Master of Great Calamity Chapter 57: Go up the mountain with the sword

  ”Have we been fooled? Who is this monster?”

   For a while, all the immortal disciples on the top of the mountain were shocked.

   They are all just fledglings, they have never seen such a situation before, seeing so many deaths and injuries at a time, and they are already in chaos. More importantly, they didn’t understand that when they came out of the mountain, they got news that the demon who caused chaos in Taiyue City was just a demon who had just gained some good fortune, and could make some simple magical powers with limited strength and limited spirituality Beast, who would have thought that the monster in front of him was so powerful?

  Especially, how can you get out of it if you still know how to set up a demon formation and trap them on the top of the mountain, coupled with the help of so many powerful monsters?

  ”Quickly…send to the fairy gate…”

   Someone has completely lost their intent to fight, and just yelled.

  ”In this big formation…passing letters on the jade slip is completely useless…”

   didn’t need those people to remind, Wu Qing took out a golden jade slip early, but injected mana several times, the jade slip was only slightly bright, and then it was dim and dark. Under the smoke, it can’t serve as a messenger…

   The other immortal disciples saw this scene, and they were even more ashamed of a nightmare.

  ”Haha, I entered the urn of the deity, and I want to escape. This dream is not small…”

   The black shadow also laughed sharply. Suddenly his figure soared, and a mouthful of evil flames came out, like a volcanic eruption, containing indescribable power, and it hit Xiao Qiao firmly. On top of the shield that was propped up, the shield shook, and the surface was rippled like water ripples, as if it could not bear it, it was about to collapse…


   All the immortal disciples yelled in fright. After the panic, they found that the shield was not broken for a while.

  ”Hey, little fairy disciple, there are such magic weapons, which is rare, but since you are in the deity formation, some of your time is consumed with you. When you break your eggshell, I will discipline you one by one. They are all in the belly of the deity, hahahaha, those ordinary people really don’t cheat their heads, and only you, the fairy disciples with power in your body, can help me heal…”

   The black shadow’s blow never worked, but he didn’t rush, smiled twice, and handed out a spirit.


   In the surrounding black mist formation, countless monsters rushed out immediately, slamming against the shield.

  All the immortal disciples changed their complexions, and the other party is about to consume the magical energy and devour them…

   “Or, rush out together…”

   Qi Xiaofeng couldn’t help but speak solemnly, and yelled.

   “No, we are in a demon formation. If we can’t break this formation, we will rush out and we will only die faster…”

   Junior Sister Xiao Qiao looked calm, she said in a deep voice.

   “Then…then rush…”

   Other people urged, and several people stared at the unpredictable black smoke around, trying to figure out the law of change, but at this time they were panicked and panicked, seeing black The smoke billowed and rolled, one after another, and the changes were unprovoked, not to mention that the changes were deduced, and they couldn’t even be seen clearly. All anxiously pale, some people vomited out…

   “Is it… really going to die here?”

   Finally someone couldn’t bear it, and almost fell into despair, and wailed.

   “Hurry up…hurry up and save people…”

   At the bottom of the mountain at this time, all the nobles in Taiyue City were all dumbfounded. Who would have thought that the brave and invincible little fairy houses just now suddenly fell into danger, and they all seemed to be dying. Oh, with their insights, they don’t even know what happened. They just felt deeply disturbed, all of them dumbfounded. Only General Qi was yelling desperately…

   But after listening to what he said, the soldiers around him just turned blank and backed away subconsciously.

  The monsters on the mountain are so powerful, the immortal disciples are not rivals, they are just mortal bodies, who dares to die?

  ”Hahahaha, since you have seen what the deity did, please stay here…”

   on the mountain, the demon did not know when, but also noticed them under the mountain, Jie Jie laughed.


   As his voice fell, I could only see the cow lying on the mountain. Suddenly the trees collapsed and the smoke was everywhere. I don’t know how many monsters and beasts flooded down the mountain. Looking up, in the night, there are scarlet eyes everywhere. , Unspeakable terrible…

   The rolled up smoke and dust even blocked the bright moon in the sky.

  ”Not good, hurry…Run…”

   Zhou Qingyue, the leader of Taiyue City Jiashi, changed his face in an instant, and screamed almost subconsciously.

