Master of Great Calamity Chapter 528: Huge wealth of unknown origin

“Who are you?”

“But you hurt me?”

“If I don’t stop, I will not show mercy…”

Fang Yuan flew straight, swept his consciousness quickly, and soon discovered this secret snow valley in the vast snowy area, and these hidden in the snow valley, guarding the three white ships firmly The reason for the people of the ark is also very simple. The white cat is pointing in the right direction. Fang Yuan’s participation in the research against Dao is also a real skill. These people are covering a large hidden formation on the snow valley, although they can hide the others. People, but the other party originally said that this big formation allowed him to find them faster.

After arriving in this snow valley, he only said these three sentences.

When he asked the first sentence, the people in Snow Valley showed gloomy death will on their faces. Without answering a word, they sacrificed all kinds of magic weapons and symbols. Seal, rushed towards Fang Yuan with a wave of desperate energy…&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Even one of them took a magic weapon that seemed to be an artifact!

Looking at what they look like, it’s not just that they want Fang Yuan’s life, I can’t wait to take Fang Yuan to die!


The golden pestle emitted a dazzling golden glow and hit Fang Yuan straight.

Even Fang Yuan, his face changed in shock when he felt the breath of energy that should belong to the artifact, but fortunately, he didn’t hold it up before he came over, so he was fully prepared and laid it out in advance. The hand, the power of that divine tool, had not had time to swing to the maximum, it was already rushed over by the restraints that had been placed on the left and right before he appeared, and stopped a moment of effort…

In this effort, Fang Yuan didn’t hesitate to sacrifice the Thunder Spirit Toad and swallow himself.

There was a violent sound, even if it was hiding in the Thunder Spirit Toad, Fang Yuan felt a violent impact. &1t;i>&1t;/i>


The Lei Ling Toad opened its mouth directly, a sword light swallowed and flew by dozens of feet.

Those people were originally a little frightened to see if Fang Yuan was dead, but they were caught by this sword light flying over and cutting off the arm of the person holding the artifact. In the next breath, the artifact was killed by Fang. Yuan cast the immortal Liu Lei Ling, and pulled him forward.

Looking at the golden pestle that rolled down in front of him, Fang Yuan felt cold all over his back.

Who would have thought that this group of cultivators are not very high in cultivation, but they actually brought the artifact with them?

What else is there to be polite?

As soon as these people saw themselves appearing, they immediately hurt the killer, and it was them who had driven the snow beast to harm him.

Otherwise, no matter how fierce the people on the snowy field are, there will be no posture that kills without fighting. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

And the group of people, seeing that the artifact was sacrificed, had not wielded its due power, they were stopped by Fang Yuan’s advance restrictions, and a deep sorrow was clearly revealed, and no more words. He just rushed up to surround Fang Yuan and started desperately.

However, it seems that Fang Yuan was hurt by these people with a magical weapon, so naturally he would not be merciful.

And after he gave a warning, seeing these people still didn’t mean to stop at all, Fang Yuan naturally wouldn’t show mercy anymore.

The scene I just experienced was already very dangerous. If it weren’t for the white cat’s magical powers, even if I died, I might not know how to die, but now I rushed over and was almost injured by their magical weapon. , Then why are you polite?


He rushed over with red eyes, his sword agitated, and the wind rolled.

As soon as I did it, I felt that the dozens of people in this Snow Valley were all powerful people. Among them, two or three people with high cultivation bases already have high-level Jindan cultivation bases, and the low ones are all. The middle-level golden core is more powerful than the ten demon heads he killed when he was in Wuxue Mountain. More importantly, the number of divine pathways of these people is not like the cultivation of the snowfield, but like the cultivation of the Zhongzhou. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

“Brother Zhongzhou, how come here?”

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

It’s just that, although these people are not weak in cultivation, they are not enough to fight Fang Yuan if they lose the artifact.

After all, there is no Yuan Ying overhauling here, with supernatural powers stirring, sword intent, Fang Yuan carried a wave of fear and anger, and killed more than ten times in this snow valley as if he was crazy. There were only two people left. One was a middle-aged man who looked calm and had the highest cultivation level, and the other was a young man who looked immature and looked young.

Until this time, Fang Yuan stopped a little bit, looked at them with the sword in his backhand, and whispered: “You also know that you are not my opponent, why bother to die? I only ask you why you are harming me. Why are you desperate when you come up?”

“Uncle Qin…”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Looking at Fang Yuan’s Qingpao hunting, looking like a chill, the younger people are already a little desperate.

He couldn’t help crying out to the middle-aged man, with some intention to survive.

But the middle-aged man sighed, then suddenly raised his hand and hit the young man’s head with a heavy blow.

With a “poof”, the young man’s head was shattered and his soul was destroyed.

This attack was unexpected and abrupt, but even Fang Yuan didn’t have time to stop it, and his eyes looked a little surprised at the middle-aged man.

“Did you say that it was bad luck?”

The middle-aged man looked at Fang Yuan, but there was a bitter smile on his face. There was no sign of resentment. There was only deep helplessness and emotion. He whispered: “If it weren’t for her, we would also You won’t die here, and you won’t get into this catastrophe, alas…My son once asked Daoshan to see your six big exams, and kept saying that he should learn to be a person like you…”&1t ;i>&1t;/i>


Fang Yuan took a step forward, but suddenly his face changed again and he raised his hand to press it.


