the Taoist aunt curled her lips in disdain, and said: “Cut, I didn’t hold my hand!”

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