Master of Great Calamity Chapter 579: Giant Kun

Seeing Fang Yuan’s expression, the cowherd fell silent, his face seemed to flash with unpleasant color.

Naturally, he didn’t think that Fang Yuan had never heard of his name, but thought that Fang Yuan was deliberately insulting himself in this way. However, even he had to admit that he was ashamed. The way, sometimes, is really useful.

“Little friend Fang Yuan, you may think that you have become the Supreme Nascent Soul, which is worth the arrogance, but it is a pity…”

Although Mu Niu’er is slightly angry, he doesn’t show anything, but the middle-aged monk surnamed Lu next to him, his face sank at this time, and he said faintly: “You still have too little knowledge, Supreme Yuan Ying , Maybe not bad, but you are not the only arrogant in the world, so I can teach you that this is my Lu Family Daozi, Kunshan Xiaobohou, ranked among the four sages and eight great masters of Zhongzhou. During the six major exams, there were good things. You are the little seven monarchs, and this ranking still ranks behind them, and my family Daozi, who has been seeking the Dharma in Kunlun Mountains for seven years, and finally ten years ago, formed the Supreme Yuan Ying, who is also in front of you. In any case, he also It’s your elder!”

Hearing these words, the cowboy frowned slightly, seeming not to like such straightforward praise.

But he just frowned and didn’t say anything.

“Four Saints and Eight Masters?”

When Fang Yuan heard this, he couldn’t help but frowned.

The name of the Four Sages, Eight Great Masters, and Little Seven Monarchs was rejected by some good people during the Six Dao Examinations that year. Although Fang Yuan was a little curious at the time, Zhongzhou had a rich heritage and talented people. He wanted to see What kind of demeanor are these figures who are above everyone else, but they didn’t take it too seriously. I didn’t expect to meet one in Nanhai now.

What’s more unexpected is that this name is still being mentioned nowadays, and it is regarded as an exquisite ranking of seniority.

On the contrary, seeing the cultivation of the Lu Family Daozi made him a little curious.

Now he has just given birth. Although he is supreme, he has never been familiar with the cultivation base and supernatural powers of this realm. It takes some time to cultivate thoroughness. It is when he is very curious about this realm. In the above, I know how the supreme Yuanying I formed, how many sins he has suffered, and how many principles he has understood, but he does not know what kind of good fortune these people have on Kunlun Mountain.

When I encountered it at this time, I was also faintly impulsive, wanting to discuss with him to see who is the most prestigious, more prestigious.

But the only problem is, after all, I just had a baby, what should I do if I can’t beat him?



“Have you also formed the Supreme Yuan Ying?”

And when the Lu Family Daozi heard these words, his eyes were slightly cold, and he frowned and looked at Fang Yuan, but there was a strange color in his eyes, and he said coldly, saying: “How can I achieve the Supreme Yuan Ying? It’s so easy. You, an unruly person, were abandoned by Kunlun Mountain, and you are even more like a dead end, but you have also become the supreme soul infant, so I must have a high look at you…”

Speaking faintly, he suddenly turned his words and his eyes became cold: “I heard that ten years ago, you had no hope of giving birth to a baby, entered the snowy field, colluded with evil cultivation, and asked for its secret method. At the time, I didn’t believe this For those who are willing to fall, now I have seen your cultivation level, but I believe it a little bit. It seems that those evil sword repairs are very generous, and they have provided you with all the good luck that Kunlun Mountain did not give you!”

When Fang Yuan heard this, his heart was faintly unhappy.

This cowherd is also the Supreme Nascent Soul and deserves his respect.

Because only by asking the aisle can you know how difficult it is to ask for it, so it is not easy for everyone who has embarked on this path.

But with respect in my heart, is the other side so uncounted?

In their hearts, they regard the Supreme Yuan Ying as a unique thing of Kunlun Mountain?

Still, because they entered Kunlun Mountain, they had the Supreme Yuan Ying, but they did not enter Kunlun Mountain, and they also reached this point. So in their hearts, they felt a little uncomfortable. Must have borrowed the power of evil way?

He laughed slightly in his heart, his eyes became cold, and he looked up at the cowherd.

“You must understand a truth!”

He said lightly: “Not everyone has to rely on the good luck bestowed by Kunlun Mountain to become the Supreme Nascent Soul!”

The cowherd’s eyes were suddenly slightly angry, and the killing intent appeared on his body.

Fang Yuan was also looking at him directly at this time, his mana condensed slightly.

I felt angry, so I stopped thinking about whether I could beat him now…

“Who is Fang Yuan?”

But at this moment, there was a sound of cranes in the western sky.

The Heming is extremely mysterious and strange. With a clear sound, the hearts of everyone in the room sink suddenly, like a sword sound hitting the heart.

Subconsciously turning his head and looking, he saw that there was already a white cloud whirling in the western sky.

