Master of Great Calamity Chapter 569: The sword will not go for 300 years

“Senior, I don’t know you…”

The weird people that I saw on this snowy field were really weird. Fang Yuan hesitated, but he didn’t care about being unreasonable. He used all the physical abilities of the eight wastes, and his body was like electricity, and he drove forward. Within a few steps, he was able to chase behind this person, but when he was about to reach out and pull his shoulders, the weird man turned around and smiled at Fang Yuan. At the same time, suddenly the surrounding void A gust of wind blows, and snowflakes swept through, covering Fang Yuan’s eyes. When he looked forward, the person was no longer visible.

“Is it so missing?”

Fang Yuan stood in the empty wind and snow, concentrating on his mind.

For some reason, he felt a little strange when he saw this man.

Whether it is the appearance of the other party, the mysterious magic, the resonance between the heaven and the earth, and even the extremely mutilated body of the other party, he feels very weird and wants to talk to this person. , It’s a pity that the convenience seemed to suddenly appear in the wind and snow, and then suddenly disappeared. It seemed that it had never existed, but Fang Yuan was a little helpless.

He was in the snow, and after checking for a while, he could not find the reason why the opponent disappeared. After the ninth snow line, it was extremely difficult to use magical powers, and there was no trace of magical powers in the field. It’s really impossible to let oneself disappear without seeing a shadow just by relying on the speed of the physical body. That is beyond the scope of common sense.

In desperation, Fang Yuan had to return to Jianlu first, but he was still thinking hard in his heart.

After thinking about it, he found that the other party was also saying very strange.

“Can you actually see me?”

“Your sword practice is pretty good…”

There seems to be some unique meaning in these simple words, but I can’t figure it out for a while.

It was the phrase he said “but not good enough”, which made Fang Yuan feel a little longing. Now he has reached the unprecedented “half-step Jianxin” in the Wuxia Sword Classic. The sword is not good enough, what is good?

After a few more days, Fang Yuan still practiced swords every day, but he was a little restless in his mind. He kept thinking about this man. On the day after seven or eight days, the food in the Jianlu had been cut off. , Fang Yuan went to hunt the snow beasts again. Just when he was ready, he saw the white cat running fast in the snow, driving a snow rhinoceros that was dozens of times bigger than it and rushing over against the snow wind and heavy snow.

Fang Yuan was ready. When the snow rhinoceros arrived in front of him, he suddenly burst out his sword, and a sword light pierced through the oblique thorn, piercing the snow rhinoceros’s head, arousing blood. After it came out, Fang Yuan hurriedly picked up the utensil…

These snow beasts living in the depths of the snowy field are all treasures.

These blood are all excellent medicinal materials, and they should not be wasted.

Seeing Fang Yuan slaying the snow rhinoceros neatly and neatly, the white cat squatted aside with satisfaction, waiting for Fang Yuan to cut off the best meat from the snow rhinoceros for himself. These are already established by convention. Fang Yuan and Jin Hanxue are useless. On this snowy field, it depends entirely on the uncle cat to feed. Every time a snow beast is hunted, it must eat the best.

Fang Yuan was also used to it, so he pulled Xuexi into a leeward col, peeling and deboning.

But at this moment, the white cat was suddenly startled, and both ears stood up.

In a pair of dark eyes, the pupils were erect, staring in a certain direction.

At this moment, Fang Yuan also had a very surprised feeling, as if the wind and snow between the sky and the earth had disappeared a lot, he suddenly moved in his heart and looked in the direction the white cat was looking at. When a man limped by from a distance.

“That person…”

Fang Yuan moved in his heart and threw the snow rhinoceros on the ground, hurriedly got up and drove over.

“Senior forgive me, juniors have something to ask…”

This time he didn’t want to let go of the opportunity, he chased very fast, and at the same time he called out loudly.

The figure walking slowly on the snowy field in the distance stopped and turned to look at Fang Yuan, with a slightly delicate face, quietly looking at Fang Yuan, without feeling offended. He didn’t mean to be impatient, and said: “Did you see me again?”

