Master of Great Calamity Chapter 557: 1 joke

“Finally found the Inanimate Sword Tomb…”

Fang Yuan stood in the inanimate sword mound. Xu Shi’s body and mind were frozen, and there was no excitement in his heart. After a while, he started to look at everything around him, but he saw that he had fallen. The place is the location of the main hall of this stone palace. It seems that it was broken by wind and snow because of the long time. I don’t know if there is no forbidden formation in this sword mound, or it has been too long. The forbidden formations have been decayed, in short, they simply fell off.

The walls of the sword mound are tight, but it keeps the wind and snow from outside, making people feel a lot better.

Fang Yuan recovered a little bit of strength, and then walked slowly forward, walking slowly in this wide and wide underground palace, looking at the dilapidated halls, dusty stone beds, and rotten ones along the way. Murals, mottled sword halls and countless stone chambers, etc…

I don’t know if there is no restriction in this sword mound, or if the time is too long, the restriction has become rotten, but there is no danger that he can take a good look at everything in this underground palace.

This underground palace is very large, or rather empty, surrounded by icy basalt. It looks very old. It can be seen that this underground palace was once strict and brilliant, but now it is only There was an empty sense of coldness left.

When you reach a huge Taoist temple, you can see that there are long and tall bookshelves here;

On the opposite side of the Taoist Temple, there is a tall pill room. In the middle of the pill room, you can see a pill furnace carved with black profound stone. It is very old and contains pill ash that has long been formed into hard stones. Around it, there are rows of stone carvings.

In the deepest part of the sword mound, there is a sword test stone with a width of several tens of meters. The black stone is carved, and the sword intent is still there.

Jin Hanxue was also following Fang Yuan to see the underground palace, her mind gradually sinking.

It can be seen that there have indeed been countless treasures and inheritances in this lifeless sword mound.

But now, there is nothing left…

On the book shelf in the hall, I don’t know what kind of books have been stored on it, but now, it looks empty, only a few sparse bamboo slips, scattered in the corner, and the writing on it is also It has been blurred, and it is not true at all.

In the huge pill room, there is nothing but a lonely black stone pill furnace. There is nothing else, except occasionally some seemingly high-quality pill bottle fragments can be seen. Besides, there was no medicine left.

On the last sword test stone, there are many holes. Looking at the traces, it seems that countless swords have been inserted into it, but now only these holes are left… Daoju, strange treasure, Hidden sword, there is nothing left.

The rest, only traces of their existence!

Jin Hanxue’s eyes became a little frightened!

She thought of a question. It’s no wonder that she and Fang Yuan came all the way. It went so smoothly. On the way, they saw a few traces, like the places where the prohibition was placed. But they just came over without any notice. Influence, they thought that this was because the time was too long, and all the forbidden formations had been corrupted, but in fact, this was broken by someone…

Before them, someone had already come to this inanimate sword grave!

Someone has already emptied all these things.

Now what they found is just an empty mound with nothing left…

In fact, it didn’t take too much effort, Jin Hanxue wanted to understand the reason.

Actually this is a very simple question…

If someone hadn’t been to the Inanimate Sword Tomb, how could there be a map circulating in the world? And the Sword Demon of the Three Worlds, after all, is a character tens of thousands of years ago. Since then, how many smart people have appeared, how can such a big inheritance be left to this day?

As for why no one knows that the Wushengjian mound has been emptied, it is even simpler.

Who would openly claim that he had found the Inanimate Sword Tomb if it had to be forced?

Sounding fortune is the right choice!

These questions are easy to think about, but Jin Hanxue looked at Fang Yuan with some concern.

Along the way, she didn’t talk much with Fang Yuan, but she could feel the hope in his heart, and knew what he was looking for, and there was an unspeakable sense of exhaustion in her heart, especially Going deep into the snowy field was like trying to avoid some trouble outside, but now they finally found the inanimate sword mound, but they found that the sword mound was actually empty…

She can’t imagine what the other party’s original blow was…



At this time, Fang Yuan sat down with expressionless face, sitting in this empty hall, the expression on his face was very tired, and somewhat self-deprecating, he was silent for a long time before muttering to himself Language: “Is there no last hope?”

“God, do you have to make such a joke with me?”



His voice seemed very flat, even calm, but Jin Hanxue heard some kind of extreme loss from it.

