Master of Great Calamity Chapter 500: Evil repair of kendo

The scene around the pavilion was too sudden.

Langya Pavilion is so big, I didn’t expect that the assassins were just around here, and the strength was so strong. The sword intent was so strong that it was far beyond one’s expectation. The sword intent seemed to have some indescribable mood. People can be scared when they see it.

When the woman surnamed Yuan escaped, she was tantamount to sending Bai Youran to the opponent. The opponent’s sword was powerful and terrifying, but she frightened him stupidly. He had never practiced before, although he had a lot of protection. Destiny baby, how can I make it out in a hurry?

I was shocked for a while, but stared blankly at the people with ghost masks on their faces rushing towards him.

Amidst this hesitation and helplessness, suddenly the green robe in front of him was swung, filling his eyes.

Between one step, Fang Yuan, spanning a distance of tens of feet, appeared in front of him, and then he was so blue and full of long sleeves that he threw out directly at the assassins who rushed over. , Like a tide like a wave, there is a faint thunder light floating inside, dazzling and dazzling, and suddenly it swept forward, like a blue cloud, trembling in the face of those sharp and terrible sword lights…


The sword lights were slightly bounced off by Fang Yuan’s big sleeves.

But at the same time, he only heard “chi” and “chi” a few times, and his big sleeves were also torn, turning into patches of blue butterflies.

Fang Yuan exhaled, and was shocked in his heart. These three people are actually rare masters.

Not only the cultivation base is high-level Jindan, but also the swordsmanship is surprisingly strong, I am afraid that it is even more brilliant than Li Baihu back then.

In that stroke of my own, I used my full strength. I didn’t expect that although their sword light was swept away, their sleeves were cut, and even their arms were almost injured. It shows the strength of these people. To a certain extent, I am afraid that it is not weaker than my current self.

But I want to come, if I really don’t have a lot of skills, I am afraid I dare not sneak into the Langya Pavilion.

“Kill him…”

The three of them didn’t expect that there would be a master like Fang Yuan, who could shed their sword light. They were a little startled, and after screaming in a low voice, they forced Fang Yuan over again, and the three were excited at the same time. The sword aura rose up, and what was even more strange was that when they took the sword, a few faint black shadows appeared behind them, and a certain strange aura emerged from the black shadow.

The dark shadow is illusory, with some coldness.

And the aura flowing on the black shadow is like a evil scorpion, silky like a mountain, blessed on the sword, so that their sword aura has formed a certain change in a moment, with strands like a deep The breath of the sea, directed towards Fang Yuan to suppress it!

After half a breath, the sword light reached Fang Yuan again.

Previously, they wanted to capture Bai Youran, who had no cultivation skills, and naturally left room for action, but now they are going to kill directly.


At this moment, Fang Yuan didn’t even think about it, the other big sleeve rolled up Bai Youran, and then flew back quickly.

Now that he has a great advancement in his cultivation, he is unwilling to receive these three swords of light directly.

That sword light is really terrible!


He stretched his figure, hugged Bai Youran and swept several tens of feet, but the sword light actually followed him like a shadow, closely following him, like a bone-attached maggot, unable to get rid of it, even more so strange Under the violent force, he intertwined and cut to Fang Yuan’s body.

It actually gave him a feeling of unstoppable, unstoppable!

Since there is no way to go back, I have to use my sword!

Fang Yuan didn’t have time to think about it. As the sleeves waved, the blue energy condensed, and it turned into a solid blue long sword, and he swung it out suddenly. This movement also used his full strength. The destructive movement made the boundless sword aura so powerful that it drew out a circular arc and swept away, the sword intent bulged, as if it were real, it filled the front ten feet to perfection…

This hands-on is the strongest kendo he can use today.

The power of Wuque Sword Sutra was devastated by him with all his strength, the sword intent was mighty, without holes and gaps, and the great circle was perfect.

Under the opponent’s all-pervasive weird sword aura, it is only possible to resist this kind of perfect sword intent.

“Chengtian Jiandao?”

Seeing Fang Yuan’s sword intent, one of the three blurted out.

I could hear that there was some suspicion and confusion in his voice.


At the next breath, three sword lights and Fang Yuan’s sword intent were clashing with each other, and the turbulence filled the void, stirring all directions.

Because Fang Yuan used the perfect swordsmanship, there was no flaw in the defense in front and back of him, which also caused him to completely take over the power of these three people, but he could only hear a loud roar. The cyan long sword was already shattered, Fang Yuan’s face turned pale at this moment, and his energy flowed back into his organs, but fortunately, the sword of those three people was stopped by him!

With the terrifying power coming from the opponent’s sword, Fang Yuan hugged Bai Youran and flew back.

“What the **** is this?”

