Master of Great Calamity Chapter 577: The red of the South China Sea

Among Kyushu, there is Haizhou, which is located at the southernmost tip of Kyushu. To the south of Haizhou, an endless ocean is the South China Sea.

The endless ocean, to the end of the world, but for most practitioners, the South China Sea does not really refer to this endless ocean, but the island in the South China Sea that is close to the mainland of Kyushu. These islands are scattered on the sea, some tens of miles, there is an island, and some islands are separated by thousands of miles; the smaller is no more than the size of a house, like a reef sitting on the sea, the larger is 100,000 li. It is almost comparable to the smallest Baxiashu area in Kyushu.

When Fang Yuan entered this boundless sea from land, he was equal to stepping into the South China Sea.

Fortunately, when I entered this domain, I had already succeeded in transforming babies.

At the beginning, Jiu Gu told herself that if you want to enter the South China Sea, you must at least be in the realm of Yuan Ying, but now that she has finally caught up, she has a sense of peace in her heart, looking forward, the vast blue waves, It’s a different feeling in my heart when I lower the sky.

In any case, I am already a Nascent Soul!

And it is the Supreme Yuan Ying!

The kind of changes in the world and the level of improvement that one feels when the baby is born is an indescribable experience for a person’s state of mind. Although it is only a realm higher than the golden core, it is formed After Yuan Ying, she looked at this world and thought of everything in the world again, and she felt a different feeling from before, as if life had entered a new level!

Slowly comprehending this change, Fang Yuan felt very strange.

There is no joy or sadness, and some are just calm.

Although he has pursued this supreme Yuan Ying for a long time, studied in Langya Pavilion for three years and spent ten years in the snowy field, all for this step, but now that he has reached this state, he has no special feelings. I just think everything is taken for granted.

After all, I have prepared myself.

After all, everything has been considered countless times, and it is inevitable to get to this point.

It is inevitable to become the Supreme Nascent Soul.

With this thought, Fang Yuan just reviewed himself, determined his foundation, and sensed the changes in his body, soul, mana, and supernatural powers. He quickly withdrew his mind and quietly. Looked forward.

The vast blue sea, endless.

Looking into the distance, you can see tiny islands scattered all over the sea.

At this moment, Fang Yuan could sense that on the countless small islands, behind, and even in the depths of the sea, there were people watching him. It was inevitable that he wanted to come, and he was promoted on the way. Nanhai, and was promoted to the Supreme Yuan Ying on the edge of the South China Sea, with a wild breath, and there is no reason to be undiscovered. It is natural for someone to covet himself at this time.

I don’t know what these people would think, Fang Yuan didn’t care either, just rushed inside calmly.

After entering the South China Sea, Hong Luan’s speed slowed down, her wings were smooth, and she flew slowly forward, guarding the sea breeze.

And in the direction it is facing, you can see the extreme south, and a red cloud spreads over the sky.

It was a very strange red. It was said to be a red cloud, but it did not look like a cloud. It looked like a red cloud spreading in the air.

As early as in the snowy field, Fang Yuan saw this red color, but now, when I reach the South China Sea, when I look at the past, I see that the red color has not become bigger, it still seems to be hanging on the horizon, not far away , Not close, with a strange feeling.

“Where will this Hongluan take me?”

Fang Yuan frowned slightly looking at the red in the sky, “See Junior Sister Luo?”

Thinking of the woman I haven’t seen for more than a decade now, a complicated feeling suddenly develops in my heart.

Now it is hard for him to imagine that he and Luo Feiling have been separated for more than ten years, but in the feeling, she is still very clear. At the beginning, she was wearing a white dress with a golden ring and hair, sitting When I was on Sendai, I beckoned to me the way I had been drinking in the past, just as it was yesterday. What I said and the wine I drank at that time is vividly visible, as if I had just relived it in my dream last night.

It’s just that, after all, more than ten years have passed!

Although more than ten years is too short for the road to practice.

But for people, these ten years are too long, long enough to make everything strange.

Although there were some things that weren’t broken at the time, but the heart’s thoughts were true enough, but now?

I came to the appointment, but what would happen?

Thinking about this, Dao’s heart was as firm as Fang Yuan, and there was a slight sense of anxiety.

After that, he couldn’t help but think of more…

At that time, Luo Feiling asked him to come when the sky turned red.

What is it for?

The sky in the South China Sea has turned red. What does it mean?

Even if he had been studying in Langya Pavilion for three years, Fang Yuan had not touched this description, and he had never heard anyone mention this fairy meeting. Because of some secret thoughts, he never deliberately To inquire about something, it’s just letting things go. Until now, when I came to the South China Sea and came to the meeting, I couldn’t help but start to care. What does this South China Sea Fairy Association represent?