After another breath, the white cloud was suddenly torn apart, but a giant crane flew out of it. The wings of the giant crane were spread out and it was more than ten feet long. The wind came and slowly fell. Go to this square, cover the sky, make the light above the square dim.

On the back of the crane, sat a woman wearing a white robe, her face as fat as fat and lips as red as blood. She hovered in the air, her eyes swept coldly, and she soon fell on Fang Yuan’s body. His eyes condensed slightly, seeming a little surprised: “Really become the Supreme Nascent Soul?”

He frowned and said: “You so-called little seven gentlemen, you may not be very capable, but you are arrogant. I thought that you, the only one who hasn’t shown up, would be better. Even more arrogant than them, my cousin, Wan’er, is not guilty of death if you do anything else, but you hurt her as a killer on the snowy field, is it too harsh?”

The cowherd on Green Bull’s back frowned when she saw her coming.

The people around me saw her coming, but their expressions of joy were overwhelming, and their confidence in their hearts increased.

When Fang Yuan saw this woman, his heart sank slightly.

Unexpectedly, this Lu Family Daozi would be fine, and yet another Supreme Yuan Ying arrived.

He has never seen this woman, but judging from her aura, she knows that she is not inferior to the Lu Family Daozi and is undoubtedly a descendant of Kunlun Mountain.

Maybe like the Lu Family Daozi, he is the “predecessor!” among the Four Sages, Eight Great Masters and Little Seven Monarchs.

But that’s not counting. This woman just appeared, and suddenly there was a deer cry from the north. It was extremely crisp, but after only a cry, there was no sound. The bamboo forest is faint, the breeze is blowing, and the void is , Suddenly more inexplicable flavor.

“Even he is here?”

The woman on the back of the crane glanced to the north, her face slightly changed.

The Lu Family Daozi on the cow’s back looked even more dissatisfied. He glanced at the north without speaking.

When all the people around him heard the roar of the deer, their faces were full of joy, like a long sigh of relief.

When he looked at Fang Yuan again, he looked like a prey falling into a cage.

“It looks like it’s unavoidable to do it!”

Fang Yuan also glanced to the north, and could feel a faint breath in that direction.

The breath is extremely light and light, yet extremely heavy and fierce. As this breath rises, even the air in the surrounding void seems to be solidified a bit. He feels that breath. There was a long silence, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

A breeze began to hit him around, rolling up his blue robe and tumbling.

Seeing him like this, the faces of all the cultivators around him changed, and there was a hint of cruelty. The monk surnamed Lu said in a deep voice, “Fang Yuan, I just don’t worry about your identity. You go back and ask about it, but you didn’t expect you to die to the end, ha ha, if you really move your hands, we accidentally hurt you… and even killed you, but we won’t blame others…”

“Any excuses for laying down in advance?”

Fang Yuan laughed slightly in his heart, but he didn’t change his face, just raised his head and looked around.

The cowherd on the back of the green cow frowned and held a short bamboo flute in his hand.

The woman wearing red boots on Feihe’s back raised her eyebrows and clenched her fists.

In the north of the island, there seemed to be a beam of gaze, locking Fang Yuan.

As for the surrounding people, all of them showed ruthless expressions, staring at Fang Yuan, and the Dao Qi machines were intertwined, forming a large formation around the island, but they were preventing Fang Yuan from escaping. For them, with such three arrivals, they would naturally not have their turn to shoot this Fang Yuan, the Supreme Nascent Infant, just to be prepared, not to let Fang Yuan rush to escape.

The net of heaven and earth has been laid down, killing intent is condensing the sky, it will be triggered!

But at this moment, a monstrous wave suddenly appeared in the southern waters.

A loud bang broke the silence in the room.

All Xiu was frightened by the momentum, and all turned around and looked over.

I saw that the waves coming from the south were extremely astonishing. They were tens of feet high, swallowing the sky and the earth. The rumblings rolled straight toward this small island, and the monks who had guarded all directions in the sky greeted In this huge wave, the frightened face changed, and he hurriedly backed away, each offering a magic weapon, waiting in full battle, thinking it was a peerless powerhouse who broke through.

I just retreated and saw that the huge wave had just approached the island, but it suddenly disappeared.

The sea separated to the sides, and a huge monster exposed its back in the sea. The sea rolled off the sides of the giant’s back, and then exposed an endless mouth and two palace-sized brown eyes.

Even these people with profound cultivation and courage, can’t help being shocked when they see that giant creature, they can’t even look at it, swept away with divine consciousness, over its dorsal fin. With the chest and abdomen, I realized that this was a giant kun.

It’s a giant kun who is bigger than this small island.

“What do you want to do?”

Everyone’s ghostly eyes, only saw a woman wiped the sea water from her face on the back of the giant scorpion, and stomped the giant scorpion bitterly, seeming to blame it for being careless. He sank to the bottom of the sea and wet his hair.

Then raised his head, hands on hips, pointed at Fang Yuan and said: “Don’t you know this person is covered by me?”

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