Master of Great Calamity Chapter 574: 1 Jian Yaoxueyuan

“You guy…”

The speed of the red luan was terrifying, his wings twisted in the air, and it turned into a red light, almost hitting the sword formation.

The disciples of the Sword Washing Pool were all taken aback when they saw this. They couldn’t understand why Fang Yuan rushed into the battle so rudely, so he was even more certain that he was going to see Evil Sword Xiu. Because of the light, I saw that Red Luan came extremely fast, and before he could think about it, it was a violent shout. Eighty-one black-robed swordsmen pushed the Fengtian sword formation, while the first nine white-robed swordsmen were anxious. Rushing to the nine directions above the sword formation, the sword intent suddenly destroyed the extreme, but before an instant, there was a sword intent rushing into the night!


The terrible sword aura swept the surrounding area for more than a dozen miles, covering a vast void. The naked eye could see the dense and terrifying sword aura, like a flood, and a fierce beast. After coming down, he almost swallowed this red luan in one bite.

“Do you want to do it directly?”

Near Wuxue Mountain, there are not only disciples from Xijianchi, but also countless snowfield monks watching from a distance.

As early as when the news that Fang Yuan had left the deepest part of the snowy field leaked out, countless snowy monks were concerned.

After all, in the past ten years, Fang Yuan has been sitting alone in the Jianlu, which seems to have been forgotten by the whole world, but in fact, this snowy field has never forgotten him one day. He has inherited heavenly swordsmanship, Zhongzhou Taoism, and aristocratic families. I hate him and hate him to death. It is said that the price of others’ heads in secret has been high to a terrifying level. Naturally, a crowd of snowy monks are also itching in their hearts, wanting to make a fortune.

It’s just that Fang Yuan’s body is in the depths of the snowy field, in the cold sky and ice, but no one can bring such a courage to enter the ninth snow line to find him. Moreover, in the past ten years, there has been whiteness in the washing sword pool. The disciples of the robe haunt the snowy field. Because of their unclear attitude, they also deterred the cultivators of the snowy field to some extent. They only dared to wait on the periphery, but no one dared to go in and look for him.

Now that Fang Yuan has finally come out, how can the cultivators of the Snow Plains be unmoved?

Because Fang Yuan came out too fast, the disciples of Xijianchi were unable to stop him near the sixth or fifth snow line. They had to summon everyone urgently and lay their swords near the third snow line. The cultivators in the snowfields were waiting for it. The reaction of the cultivators in the snowfields was slower than that of the sword washing pool. At this time, they could only rush to the third snow line to see if there was any chance!

It’s a pity that even if he rushed here, he was also preempted by the sword pool.

In the past ten years, the sword washing pond is the most powerful person to go into the depths of the snowy field to hunt down the six leaders, but they have not gone there. Some people secretly speculate whether the six leaders have resolved the conflict with the sword washing pond. Well, I didn’t expect it is still facing right now!

“Should we die in the sword formation of the sword washing pond, wouldn’t we be lost for nothing?”

The cultivators of the Snow Plains looked anxiously at the scene in the sky, and hated the domineering and mighty Xijianchi in their hearts.



No matter how much the people think about, it only takes a moment.

On Wuxue Mountain, a group of disciples from the Washing Sword Pool smashed a large formation, with terrifying sword intent, overwhelming the sky, and it seemed that they could crush everything.

And this is the closing of one of the top ten sword formations in Xijianchi!

The sword is moving, and the world is sealed, and the flies can’t pass it!

Although the sword washing pond is guarded here now, the one who stopped Fang Yuan, the Supreme is only a disciple in white robe, after all, as Fang Yuan, it is not worthwhile that Yuanying Jianxian gave up everything for him. It’s something, just to wait for him to stay for a few years, but this is after all nine white robes, eighty-one black robes, nine white robes turned into the core of the sword formation, and 81 black robes turned into a big formation. main body.

After the formation of this large formation, it was really shocking.

What they had said before was obviously not false, and Yuan Ying Jianxian could also stop this sword formation.

“It’s time to try the sword…”

While facing the sword cloud, Fang Yuan looked extremely calm, expressionless, lowered his head in thought, as if he was thinking about something. He was so close to the sword formation that he didn’t even try to draw his sword. , The whole body is also clean, there is no trace of sword aura, even the disciples of the sword washing pond are a little surprised, thinking that he is going straight to the sword formation, come and die…

But when he met the sword formation and was even affected by the sword intent, he suddenly raised his head.


There is no magical powers, no swordsmanship, and no swords are drawn.

He just raised his head like this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, his entire body seemed to become illusory, as if it were unreal, and disappeared into this world, only a sword light emerged from the center of his eyebrows, and it was in the air. Exudes a dazzling light.

In this moment, the void is silent, as if the wind and snow, heaven and earth, have disappeared.

It seems that in this instant, all the real has become fake, but the illusory sword light has become real.

At this moment, it seems that everyone’s spirits are stagnant, and everything in front of them is blurred.

The only thing that is clear is that sword!

