Master of Great Calamity Chapter 561: Give me the heart and return your original intention

At this time, Fang Yuan’s Dao heart was damaged, and his magical thoughts were growing. In this state, the whole person also seemed very dangerous.

Especially the blood surging around him, it looks evil and terrible. At this moment, even the white cat has no choice but to get close to him, so he can only sit and wait. See if he can survive this heart catastrophe…

But no one thought that Jin Hanxue would rush up at this moment…

She felt the terrible blood on Fang Yuan, but she still held his hand unwillingly.

“唰” “唰” “唰”

Just as soon as she held Fang Yuan’s palm, Fang Yuan’s blood swelled up, and there was a lot of invisible sword intent in that blood, almost instantly, She cut the cotton-padded clothes on Jin Hanxue’s body to ragged pieces. Terrible wounds appeared on her arms, chest, neck, and even her face. The red blood dripped down.

Looking at this scene, the white cat was already stunned, and his pupils tightened.

But facing the pain that Ling Chi seemed to have, Jin Hanxue completely ignored it, just holding Fang Yuan’s hand firmly.

She only knew that Fang Yuan should be in a very dangerous situation at this time, enduring the endless pain and said: “Senior Brother Fang Yuan, what happened to you? Have you forgotten what you taught me back then? You told me that there is no end in the world, and I only look at my Dao Xin, so I came to the snowy field to experience tempering. I have been working hard to do what you taught me. Why did you forget?”

Fang Yuan didn’t seem to hear her, but the sword intent on his body became stronger and stronger.

That kind of sword intent came from the bottom of his heart, raging unprovoked, violent and terrifying, and silent. It was just some sword intent that spread to the outside, which had already hurt Jin Hanxue. No one knows. Suddenly violent, will she be directly beheaded!

Jin Hanxue was also scared, and didn’t know if it was useful for her to do so.

But she is born with such a stubborn temper. Since she has done it, how can she give up?

“Senior Brother Fang Yuan, I know you entered the snowfield this time to find something, and I also know that you didn’t find it. It was painful and disappointing. I don’t know what it is, but I know you are a good person. The people who built the underground palace in the snow field disappointed you, but you are different from them. It is because of someone like you that their things will not succeed…”

She kept talking, and she could see that Fang Yuan’s blood was getting stronger and stronger.

Jin Hanxue didn’t understand what happened to Fang Yuan. She could feel Fang Yuan’s body at this time. There seemed to be a strange and dangerous aura on Fang Yuan. This breath became stronger and stronger, and the sword intent was also stronger. It’s getting stronger and stronger…

But she still held Fang Yuan’s hand tightly, not allowing him to touch the white bone altar, and at the same time she kept saying: “In our Jin family, you would rather break the path of cultivation. , And refused to make a slight compromise, even knowing that it is impossible to condense the fifth thunder spirit, and never want to accept such evil methods. What about your arrogance at that time, what about what you have been insisting on at that time?”

She could feel that Fang Yuan’s Taoism was very fragile and seemed to be on the verge of collapse, but she did not have enough understanding and wisdom to wake him up, so she could only do what Fang Yuan had said to her Let’s tell Fang Yuan about the past…

Fang Yuan was also slightly startled when he heard these words.

At this time, his heart is full of demons, and Dao Xin is on the verge of collapse. It is the world’s great virtue. It is not possible to survive this catastrophe with words, but no one thought that Jin Hanxue would do this. Words, but strangely penetrated into his heart, almost without obstacles, because to a certain extent, it was what was in his heart, and it was the truth he had always adhered to…

Once, you gave me Dao Xin.

Now, I still have your original intention!



Fang Yuan’s sea of ​​knowledge is already a sea of ​​blood.

A spiritual avatar like Fang Yuan sat cross-legged on this sea of ​​blood, closing his eyes tightly.

In the surrounding sea of ​​blood, there are countless souls and tentacles poking out, and they are desperately rushing towards him, wrapping him tightly in it, as if to tear him into pieces, or to tear him up. A spiritual incarnation is directly drawn into the sea of ​​blood.

Compared with this kind of power, Jin Hanxue’s words are simply not worth mentioning.

These words can’t even be conveyed clearly into Fang Yuan’s heart at this time.

But somehow, with these words kept thinking, Fang Yuan’s true spirit has slightly changed. It seems that he is no longer so depressed and troublesome, and he no longer allows the magical thoughts of the blood sea to be in his own. The sea of ​​knowledge is tumbling, but gradually I have my own thoughts.

“Are you in the beginning?”