A burst of blue aura gushed out, engulfing the man into the air, suppressing him, and at this moment, golden cracks appeared on the middle-aged man’s face, with dazzling golden light in the cracks. Shooting, obviously when he was talking just now, he was going to rush towards Fang Yuan, and then blew the golden core, holding him to death, but Fang Yuan was on guard and didn’t let him succeed.

At this moment, the middle-aged man still looks desperate, but looking at Fang Yuan’s eyes, there is no hatred, he just sighed in disappointment: “Maybe my son would never think of it, I will die. In your hands, Liu Dao Kui…”

When the last sentence was finished, his golden core suddenly collapsed and a golden cloud was raised. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The huge impact swept all over, and the entire valley collapsed, rumbling down, filling the entire valley.


Fang Yuan was extremely surprised, looking at the collapsed valley, full of suspicion.

He and these people have never met, and there is no hatred, and I don’t know why these people are fighting with himself when they come up.

In the end, the opponent was clearly invincible, but he still refused to bow his head. He first slapped the young man who might leak something in order to survive, and then he had no hesitation after he sighed. I chose the self-destructing Jindan!

How much do you hate yourself to fight to this level?

I listened to what he said in the last time, and didn’t think he hated himself very much…

“Where did such a bunch of lunatics come…”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

The three old demon heads also leaned in at this time. They were as suspicious as Fang Yuan.

There are many fierce people on the snowy field, but when the opponent is weak, I will be the master, and when the opponent is strong, I will kneel down. This is the normal state that everyone can accept, like this, when you come up, you will beat yourself, but if you can’t beat you, you will stop In their opinion, it is also unreasonable…

“Dig out the three arks in this valley…”

Fang Yuan was silent for a moment, then whispered to the three of them.

He is not a fool. From this bizarre experience, he has already guessed something…

The three demon heads looked at each other and had to dig the soil obediently.

The three of them came over just now, thinking of giving their strength, but as soon as they came over, they felt a sense of crisis. Knowing that someone had sacrificed the artifact, they immediately thought about it, turned around and fled. , When they rushed back, the overall situation was settled. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Although they don’t know how Fang Yuan seized the opponent’s artifact just now, they were also very happy that they had fought a life-and-death battle, but Fang Yuan’s words made them feel like a coolie. Squatting here to dig up the snow…

The last middle-aged man self-destroyed the power of the golden core. It was very terrible. Although Fang Yuan was aware of it, he was tied in the air with mana, and he didn’t hurt anyone, but the whole valley was destroyed The three arks at the bottom of the valley were completely buried inside.

After all, the three old demons have a good level of cultivation. They can’t do anything else. Digging is fine. It only took almost a stroke of effort to dug out the valley again, and then saw the three ships. The magic boat was well at the bottom of the valley. The rocks just collapsed and covered them underneath. The huge impact and weight didn’t hurt them at all, showing the stability of their defense.

“These people worked hard as soon as they came up. Is it because of these three boats?”&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Without Fang Yuan’s instructions, the three old demon heads went up and broke the seal on the ark a little bit. At the same time, they whispered, “Even if the things in the ark are worth more, you don’t have to. All of them will be paid for their lives, right?”

“That’s right, the demon of our snowfield, not all of them are profitable and murderous…”

“Look at what’s so good in this ark… my goodness!”



He hurriedly dug out a Dharma ark, and opened the three old monsters that were sealed on it. Suddenly he exclaimed, and then took a breath, looking at the contents of the Dharma ark. All of them seemed to be petrified suddenly!

“You guys get out!”

Fang Yuan’s heart also shuddered, and he whispered, and walked forward. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

But the three demon heads, although Yiyan gave way to the side, their eyes were still looking inside the ark.

Looking at it, it looks like he is reluctant to look away.

Then Fang Yuan glanced over, slightly narrowing his eyes.

I finally know what the three monsters are surprised by.

The quality of the three Dharma boats is extremely high, which is higher than the one bought by Fang Yuan through Guanshi’s relationship, or even many times higher. Not only the quality is excellent, but more importantly, the three boats. The Dharma ark has some cave-in-the-sky nature, and the space inside is much larger than it looks, ten times bigger than it seems, and the first Dharma ark opened by the three old devils is full of dazzling… Spiritual!

That’s right, it’s spirit spirit, not spirit stone!

There are actually purple spirits and spirits that are of extremely high quality. It is filled with the cave sky magic boat. As the three old monsters opened the warehouse door, the spirits inside began to rush. It flowed out like a fountain. Not long after, a lake of spirits gathered around the ark, and at this time, the spirits inside only flowed out less than half…

Fang is not a greedy But looking at the dazzling full of spirits, my heart sank slightly.

“There are so many psychics, there are… one hundred thousand…it’s not right… **** at least a million psychics…”

Fei Guier whispered, his eyes almost pierced by spirit spirit.

Old Demon Yan was holding the spirit spirit, his whole body was stunned, just said blankly: “How many concubines do you have to raise?”

Browsing the old man wrinkled his brows, panicked, and surprised, and his old face wrinkled: “No, no, where did so many spirits come from? What’s the use of being on the snowy field, it can’t be spent, and so many spirits, so precious, how can you only find so few people who are only in the Golden Core Realm to be responsible for escorting…”


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