Master of Great Calamity Chapter 503: Jianxin refines infants, the same way by different routes

Fang Yuan still remembers the situation in this pavilion when he fought against the monks who used swords. The opponent’s strength was terrifying, but it was not the power brought by their cultivation, but their swordsmanship. . .

Although the fight was just a moment, Fang Yuan felt an indescribable and terrifying aura from the swordsmanship of those people.

Furthermore, he had a feeling at the time. It seemed that the kendo used by the three of them was completely different from what he looked like, but the origins were faintly connected, especially the feeling they gave themselves when they shot. It made him feel some kind of opportunity that could touch the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue. If his expectations were not bad, Fang Yuan felt that he had already guessed the origins of these three people…

Snowfield sword repair, and it is a sword repair who walks the evil sword all the way.

Ordinary people practice swords. After sword aura, they cultivate sword intent. After sword intent is Mahayana, they will cultivate a sword heart.

Li Baihu once said that there is such a group of evil cultivators who have inherited the same kendo as their own, and they have also encountered the same problems as themselves. That is the growth of sword intent, and they will encounter a bottleneck that is difficult to break through. As a result, Kendo naturally cannot be improved…

So they found a new way to break through, and that was to abandon the sword heart and directly capture the sword soul, turning it into a kind of existence similar to the sword heart, even because the number of sword spirits is not limited. , Sometimes, its power is even stronger than Jianxin!

Now that I think about it carefully, the three evil sword monks I met seem to have destroyed similar methods.

At the time, Fang Yuan was near this sword pavilion when he encountered the evil sword monks.

They seemed to be hiding in the crowd, taking a close look at the opportunity, violently shot, and rushed towards Bai Youran.

In the eyes of outsiders, their purpose is to directly capture or assassinate Bai Youran. For this reason, Langya Pavilion has always thought that the appearance of these people is related to Madam Bai or the long-lost Lord Langya Pavilion. , After all, there are only some major incidents that can attract so many masters to sneak into Langya Pavilion risking their lives, so they have been investigating in this direction…

However, Fang Yuan was also inadvertently, and suddenly realized that perhaps this direction was wrong.

Because from the perspective of Fang Yuan who used to face them, although those people directly attacked Bai Youran, they did not produce murderous intentions. This proves that they may not be facing Bai Youran. Yes, it is very likely that it was only after the alarm clock was touched that the Young Master Langya Pavilion was inadvertently found nearby, and Bai Youran was taken hostage by temporary intentions.

Think of the sword pavilion next to the pavilion, which contains countless sword scripture scrolls, and this idea is even more reliable.

Langya Pavilion may also have this conjecture, and I should have checked it in this direction.

It’s just that, among the sword pavilions, there are countless collections of sword scriptures and martial arts stickers, which are full of dazzling arrays. Those few people died at the time, and they were not able to survive. Of course, they didn’t know what they were looking for. One point is that Langya Pavilion will not be so arrogant that the ordinary scriptures in the sword pavilion can attract such three masters with profound cultivation and powerful strength to steal it.

Although there have been many people who wanted to sneak into the Langya Pavilion to steal the scriptures in history, these people are not fools. People with low cultivation level cannot enter at all. Those who can enter are often rushed to the back three halls. Ordinary sword scriptures can’t enter their eyes.

But now, Fang Yuan has misgivings, but he has come here directly.

The big formation in the sword pavilion was renovated not long ago. Those people touched the restriction of the big formation here. At that time, the sword pavilion would naturally have a reaction to tie them here, but the strength of those few people Very strong, broke the restriction and escaped from the sword pavilion. Later they were suppressed outside, and afterwards, the restriction that they broke inside the sword pavilion naturally had to be renovated.

The people who repaired this sword pavilion ban are very skilled in formation skills, and there is almost no difference from the previous ones, but Fang Yuan’s own formation skills are not superficial, but he inquired about the subtle changes, little by little. Finally walked to a dilapidated bookshelf.

“At that time, these people were prohibited from touching here…”

Fang Yuan was determined in his heart, and slowly looked at the bookshelf.

Here are some old and worn-out sword scriptures. They don’t seem to be so clever. Most of them are cultivating sword aura and warming sword intent. They are not very useful. It shouldn’t be such a big risk for them…

Fang Yuan looked over it bit by bit with his temper.

I don’t know how long it took, but Fang Yuan finally found a clue and picked up a scroll of sword scripture.

Compared with other scriptures, this sword scripture looks newer, and there is no official name on the cover, but the words “Ling Zhao Jianlu” are written in the bottom corner, and then I turned inside and found that it was not so much It’s the sword scripture, rather it’s the notes of a certain kendo monk.

The person who wrote the sword scripture came from an unremarkable little fairy gate in Selangor, and his cultivation level was not high. The records contained in it were also quite ordinary things, but Fang Yuan looked through half of it. Suddenly seeing a sentence, the whole person was suddenly startled.