Fang Yuan hurriedly said: “If you have something to ask the younger generation, I hope you can take the time to talk about it!”

The strange man glanced at Fang Yuan and said, “Although your kendo is good, you are not at home yet!”

While speaking, he turned around again.

Fang Yuan hurriedly said: “Senior wait a minute…”

Before catching up, the surroundings had been violent again, and the weird person has since disappeared.

“What is going on here?”

Standing in the vast snow, Fang Yuan was puzzled.

There was a slight weight on his shoulders, but the white cat jumped on his shoulders and looked in the same direction with him, seemingly confused.

After returning to the Jianlu, Fang Yuan was still puzzled. He didn’t know where this person came from and where he went. Why did he appear in front of him twice, and he didn’t seem to be hostile to him either. But he didn’t even want to say a word, and then suddenly disappeared?

For a few days, I kept paying attention, and finally I saw this person several times in a month.

Vaguely, Fang Yuan sensed that every time he appeared, there would be sky light in the northern sky.

But when the sky appeared, Fang Yuan could not always see him. That is to say, the place where he appeared was different, and every time he appeared, it was only a very short time. Fang Yuan always When I saw him the next time, I rushed up, and the more people only said a few words, and the less time, they just saw him, and then he has disappeared, weird and weird.

At first, Fang Yuan couldn’t figure out the pattern of his appearance until one night later, a month later, Fang Yuan suddenly woke up from his contemplation, and quickly took out something, but it was the one that led him to find A map of the Wushengjian Tomb.

Now he has found the Inanimate Sword Tomb, but there is still a part of the map that has not been unraveled. Those are the last few lines distributed around the Inanimate Sword Tomb. I don’t know what it means. Fang Yuan Now that he had determined that the inanimate sword mound was empty, he looked at the map behind his head, but now, after thinking hard for a long time, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed and guessed a possibility.

Compared the lines on the map, and Fang Yuan’s expression slowly became serious.

In this contrast, it is very obvious that the place where the weird appeared exactly matches the lines on this map.

In other words, the lines on this are actually the road map of this weird person?

It’s just that, this map is hundreds of years ago, why is it related to the route this weird man walked on?

If the sky appears, this strange man will appear, and the place where he appears is exactly what this map shows…

…Then the whereabouts of this weird person has been mastered by myself.

Although he was not sure, Fang Yuan decided to give it a try.

After waiting for more than half a month, Fang Yuan saw the extreme northern sky and a brilliant sky appeared, so he immediately rushed to a certain line on the map and waited for a long time, just when he doubted his guess When it was true or false, the surrounding wind and snow suddenly became depressed, and a faint shadow came over from a distance, limping, not rushing, it was the weird person he had seen several times before.

Fang Yuan raised his heart and waited quietly for him to come over.

Just when the weird man came three feet in front of him, Fang Yuan did not speak immediately, but suddenly turned his sword intent to the extreme, as if a dragon chanted, and the surrounding sky trembled slightly, and then he watched The weird man raised his head.

“Good sword practice!”

The weird looked at Fang Yuan, then shook his head, and said, “But it’s not good enough!”

Fang Yuan did not rush to answer this time. Instead, he followed him and walked slowly, always running with a sword intent. After walking a few steps, he saw that the strange man did not disappear, so he put it down slightly. The heart came, and said: “Although the younger generation is devoted to swordsmanship, but he is clumsy and awkward, so naturally he can’t gain the superiority, but I don’t know where the senior came from and where he went?”

The weird man didn’t stop or answer, as if he didn’t respond to the question.

There was a certain guess in Fang Yuan’s heart. Suddenly, the sword in his palm flicked, and a clear dragon chant was emitted.

The weird man turned his head and looked over.

Fang Yuan asked hurriedly: “Can seniors recognize this sword?”

That weird humanity said: “This is no lack of sword!”

Fang Yuan moved slightly in his heart and continued to follow him, saying: “I wonder if seniors still remember Qingyang Sect?”

The weird person said: “The place where my sword starts is Qingyang!”

“Sure enough, he…”

Fang Yuan’s heart sank slightly, and a certain complex emotion arose in his heart, confirming the identity of this weird person.