This sword is extremely simple.

There is no change, no mystery, and it even seems slow.

But it was such a slow ray of sword light, but it appeared in the void for a moment, before it was cut to Jianyun.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Jianguang touched Jianyun, making a sound that made people sour.

The Fengtian Sword Formation is like a cloud, covering the sky and covering everything, blocking everything. Compared with this, this sword light is really disproportionate, but it is just as soon as this sword light touches the sword cloud. Jian Yun squeezed out a groove, but it seemed to be slow, but in fact it was just a matter of time between the fingers, the groove was broken, and the sword light passed directly through the Jian Yun.


Just like cutting tofu, without any hindrance, straight through the entire sword formation, and then flew to the void behind.


The sword light disappeared into the invisible, while the cloud of sword cloud was stuck in the void.

The sound of the movement of the large formation, the sound of the surging sword energy, and even the roar of some disciples of the sword washing pond in the sword formation.

All disappeared!

The world is silent!

The next moment, that group of sword formations stagnated in the air, motionless, suddenly split into two halves from the middle, like a huge ship, disconnected from the middle, leaning to the sides, However, after leaning to a certain level, they suddenly burst into bursts, and countless black shadows and white robes, broken swords and light, blasted in all directions with an indescribable howling sound.

That kind of scene, as if a cloud of fog dispersed, leaving only an empty void.

The spirits of everyone around the third snow line seemed to have been cut off in half.

At this moment, Fang Principle was still expressionless, turned his head, looked into a seemingly empty void, and then took the seat of Hongluan, straight Flew forward, disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The walk is straightforward, leaving only a mess.

“What’s the matter?”

“What sword did he just use?”

“Is this a demon method?”

It wasn’t until Fang Yuan had passed that the cultivators in the snowfield reacted, as if they had just awakened from a nightmare, and the soul had just returned to the flesh, and then realized that the sword washing pond and the heavenly sword formation had been broken. , One by one was shocked and horrified, and couldn’t remember how Fang Yuan broke the sword formation just now. No matter how hard I thought about it, I could only think of the sword light that had just hit Yaoliang Snowfield.

“That person…that six leaders, did he break our sword formation?”

“How is it possible…that sword, what kind of sword is that?”

The more frightened ones are the disciples of Xijianchi. They were broken in a big formation and fell in all directions. They found that they were not injured, but for some reason, all of them felt that their hands and feet were weak, and they felt sword in their hearts. , It was impossible to condense for a while.

This feeling is more frightening than the feeling that the Fengtian Sword Formation was broken.

What kind of sword is that that can actually shake our sword intent?



When there was chaos and confusion below, just above Wuxue, in the void not far away, it was the direction Fang Yuan looked at before leaving, but two auras stood indifferently. Lao Xiu, one of them, wearing a blue robe, with a purple crown on top of his head, holding a bronze moiré sword in his hand, looking at Fang Yuan’s departure direction, without making a sound, his eyes seemed a little low. .

“Old friend Gu, you let me come just to see this kid?”

Beside this purple-crowned old man, there was an old man wearing a trigram clothes. He looked very old. He seemed too young to describe him as an old man. His beard and hair were white and shiny, but When he spoke, he could see a mouthful of complete and white teeth. He squinted his eyes and looked in the direction Fang Yuan had left. He smiled, and his voice appeared peaceful and clear.

“I was worried that I couldn’t really see it, so I let you take a look!”

The old man with the purple crown faintly opened his mouth and said: “But seeing this sword, I think it’s unnecessary for you to come!”

“Hehe, do you regret it?”

The white-haired old man smiled and said, “Probably I didn’t expect that after the sword idiot, only three hundred years, he would reappear a man who walked on that sword doctrine, right? You cultivate sword heart, people Heart repair sword, you use all things as swords, and people’s swords cut all things, hehe, this is a natural adversary. Although it is taken for granted, it also has his own way. It is not difficult to guess what will happen in the so If Zi can continue to walk on the kendo, the detached position of Xijianchi as the commander of the world’s sword repairs, I am afraid it will not be guaranteed…”

As he said, he seemed a little happy, and said with a narrow smile: “If you didn’t call the old man over, in order to keep your position in the sword washing pool, you can kill the kid with a single sword and cut the grass and roots, but it’s me It’s inconvenient to see it too!”

“You veteran don’t want to make a mess!”

The purple-crowned old man was ridiculed, and he didn’t get angry. He just said indifferently: “Their swordsmanship is actually a dead end, going against the world, and will eventually reach a dead end. If in a peaceful world, They can be called evil swords and absolute swords based on their ideas alone, but now after all the catastrophe is approaching, the sword washing pond is not so stingy, and it will not destroy a fairy seedling for the sake of a fight for ideas!”

The white-haired old man looked at him with a smile and did not speak.

After a while, the purple-crowned old man said indifferently: “Even if you want to kill him for the kendo dispute, you will have to go through the catastrophe!”

The white-haired old man laughed and said: “This is the truth, let’s go, we should also go to the South China Sea!”

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