Master of Great Calamity Chapter 58: I came up the mountain


   The monsters who were going to go down the mountain to eat the nobles and soldiers in the city, when they saw Fang Yuan up the mountain, they immediately rushed towards him, like the ocean, they gathered almost instantly, and they wanted Fang Yuan. That faint blue shadow flooded…

   But the danger was just a moment, around Fang Yuan’s figure, there was a dazzling fire, and a huge fire python appeared out of thin air, wandering around his figure, within ten feet of his body. , All the monster beasts were rolled up by the fire python, and the animal hairs on their bodies caught fire immediately, roaring in pain, and ramming around without their heads and brains, but they made a mess of the formation of the monster beasts, and there were many people who were born afraid of the fire. The monster, suddenly saw such a terrible fire python appeared in front of him, and turned around and ran back without even thinking about it…


   A blue-feathered eagle the size of a small calf pounced from the bottom of the mountain, spreading its wings, covering the sky.

   Fang Yuan pressed the palm of his hand, and a strong wind rose out of thin air, and the demon eagle couldn’t control the wind with its wings, and plunged into the mountain col.

  Two ferocious bisons rushed towards the horns, Fang Yuan’s figure was slightly rounded, and then disappeared strangely on the spot. The two bisons collided together, their heads shattered and their sharp horns broke, but Fang Yuan was Easily appeared ten feet away, the figure is like a clear smoke…

   holds the sword in his right hand, and the cold light passes by, killing and wounding!

   squeezed the technique with the left hand, and when the magical power appeared, there was a mess around!

   Fangyuan’s actions and the spells cast seem to be quite plain and unremarkable, far from the awe-inspiring and domineering of Qi Xiaofeng and others when they rushed up the mountain, let alone all of their magic weapons and seals. The dazzling dazzling, he just used the sword used by ordinary people, cast the lowest rank spells in the fairy gate, and then rushed to the top of the mountain with his own cultivation base…

   But he is fast!

   Both the nobles in Taiyue City below the mountain or the immortal disciples on the top of the mountain were shocked by his speed.

   At this time, Fang Yuan went up the mountain faster than when Qi Xiaofeng and others joined hands under the attack of monsters and beasts all over the mountains!

   Every point of his movement is extremely simple and direct, but the timing of his shot is as accurate as measured with a ruler. In this case, he shot against the monster in front of him. , Does not even affect his speed up the mountain…

   When Qi Xiaofeng and others went up the mountain, the fighting stopped, but Fang Yuan was actually in a straight line, rushing straight to the top of the mountain!

   “Do you…have true disciples coming?”

   The dark shadow on the top of the mountain was also shocked by Fang Yuan who rushed down the mountain, and screamed.

  The other immortal disciples were all startled slightly, feeling a little surprised, Junior Sister Xiao Qiao reacted the fastest, and immediately shouted: “Yes, my true disciple of the Qingyang Sect has been secretly following by his side, protecting me and waiting. Let’s see how you escape today…”

   “Dreaming, don’t care who it is, I can’t even think I can save you…”

   The monster interrupted Junior Sister Xiao Qiao and screamed.

  At the same time, on the top of the mountain, the power of the demon formation seemed to be several times stronger in an instant, the black smoke was indescribably terrifying, and the surrounding monsters were blessed by the power of the demon formation, and they were immediately fierce. , It was a bit more terrifying than just now, the protective magic weapon Xiao Qiao offered, under the impact of this monster beast and the crush of the powerful force of the monster formation, now has cracks and it seems to be about to collapse.

  ”Be careful everyone…”

   Junior Sister Xiao Qiao was so vigilant that she couldn’t help screaming.


   When she yelled, the surrounding shield finally reached its endurance limit under the frantic attack of a group of monsters. The sound of “boom” shattered, and the spirit light turned into a strong wind. Come away, blowing flying sand and flying rocks around…


   After a moment of silence, the surrounding monsters suddenly rushed towards them.

   By this time, these immortal disciples have been completely exposed to the fangs of the monsters!

  ”Ah…Brother Qi, please help me…”

   Seeing fierce monsters everywhere, Wu Qing was shocked and screamed.

   How can Qi Xiaofeng take care of him, watching countless monsters around him, scarlet eyes like a sea of ​​blood, he can only grit his teeth, and desperately raised his flying sword to sacrifice himself on all sides. The side guarded it tightly, holding it for a moment!

   As for the others, no one cares about them, and they are completely messed up…


   At exactly this time, Fang Yuan was already able to rush to the top of the mountain and saw this scene from a distance.

   Seeing that all the immortal disciples are about to lose their lives under the siege of a group of monsters, and I’m still some distance away from them, I can’t take care of the others for a while, and suddenly my body soars into the sky. , And then in the air, the long sword was handed to his mouth, bitten with his teeth, and then both hands were freed, and at the same time, he quickly pinched the tactics, the ten fingers changed like a lotus, and five dharma seals were formed in a flash!

   At the time of Jie Yin, his figure was already slowly falling.