He still remembers Luo Feiling’s worries and panic when he said that he came…

Soon, he remembered the weird dream he had once again. In that dream, under the **** sky, Luo Feiling was nailed into a huge rune formation, desperately Weeping, disappointedly waiting for the self who has not come here…

Thinking of that strange dream, he suddenly became a little worried: “Can I see Luo Feiling?”

I raised my head, I couldn’t help feeling a little urgent.

But at this moment, Hong Luan passed through the clouds in the sky and began to dive down. I saw a small island with a radius of 100 miles below it, quietly located on the sea, and the island was lush and lush. , Full of various ancient trees, vaguely, you can see some elegant palaces hidden in it, and in the middle of the island, there is also a square paved with white jade.

It can be felt that there are many powerful restrictions around this island, and there is a very smart guardian of the big formation, but this Hong Luan walked directly in, the big formation was clever, but did not produce the slightest reaction. , Just like going home…

Fang Yuan suddenly felt anxious.

His eyes swept across the island, and I don’t know who is in those buildings. Is Luo Feiling there again?

However, before he could understand this question, Hong Luan had already landed and screamed softly to indicate that Fang Yuan had jumped down. Fang Yuan, who was about to ask something, could not speak, this red Luan had already spread his wings again and rushed straight into the sky.

Soon, Hong Luan disappeared, but Fang Yuan was a little confused.

Why did you throw yourself here?

Where is this place?

Can’t you leave yourself in a place where there are people, or find someone to lead the way?

The feeling in my heart was really weird, but I was helpless, so I glanced around, ready to ask someone to ask.

The place where he is now is a square with a radius of one thousand meters. There are some palaces around. Not far away there are waiters holding pots and brooms. At this time, they all looked at Fang Yuan from a distance, with their eyes Surprised, and a little in awe, none of them took the initiative to speak, Fang Yuan couldn’t help but walked over to one of the waiters who seemed to be a little older, ready to ask him.

But before Fang Yuan took a few steps, a faint voice sounded not far away: “Are you Fang Yuan?”

Fang Yuan turned his head, and saw a man at the gate of a palace on the left, looking at him indifferently.

The man was wearing a Ge robe, slender figure, elegant jade decorations, and obviously not low in status. He was also in the realm of Yuan Ying, but Fang Yuan could not see it before, but now he can tell. People should be Ling Ying. Before he saw Yuan Ying, he would have a little awe, but at this time, his realm improved and his eyes changed, and he lost that feeling.

After all, he is also the Supreme Yuan Ying.

“Who is yours?”

When the other party called out his name directly, Fang Yuan asked indifferently.

The middle-aged man glanced at Fang Yuan lightly, and said: “A certain family’s surname is Lu, from Kunshan!”


Fang Yuan’s eyes changed slightly.

The polite expression on his face was put away, although it didn’t show a vigilant color, but it was a little guarded.

There are a lot of monks surnamed Lu in the world, and there are many cultivating families of surname Lu, but if you mention Kunshan, there is only one Lu family, that is from Zhongzhou, one of the thirty-two ancient tribes, with a long heritage. The family, and most importantly, Fang Yuan has dealt with this family. On the snowy field, he broke the underground palace and damaged the interests and reputation of many people. The Lu family was one of them.

Unexpectedly, when he just settled here, he would run into such a man, and Fang Yuan couldn’t help but feel a little tired.

Hurrying over this way, many people surrounded him, and he knew it.

Who would have thought that they would be thrown away all the way, but as soon as they entered the South China Sea, they ran into the head directly.

With a slight concentration, he looked at the man surnamed Lu and said, “How can I enlighten you?”

The man surnamed Lu smiled coldly and said: “Meeting is also considered predestined, since I ran into can Fang Xiaoyou go into the hall?”

Fang Yuan shook his head, and said: “It’s not necessarily speculative, and it’s boring to come back!”

I glanced at the middle-aged man in Lu’s family and prepared to leave.

I didn’t know what to do when I entered the South China Sea this time. Naturally, it was inconvenient to have too many intersections with these people.

At least, after you figure out where you are and what you are going to do, then consider this?

It’s a pity that before he left, I suddenly saw Dao Qi machines crisscrossing in the high sky, and clouds were overflowing. It was clear that there were many great people coming by the wind, and there were many Dao Qi machines, exactly Since Fang Yuan entered the South China Sea, he has been paying attention to him.

Fang Yuan sighed inwardly when he felt that those qi machines had surrounded the island.

What was done on the snowy field, have trouble finding it so soon?

But now I am in no mood to deal with these things!

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