With these words in his heart, he was already absorbed in his mind. When he was a child, he especially wanted to hate his situation and feared that he would live in that environment forever, so he desperately caught a student who read Opportunity, myself who has forgotten sleep and food, also thought of the first word and sentence he taught himself when he learned from Mr. Zhu at the beginning…

Later, he remembered how, in one dynasty, he went from the top of the immortal list to become an immortal handyman. He also remembered how to study hard, practice hard, and finally became an immortal again by handyman. Disciple, finally regained the position of true transmission…

Scene after scene, flashed before my eyes!

How did I get to where I am now, how to deal with so many ups and downs, how to improve my cultivation…

These roads are really not easy to walk, but after all, I have persisted…

Is it because you are unscrupulous in order to succeed?

No, I was able to walk down because I have always had a lot of energy in my heart…



“If you want to become stronger, you don’t need a reason…”

Within the sea of ​​knowledge, there was magical thoughts that turned into Fang Yuan’s appearance. He said what he said when he was in the Qingyang Sect, and that was what he said in his heart. Then he thought this sentence was a guide. More thoughts have arisen: “Weapon is a weapon, and it must be used as a last resort. No matter what magical martial arts, it is a weapon. There is no difference between good and evil in itself. It just depends on one thought. Why is it so pedantic?”

“You were on the road of spiritual practice for the sake of greater power. You are a person of indifferent nature and unwilling to pay attention to mundane affairs. As long as you can embark on the road of spiritual practice, you can suffer and suffer. Insult, now why should you be constrained by vulgar thoughts, practice road breaks, and continue with evil methods. They are also reasonable people. As long as they use them properly, even if they are evil methods, they can also do things in their hearts?”

“There is no Evil Infant Zheng Ying, there are only Yuan Ying and waste…”

“In the eyes of others, you will only see whether you have achieved the Supreme Nascent Soul, who cares how you achieve it?”



Those voices are getting louder and louder and crazier, shaking Fang Yuan’s last thought.

But seeing that they are about to succeed, Fang Yuan’s spiritual avatar slowly opened his eyes at this time.

With an indifferent color in his eyes, he calmly asked: “Have you said enough?”

The boundless sea of ​​blood, at this moment, the waves suddenly surged, and a certain tyrannical will in this sea of ​​blood, at this moment, became endlessly embarrassed and set off a huge wave. , And those thoughts that seemed to have been born by Fang Yuan himself before, at this time, they suddenly seem to have transformed into another completely different person: “You…how can you…”

“Blood Sea Demon Seal, you have been asleep for so many years, and now you actually want to take advantage of my Dao Heart to fall and take my soul?”

Fang Yuan’s voice seemed very calm at this time, even with some sarcasm: “But you also think of me too simple. If you take away your Dao heart so easily, you should I have read sage books for so many years for nothing?”



The wave of blood seemed to congeal slightly at this time, and a more furious wave of blood was swirled. This time, it was not a magical thought that was rising, but it was directly rolled towards Fang Yuan: “What kind of **** sage book, your Dao heart collapsed, and your heart was born with evil thoughts, that awakened me, and now even if I can’t pull you into the demon, I can also forcibly refine your divine consciousness…”

Boundless waves of blood rolled in, seeming to drown Fang Yuan completely.

Fang Yuanzhi looked extremely small in front of this blood wave, surrounded by raging blood waves, rushing towards him with boundless magical thoughts.

“The human heart is incomplete, but you want to pursue perfect kendo, are you not afraid of being disappointed?”

“The world is unbearable, but you have to stick to good and evil, are you not afraid to see even uglier things in the end?”

All the magical thoughts finally came together, and it was nothing more than two sentences.

And these two sentences are exactly the two words that finally affected his Dao Xin when Fang Yuan entered the snowy field this time. If he considers his Dao Xin, this is his flaw. Hai used this idea as an offense and wanted to forcibly engulf him.

“I would rather not practice for a thousand years than practice the wild fox meditation for a day…”

But facing this boundless sea of ​​ Yuan’s heart sank strangely, his voice was faint, resounding between the sea of ​​consciousness, and as the voice sounded, there appeared around There are countless golden scriptures, those are the words in the Taoyuan True Understanding that he had studied for ten years and deeply imprinted in his heart. At this time, they were all brightened and protected his true spirit. .

“If you can’t catch up with Consummation Kendo, you don’t necessarily have to go to the evil path…”

“You can’t see ugly people, and you don’t necessarily have to be uglier than them…”

Fang Yuan looked at the sea of ​​blood and sighed in a low voice, seeming to be a little tired, but this tiredness has no longer the sense of depression before: “Actually, the answer to this question was on my first day reading At the time, Mr. Zhu taught me…”

As he said this sentence, the countless golden scriptures around him gradually began to melt together, and finally turned into two sentences.

“The sky is healthy, the gentleman is always striving for self-improvement!”

“The terrain is great, and the gentleman carries things with virtue!”

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