   Needless to say, the nobles in Taiyue City are still polite at this time. They have long been screaming and hurriedly trying to turn their horses to escape, but the key is the ferocity in the mountains and plains. In front of the mad monster beast, even the horses under the seat were frightened and lost their souls. One by one, their hearts were turned and they collapsed and collapsed to the ground. They all lost the thought and courage to escape…

   “It’s over… It’s over…”

   Up and down the mountain at this time, they looked like they were plunged into a deep despair.

   But at this moment, Fang Yuan sighed.

   Since he realized that something is wrong, he has been looking up at the mountain.

   From the appearance of the dark and crushing demon formation, to the miserable defeat of the immortal disciple, and to the ferocious and terrifying monster rushing down, he was expressionless, but frowned, his eyes calmly watching, his fingers light Lightly pinching, it seems to be calculating something…

   Until now, when the monster beast on Wo Niu Mountain had rushed down, he suddenly sighed slightly.

   “Take a sword to make it!”

   He faintly spoke to the city lord Lu Mei’an who was eager to beat his horse and go quickly.


   Lü Mei’an was competing with the **** horse under his hips. He just looked up at Fang Yuan blankly.

   Fang Yuan smiled and stopped talking to him. With a finger pick, the mysterious sheath sword worn by Lu Mei’an’s waist immediately reached his hand, and Fang Yuan drew the sword out. Looking down, I saw that the sword was refined, bright like autumn water, and cold. It was a rare good sword, so he nodded with satisfaction, threw the scabbard to the ground, and then held the sword in his back!

   “Nephew Fang Xian…you…you are…”

   City Lord Lv Mei’an was panicked, and was touched by Fang Yuan’s expression, a little calm, and stammered asking.

  ”Slash the demons and slay the demons!”

   Fangyuan spoke lightly, not loud, but seemed to suppress the surrounding noise.

   All the nobles around Taiyue City, as well as the panicked soldiers, including General Qi and Zhou Qingyue, heard them, and they turned their heads to look at him one by one, and then, they didn’t wait for the panic on their faces to diminish. , Suddenly became dumbfounded…

   Fang Yuan, holding the sword in his back, took a deep breath, and then raised his hand to press on the horseback.


   It’s hard to describe the speed at that moment. The BMW under Fang Yuan’s crotch was directly kneeled on the ground by his pressing force. When Fang Principle was instant, his figure turned into a blue shadow, steep He has rushed into the air, and behind it is a bright moon in the sky. The jade plate is unusually bright, and the outline of his figure is very clear. The broad coat robe is floating in the wind, hunting…


   also at this moment, the demon wolves rushing down the mountain have already come close, and they opened their mouths fiercely and rushed towards everyone…

   And Fang Yuan, who was in midair, had his sword out of nowhere!


   A dazzling sword light swooped down from The sword was sensational, and it passed through a few evil wolves in a flash…

  ”Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”……

   The body of the evil wolf instantly froze in the air, and after a few breaths of effort, it suddenly tore and turned into a rain of blood.

   is also in this effort, Fang Yuan swept more than ten feet, the figure is worthy of landing.

   Just where they landed, the ferocious monsters around him immediately surrounded him, rushing towards him like a vicious spirit.


   Fang Yuan’s long sword turned in his palm, and the sword intent whizzed out, rushing into the monster beasts within seven feet of his body, and then it turned into flesh and blood on the ground, and then he returned Without waiting for the flesh and blood to get on his robes, he turned his body shape and walked out of the encirclement easily. It looked like walking in a leisurely courtyard, holding a long sword in his hand, and continuing to fly forward… …

   “He… he he he…”

   All Taiyuecheng nobles were directly stunned, looking dumbfounded at Fang Yuan who was skimming up the mountain, his throat seemed to be cut.

   wanted to escape. At this time, he forgot to continue pulling the horses, as if he was deterred by Fang Yuan’s sword light.

  ”Under the mountain…what happened under the mountain?”

   The immortal disciple trapped on the top of the mountain, some people also noticed the changes at the bottom of the mountain. Wu Qing thought that someone was coming to help, so he screamed.

   “It’s… Fang Yuan… he… he rushed up…”

   Junior Sister Xiao Qiao also seemed to be unable to believe her eyes, and said blankly.

   “What’s the use of him here?”

   Wu Qing suddenly fell into despair again, and subconsciously wailed.

   Junior Sister Xiao Qiao took a deep breath, as if to suppress the shock in her heart: “He…he came so fast!”

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