The three of them didn’t expect that Fang Yuan could stop their second sword. They were even more startled by the swordsmanship he had just used. They couldn’t turn around. When they wanted to make another move, they already appeared in front of them. Such a weird toad…

For a while, I only thought it was some weird supernatural power, and my heart was suspicious, and my hand was slightly slowed down…

“The thief dare…”

But at this moment, Mr. Ebony, who was sitting in the air, had already yelled violently, igniting the Langya Pavilion guarding formation, and rushed straight down from the air. At this moment, he could have arrived. , Inside the big sleeve, a fairy inkstone has flown out, swaying in the wind, like a mountain, holding the battle, like a sea of ​​mountains, rumbling straight to suppress these three people……

“Run away…”

The three of them saw that they had no room to kill Fang Yuan again, took down Bai Youran, gave Fang Yuan a hateful look, and then did not dare to delay anymore, turned their heads and fled in three different directions. They were all extremely fast, and they escaped more than a hundred feet away in an instant.


Seeing the three of them retreating, Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

At this time, even the right hand can no longer be lifted.

It can be seen that there is a bone-deep wound inside the big sleeve of his torn green robe on his right arm, and the blood is slowly rolling off.

Bai Youran’s head happened to be directed at the wound. At this time, she was already staring blankly.

“You, the thief, you deserve to die!”

At this moment, Mr. Ebony fell straight down in the air, and the large formation turned, instantly trapping an assassin who was a little closer to him, and then the fairy inkstone landed, directly suppressing that person into mud , But seeing the other two assassins quickly fleeing into the distance, the ordinary Langya Pavilion guardian could not resist at all, but he did not care about chasing them, but immediately guarded here.

The mouth screamed: “Quickly take them down and leave them alive for questioning, and then everyone performs their duties. The nursing staff immediately assembled and interrogated the book pavilions, but the suspects were immediately imprisoned in the book prison. Don’t let any fish slip through the net…”

It can be seen that he is also a little angry now, even afraid.

Should Bai Youran be taken by those people, this post-fruits would be unimaginable.


Just as he uttered these words, several figures suddenly appeared in the void near and far, rushing towards the two assassins.

They are all masters in the Langya Pavilion. The three assassins were originally not worthy of their action, but the situation of Bai Youran’s distress just now suddenly changed, and there was anger in her heart. After leaving the customs, he suppressed the two directly.

In this large array of Langya Pavilion, it is only a matter of time before they are taken down, and it is impossible for them to escape.

“Little son, do you have anything to do?”

Mr. Wu Mu hurriedly walked to Fang Yuan and asked while looking at Bai Youran in Fang Yuan’s arms.

Bai Youran was obviously frightened. There was a little blood on his face, but the blood on Fang Yuan’s arm splashed on his face.

At this time, after listening to Mr. Ebony’s words, he was just in a daze, just looking at Fang Yuan.

“Luckily, Mr. is coming soon!”

Fang Yuan put Bai Youran on the ground and gently raised his hand to bow to Mr. Ebony.

Mr. Wu Mu felt lingering, and said to Fang Yuan: “Little friend Fang, thank you for being here, otherwise…”

Fang Yuan smiled, and said: “It’s all a little effort!”

Then he stopped talking, turned around and left. He also knew that so many things had happened in Langya Pavilion at this time. It was just when he was busy, he stayed here, but it was in the way. Swordsman, there are some doubts, but after Langya Pavilion has checked it out, he will give himself a good explanation. At this time, it is better not to stay and make trouble…

Bai Youran saw Fang Yuan leaving, suddenly panicked.

Although he is not old, he is clever and smart, and naturally understands some truths. At this time, two lines of tears flowed from his face, and suddenly he stepped forward a few steps, grabbed Fang Yuan’s robe corner, and called out ” Sir”, I don’t know what to say.

Fang Yuan saw his expression and knew what he wanted to say, so he waved his hand and said lightly: “You go back!”

Bai Youran squashed her small mouth, as if she wanted to cry.

“Hmph, these three monsters dared to sneak into Langya Pavilion, their sins are unforgivable…”

At this time, the woman surnamed Yuan also hurried over. Her expression was also very ugly at this time. She angrily saluted Mr. Ebony, scolded bitterly, and then came over and hugged Bai Youran. Looking left and right, she looked worried and scared, but Bai Youran suddenly reached out and pushed her away, then turned around, still staring blankly at Fang Yuan’s back.

“Hey, little white baby, let me see if you are injured…”

The face of the woman surnamed Yuan was was a little embarrassed again, and couldn’t help but say in a nonchalant way.

“Yuan Xiaoxian, don’t disturb him yet!”

Mr. Ebony looked around and said coldly.

The woman surnamed Yuan frowned slightly, trying to say something, but after all she did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Mr. Ebony.

And Mr. Ebony did not hide his dislike for her at this time. He was sitting in the air just now. Although he couldn’t come to rescue him in time, he saw clearly that he immediately fled when he encountered danger to this woman. Being far away is really disgusting, even hateful. It seems to be just a subconscious action of her, but she almost pushed Langya Pavilion into the realm of immortality…

“Forget it…”

The more Mr. Wu Mu wanted to get more angry, he said to the woman surnamed Yuan: “You should leave Langya Pavilion first…”

The woman surnamed Yuan was taken aback and said: “But the lady said that she would give it to me…”

Mr. Ebony sneered and said: “That matter, we need to think again!” 8)

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