Master of Great Calamity Chapter 45: Qingyang 4 methods

  When Fang Yuan’s palm was pressed on his forehead, Wu Qing, who was unwilling and angry, desperately trying to struggle, suddenly stopped moving.

   There is nothing more dangerous than being pressed on the forehead by the palm of a person during a fight. At this time, the opponent doesn’t even need to use any mana, just blow the pure mana into the sea of ​​knowledge. , Even if this little life was completely lost, the deacons had no time to save him at such a close distance.

   More importantly, Wu Qing discovered for the first time that this nerd has such a cruel side…

   The faint murderous aura in what he said made Wu Qing frightened. He really didn’t dare to move and didn’t dare to say a word.

   The people around also quieted down, quietly even the needle fell on the ground and could hear it.

   No one thought that this battle would end like this!

   Fighting, there will always be winners and losers…

   Wu Qing won. Although everyone expected, Fang Yuan won. It shouldn’t be shocking to be like this…

   But at this time they all opened their mouths wide, and almost all of their eyes fell to the ground!

   What they didn’t expect was that Fang would win so easily!

   If it is said that Wu Qing’s six-sun wind and fire just now is very ingenious, and if the seal is beautiful, Fang Yuan will be the opposite of her!

   There are no fancy seals, and no difficult mana control!

   If there is one characteristic, it is pure!

   Mana is extremely pure, and the comprehension of this type of spell is also pure to the extreme, but it simply shows what this type of spell should have, and hardly includes any trace of the power contained in this type of spell itself. Elements outside!

  Because of their purity, their power is extremely powerful!

   At the same level of Qi training three-layer Dzogchen cultivation level, this type of spell can reach the peak of power!

   is like when two people of equal strength are facing the enemy, one person jumps up and down, moving left and right flashing, beautiful body, fists and legs, unpredictable, but he hasn’t waited for his beautiful tricks When it hit the opponent, the opponent rushed towards him. There was no trick, only a simple punch, but it was a punch that concentrated the whole body’s strength and hit him in the face for life…

   Will there be suspense about the outcome?

   Fang Yuan and Wu Qing are like this, so he only used one ordinary imperial wind technique to break Wu Qing’s six suns.

   So, Fang Yuan won this battle.

   is a win, no suspense, and nothing to watch!

   This also led to all the immortal disciples, no one spoke for a few breaths. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that spells can be fought like this. Nothing for you. I go, there is only one type of crushing…

   But the point is that the two people in this fighting method have similar cultivation skills!

   and the crushed party is just a newcomer who has just started practicing spells for less than three months…


   I don’t know how long it took until the top Deacon White reacted. He took a deep breath, clapped his hands lightly, and praised in a deep voice: “It’s rare, rare, in just three months. The ordinary low-level spells are so solid in practice. I did not misunderstand you at the beginning. I am afraid that when I cultivated with you, I was no better than you…”

   “Sure enough, it’s me, I don’t know how to resist…”

  ”This lunatic practiced spells every day. We laughed at him at the beginning. We didn’t expect him to be so terrible in just a few months…”

  ”In the past, we were all proficient in the practice of spells. We just wanted to pursue higher and more powerful things and show our ability to control mana. But we never thought that ordinary spells can be so powerful. Should we work hard?”

  As the deacon white spoke, the people around him also burst into confusion and talked a lot.

   Not to mention that ordinary immortal disciples were greatly touched, it was Qingyang Xiaoqizi. At this time, they all looked at Fang Yuan in shock. Many people were meditating at this time, as if they were wondering if they could. Do this to this type of simple spell.

   Junior Sister Xiao Qiao looked at Fang Yuan with a smile, seemingly proud of her previous vision.

   As for Qi Xiaofeng, his eyes are very complicated, he doesn’t know what he thinks of, his face is deep and powerful!

   “It looks like I won…”

   When Fang Yuan heard the applause from the surroundings, he opened his hand lightly and took a step back.

  ”This…it’s impossible. Did the deacons cook you a small stove alone?”

   was about to turn around and walk forward, but he heard Wu Qing’s unwilling and resentful voice behind him.

   Fang Yuan turned around, looked at her frowning, but did not bother to answer.

  , it was several deacons who looked at her with a little dissatisfaction at this time, their expressions were very unhappy.

   Wu Qing also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and was angry and depressed for a while, blushing and lowering his head.

   But Fang Yuan doesn’t even bother to care about her at all. This woman is not a smart person, so there is no need to reason with her.

   “Haha, this is the second time that Feiyun Mountain is opened, and four people can enter the mountain to preach, it’s fair enough!”