She was suddenly very worried. She squatted on the ground, holding Fang Yuan’s palm, and said: “Senior Brother Fang Yuan, don’t be too disappointed. This is empty, but there are many other ways. Let’s go back. Go to Kyushu. There are countless scriptures in this world. Kendo is like a crucian. You can always find some ways. There are magic tricks, immortals, and even heavenly powers. Don’t…”

“Actually, it’s useless!”

Fang Yuan looked up at her, smiled faintly, and whispered: “Sister Hanxue, do you know that, in fact, I already knew that this road would not work, I just didn’t want to admit it, I just used This inanimate sword mound hangs my own thoughts…”

As he spoke, the expression on his face became more tired, but in his voice, there seemed to be more excitement: “As long as those people found the underground palace, I already knew this way. It doesn’t work, haha, Wucai Kendo is to form a Wucai Jianxin, but the human heart is inherently incomplete. How simple is this, and the human heart is mutilated, how can I form the Wucai Jianxin? I actually have long ago. Knowing that this is a dead end, no matter what is in the Wusheng Sword Tomb, there is a dead end that cannot be solved…”


Jin Hanxue heard what he said and didn’t know how to answer.

She couldn’t understand what Fang Yuan was saying, but she saw that he was very disappointed and desperate.

The unspeakable worry in my heart rose, but I could only watch.

Fang Yuan laughed louder and louder, and there seemed to be a little madness in his eyes, muttering to himself: “Perhaps, I was the one who was wrong at the beginning. I think Dao Xin is firm enough to walk away from others. There is no way out, but what if there is no way out?”

“I feel that what I did was right. I didn’t hesitate to take big risks and survive, but who did I do it for? Who cares about what I did? I want to help the righteous and eliminate evil. , But if the way of heaven is like this, the human heart is lacking, so the world will have righteousness and evil. This is all destined by the way of heaven. What qualifications do I have to judge all this? Why do I need to correct all this?”

“Thousands of years have passed, people will still be like this…”

“Whether it’s Kyushu or the snowy field, or the devil’s edge, the monster domain, the thousands of creatures in the world, no matter the monsters, ghosts, and immortals, they are like this. There will be evil thoughts and evil thoughts, which cannot be changed…”

“Because the avenue is fifty, go to one…”

“Only the incomplete ones are the avenues…”



His voice is getting lower and lower, his face is exhausted, and it looks like a pale piece of paper.

Jin Hanxue has no idea what he is talking about, but she can feel the painless feeling in his heart, even faintly, and she can also sense the faintly rising madness between his loneliness and pain , The minds are all stranded together.

Even the white cat, at this time, became serious, his pupils erected, staring at Fang Yuan closely.

“God, let me chase something that doesn’t exist, just to make me understand this truth?”

Fang Yuan smiled bitterly, the exhaustion in his eyes reached the limit.

What he didn’t even realize was that he was in the sea of ​​knowledge. At this moment of depression, suddenly a faint blood came out. It was a sword, one that had been buried in him. The evil sword that was nourished by endless blood in the toad thunder spirit, this sword has never been awakened, but now, in that sword, there is a faint consciousness that has been asleep for a long time, and gradually wakes up.

As this consciousness awakened, a faint flow of blood came out, crawled into Fang Yuan’s sea of ​​consciousness, and slowly moved away.

As a result, Fang Yuan’s consciousness has moved to a terrifying edge…

There is an unspeakable depression in my heart!

“Hopeful, but always ends up…”

“After all the hardships, I only saw myself as a joke…”

“So always let me go, is it just this way after all?”

He muttered to himself, as if he was not under his control, he took out the Universe Bag from his waist and poured it directly on the ground. There was not much in this Universe Bag. And Fang Yuan’s gaze was filled with a faint blood mist, more like he was not under his control, and quickly fell on one of the white bone altars with weird is his traversing In the third snow line, Chengtian Jiandao evil sword repair gave himself a great meeting gift…

He knows what’s in there!

At this moment, Ruoyouruuowu’s vitality appeared on his body, his heart was desperate, and his thoughts were ashamed.

Unexpectedly, there is endless longing in my heart, and I slowly stretched out my hand…

…He stretched out his hand towards the white bone altar!

There was a very lost expression on his face: “Since the avenue is incomplete, why should I stick to what good and evil?”


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