   But before he falls to the ground, the seal has been formed, and the mana rushes out crazily…


   There was a strong wind from the ground, like a huge wave, hula la and blew forward!

   Fang Yuan is in the wind, like a huge kite, directly flying towards it by the wind.

   While he flew forward, both palms pushed outward at the same time, and a terrible flame appeared in the palms of both hands. They actually used two fire methods separately, and the huge flames were driven by the strong wind. , Getting stronger and bigger, at the end, he pulled out long tails, like two fire pythons caught by his hands, rushing forward rumblingly…

   Boom! boom! boom!

   The group of immortal disciples who have no defense outside, are already in fear when the demons are watching and panic. Under the turmoil, they can’t use their magical powers and supernatural powers, almost watching them. The monster beast rushed up from all directions.

   But at this moment of desperation, suddenly a hurricane visible to the naked eye rushed over from far away, as if an angry wave hit the shore, rolled up the sand and walked on the rocks, the demons who had rushed towards the disciples of the immortals The beast, before he could react, was immediately swayed by the violent whirlwind, and in the wind, there were a few unexpected wind blades, sharp as a knife, and directed towards the vital points of the eyes and nose of the group of monsters. Stab!

   And following the whirlwind, there are two fire pythons that are more than seven feet long!

   They came from the wind, and suddenly surrounded a group of immortal disciples, like a sea of ​​fire!

   A crowd of ferocious and terrifying monsters, under this tyrannical supernatural power, also panicked, died or injured, and retreated!

   The immortal disciples who had prepared desperately just now also stayed for a while.

   raised their heads, they saw the wind and fire, holding the sword backhand, and slowly walked to Fang Yuan in front of them!

  ”He…how can the spell he casts is so powerful?”

   All the disciples were dumb for a while.

  They couldn’t understand for a while, why these simple spells were so powerful in Fang Yuan’s hands!

   Ming Fangyuan’s cultivation base is not as good as theirs, and the mana should be weaker than them…

   But by the way, Fang Yuan’s mana is far beyond their expectations!

   “Oh, you… why did you come into the battle?”

   Sister Xiao Qiao looked at Fang Yuan, who was calm and faintly gaze, and she was also lost for a moment.

   But when it came time, she asked a little anxiously.

   She saw Fang Yuan rushing up the mountain just now, but she didn’t expect Fang Yuan to rush directly into the demon formation!

   Although Fang Yuan’s strength just showed she was unexpected, but this move into the battlefield was extremely stupid.

   When you enter the monster formation, you enter the territory of the monster, and you have strength, and you can’t play much…

   “Of course I am here to save you guys out!”

   Fang Yuan’s voice was unusually calm, as if he was saying something unusual.

   And his face is neither happy nor angry, and there is no half-point expression.

   This is exactly how he raised his mind to the extreme and took one thing seriously.

  ”But you…”

   Junior Sister Xiao Qiao faced this question, she really didn’t know how to answer, she felt helpless, and…

  …inexplicably loose!

   “You guard the wooden theme, roam around and change, and take care of the injured fellows!”

   Fang Yuan simply ignored what Junior Sister Xiao Qiao said, just walked past her casually, and gave a light command.


   Sister Xiao Qiao opened her What else to say, Fang Yuan has already passed in front of her, and the long sword in her palm drew a silver arc, one straight The demon wolf who rushed to a certain immortal disciple was cut off by his sword, and Fang Yuan said to the undecided immortal disciple: “You guard the position of the landlord, the third part is unbreakable, the rest Don’t worry!”

   “I… good!”

   The immortal disciple’s lingering fear, subconsciously agreed.

   “You use the purple energy and thunder talisman to guard the main position of the fire, only attacking but not defending…”

   Fang Yuan didn’t look back. At this time, he had already flashed his figure and came to Wu Qing. He quickly squeezed a seal with one hand, and the fire appeared out of thin air, dazzling eyes, and helped her rush towards her side. A demon beast flew out alive, and then spoke lightly.

   “What are you, I want to listen to you…”

   Wu Qing was grateful for the people who helped her repel the monsters, but when she turned her head and saw Fang Yuan, she immediately yelled subconsciously.


   Fang Yuan suddenly turned around, slapped her face with a slap, and stunned Wu Qing.

   “You use the purple energy righteous thunder talisman to guard the main position of fire. If you only attack but not defend, there will be monsters, and you don’t have to return to defense, remember?”

   Fang Yuan looked into her eyes, and ordered again.

While    was speaking, the long sword in his palm flashed with cold light, and without looking back, he stabbed a monster behind him to death.


  Wu Qing was frightened by the murderous aura on his body, so he didn’t dare to get angry for a while, so the ghost nodded almost.

   Fang Yuan nodded, and stopped looking at her. He turned to look and was staring in this direction blankly, as if Qi Xiaofeng, who was also stunned by this slap, gave a faint instruction: “You take three yuan Swordsmanship, keep the gold theme, understand?”

   Qi Xiaofeng nodded.

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