Master of Great Calamity Chapter 559: Yuan Ying Jian Ling

A sword qi bypassed Jin Hanxue, and Zhi Zhou Fangyuan’s large acupuncture points around the magic orifice. At the time when the blood and the mana were disturbed, if such a sword qi directly hit the magic orifice, the danger would be unpredictable. But when things happened suddenly, Jin Hanxue’s cultivation was insufficient, and it was difficult to resist. Although the white cat was capable, at such a close distance, he was also helpless, and all of them became anxious.

At this moment, behind the disciples in Xijianchi, a strange dark shadow slowly appeared.

The black shadow appeared in the sword grave without a sound. Behind all the disciples in the sword washing pond, no one noticed its existence. Then, the black shadow’s sword intent became stronger and stronger, as if A sword, accumulating more and more power……

“Not good…”

The first thing that reacted was that Xijianchi Yuanying Sword Fairy suddenly yelled.

People around were startled when they heard the words and turned around hurriedly.

But before they could react, the black shadow suddenly rushed forward. After this black shadow, more black shadows appeared, one by one, like black lightning, with difficulty. The strange sword light described it rushed in front of him at the same time.

As soon as the sword light appeared, it whizzed, extremely vicious and terrifying.

This group of sword repairers in the sword-washing pond was just at the moment when they had just discovered the inanimate sword mound. They saw Fang Yuan in this mound. They thought that when Fang Yuan was in the middle of a demon, his attention was naturally distracted. I thought that there would be such a murderous opportunity in this empty underground palace.

They are extremely quick to respond, but in such a moment, they can’t help but be caught off guard.

The other party had been prepared long ago, and they were sending out with all their strength. When they reacted, Jianguang was already in front of them.

The Yuanying Sword Fairy reacted the fastest, but when he was injured, his reaction was half a beat slower than usual?

While yelling, there was an immortal sword around him, trying to stop this sudden attack.

But the fairy sword is only half way up, and the horrible sword light of the opponent has already arrived.

Hu La La, a sword air floating, twisting the void.

Beside this Yuanying Jianxian, the disciples of the Sword Washing Pool had been driving in the wind and snow for a long time, and their magic power was not working smoothly. At this time, their reaction was even more chaotic. Unexpectedly, they were recruited. Jian Qi tore open many wounds, and the blood sprayed piece by piece.

“The demon dare…”

This Yuanying Sword Fairy was frightened and angry. He hated the sword and stood up and was about to fight back, but suddenly he was taken aback. In front of him, a very familiar shadow appeared. Dressed in white, with a cold expression, he looked at him lightly.

“Sister Min?”

The Yuan Ying Jianxian noticed the extremely familiar aura on this woman, and was shocked, his sword intent slightly blocked.

When I thought that Elder Min had already encountered an accident, the shadow of Elder Min suddenly emerged.


A sharp and terrifying sword aura suddenly appeared, passing through his heart.

The Yuanying Sword Immortal yelled, staggered back, and a painful and sad expression appeared on his face.

Who would have thought that I was injured even in a single encounter…

…and it was Elder Min who hurt yourself?



In just an instant, all the disciples of Xijianchi were injured.

The most severely injured was actually the Nascent Soul Sword Immortal with the highest cultivation level.

They couldn’t help but also looked horrified, and looked at where the sword light hit.

Then they saw a few cold-blooded people rushing in, followed by four elders in black robes, who looked very miserable, with frostbite, and someone lost half of their arm. Some people have lost most of their heads, and others are physically mutilated. The wounds are all frozen crystals. If it is miserable, they are the most miserable people on the snowy field.

Walking in front of them is a smiling man wearing a white robe. Although he looks a bit weathered, he is much better than the others, holding a handle in his hand. The black long sword, the sword is covered with weird runes, and beside him, there is a faint shadow floating, and the eyebrows are lifelike, just like Elder Min.

“Haha, interesting, interesting…”

While smiling, this person walked forward lightly and said with a smile: “With the sword spirit transformed into the Yuan Ying Sword Immortal, it is really much easier to use, and the aura of the sword is hidden, even you guys. The shrewd ghost can’t find it, and unexpectedly, it is enough to cut the Yuan Ying Jian Xian with a single sword. You have been chased and killed countless times. This time, I can always win back a city!”

“Evil sword repair?”

When the disciples of the sword washing pool saw the white-robed man, their eyes became angry and frightened.

Some people even saw the faint shadow floating around him, and there was almost fire in their eyes: “That is Elder Min’s soul, **** it, Elder Min has used the sword to eliminate demons all his life, but… The sword monk made a sword spirit…”

Young Master Chengtian glanced at him and said: “Didn’t I already praise her for her usefulness?”

While speaking, I looked at Fang Yuan, more satisfied, and smiled: “I am so satisfied with your gift!”