   Seeing Fang Yuan approaching, Deacon Bai laughed loudly, leading him to stand with the other three, and then turned around and shouted to all the immortal disciples: “Wait, listen, now Feiyun Mountain The four preachers have been determined. Counting the seven who have just descended from the mountain, there are already eleven people in Xiaozhufeng who can teach the Four Methods of Qingyang. The opportunity is rare, and you need a lot of hard work. From now on, you will work hard and strive for it. Before the third and fourth Feiyun Mountain preaching through the immortal monument six questions, otherwise, the road of cultivation, I am afraid that it will be really lost…”

  ”Disciples are taught!”

   All the immortal disciples were also very heavy, and they agreed in unison.

   and Deacon Bai turned to Fang Yuan and the other four people: “Then go!”

   said, with a wave of the big sleeves, layers of clouds were born out of thin air, rolled up Fang Yuan and the others, and flew straight to the sky to the southeast!

   Feiyun Mountain is next to Xiaozhu Peak, less than a hundred miles away. This is a fairy mountain. According to legend, it was originally a magic weapon refined by an ancestor of the Qingyang Sect. It can be large or small, and it has endless changes. The place where the Qingyang school passed the law was also the main hub of the entire sect’s mountain protection formation. Although it was a large mountain with a radius of nearly a hundred miles and a height of hundreds of thousands, it was floating in the air, and there was no support from below!

   Fang Yuan and others were swept away by the deacon white, and they all felt fresh and excited.

   Before the tea ceremony, they had already arrived on Feiyun Mountain, and they came to an ancient hall in front of it. There was a square in front of the hall with several old pines growing around. The deacon put them in front of the hall. On the square, he turned around and went down the mountain.

   I looked down again, but I saw layers of fog, and I couldn’t distinguish the mountains and streams below.

   Deacon White has already ordered the four of them to wait here. Naturally, they did not dare to walk around randomly, so they all waited in front of the temple.

   waited quietly in the square for a while. There was still no movement from the ancient temple. The four of them were excited and a little eager. One of them, wearing a blue sermon robe, smiled and opened his mouth to Fang Fang. The three of Yuan and the others asked: “Hehe, fellow juniors and sisters, our Qingyang Sect has four inheritances, and the four directions are famous. Each inheritance is a peerless profound technique, pointing directly to the Golden Core Avenue, but the cultivation method is different. The path is also different. Once a decision is made, there is no chance of change. Do you all think about what you want to learn?”

   The beautiful and plump female disciple pursed her lips and said: “Brother Chen is a good question. I did think about it carefully before. Our four methods of Qingyang are Ziqiqiyunjue, The Yin-Yang Imperial Sword Technique, Xiaoqingmengshu, and Sanyuan Imperial Swordsmanship are four ways. The Ziqiu Yunjue requires extremely high talents, while the Yin-Yang Imperial Sword Technique is more suitable for men to practice. The Sanyuan Imperial Swordsmanship is too resource-intensive, although its power Strong, but ordinary people can’t afford to practice, so the only thing I can choose is the little dream technique…”

   Next to the disciple named Huan Wang Kun laughed and said: “Xiao Qing’s dream technique is wonderful and incomparable. There was a senior of our Qingyang Sect who used this magical power to plunge millions of people into a dream for three days and three nights~ Sister Taihe is really brave, but I have no choice. My father has written to me before and ordered me to devote myself to practice. Don’t worry about it. This time, I came for the Sanyuan Imperial Sword Art! “

   The first immortal disciple who opened his mouth laughed and said: “Brother Wang’s rich family is naturally the most suitable Sanyuan Imperial Swordsmanship, but I have no other choice. If I can pass on the Yin Yang Imperial God Technique, I will be satisfied. , Can Junior Brother Fang have a care?”

   Seeing that they all looked at him, Fang Yuan was dumbfounded, and said in secret: “Oops, I really forgot!”

   When the three of them saw this, they all laughed in understanding. Fang Yuan’s ability to become the fourth person in the preacher really exceeded everyone’s expectations. Not to mention them, but Fang Yuan’s appearance is even him. I didn’t expect it, obviously I haven’t made any psychological preparation!

   “Four of you, all come in!”

   At this time, a gentle voice came from the ancient temple, and the four of them suddenly looked solemn and walked forward.

  The atmosphere in the ancient temple is quiet and the layout is simple. Only in front of the statue facing the door, there is an old man in sackcloth sitting cross-legged.

  ”See you, the elders!”

   All four of them bowed and saluted, and then sat cross-legged on the four futons opposite the old man.

  ”The inheritance of the Immortal Dharma is related to the path of your entire life. Every word is the hard work of the predecessors. Once you go to the Feiyun Mountain preaching, it is the most important. Mountain, you must pass on the immortal law, are you ready to preach for the ancestors?”

   The Mai Yi old man gently raised his head, and in his indifferent eyes, there seemed to be the power to see through people’s hearts.

  The three dared not to be careless, and hurriedly said: “Get ready!”

   Fang Yuan felt helpless, so he had to answer: “I too…I’m ready…”

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