Master of Great Calamity Chapter 540: Be prepared for nothing


Fang Yuan’s closing the sky was broken, and his whole person was almost without control. He slammed into the peak of the snow-capped mountain and then rolled down again. On the thick snow, Li A deep gully emerged, and the surface of the body was squeezed and torn by tyrannical forces. I don’t know how many wounds appeared. The blood shot and soaked, forming a red blood line on the ground, and finally hit a piece in the col. On top of the stubborn stone, the stubborn stone was knocked out of the cracks, and he fell on the ground motionless.

The turtle-backed old man and Yuanying Jianxian both saw that he was seriously injured, and felt a little at ease.

I glanced at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes. Although they did drive Fang Yuan into this snowy mountain and severely wounded him, thinking of the scene just now, there was still a little surprise. These six leaders, in any case, are only in the Golden Core Realm, and they have not reached the peak of the Golden Core Realm. As a result, they can display their magical powers and take a blow from the Nascent Soul?

The two of them superimposed supernatural powers to break his supernatural power…

… Then if they were alone, wouldn’t they really be guarded by him?

Between the two people, there is really an unspeakable sense of depression. I just feel that the six leaders are so big now, it is really not for nothing, no matter what, his magical powers have been passed on. Enough to make him famous in Kyushu……

And if he survives and becomes Nascent Soul, what terrible potential will he have then?

“It really is a real arrogant…”

Elder Xijianchi Min glanced over, seeming to have some regrets.

The turtle-backed old man looked at Fang Yuan, his face was a bit darkly angry. After all, he had a supernatural power that was actually blocked by Fang Yuan. It was the sword spirit of the elder Min from Xijianchi before he took Fang Yuan’s style. The breaking of the defensive supernatural powers also made his face dull, and his mood was even more unhappy. He snorted and said: “What kind of arrogant is not a arrogant, and a dead arrogant is not a arrogant…”


When he said this, he took a step forward and grabbed Fang Yuan, who didn’t know his life or death on the side of the snow mountain.

The palm rumbling and falling, covering the sky and the sun…

Fang Principle was seriously injured, lying on the snow, it seems that he can’t get up…



“Yuan Ying is overhauled, really powerful…”

Fang Yuan sighed secretly in response to a palm that the old turtle back grabbed.

He fell on the ground and did not move. It was not because he had passed out. He was just grabbing any miserable time to restore his mana. Just now he closed the heavens and took the two of them. Yuan Ying’s blow was really not superficial. His breath was full of blood, and his body was heavy and exhausted. He wanted to lie down on the snow forever and stay still, but he didn’t lose his time to see the other party. As he grabbed it again, his heart became heavier and he couldn’t help gritting his teeth.

I just hope that the layout I made in advance is useful…



“The child is killed!”

The Yuan Ying’s blow was so fast, and in an instant, the big hand of the turtle-backed old man directly reached Fang Yuan’s head.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly turned over and sat down.

He looked at the turtle-backed old man coldly, then his face was expressionless, and he secretly pinched the seal.


At this time, he was physically injured and his mana was wilted. He was eager to mobilize only a small part of the mana, but with this part of the mana, it spread into the surrounding snow-capped mountains, and suddenly he heard a rumbling. , The whole snow-capped mountain shook, and the next moment, the top of the snow-capped mountain, the mountainside, the back mountain, the front mountain, etc., at the same time, the snow broke and a terrible abyss appeared…

In the abyss, the eight seats are as high as ten feet, and the black stone carvings exudes a strong suffocation. Various beasts with different appearances flew out, suspended in the air, and then interconnected with each other in a moment. Then a terrible big formation!


The turtle-backed old man grabbed it and suppressed the void. He intended to capture Fang Yuan, but he went straight into the big formation.

“What is going on?”

The turtle-backed old man was taken aback and eager to stop.

He couldn’t understand what was going on. It was clear that Fang Yuan had just fallen to the top of this snow-capped mountain. It was clear that he had been slumped to this point. It seemed that he had completely gone into desperation, and how suddenly A large formation has been laid on this snow-capped mountain?

There was a quick flash in my mind, and it was confirmed, there was only one explanation.

He prepared this big formation in advance…



The eight beasts were really terrifying, and the large formation on the snow-capped mountains was carefully arranged. It was terrible. He didn’t dare to underestimate it. With a boring roar, he wanted to withdraw back to his karma. But how could that big formation allow him to get out in this way, directly sucking his palm, and then the power of the eight beasts erupted at the same time, causing the big formation to wrap around him!

“Since you are in the battle, how can you get out so easily?”

Fang Yuan’s evil spirit also mentioned the extreme in his mind, and there was a cruel expression in his eyes.

He is a person who would rather make more preparations than think of being helpless at a critical time. Before entering the underground palace, he had considered the possible consequences, so he had to do it outside the underground palace in advance. Several layouts, the large formation on top of the snow-capped mountain, is one of them, and he had just fled to the snow-capped mountain with all his might just to use this large formation to defend against the enemy.