When the disciple of Xijianchi next to this scene saw this scene, his eyes became even more angry, and there was a hint of horror in people’s hearts: “Sure enough, these six leaders have gotten together with the evil sword monk. Could it be that this is actually a The trap against us?”



“Hahaha, have you seen it, this is the right way you stick to…”

“People of the right way will kill you without asking Qinghong and Huangbai. Do they care about the way you stick to?”

“On the contrary, the evil way saved you, are you still fighting with them to the end?”

“This is the end of the matter, the road to practice is broken, why are you a poor worm who is desperate and struggling in a sea of ​​suffering? Immortals have immortal ways, demons have their ways, immortals have freedom, and demons have great freedom. Heaven is ruthless, and what right and evil do you care about? Why let the good and evil of the worldly lay people affect you, people don’t kill themselves for themselves, and the magical way in the eyes of others is not the immortal way that we ask for?”

Fang Yuan has never reacted to everything that happened outside, but in fact, he has already received it all in his heart, including the fact that the disciple of Xijianchi came up to kill him, and it also included the one that someone stopped him. Sword, and then indiscriminately, does not discern the authenticity, and immediately takes advantage of his actions to abolish himself directly, and is attacked and injured by the evil sword monk…

This scene also gave him a little sadness in his heart.

And this kind of sadness and disappointment made him even stronger in his knowledge of the sea…

At this time, he, the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness, was about to be submerged by a sea of ​​blood, with devil intent, and the sky was dark.

His true spirit sits entwined in it, it seems that it may be swallowed by the sea of ​​blood at any time, but because of some indescribable hesitation, he has been subconsciously rejecting the sea of ​​blood even if he is in a daze. Erosion, so it hasn’t fully appeared yet.

The sea of ​​blood noticed this kind of persistence in his heart, and instigated a stronger force to erode him.

That feeling is extremely terrifying. This is not a real battle between you and me, but a change of mind. The power of the sea of ​​blood triggered countless magical thoughts, which kept affecting his mind. But it makes these magical thoughts seem to be born of him…



“Young Master, these six leaders, it seems something is wrong…”

In the outside world, beside the Young Master Chengtian, an elder with a crippled half of his body gave Fang Yuan a bitter look, and looked at Fang Yuan with a bad look, but he also discovered his evil spirit, cold. With a notice, he wiped his neck to the young master.

Now they have found the Inanimate Sword Tomb, it is useless to keep Fang Yuan, and they crossed the snowy field and killed countless people. The few of them who survived were also seriously damaged. The hatred was sent to Fang Yuan.

Young Master Chengtian glanced at him and smiled: “Since he is a member of my generation, what do you do to kill him?”

His gaze slowly swept over Fang Yuan, and he also felt the evil spirit on his body. Although carefully examined, he felt that he was slightly different from the record on the sword of Chengtian, but it was clearly the way. , His face also became a bit more beautiful, and he whispered: “You said you do so many twists and turns, what are you doing for so long, and after so long, don’t you still have to come to our road in the end?”

Don’t think too much, and instruct the elders around: “Search this sword grave!”

When the elders heard the words, they hurriedly dispersed. Although they wanted to kill Fang Yuan to vent their anger, the more important thing was of course Jian Tomb.

Then soon, the elders who had inherited the heavenly swordsmanship came back with horrified expressions.

“The sword mound is empty…”

“Here… there is nothing here…”

In their voices, there was a sense of horror, far more serious than disappointment.

“The sword mound is empty?”

Young Master Chengtian was also taken aback when he heard it, his face sinking to the extreme.

After I went to see it in person and came back, my face was full of doubts: “No, if this sword mound has been emptied long ago, where did the sword master Ling Zhao get those sword principles? But then again. , If the sword master Ling Zhao really entered the snowfield early and entered the inanimate sword mound, how could they withstand the snowstorm with their imperial swordsman’s ideas?”

But the more I think about it, the more I feel Actually, there are a lot of doubts about this lifeless sword tomb. Even their cultivation base is so well prepared, and they are all the way. Entering the snowy field, countless people died. The four elders of the Nascent Soul Realm were in a panic and dangerously desperate. He also relied on the Suzaku Divine Egg to survive until now. At that time, the highest person was not gold. How did Dan’s Ling Zhao come in?

They were only convinced that the sword master Ling Zhao of the Imperial Sword Sect had entered the Inanimate Sword Tomb, and saw the sword principles in the sword scripture from Fang Yuan’s hands, and they believed that there must be a way to solve their hidden illnesses. , Broke in at any cost…

“Young Master, what should we do?”

The elders next to them all looked a little frightened, and asked the young master Chengtian anxiously.

“What to do?”

The young master Chengtian’s brows were condensed, and he suddenly turned to look at Fang Yuan: “Do you still have something to hide from us?”

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