Qingyang sword crazy!

Qingyang Jianchu, who was obsessed with swords all his life and was later destroyed by swords, the founder of Wuxia Jianjing…

Fang Yuan had already had this guess when he had seen him incomplete, but his sword intent resonated with heaven and earth. He just didn’t dare to be sure for a while. Now that he asked this question, his heart There was an answer to his question immediately.

It’s just that, this is just answering one of Fang Yuan’s questions.

“How many years have seniors been in this snowy field?”

Fang Yuan thought about it for a while before asking this sentence.

The weird man, or Qingyang Jianzhu, answered every question and said: “It should be hundreds of years since he left!”

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and said, “Senior said, but did you mean the original you?”

Qingyang Sword Demon seems to be a little hard to understand this question. After a while, he slowly said: “I entered the snowy field back then. I wanted to see how strong the swordsmanship of Sansheng Sword Demon is, but the sword mound is empty. But I found a broken stone stele from the depths of the sword mound with some sword marks on it. From the stone stele, I saw the true meaning of the sword demon of the third sword demon, and then I found that he was nothing more than that. , I had to go by myself, so I stayed in the depths of this snowy field, Wu Jian for a hundred years, and finally left…”

“Finally left…”

Fang Yuan felt an extremely strange feeling in his heart.

But he didn’t ask him again: If you have left, who are you now?

Because he has guessed the existence of this weird man…

The person in front of him is not a real Qingyang sword idiot, but a sword intent he left behind hundreds of years ago.

At that time, this Qingyang sword idiot had been enlightening the sword on this snowy field for three years, and the sword intent was soaked in the world, leaving a shadow. He practiced swords with him in the Qingyang Sect and saw a shadow, and then he followed it. That shadow found a truth in Wuque Jianjing.

It’s just that the sword idiot of Qingyang when he came to the snowy field is undoubtedly more sophisticated.

The shadow he left this time can not only be seen by himself by accident, but he can even react to his sword intent.

Now I seem to be talking to this Qingyang sword idiot, but in fact, this is only a kind of exchange between sword intents. This is not a real existence, so I almost became enchanted with Fang Yuan at the beginning. Surrounded by a sea of ​​blood, it was extremely real, but it was an illusion. If Fang Yuanjian hadn’t expected it, if he hadn’t approached this sword intent by accident, then he would not have been seen.

However, the more so, the more shocked Fang Yuan was.

I think at the beginning, the elder Yuanyingjian Xianmin in Xijianchi cut a sword on the third snow line, and the long time it stayed, he surprised Fang Yuan as a heavenly man, but now, this Qingyang sword idiot left behind A sword intent, but on this snowy field, has remained constant for hundreds of years. It has survived wind and snow, and it can even react to one’s sword intent and exchange ideas with oneself. What realm is this?

It is speculated from this that although it is not known what the sword master who called Lingzhao experienced in the first place, one thing is certain. The focus of his map about the inanimate sword mound is not the sword mound. , But this sword intent…

…or The sword master Ling Zhao, after all, obtained this map hundreds of years ago, so what he saw at that time was probably not such a sword intent, but real The true true Qingyang sword idiot.

By this time, Fang Yuan felt that the sword intent was declining and could not continue to maintain this state. He hurriedly asked: “The younger generation is also a disciple of the Qingyang Sect, and he has inadvertently obtained the predecessor’s Sword Sutra, sincerely practicing. It’s just that there’s no way. Now although the sword intent has been achieved, it has been slow to take the next step. Today I saw the predecessor’s sword intent, which is also a good fortune. I wonder if the predecessor can teach me to achieve the sword heart?”

When he said this, he lifted his heart tightly, not daring to relax.

He didn’t know what kind of question this sword intent would react to, lest he wouldn’t answer this question.

Fortunately, Qingyang Jianzhu was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: “What Jianxin?”

Fang Yuan is instantly like an ice kiln.

But at this moment, I heard Qingyang Jian’s infatuation again: “When does Wuwei Kendo need to achieve Jianxin?”

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