“Sword Heart Refines Infant, Same Way by Different Ways…”

In my heart, there seemed to be some doubt that had troubled him for a long time, and suddenly he loosened slightly.

Like a thunderbolt, suddenly a bright light shines in my heart.

Fang Yuan hurriedly sat down cross-legged and looked at every word behind him seriously, and his face became more solemn as he looked at it.

This scroll of sword scripture, at first glance, is really nothing surprising.

I want to come, the master of this sword scripture should not be a well-known master.

There are indeed many monks in the world who like to shelving their own cultivation experience without revealing others, but some of them prefer to write their own insights into a book and pass it on to the sect. If you communicate with friends, of course, The highest honor is that I want my own experience to be placed in Langya Pavilion. In this way, my writings may be passed on to later generations…

More importantly, if I put the work in the Langya Pavilion, Langya Pavilion will also give him a token. If it takes a long time, his own fairy gate will break the inheritance, and his descendants or disciples will come with the token. , It is possible to take this heritage back again!

If his writings are very advanced, Langya Pavilion will even give his descendants a chance to learn the Fa in Langya Pavilion.

The swordsman, perhaps he had this idea, and put his own sword scripture into Langya Pavilion.

It’s just that his own cultivation level is not high, and the sword scriptures are also scattered. Therefore, although he is qualified to stay in Langya Pavilion, he is only placed in such an inconspicuous corner. You can only go ashes here, but after reading it carefully, Fang Yuan feels that there are many strange ideas hidden in this man’s sword scripture, and there are strange roads…

Especially, one of the thoughts suddenly confirmed a certain faint conjecture in Fang Yuan’s heart!

The possibility is like finally seeing a ray of light in the darkness.

This line of light often represents a way out and represents vitality…

“Yes, my Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue has been deduced to the extreme, and the changes in the theory have also reached the extreme. Even if I use the technique of heaven to deduct, the result will be a dead end, no matter Break through the extreme of this change…”

“But now, do I no longer deduce supernatural powers?”

“Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, has integrated all my foundation and understanding, but it is still a little bit…”

“My Kendo…”

While looking at the sword scripture, Fang Yuan’s mind was agitated, and he couldn’t stabilize his mind. A glimmer of inspiration suddenly moved everything in his heart. There were countless in his mind. The thoughts jumped out automatically and combined with each other, so he simply concealed the sword scripture, sat crouched in front of the wooden frame, and directly used the technique of Tianyan to infer the changes.

Every time this front was deduced, it was fruitless, but this time it was successfully deduced.

This time it went well!

“Yuan Ying, is to warm and nourish the soul, cultivated into an immortal form…”

“In the practice of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, I have incorporated countless changes in supernatural powers. This has made me go to the extreme with supernatural powers, but too many changes make the spirit itself unable to bear. Every change, When it breaks up, I need the spirit to lead, but with so many changes, no matter how strong my spirit is, it can’t be able to bear it…”

“This makes my spiritual path into a desperate situation!”

“Forcibly forming a baby, let alone forming a supreme soul, it will even collapse directly…”

“I used to think that this change was not enough. I started from the magical method, but no matter how it was deduced, it was just a dead end. But if I want to form a sword heart based on the record on this sword repair note, then What about becoming Yuan Ying again?”

“The great way produces one, one life two, two produces three, three produces everything…”

“And the extreme of this endless change, perhaps, is to reunite again and return to the road!”

“I have endless changes, but I am missing an immovable foundation!”

“And Jianxin, the eternally immovable Jianxin, is the point I happen to lack now…”



I don’t know how long it took, Fang Yuan opened his eyes, and his mood suddenly became complicated.

He has the answer in his heart.

The Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue’s changes have reached the extreme ~ but the opportunity to break through this extreme is not in the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue.

It’s his kendo!

This idea, in fact, has already had a guess in his heart, but he has not found a suitable method, so he can’t directly derive it, and it is precisely because of that faint idea that he thought of Xueyuan Jian Xiu, then following some clues, arrived at this sword scripture, because of the above sentence, he finally straightened out all his thoughts…

“Only by breaking through the sword intent barrier and becoming an immobile sword heart, can we hope to form the Supreme Nascent Soul!”

“Only when the principle of immobility of the sword heart is incorporated into the Xuanhuang Yiqi Art, can the immortal law be achieved!”

Fang Yuan’s thoughts became clear, and his eyes became a little deep.

Thinking of the fact that his sword intent has never been able to reach the edge of Jian Xin, he also thought of a question in his heart: “However, if I can’t cultivate into Jian Xin in the end, it is difficult to go. The same path as those evil repairs?”

“Could it be said that Li Baihu’s worries about me back then were actually true?”

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