And this big formation really took his pains.

The eight beasts, coupled with various ingenious arrangements, have made the great formation on the snow-capped mountains terrible. Although the turtle-backed old man is not weak in his cultivation, he cannot easily deal with his great formation. During the entanglement, he could see the force of a large formation pulling him into the mountain, and the eight beasts flew in the air, and at the same time a terrible mighty force gushed out, and the tide generally suppressed him.

“Not good…”

Under this amount of violent violence, this turtle-backed old man felt that he was trapped in the dark, with violent formations in all directions.

Even at his level of cultivation, he felt shocked for a while and let out a loud cry.

“How vicious is this kid…”

Fortunately, at this time, there was more than one Nascent Soul before the Snow Mountain. Elder Yuan Yingjian Xianmin from Xijianchi saw this scene, and couldn’t help frowning. The Wooden Sword suddenly shot, in midair, exaggerating Layers of sword aura swept across half of the sky, with indescribable sharpness, rushing straight toward the eight beasts in the midair!

Boom! boom! boom!

In just a moment, three of the eight beasts in the sky were crushed to pieces by her sword aura.

The remaining five were also swayed by her violent sword aura, swayed, and fell in all directions of the snow-capped mountains. Their changes suddenly triggered a big array of changes, the whole big array, It was already extremely dim, and the force of the tyrannical tearing spurred the entire snow-capped mountain with a muffled noise, and then collapsed from it, and the entire mountain fell slowly, burying a domain.

“Hua La…”

The old turtle-backed man hurriedly fled when the snow mountain was about to hit him completely. His face was already panicked and embarrassed, and he fled into the air, before a mouthful of blood came out. He was still injured just now under the suppression of the big formation.

“Insidious children, insidious children…”

He wiped the blood stain from the corner of his mouth severely, and shouted angrily: “If I forgive you this time, the old man swears not to be a man!”

Elder Yuanyingjian Xianmin from Xijianchi glanced at him, but understood his thoughts.

The dignified Yuan Ying was overhauled, but he almost stomped on the air, and was overwhelmed by a monk in the Golden Core Realm. If he didn’t save himself, he might even lose his life and spread it out. Wouldn’t it be true? Become a joke in the eyes of all colleagues?

I have to admit that these six leaders have a deep mind…

“Before entering the underground palace, did he set up this life-saving array in advance?”

“At that time, he had already set an escape route if he was hunted down, or was he just prepared?”

Elder Min frowned, then sighed again.

Fortunately, it was the two of them who stayed to deal with this kid. If there is only one Yuan Ying, then he really did it!

“I don’t know if he is dead, dig him out!”

The turtle-backed old man looked at the snow-capped mountain that had collapsed and turned into a waste site, and shouted angrily.

At the same time, Divine Sense eagerly went out and swept across the huge snow-capped mountains.

Elder Min also shook his head and looked at the snow mountain intently.

This snow-capped mountain has collapsed, the terrain is in chaos, and there are flying rocks and broken mountains everywhere.

The tendency of the mountain to fall is that they are afraid that they would not dare to carry it hard, and Fang Yuan was seriously injured at the time. In this chaos, the probability of saving his life is even lower.

However, since they are here, they will naturally not be careless. Fang Yuan is dead or alive, and they have to take him back!

But when the two of them came up with this idea and used their spiritual exploration, their expressions suddenly changed slightly.

“What about the kid?”

The face of the turtle-backed old man changed drastically, and he drank in a low voice: “Even if he is dead, there should be a residual breath left…”

Elder Min’s expression also changed drastically, and after re-exploring several times, he was sure that Fang Yuan’s vitality could not be captured in this piece of chaos, as if he had disappeared out of thin air, and his heart suddenly shuddered. , Once again used a stronger spiritual sense to explore, but unexpectedly discovered an underground spiritual vein, right in the middle of this dumped snow-capped mountain, and probed into the unknown place far away.

“It’s the underground vein…”

She suddenly spoke in a whispered: “He took advantage of the underground spiritual pulse to escape…”

The face of the old man with the turtle back suddenly sank: “Isn’t he the foundation of heaven and earth, how can he also use such evil techniques?”

“This son can’t make common sense…”

Xianjianchi Yuanyingjian Elder Xianmin’s face also sank, and suddenly he flew up, flicking the sword with his fingers, and a clear dragon chant sounded, dissipating far in all directions. This voice entered the sky and seemed to penetrate everywhere. It caused the surrounding world to tremble, and Elder Min took advantage of this resonance between the world and the earth to bring all traces within hundreds of kilometers into my heart…

“He is there!”

After a few breaths of effort, Elder Min frowned suddenly, and his body was like electricity, and he rushed to the west.


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